Saturday, August 30, 2014

Master Disaster Engagement Dinner—Or Troth and Consequences

Master Disaster Engagement Dinner—Or Troth and Consequences

CAP 30

The guests breathlessly await Don Fernando’s proposal to Isa-bunintheoven-bela.  It’s as if nobody that’s anybody there can honestly believe he’s going through with this numskull and muy but muy passé, aka archaic, idea of marrying the woman simply because she was dumb/careless/naive enough not to use birth control.   (Yes, I do marvel at a 21st century Super Brainiac Bidnezwoman in her thirties, with x-number of advanced degrees, not using birth control of some sort--especially when purposely seducing a handsome, successful bidnezman--if not to trap the sorry SOB into marriage.  Duh, Telerisa!)  Anyway, reluctantly DonFerd does his duty.  Bela blares out a repetitiously resounding “¡Sí,sí,sí!” to everyone’s dismay.   (ITA with Yo mama Yolanda—“Enough already!  We heard ya the first set of Sí’s!)

Ana cannot hold back her tears.  Diego, standing next to her, asks what’s up and how she feels.  He admits he’s not been privy to the whole story, but knowing his brother, it’s certain he’s making a big MISTAKE.  Not at all, answers our forlorn Ana.  She’s a grand, accomplished and classy lady.  She’ll make him happy.  Anyway, she’s nothing but a simple servant who became deluded over a couple of kisses, she grumbles to herself as she races up to her bedroom.

DonFerd gives Bela a half-assed kiss, being more interested in what Ana and Diego are up to, especially as he notes that Ana leaves and Diego is right on her heels out the door.

In a corner of the banquet hall, Jennifer tells Don Nicolas that this skunk stunt stinks to high heaven.  And, she doesn’t like it.  Don Nico has to admit she’s got a point and he actually agrees.  He’s not happy cuz it’s plain as punch that his son is not happy with any of this.   Only Bela and Yo Mama are smiling aside from the rent-a-guests who are happy and smiling as long as the food is free and the booze keeps flowing. 

Diego walks in on Ana who reminds him her room is off limits.  He says he’s only there to offer his help.   Why?  Oh, he can’t stand to see a woman cry.  They fall into a bit of disarming personal history…..Diego hasn’t forgiven his brother these past 22 years for something which he able manages to avoid naming.  Ana tells him a bit about her unhappy upbringing in an orphanage.  

At the same time, downstairs, Jens says she’s worried about the nanny and is going up to check on her.  The minute she leaves, Yo Mine Yolanda makes her moves on Nico.  

Back upstairs, Diego admits DonFer must have had other reasons for hiring Ana cuz she’s not the nanny type—not educated, refined and/or whatever.  Ana tells Dgo that she’s been educated in the school of life and that it doesn’t take a degree to love DonFer’s kids.  

Jens runs into Luz and the two of them check on Ana together.

In the kitchen, Bruno watches jealously as Manuela flirts with the chef and walks off in a huff.  Mani notes this, but doesn’t realize the play for the chef may have backfired on her.

Across the tracks at El Chicago, Johnny gets another beating from the boss for smart-mouthing him somehow…… FF>>FF>>

During the dinner, Alicia notices that Nando’s date is Ximena and she accuses her big brother of two-timing Briana.

Fanny chats with Xi who admits that she now loves Nando.  (Get real.  Has the kid even graduated high school yet?????   Yawn.......) 

On the way back downstairs, Jen accidentally lets slip that she and Ana are best buds.  Diego promises not to tell a soul.

In the dinner hall, Fer asks Diego what he and Ana were up to.  Nothing.  Why?  No reason.  Yeah sure.  Diego tells him in all these years Fer hasn’t changed a bit.  He’s still so straight-laced that he does the right thing for the wrong reason by asking a woman he got pregnant to marry him, even though it’s obvious that he’s not happy—cuz he’s really in love with Annie the Nanny!

