Tuesday, September 16, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 16. 09/15/14.

Skipping the old and right into the new....

Luisa comes in asking what that man is doing in her kitchen and to her soup. Acacia and Ulises walk in wondering what all the yelling is about. Ulises introduces Arturo to Luisa and she stops her yapping. They leave and Rosa wants to know what is up with her.

Dr. Andres has invited Carmen to lunch. She wants to keep it professional but he says he's to old to be running after her. He straight up wants something more. She agrees.

Lunch is finishing and Luisa comes in to take the plates away and does it noisily and rudely. Cris goes after her and says Acacia told her she had a incident with her classmates. Next time come to her. It is her responsibility to watch out for her. You know how much I care for you and think of you as a member of the family. Please have confidence in me. Luisa doesn't want her grandmother to find out what happened. Cris tells her to have more confidence in her grandmother. Esteban walks in and says they have to go. They are going to take care of some wedding stuff. Ulises, Arturo and Acacia come in and Arturo tells Luisa goodbye. If there is anything she needs help with, to count on him. She thanks him but prefers to go at it alone. Ulises kisses Acacia goodbye. Acacia wants to know why Luisa treated Arturo rudely. Luisa realizes that in order to get ahead she can only count on herself. Except Cris paid for your schooling sweetcheeks. Just pointing that out.

Johnny tells Danilo that he wants half the money upfront. He knows guys like him and he doesn't trust him. He assures Danilo and Perla that they will get there money back quickly. Perla makes a smarty remark about getting it all back in a few months. Norberto comes in looking for Julianita. Perla takes Johnny away so that Danilo can take care of Norberto. He wonders if everything okay on him entering the association. Norberto tells him not to worry and Danilo sends him to the room to wait for Julianita.

Ale tells Acacia that she saw Perla in town. She is scared. Acacia wants to turn him into the police. Ale thinks it's not a good idea. She doesn't want Acacia or her family to be in any danger. Acacia points out that once her mother and Esteban knows they will protect her. Ale is embarrassed and doesn't want Cris to know. She doesn't know if she can handle it if Danilo finds her again. She especially doesn't want German to know. She will lose him forever. She tried telling him the truth but couldn't. I have suffered so much in my life. He's the only happiness I have ever had in my life. Acacia believes if he finds out another way, it will be worse. Ale understands but she wants to enjoy being with German as long as she can.

Luisa barges into Manuel's house and makes herself comfortable.. The maid is worried that Juliana will have a conniption fit if she finds her there. Luisa assures her that Manuel talked to mamasita and all is well. Manuel walks in during this commotion. He wants to know what's going on. Luisa runs to him and puts her arms around him seeking comfort. You don't know the day I had replies Luisa. He pushes her away and sends the maid out. Luisa says her classmates treated her badly. She needs to learn french, about trips and other foods. Manuel says he doesn't have time for that now. His dad made him work a lot today and he's tired. He also has to shower before dinner. He suggests that he and Acacia could both give her classes. Talk to Acacia and have her agree. We can start tomorrow.

Acacia tells Luisa that she can't accompany her to Manuel's and give her classes. It would be disrespectful to Ulises knowing he doesn't care for Manuel. She suggests they just to the classes themselves. Luisa points out that ever since she hooked up with Ulises, she has no time for her. Acacia doesn't think that's fair and suggests after she downloads the pictures off her mother's camera, they can Google all that stuff she wants to learn. You can even learn french online for free. Luisa agrees and will get classes from Manuel on how to behave. Luisa also wants to borrow some clothes. Acacia has no problems lending her clothes but doesn’t want her doing it to try and impress her classmates. Luisa says she just doesn't have any clothes. Just let me borrow what you don't wear. Acacia agrees. Luisa says that her classmates invited her for coffee and she declined. She wants to keep distance from them. She thanks Acacia for helping her out. She's the best cousin friend she has ever had.

Juliana is playing on her tablet and notices the time. Norberto walks in and Juliana tells him it's about time. Did you take care of business? Or our money problems? Norberto tries to get lovey dovey with her, but she pushes him away. You smell like alcohol and cheap perfume she complains. Norberto says he only goes out looking for what she doesn't give him at home. She tells him to go bathe. He stinks. He also cannot sleep in the room and to take himself to another. She also wants some money. Her father is sick and she needs to send him money. Norberto says no can do. Juliana will not tell her parents that they are suffering through a financial crisis. Norberto points out the only crisis there facing is their marriage. He does in for another kiss and she fights him off.

