Tuesday, September 16, 2014

La Gata # 12 – Tue. 9-16-14 – Augie and Rita: a Partnership Specializing in Making Bad Situations Worse

[ed note: tonight's recap comes to us courtesy of La Paloma!]

Next Time, Try Hiring Professionals

The paid thugs break into Rita’s shack and wrestle La Gata, bragging “We’re getting paid a lot!” She begs to know who sent them and continues fighting.  A quick flash of Augustin shows him smugly claiming no sacrifice is too great for your child.  The kidnappers push the Gata blanket-burrito into their car, but find Damian standing in their way.

As the getaway cars weaves through the dump, Damian whistles for his buddies. They jump into the cart and cut the car off at the pass.  The camera cuts away again, this time picturing our pure Pablo strolling the campus, talking to buddy Henry and two attractive co-eds.  They think it’s time for a little fun.  Back at the dump, the trash warriors take a stand in front of the car. They open the trunk, lifting out Esme, removing her gag, and telling her to calm down while the thugs escape.

Augustin reams out his hirelings for their failure.  Lorenza overhears and asks Augustin what he ordered? Better for it to stay unknown, he replies.  Damian, Carlos, and the gang share their pride in being a family and protecting one another.

Breaking Up Is Not So Hard to Do When Pressure Is Applied

With La Gata safely back home, we see an update on email communications or lack therof.  Damian tried to send Esme’s new letter, but couldn’t log in. He tried from his own account, still no go. Pablo’s account must be closed and Esme should be prepared in case she’s cut off.  On the other end of cyberspace, Pablo laments to his new friends that Esme blocked him from her account.  Too bad, now let’s go out for the evening!

Transition of unknown duration as La Gata continues to scavenge for junk and sell it from door to door.  Ending up at the mansion, she rings the bell and beseeches Augustin to tell her what’s going on.  He can’t imagine what she’s talking about—they talk to Pablo onscreen every day and they’d know if he were sick.

Pobre de Gata is confused. Pablo’s love was true! Augie calls it a fling, said Pablo wasn’t serious.  She says Pablo was going to ask Pops for money to send her to New York.  Augie says forget that, there’s nothing more to discuss.  He shuts the door, leaving a despairing Miss Kitty to crouch by the gate, crying.

Inside the Mansion of Closed Hearts and Mean Spirits, Lorenza is spitting “How dare she!”  Augie smugly says he persuaded the tramp that her little romance is over.  He hacked the accounts and will send fake emails both ways, solving the problem.

An efficient businessman follows up as needed, so we see Augie talking to Pablo onscreen.  Pablo can’t believe Esme quit him, but Augie insists she was with another man.  Pablo still believes in her promises and her love.  “Sorry, son”, Augie retorts. “You don’t have her love, but you still have the love of your family.”  He adds a nugget of fatherly wisdom:  “Men were born to be women’s toys.”  Pablo is both angry and heartbroken.

Be It Ever So Humble, There’s No Place Like Home

La Gata is back home at the shack.  It seems to be night and Rita informs us that Gata was crying, but now is burning with fever.  In New York, Pablo hears Gata’s voice crying out for him as Esme raves feverishly.  Rita doesn’t want to be blamed if the girl should die.  Jarocha is putting cold compresses on Gata’s brow.  Things were bad enough to call the doctor, who brings some meds. He says Esme needs tests at the maternity hospital, as she may be pregnant.

Rita shows her usual selfish attitude, saying “I could strangle her!” Jarocha says, “No, that rich kid turned out to be a liar.” Damian, his mother, Carlos and possibly other neighbors gather round and ponder the situation.

Carlos is still worried about Gata the next morning. Rita covers her with a blanket before she leaves to go out.  Fela, outside her dwelling, sees Rita and exclaims “That lady frightens me!” (Welcome to the club, Fela. You may be crazy, but you’re not stupid.)

Fela goes to see Gata and asks Carlos what happened.  She tells Esme to sleep, and recalls that Esme looks like she did when her baby was stolen. We see a brief sepia flashback of this dastardly deed.  “I found my baby,” Fela murmurs, stroking her doll, “and I’ve had her since.”  Fela leaves.