Luz somehow manages to get her daddy and Ana to read her a bedtime story together.  Ana’s all ears…and eyes.  FF>>  FF>>

Downstairs, Jens walks back into the banquet hall and sees Yo Mine Yo Nana flirting with Nico--and he’s flirting back!  She calls the old bat on it, telling Bat Face to back off her man!  Yo Nana tells Jen to go play with the kiddies; that Nico’s old enough to be her grand daddy; and then she snidely adds that Jen’s nothing but a probable gold-digger she’s so much younger than Nico.   

The cat fight starts after Jen accuses Yo Nana of probably really being Bela’s mama, but that her daughter wouldn’t admit it due to her shame over the fact.  Yolanda lands a few good punches on Jen til Bela comes over and breaks it up.  “—MAMA!”  Oops!  Bela hems and haws and lies that whenever she gets mad at the woman she calls her Mama.  Nobody really takes the bait on that whopper.  

Anyway, after Jen leaves, Bela gets ready to go and Bela bitches at her in the driveway over her naca ways and her scandalous actions that evening.  The only satisfying thing about this scene is the slap Yo Mama gives Bela for showing such disrespect.  Yo Mama warns her daughter to lose the ‘tude or else.  Besides, admonishes YoMa, Bela should realize that if it weren’t for her spending all her inheritance on all her fine schooling they wouldn’t be in the predicament they’re in. 

The next morning at breakfast Ana gets the kids to admit the mischief with the gas pills and she scolds them over it.  DonFerd walks in and she sniffs at him and walks out grumbling.  DonFer isn’t happy with the snub in front of his kids.  He calls her into the office.

YoMama admits to Bela at breakfast that she’s got the hots for Nico.  (the first promising secondary storyline......)

Diego tells Nico he’s got the hots for Ana and since she’s free and single Nico shouldn’t object.  All's fair.....

In the library, DonFerd gives Ana grief over her rude attitude.  “—Well how would you expect me to react when you propose to Isabel after sharing the kisses and all we shared and... then ...trashing it?????”  

--Unfortunately we have to wait till Monday for DonFerd’s salient reply.


Jardinera, thank you, thank you for the super recap! Love "Troth or Consequencias". I'm still trying to figure out if the writers are going to get out of the pregnancy thing or if Isa is actually going to have a bambino. No easy way out of that one.

Also, puh-leeez, the beating of Johnny? So unnecessary to have the bloody-to-a-pulp closeups. Ugh. I thought this was a family comedy.

On the plus side, loved the May-December catfight between Jennifer/Yolanda.

Okay, beddy-bye time, will Jorge Salinas please come and read me a story?
J in Oregon


Fernando has some nerve calling Ana on her hostile attitude! Does he really have no clue how he's made her feel or is he really an insensitive jerk who doesn't care how she feels and now expects her to be all nice and cheerful while showing the utmost respect to him and his screaming meemie of a fiancee? Ugh! I hope she takes off to travel the world with Diego, keeping in touch with the kids via Skype.

Love the title.

Interesting that it's Isa's troth, but we're all more interested in Ana's plight.

Jardinera, so much to like with your recap.

"(ITA with Yo mama Yolanda—“Enough already! We heard ya the first set of Sí’s!)"

Anon 12:58, Oh, Fernando has a clue, everyone knows it too, and he is an insensitive selfish jerk. Thing is, Diego will exploit her too. To both, Ana is a thing to be played with, and thrown away.

The Juan thing is just to remind us he and Ana don't work for a nice guy and the money they owe and the contract Ana signed is to be honored. The dudes business is flesh for entertainment so if he doesn't get paid he'll take it out in flesh, pound for pound.

Fernando - "I'm on the highway to hell" and you're going with me

Yolanda - what you laughing at, I've got it going on

Nando - you're in for a rude awakening

Diego - ha, she's in the bag already

Nic - don't worry Jenny she smells like mothballs

Ana - to put it nicely it was catch, let flop in the boat an hour, then throw it back

Isabela - so what, I am ungrateful

Juan - don't spit into the wind

Bruno - your eyes ain't lying to you

Alicia - thank you, but he is his fathers son


Thank you, Jardinera, for the clever recap!