Cris and Esteban come home and Acacia runs into them smooching. For once Esteban's stalker radar doesn't pick up Acacia.

Acacia walks into her room all depressed because mommy was getting some loving from Esteban. She picks up a picture of her dad, mom and her when they were all together. She tells her dad that she doesn't know what is going on with her. She doesn't like seeing Esteban kissing her mother. She doesn't understand what is going on. (I know, I know!! She's lusting after her step dad and girl that ain’t' good).

Luisa who doesn't have a brain in her head walks alone outside the hacienda and Rubio runs up behind her. He tickles her and she drops her papers that she's studying. He asks if she will dance with him at the patron's wedding. She giggles and says she's invited since she's like a member of the family but is sure he wasn't invited. She will only be dancing with Manuel. She walks away and he yells out that one day she will realize who her prince really is.

Acacia is still staring at the photo when her mom comes in. Cris walks to know what's wrong but Acacia tells her nothing. Cris tells her that she went to her father's grave. I felt that I couldn't marry in the church without his consent. I felt today that he gave it to me. Acacia is very happy that she is marrying Esteban in the church and her father would be happy on how they are fairing without him. But I'm upset for another reason. I realize that I am caring for Esteban more then I thought I could. Cris is happy. She thinks that finally Acacia realizes what a good man Esteban is. He may not be perfect but for me....Acacia says your life. I know. They hug. (this was basically a confession on her feelings but Cris is so blinded by her passion for Esteban that she doesn't see her daughter has feelings other then what a stepdaughter should be feeling for step daddy). Cris leaves and Ulises calls. He wonders if she's okay. Acacia says she misses him and wants to feel his love. She wants to have breakfast at the Rojo tomorrow. He agrees and tells her he loves her. Arturo overhears this conversation.

He makes fun of Ulises on his conversation with Acacia. He says before we know it, you will be marrying Acacia before Esteban and Cris do. Ulises feels something is up with Acacia. She thinks they are going to fast. Arturo tells him to wait for signs from her. Ulises says he can't be without her.

Cris tells Esteban that she just had a conversation with her daughter. What about asks Esteban. I'm so happy says Cris. Acacia told her that she never thought that she would love Esteban they say she does. Really asks Esteban. Cris runs off happy and brings back her camera. She shows him the picture she took of him and Acacia. She wants to frame it tomorrow. Her daughter and husband loving each other. I can tell Esteban is thinking of a different way and one that Cris is not aware of.

Next day and Norberto is sleeping on the couch. Juliana walks in and gives him the stink eye. She remembers the day she found out she was pregnant. She looks at a picture of Dr. Andres and says she's having his baby. Where are you? Back in the present and Juliana keeps looking at Norberto and cries. She picks up a picture of her boys and tells a sleeping Norberto that she should never have married him.

Cris is happy. Today she will get the picture she sent to be framed today. She has to stop by the university and see if everything was handled with the Luisa incident. Then she's going to the framers to pick up the picture of Esteban and Acacia so that she can hang it up in her room. So she can see it everyday. She wants to back out of joining him today riding. She wants to take care of things instead. Esteban tells her to run off and he and Acacia will go riding together instead.

Back in the house of utter happiness. Juliana, German and Manuel are having breakfast. She keeps looking at German who finally asks her what's up with the looks. She gives him a kiss. Just seeing that you look nothing like me. Manuel pipes up that he doesn't look like their dad or grandfather either. He teases German about being adopted. They go back and forth teasing each other. Norberto comes in wanting to know what they are laughing about. The cook brings Norberto some fruit but he doesn't want it. He wants something that is spicy. He wonders out loud what is wrong with all the old woman in the house. They are a bunch of idiots starting with your mother. German slams his fist on the table and tells him not to talk about his mother that way. Juliana says she can't take much more of this. If things don't get better, she will ask for a divorce.

Acacia is getting ready and is dressed in a long shirt. I wouldn't call it a dress because frankly there is not enough material. Anyways, Esteban comes in ready for his ride. And I mean horse back riding. He supposes Ulises will join them. Acacia says she will not be able to join him today. She agreed to go to breakfast with Ulises today. Unless you need help with work and then I can cancel. Esteban says it's fine. You are on vacation and you need to be having fun with your boyfriend and friends. Acacia wants to know if she did anything to make him mad. Cris comes floating in on her cloud of happiness to wish her daughter a good morning. She says she can't join them today riding. Esteban says not before you do what we agreed to do last night. Off the happy couple go.