In a New York State of Mind

A montage of campus scenes gives us a despondent Pablo, moping in his apartment, walking across campus, and giving an undoubtedly brilliant oral presentation in class (classmates applauding). An attractive girl flirts with him as he wonders how to respond.  Another later scene shows Pablo still obsessed with Esme and their love.  A third scene gives us an onscreen visit between Pablo and Mariano.  The lover begs his older bro to go see Esme and swear his continuing love. Mariano agrees to help.  (Hmm. Remains to be seen.)

Rita the Rat Reports to Master Augie

Rita delivers hand written love letters from Esme to Pablo into Augie’s hands.  She nicked them
with the help of the conniving postman.  She reports that La Gata is sick and suffering from love, so much that she could die of grief. (Like you care, Rita!) Augie pronounces that she’s doing the girl a favor: his son would never marry the slut.

Whining about expenses, Rita wrings a few more bills from Augie.  He says it’s the last time, no more money, and if she returns, he’ll call the police. She gives him a servile farewell and flags down a microbus.  Musing as she rides, she tells herself she almost made the mistake of telling Augie about Esme’s baby with Pablo.  He might have weakened, but now he’ll never know.

Gentlemen Can Grow In the Dump

While Rita was scurrying about, Damian was talking to his mother about La Gata’s situation.  She was innocent, was seduced and tricked, and needs someone to go to Pablo’s father on her behalf.  He’s willing to demand satisfaction for the seduction and will have truth and justice on his side.  His mother thinks truth and justice mean nothing to the prejudiced rich.

Rita returns to a weak and sad Gata.  She tells Carlos to go to work and asks Esme how she feels.  Gata  doesn’t feel like eating and Rita tells her she needs to eat.  She tells Gata not to play dumb about her condition, but Miss Kitty is bewildered and confused.  Rita accused her of lying.  (OK.  Did we actually see a seduction scene, or was it lost along the way? Anyone with the eyes or the memory to fill us in, please do so.)

Damian comes in and Rita tells him to convince the girl to eat, as the old hag exits. They discuss Gata’s situation and what happened.  Damian says both Augie and Pablo tried to hurt her, and he will demand satisfaction.  Esme begs him not to go to that house.  Damian says Pablo didn’t write because he doesn’t care.  He would grab Pablo by the throat and make him kneel.  Esme can’t live without her love and wishes she were dead. Damian wants her to be strong, to return the feisty cat she was. She’ll never be alone as long as he is alive.

The Café Connection Bears Fruit

Carlos and Virginia are again conversing in the Café of the Monorail Food Line.  They discover that Carlos’ friend and Viginia’s brother’s novia are both named Esmeralda. Could it be?  Yes, it’s one and the same! Now they can work together to reunite the lame lost lovers.  Happy helpful hope abounds. Even more happiness happens when Carlos shyly confesses that the girl he loves is Virginia! She’s all smiles, but unfortunately cannot see the evil maid lurking around the corner watching them. Of course the servant runs to Lorenza to report the daughter’s disgusting delusional delinquency.

The Challenge of Honor is Issued

Damian appears in Augustine’s office to demand satisfaction for Ms. Cruz.  The cranky paterfamilias wants to know “Who is Ms. Cruz” and who Damian is? Family?  No, he’s a friend and Esmeralda is dying of grief.  Taking the easy way out, Augie says his sons are adults, and Damian should talk to Pablo. Damian insists that there is a Moral Responsibility at issue.  Augie demands to know “What do you mean?”

Damian says the family must make Pablo marry Esme. “Don’t make me laugh!” ripostes Augie. “Esme never loved anyone but your son”,  Damian defends, “and there are consequences!”  Augie snorts that women forget!   “No,” says Damian. “They are bound by a tie that won’t break! Esme is having Pablo’s baby!”  Augie is, as they say, impactado.

Previews:  Pablo’s family reacts to this unwelcome news.

Previous: Episode 11
Next: Episode 13


Gracias, Paloma! Thank you so much for stepping in and doing today's recap. And what a recap!