Anon - I agree. Ana and Diego traveling the world - AND Fer-the-Insensitive-Jerk getting stuck with Isabruja - would satisfy my sense of justice. Did Fer NOT notice the horrible outfit Isabruja forced Ana to wear?

Isabela, la mala mujer, further surprised me by taking her villainy to a new low. How dare she dis her mother in public? Talk about a dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship . . . Until she started mistreating Jen and bossing Manuela around, I actually felt sorry for Yo-mama Bruja.

Gracias, Jardinera. Excellent stuff.

Love the thing about Rent-a-Guests. Fernando has stated elsewhere that he has no friends (actually not that uncommon in his situation) and I can't imagine Isabruja having made any of her own. Anybody with eyes can tell he's not happy about any of this; one must imagine the gossip going about the office the next day.

It is extremely declasse for Isabruja to demand a fancy party for this situation. The "right" thing would have been to quietly go to a magistrate. However, I'm sure if Fernando had suggested that she would have had a tantrum.

To the point about the uniform he didn't see it before Ana came downstairs in it, so there was nothing he could have done. Still she should have ditched the stupid headpiece and saved what was left of her dignity at that point.

As to Fernando's lecture about her attitude, I'm not faulting him because.... Ana herself told him meant nothing to her. He's the sort who sucks it up and does things he doesn't want to because he feels he must, and thus expects that of others. It's consistent with his attitude about Sebastian and sports. Only Fanny has been able to break that shell a little when she wanted to take a break from school.

However, she might want to go running back there just to be away from Isabruja.

Someone made a comment yesterday about Yolanda maybe "switching teams" and I can see that happening (If any other actress were playing this character I probably wouldn't feel this way). Ana will especially be outraged that Isabitch would treat her mother the way she does in view of her own situation.

Maybe more later.

As an employee Ana has no right to cop an attitude and Fernando has every right to fire her for insubordination if she doesn't straighten up.

However, as a woman that has been played by her boss, I have no problem with her realizing what this really was and giving him a mouth full. She told Diego she realized she is just a servant and got her hopes up so she is at fault too. What complicates things is everyone in the house knew Fernando was fooling around with the nanny and was ok with it so she shouldn't shoulder all the responsibility. Fernando was messing around with two of his employees, one of them socially acceptable to marry and the other is not. The pregnancy only expedited the inevitable.

Fernando's strict moral and social code justifies him treating those subservient as trash to be discarded with no remorse. He'd prefer they suck it up and shut up and how dare they point out to him his mistreatment. (this extends to his children, brother, father and I suspect employees at work) Just because he is a good provider, a good looking guy and wouldn't beat the dog if they had one doesn't mean he isn't an opportunist when a pretty woman is around. So what he caught some feels it means nothing.

I don't believe Diego any better. His approach and personality different and more direct instead of Fernando's passive aggressive behavior but he likes Ana because she is pretty and because it gives him an opportunity to stick it to his brother. Ana again is nothing but a servant to be used.

I want to like Fernando but the con list far outweighs the pro.


Lovely recap Jardinera! Title extraordinaire. And "rent a guests"? Park the coffee. Probably the poor slobs from work who had to show up for the bosses hooking up and ruining a perfectly good night off. Oh well, free food.

I keep reminding myself that this is a TN where the hero has to learn not to be such an insensitive jerk and grow up with the help of the heroine. (Anyone wish for once the hero could have his s*** together from the start on one of these?) I get that Fern is trying to do the right thing, but honestly the way he allows Isa to hang all over him and act like some overgrown two year old is appalling. This is what he is bringing home to his children? He knows full well she meant to humiliate Ana in that get-up and though he couldn't say anything in front of people, he certainly could off to the side. His nose is going to grow from the way she is pulling him along by it. His house, his children, take control. No instead, he calls Ana out. Ok, sorry, rant over.

So I'm all for her finding a little happiness with Diego. He may not be perfect either, but right now I'd go out with him in a heart beat over Fer.

Maybe it's Carmen being in the role, and I'm sure it's for comedic affect, but a love triangle now with Jen and Nico? Please. I wasn't buying her as the mother, as a love interest for Nico just because she's closer to his age? C'mon. Mis-casting.