Rosa and Luisa are in the kitchen. Luisa is not cutting up tomatoes right and Rosa takes the knife from her to show her how it's done. She then notices Luisa is wearing clothes that are not hers. Luisa says there Acacia's. She told me I could wear what she no longer does. Rosa asks how's that? She just wore it last week. Rubio comes in and tells Luisa that outfit looks better on her then the Acacia. Although I think he would say the same if she wore a potato sack. Or a clown outfit. Cris and Esteban walk into the kitchen. Cris tells her not to put the apron on because they have to leave. She wants to get to know the school and director she points out when Rosa gets nervous. She thanks Cris for all she is doing for her granddaughter. She made a lunch for Acacia and gives her a blessing and she leaves. Cris and Esteban want to talk to Rosa. Rosa thinks something happened at the school. Cris tells her it's about the wedding. Rosa thinks that Cris will let her make the mole for the wedding. Esteban takes over and says it's not that. You were always good to me even when I was a lowly peon. Because of that, I want you to walk me down the aisle as if you were my mother.

German is in the office and Ale notices he's down. German says his parents are fighting and they might divorce. Ale wants to know where Norberto and Manuel ran off too. They went cock fighting. I'm mad at my dad for treating my mother horribly. Anyway I don't like cock fights. Ale wants to know what she can do to make him feel better. A kiss requests German. She gives him a peck. German wants to know if she will join him for lunch so that she can see his paintings hanging up at the restaurant. Ale says she has to much work. At lunch asks German. Ale agrees.

Rosa doesn't think it's a good idea. She is just a cook and he is the patron. A great man. Esteban says he never forgot where he came from. Cris says she was going to ask her to be her matron of honor but I agree with Esteban. No one better to give him away then you. Esteban reminds Rosa that she stood up to anyone that criticize his relationship with Cris when he was only a peon. Rosa points out that there will be lots of rich people there. Esteban says we have to invite them, but you we do it for love. Rosa says they are both good people and she expects. It would be an honor. She asks to hug him and he agrees.

Acacia and Ulises are having breakfast by the river. He tells her how much he loves her.

Outside the school Luisa and Cris talk. She thinks it was nice of her grandmother to make her lunch. Luisa agrees. I don't have the money to buy myself lunch. Cris says they will fix that. Isn’t that outfit Acacia's? Luisa says that it is. It was nice of Acacia to lend her some clothes. Cris says they will fix that also. Luisa says she and Acacia are like her guardian angels. Ever since Acacia came to school, everyone thinks they are cousins. Cris assures her that Acacia thinks of her like a sister. I feel the same replies Luisa. Arturo comes up and greets the ladies. He hopes Luisa forgave him for stepping into her kitchen yesterday. Cris gives Luisa a look and Luisa bashfully says of course. Cris thought Arturo was returning home but he says he came looking for...(i don't know what he was looking for. Someone fill me in). Anyway Cris asks Rubio to help out Arturo.

Ulises asks Acacia what's the matter with her. Acacia admits she doesn't like seeing Esteban affectionate with her mother. She has accepted him but it's just hard for her. Ulises figures because she has memories of when her father did those things. Perhaps says Acacia. Ulises says it's best to see them being affectionate that way at the wedding she won't feel so bad. And I will be with you at the wedding. I will get use to it agrees Acacia. She has an idea she wants to do for the wedding and needs his help.

Esteban rides out of the hacienda.

Norberto visits his lady love, Julianita. He had a bad day betting. Danilo asks if it's a go ahead to start planting. Norberto says it's not up to the association but the authorities. Danilo says that Norberto could apply a little pressure. Julianita says I'm told you have a lot of pull in town. That's one of the things I like about you. Norberto agrees.

Ulises tells Acacia that her idea for the wedding is a good idea. She really likes the river and wants to come everyday instead of riding. You can come with. Ulises says everyday that I can. They kiss. He leaves to get his bathing suit. Esteban rides up and spots Acacia. He starts his stalker stare.

Manana: Day of the wedding; Esteban fights his growing feelings for Acacia.


Gloria- It's always wonderful to read one of your wonderfully detailed recaps as a start to the day. Thanks!