Your description of the guys coming to Gata's rescue captured the action-movie feel perfectly :) I also liked "blanket-burrito," "Welcome to the club, Fela. You may be crazy, but you’re not stupid."

We need a medical consult on the doctor's visit...how the heck can he even suspect a pregnancy from the symptoms she's presenting? I'm pretty sure I don't remember any Pablo-Esme nookie going on. Unless it was so terrible, I blocked it out.

I was cheering so hard for Virginia and Carlos...and then I said something really rude when I saw the maid.

Yes, a big thanks to you, Paloma, for the great recap! You covered everything with plenty of juicy detail.

The most I saw going on between Pablo and Esme was a kiss, you know, the one where we were all cringing about Miss Kitty's dental hygiene. But I might have missed it that night my vet came over. Anyway, Principe was hangin' out on Esmeralda's cot tonight, looked like he was sniffing at tuna juice or some such. Always a relief to see him.

We need some JOY in this novela. Or at least some absence of anguish for a few minutes. How long before we get a Miss Kitty makeover? That would keep my happy for awhile...

J in Oregon

Paloma..thanks so much for providing us with an excellent recap.

Is Esme really pregnant ? All I ever saw was a lot of smooching. Is Pablo that potent ?

omg !!.fantastic recap.wow to detail you're such a pro.not a whiner. best of luck..appreciate all the effort,thank you so much...im a fan of yours...we love you paloma !!!

Thank you Paloma! I especially appreciate it since you mentioned yesterday how angry the show can make you. I also enjoyed the blanket blanket burrito line.

Like you (and everyone else) I don't recall there ever being nookie between Esme and Pablo. I this another red herring?


Anon6:00- maybe it's my lack of coffee or the early hour, but your comment struck me as a backhanded insult to other recappers. Have you noticed that there are currently 2 shows that do not have full teams? (Maybe three.) With comments like yours I can see why a person wouldn't want to try recapping.

Thanks, Paloma, for stepping in and helping out. Our talented and dedicated 5ft and Sara deserve a little respite.

Wow, so on the basis of fainting, we now know that Esme is knocked up? I guess all that rolling around in the grass wasn't always so innocent.

I cannot understand why Pablo doesn't hop on an airliner and straighten up things. Exactly what good is an education for if not to be trained to cut through all the tripe and get to the truth?

I loved Esme's rescue. The garbage dump version of a flash mob.

Augie is definitely a dark character capable of anything. Can't wait for el Silencioso to get ahold of him, in what ever fashion he intends to exact revenge. Anything will be ok with me.

I hope the Sneaky Servant gets her own anvil.


I want to rant a little.

I have noticed that sometimes people use the word "pithed" as a more genteel, lisping substitute for the word "pissed," meaning "angry."

No one has used "pithed" on this tn's recap or comment board, so I feel free to talk about this without feeling that I am attacking anyone.

Pithed is a real word. In the world of experimental laboratories, it refers to a technique where a large bore needle is inserted into a lab animal's cervical spine and moved about, severing the animal's spinal cord. This makes the animal insensate to any invasive experiments one may wish to accomplish, but still alive.

Thus, when anyone refers to a person as being "pithed," in my mind I see a person lying on the ground with a large bore needle protruding from their neck, eyes wide open, wondering why they can't move any part of their body.


Omg. I never knew that. I know I won't use it anymore. Poor animals :(


Since there seems to be some sort of immaculate conception story going on in this tn, I figured this would be a good place to post about the new WB series starting next month, on which Jamie Camil will be a part of the main cast. Jane the Virgin (Juana la Virgin) is based off of a Venezuelan telenovela and is being adapted for US tv (think Ugly Betty). So far, it's getting pretty good reviews:


Sorry, that's the CW, no longer the WB (I'm old).

Excellent recap! Thanks La Paloma!

I loved the rescue scene. Good to know the people at the dump watch out for each other. I especially loved the whistling and how it was used to alert the others. I notced that Garabato was one of the people who helped with the rescue. I guess he isn't so bad.