Nando is going to have his heart broken. Something about Ximena still isn't clicking with me. A Isabitch in the making maybe? She seems enamored of all the glitch and Isa as a whole.

Oh yeah...Johny. I think that was overboard for a show that is claiming they will not allow too steamy of love scenes and want to send positive messages to kids (producers words). Apparently, extreme blood and violence is ok though.


Great comments, guys. Wonder how Bela winds up broke at her age unless she has been in school forever and this is her first job ever! She is as much a social zero as DonFerd! I wouldn't blame Yo Naca Mama for changing sides one bit.

Jardinera, what a great title and what a fun recap! I especially liked the (Yes-Telerisa) rant at the start. Had me laughing this a.m. Thanks!

I really enjoyed Yolanda putting the moves on her "Nicurri" and later telling Isabela off and assuming her proper identity as her mother. She also was quite the slapper as she chased Jennifer around going after her with her little arms and hands. It was so funny. The best slap she delivered was the one she gave Isabela. I felt sorry for her as she told Isabela of all of the sacrifices she made for her. Later Isabela caught her daydreaming about her "Nicurri."

Bruno jealous? So Manuela has just been trying to make him jealous?

Poor Ana having to stay at Luz's request to hear Fernando read the bedtime story. Fernando does read a good bedtime story though. : ) Luz was funny rubbing Isabela's goodnight kiss off her forehead and calling her "Escaldrufa" but not "bruja" when "Escaldrufa" is a witch. Kid logic!

I loved how Isabela told Fernando that she already had tried to make peace with Ana and was not going to lose patience with her and then had an aside as she looked at the camera and seemed to say "Yeah, sure."

We can blame Yolanda for the wedding in three weeks after she told Isabela she's going to be blowing up like a beach ball soon. This is surely going to add to the "fun."

I liked Fanny reminding Fernando that Ana was more than an employee. Seems she is afraid that Ana will not be able to take the pressure and will leave.

Then we ended with the Fernando-Ana confrontation. She sure was good calling him on raising his voice to her but was at her best articulating exactly what the Fernando created problem was. I bet he was sorry he ever asked to talk to her about her "hostile" attitude.



DieGo's plaything? I say he and Ana both could give DonNerd a taste of his own medicine. 2 years of payback for 22 years of personal pain and 2 months of extreme humiliation is fine with me.

Three weeks until the wedding... that will allow for a lot of things to happen.

We know that Isabitch is pregnant, since she did go to a doctor. What we don't know but suspect is that the baby isn't Fernando's. However, that can't be determined within the next three weeks.

There could be an accident or another guy turning up who is the sperm donor.

However, who wants to bet that the wedding takes place and Fernando doesn't boink Isabruja no matter what? I remember after the first time he looked fairly displeased with himself.

He may not want to "boink" her but he's so damn weak, he won't put up much of a fight. She slimes all over him all the time and all he does is put up with it with a half smile/half grimace, but he never pushes her away. I'll bet he'll even make Ana obey her, especially if she (Isab-ewww) asks him in her simpering baby talk and says it's for her peace of mind so it won't harm the baby to make her upset. He's a real weenie.

We see Lisardo in the opening credits. Maybe he's the baby daddy and him and Isabela will conspire to take over Fernando's company and money. Total speculation - not a spoiler.

I hope Diego starts photographing Ana and she catches the eye of a modeling agency and they can jet set around the world and she on the cover of every glamor magazine and Betty puts it on Fernando's desk everyday with his coffee.

I do think Diego is going to make a hard play for Ana and sure his intentions are not pure. So far seems like she has dealt with the likes of him before, calling him a Don Juan, but afraid with the open wound left by Fernando she may be venerable to constant wooing and seemingly sincere flattery.

Jardinera, Inspired title and wonderful first paragraph!
Many wonderful lines.

I agree with UA that Fernando is unlikely to ever touch Isabunintheoven. Just not feeling the Nico/Yolanda storyline. I continue to feel that Carmen Salinas can provoke a laugh but is miscast here.