Well, the writers didn't listen to Gringo, and instead put Acacia back into an ity bity bikini, which we knows sets Esteban's stalker radar off.

I think Arturo seemed drawn to Luisa. Lord knows why. She was a total brat this episode. Asking Acacia, Mauel, and Cris for favors in one breath, and making declarations about how she's doing it alone in the next. Can we say, ingrate? And I'm sure that lunch Rosa packed her was delicious. And how about those rides to and from school each day, that the capataz of the busiest ranch in the region gives her each day. Luisa has a very different idea of going it alone.

Arturo would be the perfect tutor if she wants to learn the fact French terms used in culinary school. The reason Arturo was in town, El Soto, is because he's decided to use local vendors (probedores) for the wedding, for things like the tent.

So Ale won't tell German about her past because she thinks they're on borrowed time anyway. She's already expecting that their relationship will end.

It was totally creepy how Juliana was stroking and kissing German's face, secretly admiring his resemblance to Andres.

It seems that Danilo is a in a bit over his head starting up his own drug cultivation business. What are the chances that Johnny and his associates would blow out Dan's other kneecap? :)

Gloria, another outstanding recap. Rich in detail and bursting with your marvelous comments I so enjoy.

"Except Cris paid for your schooling sweetcheeks. Just pointing that out"; "(I know, I know!! She's lusting after her step dad and girl that ain’t' good)" and Rubio comes in and tells Luisa that outfit looks better on her then the Acacia. Although I think he would say the same if she wore a potato sack. Or a clown outfit" (LOL) were among my many favorites.

Acacia’s profession of feeling more for Esteban that she thought possible was indeed a red flag. Unfortunately, Cris, who hasn’t been privy to the longing looks and turbulent feelings that we have, does not grasp the true meaning. And having that picture of Este and Acacia framed? Ummm, anvils anyone??

Vivi, Arturo did indeed seem taken with Luisa although I agree, unsure why! As you noted, everyone is bending over backwards to help her.

Even though Manuel clearly did not want to help Luisa (due to his obvious exhaustion after working one day, poor dear), he was smart enough to say he'd do it if Acacia was involved. Weasel.

Norberto's house is imploding. Boozing and womanizing do not a happy home make. Combine that with a spouse who clearly loathes you and shrinks from your touch? Clearly a house in crisis.

Ale is trying to savor every moment with German as if it were her last. And it may well be (well at least temporarily) if she doesn't tell him the truth. There are so many terrible ways he could find out and I am so afraid for her.

Vivi, we can only hope someone/anyone will finish the job on Danilo. Sooner rather than later please.

Gloria, this was fabulous. Thank you!



This is gem of a recap. I so liked your asides especially the she's paying for your school sweetcheeks! Too funny.

Acacia is now feeling the Esteban attraction. Will she figure it out? Only time will tell.

Manuel is a putz. I too would have had Arturo tutor Luisa. After all he went to that same school and knows how they teach, hmmmm.....

Ale should speak up. I think if German were to hear the whole story of she and her brother and what happened to them at Dan's hands he would understand. He'd be a little shocked at first but after careful thought he'd find a way to help her. Cris and Esteban too. Acacia didn't take long to help her. Ale needs protection. She cannot go this alone.

When Dan said was it okay to plant with the Association. I wonder if they have any idea what he is planning to plant? Does Norbie even know? Not very smart. If I were Norbie I'd be covering my buttinsky.

That framed picture is a little mini pie cart. I have to say there has a little bit of lusting and thank goodness no action. It's almost as if will they or won't they. Just a thought, but what if nothing ever happens and this TN is like the journey of never getting to that point and resolving the issue without contact. In other words, taking the high road? Just my crack pot theory.

Mads- No. Norberto doesn't know what Danilo is planning to plant. Idiot. I guess Danilo figures he can keep him distracted with Julianita, and then when he stops cooperating, blackmail him with the videos.

Esteban would be in almost as much trouble if the police found out, since he signed off on Danilo's entrance into the Agricultural Association. He signed off without even meeting Danilo or getting any real references, other than Norberto saying they were friends.


Thanks. Then Norbie and Esteban are both idiots. Esteban used to be more inquiring. He needs to get his thoughts out of his pants and more on the bidness at hand!

Gloria---terrific! Several great lines but I have a lot of work to do today so I will just repeat terrific and add a thank you.

Vivi---Arturo did seem to be taken by Luisa but you are unsure why. Try pretty for one reason. She's a cutie. A little bratty yes but give her time, she'll smooth out.