I hate Agustin. I can't wait until El Silencioso makes him pay!

I was so happy when Virginia and Carlos agreed to bring Esme and Pablo back together. But I knew it was too good to be true and I was right because there was the maid spying on Virginia.

Was Damian actually dressed decently tonight? He even looked clean. Good to know he doesn't always wear those ripped up clothes and walk around dirty all the time. I liked how he was willing to defend Esme and went to see Agustin. Agustin was sure shocked to find out that Esme was pregnant. I doubt the news will soften his heart though.

I agree that Pablo should get on a plane and come home. I don't understand why he didn't ask Virginia for help instead of Mariano.

We'll.. I'm not here to complain,. I do appreciate the recap ores, and their hard work, and the choice they make, however, it would be nice if all like you , stay in the positive nice atmosphere, , after all this blog should be a relaxing fun, and just enjoy the story of the telenovela .. Don't mean to insult the other recappers , I'm sure they are doing the best they can and like I said appreciate those hard work.. It's not end of the world , if others stop recapping . If they see and take it in negative way , don't mean any harm to any reacappers , bless all there heart..but take a look the other side of the story ....us a reader....a fans ...and like to thank you again ..great job !

We are so lucky to have all our wonderful recappers who donate their time and talents to give us recaps and provide a place for us all to comment. I know that checking in with Caraycaray each day is always a great part of my day. Thank you all so much. I am sending out virtual hugs to you all. Thanks so providing a bright spot in all my days. I appreciate the camaraderie and fun that we share here..commenters and recappers.

Anon 10:57,

I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say. To me it seems as if your first language is not English, and that you didn't construct your sentences very well. I hope that is the case.

However, if you meant to imply that there is a problem with our recappers, you should be made aware that all of us here are fiercely loyal to them and supremely appreciative of their time, talent and wit.


What a wonderful recap La Paloma--
Last night's episode was not joyful but somehow you managed to put sunshine into darkness.
Line after line was so enjoyable.
The Gata Blanket Burrito---The Trash Warriors---on the other end of cyberspace---The Mansion of Closed Hearts and Mean Spirits---
Rita the rat---In a New York state of mind---The Café Connection bears fruit---Crazy but not stupid, Etc.

5ft. Diva---cheering for Carlos and Virginia and then saying something really rude when you saw the maid. LOL, that made two of us.

David---I will help you forge an anvil for the sneaky maid.

Mauricio---You can't wait until El Silencioso makes Augie pay---
I can't wait to see Lorenza reduced to wearing some of Esme's garbage dump dresses.

It is looking like even mosquitos
in the tall grass couldn't stop true love.

Anonymous 6AM---It's good that you posted a clarification to your first comment. I had a blistering response ready to send
but for now I will just say that I am extremely grateful and loyal to each an every Caray recapper.
I used to walk the streets asking strangers if they watch novelas?
Could they tell me what happened last night? Now I have Caray, Caray! No one appreciates the work and effort of these recappers more than I do.
the gringo


Goodness me, I had no idea I was being a whiner! Please understand that because this is a volunteer gig, as long as we get our 'caps up before the next show and keep the conversation clear of spoilers or gossip about the stars' lives, we have the run of the place. Our "payment" as it were, is autonomy over our recaps and the comments that follow. Now, if you prefer a less snarky recap, that's your right. By all means, please do praise the recapper to the skies...and don't insult the other recappers in the process. You say you want things to stay positive? Then my suggestion is that you don't bring in negativity AND that you try recapping yourself.

We're not some kind of super-exclusive club that doesn't let anyone in! We beg, regularly, for help! See, look at me, I'm begging right now! Help me! I have rehearsals! I have concerts! Castle's going to start up again soon and Mr. 5ft is not going to be happy if he has to wait to watch it on Tuesday night because I insist on recapping it on Monday night when I get home from rehearsal, but he's going to put up with it because he knows he'll never hear the end if it if he comes between me and a recap! Do it for Mr. 5ft! Sara and I can do this alone, sure, but at some point the momentum is going to run out, and being told that we're "whiny" and "negative" isn't going to help.