I felt last night like a little too much madcap chaos is about to ensue. Please, Telerisa, keep the main story line and another couple of good ones intact. Nevertheless, very glad to see Jennifer in action! And, it might be fun to see the many "nacas" lining up in this novela, from Yolanda to Ana, and their sympathizers, including Nico and the kids, lining up against Isabela and hapless Fernando.

Thanks Jardinera, I always love your nicknames. YoMama was the best, haha. I'm going to have to use that one in my recaps. And I fastforwarded through the same places you did, imagine that.

Daisynjay, I totally agree with you on your points. Can't possibly imagine Nico being attracted to Yolanda, and that she could be a contender for his desires, especially over Jen. Miscasting! But YoMama was cute the way she flirted with him.
Also about Ximena and Nando, she still hasn't convinced me that she has changed. Probably because nothing has happened that would have changed her mind. Because she felt bad for the way she treated him and he was hurt? This story line is confusing to me.

Just kill Juan and be done with him, please. Or at least, don't anybody find him.

Isa told Fernando later that YoMama wanted Isa to call her nana, and that's why there was the confusion. And then Isa was talking to YoMama later and YoMama told her that she needed to have the wedding before she started to show, so that was the 3 week timeframe.
So was the sushi all for not? We never saw anyone eating it, so perhaps that wasn't a plot device to miscarry the baby.


I predict Diego going to Chicago and seeing Ana perform without her knowing he's there. Then he will know that secret too.

Diego may be a Lothario, but I'm almost starting to feel bad for the guy before we even get going. If he falls hard for Ana, it will be history repeating all over again. Maybe they will bring someone nice in ( that model didn't seem that way, but who knows) to mend his broken heart, AGAIN.

Anon, like your speculation on Lisardo being someone who might take over the company, and Isabitch would be all over the money that might bring. Who knows, she may fall for him. With that brilliant smarmy smile he can do, Mr. Smooth may just be the real deal to sweep her off her feet. As for the baby, honestly, I don't think she has a motherly bone in her body. I can see her take a powder easy and walk away if the right bank account came calling.
Maybe if there's a work struggle we'll see the woman who had wanted to be an investor again. She seemed to like Ana too if I remember right.


And to add to the sushi for dinner topic, if it's not a plot device, why did they make such a big deal about it when Isa and Yo were discussing what to serve, going into detail about exactly what types of sushi they would have? But there was nothing shown or mentioned about the meal, except that the chefs were late. I thought for sure we would get comedy gold (JK) with the kids spitting it out when they learned what it was, or even Ana doing that.

The bid to do about the sushi must have been so Manuela would have someone to slobber on in the kitchen

I also think that the sushi thing was to show how pretentious Isabruja is, not to mention an area of conflict with her mother.

Lisardo looks like someone who would try to take over the company so he could fire Fernando (whom I don't think is a partner; he said he was head of International Markets). I also think he is somebody's sperm donor.

However... if he fired Fernando Isabitch would run like hell.

Tofie, I agree with your entire 10:12 post.

I think the character of Yolanda was starting to become interesting in this episode. And I don't think Carmen Salinas is miscast--for this character as the character is written. (Perhaps it was actually written for her--who else could have pulled off both the pathos and comedy in this episode?) She's supposed to have a different look and style from her daughter. I do think it would be highly implausible (and annoying) if Nico starts to fall for her in any way, even out of politeness.

And as for all the "Fernando was just using Ana because she's a servant" stuff, I disagree strongly. Yes, in an equivalent story in another show or in real life, that might be the case. But in this TN what we've instead seen on the screen is a clueless rather stuffy man involuntarily falling for a beautiful and apparently perfect woman. He's never shown any sign of being embarrassed by Ana, whether at the zoo or at the restaurant eating together after their dates deserted them. There was zero "using" going on there.

I wonder how long the Ximena-Nando thing is going to go on, especially given how weak the actress playing Ximena is. I understand Fanny's skepticism, since Ximena didn't sound at all convincing when she said she loved Nando.

I'm starting to root for Nico and Jenny. They're both interesting, original likeable characters, and they're sweet together. And I guess I'm more comfortable with a May-December romance when it's not taken for granted--when the age gap is acknowledged and discussed.