Norberto is getting in deeper and deeper. no tears for this guy. The train went off track a long time ago and the track is getting
more curved instead of striating out.

I agree that Rubio would say that Luisa looks good even in a potato sack. He wants her bad.

Are we going to have to write Univision Corporate to keep La Malquerida on?

Will read all comments this evening.
the gringo


gringo, "Try pretty for one reason. She's a cutie". I'm laughing as of course you are absolutely right! That certainly would explain Arturo's initial attraction to Luisa.

I think though that Luisa has been a bit dour and her less than scintillating personality left a few of us puzzled as to the attraction. But again, you hit the nail on the head...

Glad you are here!


I'm surprised that now that Acacia has spoken a few times to Ulises about her growing affection and love for Este, and her hostile feelings when seeing him and Cris doing PDA, he hasn't suggested that she might be feeling more than daughterly feelings for him. I know Cris' mind wouldn't go there (yet). It would be too far fetched for her to conceive. But Uli has seen and felt Este's hostility, which goes way beyond fatherly protectiveness. I was sure he was starting to catch on that something is amiss.

So what does everyone think Acacia's feelings are? She can't even understand them yet herself. She loves Ulises, right? She's certainly attracted to Ulises and cares deeply for him. So, why is she so drawn to Este when she has this wonderful new love in her life? Is it just because Este was her first crush? I don't get it.

I can understand Este's eye wandering because he has been with the same woman for a decade, and is probably overdue for the seven year itch. However, the fact that the young woman he's become attracted to is his step-daughter should have stopped those feelings cold.


Subsconsciously Acacia is feeling attraction to Este, but consciously she is confused. I think she likes Uli, but I don't think she is in love with him. When he wants to go further, she doesn't allow it.

I think Este is just as surpised by his attraction to Acacia. I think he may stalk her, but as far as doing any type of deed with her, I can't see it right now. My question is who will make the first move and what will happen then? He's kept his distance except of course for the night she has the nightmare but he quickly left the room and I think he fully expected Cris to come in.

Vivi, I agree with Madelaine's "Subsconsciously Acacia is feeling attraction to Este, but consciously she is confused".

I do believe she loves Ulises. I think however that love is being undermined by her inexplicable and unexplainable feelings for Esteban.

By all accounts and everything we have seen, Cris and Esteban did and do have a passionate, loving relationship. And he doesn't strike me as the kind of man who has a wandering eye. I think he is simply (for lack of a better word) drawn to Acacia.

You have commented before on their similar physical traits and they do share many admirable qualities - kindness and caring among them. In other words, she possesses similar ones that made him fall in love with Cris.

Yes, he needs to stop stalking Acacia. Other than that, I'm not sure what else he can do. He can't move or stop speaking to her.

If anything happens, the family will be in ruins. There may be forgiveness but both will be burdened with guilt. I'm really hoping the attraction goes unfulfilled.

Interesting that the small screen image of LM that plays during the earlier TNs shows Acacia, Ulises and Manuel! Hmmm, sorry, that red herring didn't work. I think we all know who the third angle in that triangle is! ;)


It's so nice to see Victoria Ruffo in a role where she isn't bawling every episode (yet) and gets to have a passionate love life and a full life in general. I've only ever seen her in roles where she is very matronly and sacrifices everything for her kids (crying the whole time), or as a bitchy exec (Triunfo del Amor). If this were Corona de Lagrimas, she would have never hooked up with Esteban. She would have let Acacia's disapproval as a child put an end to her love life, and would have cried about it the rest of the tn. Although I disagree with her letting Acacia go live with her grandparents all those years, I also admire Cris for doing what she needed to do so that BOTH she and Acacia could be happy and loved.

Vivi, I only saw bits and pieces of La Madrasta, but that is one TN I'd like to see from start to finish.

Besides Ruffo, the cast also boosted Moussier, Evora, Cantu, Joaquin Cordero and the amazing Rene Casados. I believe she was imprisoned unjustly and came out seeking justice. Not sure about how many tears were shed but she was a strong woman there.


Diana- La Madrastra is much loved by folks on Caray Caray, but came before my time. I have only seen the funny clips on the Soup. I'd love to see it. Wish they would show it on Uni during the day.