Maybe the doctor is a TN fan, too. He heard she fainted and immediately diagnosed pregnancy? At least he suggested she get some actual medical tests to back it up.

Yikes, David, thanks for the info about "pithed"! I may be a whiny, cranky, negative broad, but that's not a word I want to keep using casually.

Vivi, I had a feeling Jaime was making a move, after his movie and the brief guest spot on Devious Maids! I'll keep an eye out for that one.

gringo, I laughed at your comment. When I got started, I was watching Acorralada during the day and saying things to the screen like "Wait...what? No way! Did she just...? This can't...! Is anybody watching this!" And lo and behold...an entire community of people saying "Oh, yeah, she did that." and "Nope, I don't get it." and "Yes! I totally thought that too!" and I knew I was home :D

Thank you, to everyone for the supportive comments. To the anons...as much as I don't care for being picked on, at least you're here. So stay. Please. Pick a name so we don't have to keep calling you "anon" and join in the conversation about the show. Hey, if you pick a name, I'll never know who said what. We can start over.

Thank you Paloma for the recap.

I am just as confused as everybody else as to how Esme is pregnant? I know that Univision and Telemundo has a tendency of editing the US version, is it possible that it was cut from the original (Mexican broadcast) version?

To Gringo 12:49, I understand what you mean. I feel so happy to have found Caraycaray. Not one member of my family or friends watch a telenovela so it's great to find a forum where we can talk about how ridiculously great telenovelas are. I am also watching an old telenovela called Gitanas on this Spanish channel called Existos, I really wish there was a place where I can talk with other people about it.

To all the recappers, I am not able to comment often, but I truly appreciate your witty posts and hard work.

I cannot stress enough how thankful I am to La Paloma for doing this recap! Yesterday was my "day off" during this hectic week and if your life is anything like mine, you know how that tends to go! So thank you again, La Paloma, gracias mil veces!

Caroline, I've been wondering about editing, too. It's seemed that way, with Pablo's sudden decision to go to NY (there was lead-up, sure, but we went from mugging directly into a teary goodbye), the disappearance of Monica without so much as a "well, it's been real, but my parents are back now," Rita and Augie suddenly knowing each other, and now a possible pregnancy. Very suspicious!

I noticed that there were pencils
in a cup holder on Augie's desk last night. Was the local stationery store out of Montblanc
the gringo

I'm not watching this one, but I do keep up with the recaps. I have to give a great shout out to La Diva, Sara and La Paloma for recapping. Going from DQTQTQ which really didn't have many recappers except La Diva and Sara to this one. You ladies are terrific. Your recaps are also stellar, and I wanted to thank Y'all for providing such stellar recaps.

Mass-produced little off topic, but I wanted to tell you that I am desperately trying to catch up with La Malquerida so I can participate in that conversation more. It's a great show and I appreciate all the recaps.

Thanks Paloma for a stellar recap. I love your style. I didn't watch CI, so this is a first for me. I truly admire you guys who understand Spanish well enough to share your talent with us. I would love to have that ability.

What makes each recapper unique is having their own individual style. There is no right or wrong. Some like to tell it like it is while others might throw in more snark and opinions personal opinions in their retelling of the story. It's the recappers "right" for their dedication, time and effort they put into recapping.

I mention this because I got the impression that Anon 0600 was referring to a "style" rather than being annoyed that someone was asked to fill in. I may be wrong but I got the impression that he/she didn't express clearly what they were trying to say. If English isn't your first language, some of the "ad libs" aka snark will be more difficult to decifer.


The wedding day is upon us, that would be Este's and Cris' and the avance shows the groom not answering the priest, will he or won't he? We are on pins and needles awaiting his answer!

I'm glad you figured out that Mass-produced was you, Mads. Lol

I'm glad you figured out that Mass-produced was you, Mads. Lol

Great recap. Thanks to all the recappers. I don't think for a moment that Gata is pregnant. Everyone keeps emphasizing that she is an innocent. I do think that she should open her eyes to the real galan who is standing right in front of her...Damian. He is the hard working, sel-made MAN who actually takes some actions to help and protect her. Pablo is a little boy and seems to be as dumb as a rock.
It's fun to see Mary Lou from Mentir Para Vivir as Virginia. They turned her into lunatic overnight on that show but I'm sure she will keep her sweet nature on this one. She and guapo Carlos are adorable.