I don't think Fernando is clueless. I wanted him to be and would excuse his behavior somewhat, but he knows full well what is happening. If he wants to play dumb it doesn't seen his father nor brother will let him get away with it.


I like Nico and Jen as a couple, too. They both have good hearts and intentions. Love is love, and it's always a good idea, regardless of the age difference (as long as it's legal!).

I've noticed in other tns that the "sushi thing" is used to show differences in the culinary tastes of the rich. Apparently the writers (I haven't noticed if it's the same writer/team of writers) feel that if you're not rich or don't have "class" you don't eat sushi. In this case it was meant to show Isabestia's pretentiousness.

The sushi did look absolutely delicious, but is certainly a new and acquired taste for many people in the US and has probably not crossed status barriers in any place but big cities. But, gosh, I wanted someone to have a bite and comment on how good it tasted!

I fear that Ana is about to get herself in deeper with the evil club owner in an effort to save Johnny, particularly in the wake of Fernando's rejection.

I like Nico and Jenny very much, two original and genuine characters as Ecuador Bound says. They are the moral centers of the story in many ways.


Loved your title, Jardinera. The recap wasn't too shabby, either.
This TN feels uneven to me, since I find it hard to care about some of the secondary characters. (OK, most of the secondary characters.) In Pobres/Ricos I enjoyed even the most minor characters, but it's a real effort here. I'll keep trying.

"--Unfortunately we have to wait till Monday for DonFerd’s salient reply."

More like "silent" reply...

Spoiler alert: What Fernando will say to Ana...

"Uh.. buh buh buh uh..."

Classic dialog!

"Juan - don't spit into the wind"

Or event worse, don't p' either.

"I've noticed in other tns that the "sushi thing" is used to show differences in the culinary tastes of the rich."

Ok, so rich people like eating raw stuff? I can live with that :-)

+10 What Yolanda told Zerobela about the inheritance and her education.

+100 Yolanda slapping Bela. Encore Encore! Encore!

-1 Yolanda punching Jenny. That really really looked bad.

-50 The Yolanda/Jennifer Benny Hill scene. Aw come on! I enjoyed Sharknado more than this!

-10 Johnny threatening the Gangsta in his office. Rule #1: Never, ever threaten anyone when you do not have the upper hand.

-1 The gore. Gawd. Johnny looked worse than Rock in Rocky I after the 14th round. Such a contrast with the Benny Hill scene

+70 Ana finally telling Fernando how she feels about the situation

-50 Fernando's response, whatever it is. At this point I am not hopeful that he'll have a Yoda moment and make everything right with his reply.

+0 The Ximena/Nando couple. The verdict is not yet in. I can hope though, that they'll have fond memories of this episode in their lives, regardless of whether they get hitched or go their separate ways.


Zerobela is great!

I predict Johnny is going to get more of the same, which is to build up Doroteo's cred as a bad dude.

Tofie, loved "Nic: don't worry Jenny she smells like mothballs."

Salvador, your point scale gave me some good laughs. I will take more Benny Hill and less Rocky please.


Thanks Jardinera. It's always a joy to spend Sunday afternoon sittin', sippin', and savoring your spicy recap. Now if only it'd rain like they've been promising for the last few days.

In tepid defense of Isabela, on close observation it appears that no fetus was harmed during the engagement party. She was clearly apparent that she was drinking water as the guests were sipping Champagne. Not only was her beverage crystal clear, she was conspicuously drinking from a water goblet. I suspect that she was actually flaunting her pregnant status for the atendees. It also made me wonder if Gastropop is tasteless... she didn't bat an eye as she chugged it down.

I'm with those who aren't trusting Diego so much.

Though it would pretty much end the show, the best thing for Ana to do would be to wish the kids good luck, demand a glowing letter of reference and hefty severance pay from don Fernando, and head out for greener pastures.


Thanks for a wonderful recap, Jardinera654!

I agree with Carlos' comments above.


Maybe she was driniking seltzer water. Then she wouldn't taste the gastro pop put in it if it's like alka seltzer.