Diana and Vivi:

When I got the Latino tier last year, I got the Uni Tele NOvela channel that shows old back in the day novelas. There is where I saw La Madrasta and it was fabulous. I loved VR in that and also CE they were fabulous and had so much chemistry. The DVD is for sale but they cut it of course. RC and SM were a riot I have to say and smoked, literally throughout the whole TN. Cantu was also surpising and what a villain he was, bar none.

Speaking of which that channel is going to be showing Cuna de Lobos the original. I had seen some on Youtube but not the whole thing. I can't wait to watch it. I hear the antagonist was the best bar none. She was chilling and no one has been able to match her.

Madelaine, ahhh, Maria Rubio, right? I'm only familiar with her due to her character's infamous photos.

Perhaps I will be able to see that some day...


Thanks so much, Gloria, for that detailed recap. I watched the recorded episode this morning while I ate breakfast, and then, I read your recap after work.

I got a bad vibe from Luisa when she was a little girl, a poor girl hanging around with the rich kids. She seems to b ungrateful and feels free to ask for more and more. as the saying hoes "Gibe her an inch , and she will take a foot., As for bring pretty, it is interesting to see how important looks are to men and women. My students are reading a chapter about mixed marriages. I asked them to list adjectives describing the ideal spouse. Most of the men listed "beautiful " on their lists of the qualities of an ideal wife, but none of the women (young or old) listed "handsome, on their lists of adjectives to describe the ideal husband. Hmmmm

Now that Acacia seems to have had an epiphany concerning her true feelings for dear old stepdad , we may be heading into dangerous territory , especially if Chris remains oblivious to what is simmering between them. I think that Ully has a feeling about what is going on between them as they lost in your hearts for each other. Just say NO. !!!!!

Lust....not lost...I am hurrying and not proof reading..sorry.


Yes, Maria Rubio was the character's name and the Actress name was Carolina Creel, best eyepatched Villan ever. They compare all villans to her, even today. She was amazing.

Also about La Madrasta, CE did his fair share of crying in that one. It was pretty crying, not like he is doing on Hasta. But the biggest surpise was that RC and SM were married in that La Madrastra and then years later in Abmiso de Pasion, she kills him. What a thing.

Susanlynn- I don't think Acacia has had a true epiphany yet. She still thinks what she's feeling is a daughter's growing love for a father-figure. Esteban is the one who's had the epiphany. He knows EXACTLY what he's feeling and he's been trying hard to fight it in the last couple of episodes (except when he stalks her by the swimming hole).

RG who writes the telenovela blog on We Love Soaps, and who sometimes posts on this blog, wrote about La Malquerida and posted a pic of the tastefully hidden nude shot of Acacia that Uni cut many episodes ago when Este fist spotted her. RG is not digging La Malquerida, but it seems much of the issues surround not being able to see those character development and bonding moments that Uni is cutting.

RG's article: http://www.welovesoaps.net/2014/09/telenovela-watch-manual-para-ser-feliz.html

Unlike Este who is fully aware that he is in lust with Acacia and is stalking her Acacia is telling everyone who would listen how she came to love Este. She told, Uly, her mom and Este even so she is not aware of any of her feelings toward him. Cris reacted the way she should after Acacia's confession. Who could dream such a thing between their spouse and child? @ Madelaine, If Acacia and Este do not cross the line what would be the point of all these stares, stalking and love confession? I wish I had your faith in Este but I don't, not for a minute.

Gloria - Terrific recap. Thanks.

I get that Luisa’s anxiety about the school is freaking her out, but what an annoying, clingy pain in the a$$. I actually liked El Rubio and Manuel more than Luisa in this episode. Very tacky of her to say "she" was invited to the wedding but didn't know if Rubio was since he's just a ranch hand. She better stop putting on airs or she’s in for more slaps from grandma.

ITA Ulises' radar is tingling that something's strange between Esteban and Acacia, but it's probably natural that his brain just won't compute this.

Strange that Esteban wants Rosa to walk him down the aisle. Haven’t seen a groom do this in a TN. Feels like a setup. But for what?

Niecie- Well, Este said that he's an orphan, so I think it's pretty natural of him to want someone there who represents his family in some way. I thought it was really sweet of him and Cris to include Rosa that way. Cris doesn't just pay lip service when she says Rosa and Luisa are like family.

Awesome recap as always!

I just wanna know is anyone else having trouble with getting English subs when watching live, recorded, or on demand? I haven't gotten any CCs since episode 5 :(

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