My husband and I had a high comprehension episode yesterday, but in general the sound engineering on this show is not great. I'm glad that they are moving the action out of that echoey marble foyer. We are also having a hard time understanding el silencioso throughout that beard.
Thanks again recappers!



It gave me a chuckle I must say : )

Sara...I am watching two novelas right now. I watch Gata at 7.00 with you ,and I record LM and watch it the next morning with breakfast. I think that you will love LM. It is different and a little bit unsettling with the stepdad spying on his wife's daughter at the old swimming hole daily. Great acting, beautiful locales, a plethora of cute dudes, Winner , winner, chicken dinner. Well, no chickens , but still a winner. If you have any questions just ask. We will fill you in. There are a bunch of interesting storylines unfolding.

LN, good point about Damian. It's a refreshing change from the norm to have a male friend of the protagonista who's actually being a friend and not trying to press her for more. I do hope he keeps being that way! Not because I have a need for her to end up with Pablo, but if that's as inevitable as it seems, it would be nice to have someone like Damian around on that bumpy road and not have him turn into an obsessive monster by the end.

We had Vivi and Karen on the DQTQTQ team, too. I don't want to leave them out :D

Again, thank you for the support!

Apologies to Karen and Vivi. Both are terrific recappers.

Daniel Arenas's hair and his TN characters have made a direct downward progression since 2012. He was the delightful, long- haired "Willy Boy" in Amorcito Corazon, the wonderfully coiffed, if slightly dumb, Octavio in the utterly ridiculous Corazon Indomable,and now, they have chopped his locks in a most ridiculous manner (affecting his sex appeal in my opinion) and left him dumber than ever strolling on campous in NYC. Sad.

I have to agree. My favorite Daniel is as Willy Boy. I loved his hair in that!

You may be on to something with this hair theory. Willy Boy has been, if not his "best" work, at least what I've most enjoyed. Every once in a while he does that lighthearted, lopsided Willy Boy grin and I remember what I like about him...then it's back to lectures on hygiene and woe and he's no-fun-Pablo again.

And when it comes to hygiene, I'm going to have to echo Eliza Doolittle and say..."Words, words, words, I'm so sick of words...show me!" (I know, I'm terrible!)

Great La Paloma. Didn't get out of the first paragraph and laid down "Gata blanket-burrito" then rapid fire one after another. Stellar

I don't know how to fully express my gratitude to all the recappers. It astounds me how you guys can manage busy lives and still volunteer your time here translating Spanish Language TV shows with artful finesse for a multitude of folks you do not know.

LN, you betcha Damian is a real man and not afraid of nothin.

Damian - YOU ROCK

Agustin - sadist

Lorenza - well you woke the monster

Pablo - not her fault your plans ill conceived

Rita - I'm like a bad habit

Esmeralda - can't be pregnant, I sat on a toilet seat one time


Thanks for the many kind comments. Much appreciation to our regular recappers, who carry the daily load for our benefit and amusement.

Anon. 3:35 expressed my feelings about Daniel Arenas exactly. He was just delightful as Willy; sometimes stupid yet charming and sexy as Octavio; and now naive and childish as Pablo.

I hadn't paid that much attention to Damian, but he convinced me last night that he'd be a much better choice for Esme. He acts, while Pablo only talks, and really cares about Esme. I know he must be the also-ran, but he's a real standup guy.

Anon 10:57 said,
"It's not end of the world , if others stop recapping ."

Yes it is! The Caray, Caray world! We NEED our recappers in order to survive!

It may not be the end of the "real" world, but who cares about that on this forum? We live (and recap and comment) in this world! We even have patios and tables and cocktails. We have telenovios and telenovias. We even have tn bingo.

Don't wake me, I'm in my own little world


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