Yup. Posh bubbly H2O, like Perrier or San Peligrino I suppose.
My apologies to you sushi lovers, but ITA with YoNaca that it was not an appetizing, let alone stick to your ribs, menu for a dinner party at all. I have a pretty worldly pallate, but it doesn't appreciate the finer qualities of much in the way of raw fish. --Pretentious re: Isabellow is definitely the key word here for me, too. But "ostentatious" runs a really close second.-- Anyway, I doubt any of the kids bothered to touch the stuff. They were too bummed to, and I believe it was a demonstration of a definite lack of affection and consideration on her part for not considering how hungry and picky kids might be not to have had a nutritious and kiddie-licious "kid's menu" of some sort for them.

I could have done without the Benny Hill silliness myself. FF>>

Salvador and Tofie's lists are both remarkable and hysterically funny! Kudos!


Jardinera - Terrific recap. Love the title.

Add me to the Jen and Nico table. The Jen-Yolanda catfight was so silly but had me laughing out loud. Carmen Salinas is great at physical comedy. Another lol was when Yolanda was daydreaming about Nico and Isa asked her what she was thinking about and Yolanda says something like, "Nico, of course, certainly not your tired engagement party."


Week of August 25, 2014


Nico tells Fer what Viewerville has been saying—you have seven other children to think of and they don’t like Isa.
Fan asking if Ana is OK.
Ana comforts Jen.
Fan giving Fer no quarter about Isa.
Luz/Alicia/Ana moment.
Leon up front with Fer.
Twins get Isa.
Isa throws darts at herself.
Xi/Nando kiss.
Fan comforts Ana.
Fan agrees to stay.
Fer to the rescue.
Fan blows Isa off.
Ana’s dignity when talking with Fer in his office.
Ana/Diego meet.
Diego/Ana chemistry.
Nico/Diego reunion.
Fan/Leon first time.
Nico tells Diego Ana’s a sweetheart.
Fan calls Ana her confidant.
Ana zings Fer about being more than a nanny.
Ana gets in another zing.
Ana doing the cool off countdown.
Fan telling Ana about her tryst with Leon.
Fan and Leon used protection.
Diego with the kids.
Diego’s story and Ana’s and the kids’ reaction.
Diego kisses Fer.
Diego and Nico’s relationship.
Johnny/Jen moment
Nando’s pride that Xi is his novia.
Ana touching Fer’s face.
Isa not happy Jen is at the party.
Diego’s reaction when he first sees Jen.
Diego’s reaction when he finds out Jen is Nico’s novia.
Jen zings Isa re: Fer loves Ana and is only marrying Isa because she’s preggers.
Jen finally meets the kids.
Johnny is worried about Jen.
Luz keeping her dad from turning his head while Sebas puts the Gastro-Pop in Isa’s drink.
Isa makes a fool of herself burping.
Ana’s finger/eye “I’m watching you” signaling to the kids.
Jen/Luz moment.
Luz’s face when Ana is reprimanding her.
Jen/Yolanda fight.
Isa lets a “mama” slip out.
Yolanda slaps Isa.
Ana tells Fer how she feels.

208Low Points:

Fer feels he needs to marry Isa ASAP.
Nico/Jen call.
Diego has one of THOSE BEARDS.
Fer expects Fanny to get the other kids on board.
Manuela/Johnny at the club. Eww!
Johnny’s delusional about getting Ana back.
Isa’s insincere apology.
Isa wants her engagement party the next day.
Isa baby talks EVERYONE (it’s really annoying me—it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard).
Johnny comes to the house.
Manuela is all over Johnny (she makes me cringe).
Johnny is, once again, rough with Ana.
Jen won’t open up to Nico.
Isa insults Ana.
Isa talking to Alicia.
Fer remembering Ana and her kisses.
Leon gets a call that has him worried.
Fer is a buzz kill in the kitchen.
Isa has a credit card and she know how to (ab)use it.
Isa making party plans.
Diego was in love with Fan Sr.
Isa is rude to Ana.
Isa’s handshake with Diego.
Ana’s ridiculous uniform, especially the head thingy.
Isa tells everyone her mother is her nana.
Doro threatens Ana and Johnny.
Fer goes through with the engagement.
Yolanda makes moves on Nico.
Fer admonishes Ana.
Diego continues to look like he just got off a three day bender.

Can we get the spam removed in this thread, please?

Can we also get rid of the repetitious listings of "Highpoints/Lowpoints", which don't forward opinions or constructive comments regarding the respective episode?

I don't have any problem with a high point/low point recap of the week. Helps me high level review what had transpired.

Tofie, I agree; all legit comments are welcome, if someone doesn't like the big lists, they can skip.
The spam however is getting annoying.
J in Oregon

Only the recapper can remove the spam, I think.

Maybe we should get rid of anonymous comments.

Not sure if that would help, Cathyx...neither of the recent spam messages by the "Temple of Spell Casters" (or whatever) was anonymous, both were posted by "Linda".
J in Oregon

Sorry folks. It's a holiday and I am just now getting online but Linda and her Hitchcock spam is now gone. Do the same on any of your retailer's pages. It the second time she's spammed my pages. Don't know if she!t like hers can be blocked but it would be a great option to have!

Witch doctor(darned kindle!)

J in Oregon, I didn't mean her. Or you since you sign your posts.

Anon. 9:02am:the high points/lowpoints are some of our bloggers' most interesting,witty and informative critiques. Therefore while you are free to express your dislike of same without fear of being "disappeared" yourself, I am also free to tell you that this is the reason that as long as Melinama's rules are not broken they will remain a staple of this blog and in particular, of this telenovela's posts.

Cathyx--oh, looking back now I see what you were talking about.

Jardinera thank you for making the Temple of Doomsayer comments disappear!!!
J in Oregon

Nanette: your first highpoint hit home with me. I had forgotten him saying that and his obtuse son didn't stop to ponder the obvious point being made. So when it comes to majority rule with minority rights some less stubborn or self-absorbed or socially screwed up fool like Don Nerd might ask where the line could or should be reasonably drawn. IMNSHO. That's what seems to be Don Nerdando's big problem.

Also that was supposed to be recappers. The kindle just changes words on own and I don't know till it posts!! Sheesh!

Nanette -
1. You bring up a good topic in your first "Highpoint." Fer nearly destroyed his family by ignoring them and retreating into his work during his time of grief. Nico's right; Fer risks losing the emotional healing he earned in his relationships with his children by marrying Isabruja.

2. I would hesitate to add Nando and Xi's kiss to the "Highpoints" list. I don't trust her yet.

I see irony in Fernando's, my way or the highway selfish approach. He makes the decision based on what is right for him without considering what impact it will have on his children. He believes the relationship will naturally develop, though forced, between the children and his new wife and wants Ana to help facilitate that eventuality.

Ana, despite her feelings for him and his impending marriage to Isabela, so far, has been willing to endure the emotional pain, primarily for the children.

I hope Ana learns that martyrdom will get her nowhere except further down the ladder to the dungeon of Isabitch's contempt.

Fernando's decision may fit his moral code but he will ultimately learn that it will be to the detriment of his emotional life as well as his children's.

UrbanA: ITA re: Fernando and believe the problem is he's unable to make the mental connection between his well-being, his moral code and the emotional well-being of his children. He's got a whole lotta learnin' to do here.......

Jardinera Master Disaster Engagement Dinner—Or Troth and Consequences was inspired. The recap was splendid and thoroughly enjoyable!

You write so well and your spot on humor and insight was on full display "They fall into a bit of disarming personal history" was but one example.

I also noticed that Isa was drinking water and was glad that she is at least being mindful of the pregnancy.

I agree with Carlos that Ana would/should make arrangments to leave for "greener pastures". I'm just not sure Diego is the right rebound person.

Thanks for the great lists Nanette!

Jardinera, it's always a pleasure.


I'm sure Ana isn't thinking about this, but Diego would be the best choice of a rebound man. She doesn't know the history of the two brothers, but it would be the ultimate slap.

However, she would have to keep in mind that Diego -- unlike his brother -- is not likely to be a one-woman man.

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