Monday, October 27, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 10/27/14 #71

Capitulo 71: The Road to Hades Is Not Paved With Good Intentions

Lascuráin Mansion: Isabitch just finished telling Fernando that she only needed two days max to pack up when Ana approached the library demanding to know what happened to her guitar.

As usual, Isabitch pretended to know nothing of any guitar and Ana isn't buying it. Isabitch played the victim again, accusing Ana of accusing her falsely. Fanny backs up Ana, who states where the guitar had been the night before and the fact that it had disappeared.
Manuela came out of the kitchen at all this and was about to back Ana, but Bruno shushed her out of the argument. Isabully continued to claim she doesn't hate Ana and felt compassion for her, which elicits incredulous looks from everyone. She went on about what motive would she have to take it, invited them to search her mother's room, and ended up swearing before God, which caused Bruno, Fanny, Manuela, and Ana to gasp. Fernando looked as though he couldn't wait for all this to be over.
She walked back toward the library and sarcastically gloated at her imaginary audience it was a shame they couldn't say anything.

When in Hades are you going to stop this crap, Isabela?” asked Aphrodite. “Whom do you think you're fooling?  You don't even know what compassion is.”

I wonder if she has poison in her veins instead of blood,” said Persephone.

Can I turn her into a Gorgon now?” asked Hermes. “Please, please! Nothing would be more suitable.”

Not until she's permanently away from this family,” said Zeus. “You know what happens to mortals who look at those creatures. I don't look happily at them myself.”

Isabitch continued to gloat in Yolanda's room, telling her that the shards of the guitar were in the garbage. “So you did do something to the guitar?” shouted Yolanda. Isabitch shushed her mother then closed the door. She went on about how this is driving Ana loca; nothing new here. “There's nothing left to cause them to suspect you?” At Isabitch's denial, both laughed.

Downstairs in the parlour Fernando pointed out that they had no proof. Isabela was complying with the divorce. Fanny didn't quite believe any of this, but Fernando said he would be speaking with his lawyer. He wasn't ready to believe that Isabela would do such a thing. Ana pointed out the woman's cruel treatment of Luz, the most recent incident of her cruelty toward the children. Fernando told her that Isabela was leaving, that Bruno was searching the entire house for the guitar, and that he personally would also look. He then left the house.

La Costeña: Enrique went into Fernando's office with documents relating to the 30th anniversary celebration. Fernando looked at a particular sheet and commented about the expense. Enrique pointed out that this important to company image and Linda of the Tight Bun entered, accusing Fernando's “stupid decisions” of causing a company crisis.

Look at that tight bun. It must require enough strength to pull up her sagging face.”

Now, now, Hera. That's rather a mean-spirited thing to say,” said Zeus.

No meaner than she is. One would think she hates Fernando as much as Enrique does.”

How do you think she already knows about Enrique being forced out? He had to have called her as soon as Fernando left his apartment. She wouldn't know any other way.”

That is true,” said Hermes. “What is bothering me is why Fernando isn't more up-front about this situation. He could have just dismissed him and told him he didn't need to show his face at the office again. Happens every day in the mortal world.”

Lascuráin Mansion: Isabitch and Yolanda talked about how she couldn't burn the ship because of the divorce because Fernando would hate her when Bruno knocked. He entered and told them that he was searching the house for the missing guitar, per Fernando's orders.
Both acted as though they didn't believe it and Yolanda invited him to search her personally. He also told them he would help them pack and help them with moving whatever furniture they bought they may want to take. Yolanda continued to flirt with him.
He found the heavy mallet on the nightstand and wondered who took it and what they used it for. Las sangronelas pretended to know nothing.

La Costeña: Linda started giving Fernando hell over how his decisions were impacting the stockholders, who were supposedly up in arms over Enrique's resignation. Fernando told her quite calmly that such serious matters were his to resolve or he would resign. She walked out without another word and Enrique didn't look too happy.

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny tried to reassure Ana that what is in her heart is more important. However, all Ana's memories of her mother were connected to the missing guitar. Fanny was also sure that Isabully did this but they didn't have proof. Ana wanted so much to get Isabitch for this and so did Fanny, but she reminded her that they need to restrain themselves for the moment in order to win the war against La Tarantula. She assured her that she and the other kids loved her.

La Costeña: Fernando told Enrique that the event is very important and he wanted all details attended to.
He handed the folder back to him and Enrique exited the office but not without a belligerent expression that Fernando didn't see. When Enrique arrived at reception,
León came back from the copier with a stack of papers. “Your copies, sir,” he said. Enrique slapped them out of his hand and they went flying over the area. León held his temper while Beatriz got up and followed Enrique to his office.

When is this party supposed to happen?” asked Hermes. “Surely he should be out the door by then.”

Beatriz entered Enrique's office asking if she could get him some coffee. For a moment it looked as though she were investigating what was up with him, but he said that he was being treated unfairly. He asked her to help him with the anniversary celebration and she agreed. She was far too amiable about it.
They kissed.

It looks like Beatriz has gone to The Dark Side,” said Aphrodite. “I am really disappointed in her.”

If she has she will get what she deserves,” said Hera. “He that troubleth his own house and all that.”*

León entered Fernando's office to request some time off to help his mother. He explained that her taco stand at the university had been destroyed and that her income was important to their family. Fernando told him to take whatever time he needed.

Lascuráin Mansion: Bruno entered Ana's room to tell her that Diego was there to see her. Before she left the room she asked him who Domenica was.

Diego waited downstairs with a large bouquet of red roses. Manuela was thrilled to pieces at the sight of them and they teased each other playfully about them. She finally told him she was angry with Bruno because he was cheating on her with a nurse.

Ana questioned Bruno again, pointing out his phone calls and absences. She said that these have to have something to do with Domenica and demanded an explanation. He weasled his way out of it again and left the room. She decided to look in to this, then prayed for Bruno not to be ill.

Diego had arranged the roses under Manuela's appreciative eye, handing her the last one. Bruno entered the room and she walked past him without a word.
Diego told Bruno he could hardly believe he would do this and Bruno began backing out. Ana came downstairs and at the sight of her he headed for the kitchen.
The roses pleased Ana although she didn't miss their meaning. Diego let her know that he wasn't going to give up trying to win her love.

Fanny was looking at the internet in her quest for the meaning of life vis à vis her future career. She remembered a conversation with her mother when she saw her writing a check for a charity to help needy children in need of an education. This prompted her to search for where poverty existed.

La Costeña: Enrique told Fernando on the phone that Beatriz was in his office and that they were settling some questions about the party. He hung up the phone, satisfied with Fernando's response, and asked for Beatriz's cooperation.

She flirtatiously promised that it would be “unconditional.” After she walked out of the office he gloated that on the day of the party he will finish Fernando off.

Fernando should have told her that he was forcing Enrique's resignation,” said Athena. “And he should have told her why.”

Sadly, some men don't always follow through correctly,” said Hera.

I know. Why do you think I never married?”

Margarita's Apartment: After hearing what happened, León remembered Enrique's threat and realized he was likely to have been responsible for the destruction.

Lascuráin Mansion: Diego understood Ana's feelings about the guitar. However, he told her that when he had taken it before he took the information about it to help them find her mother. She hugged him with many “Te quieros”.

That's not 'te amo,'” said Athena. “Your son is falling down on the job.”

He is not,” said Aphrodite. “It's just that he can't undo what he's already done. She loves Fernando and that's that. What he should be doing now is finding another woman for Diego.”

Margarita's Apartment: León explained who Enrique Basurto was, what his motives were and that he had threatened him at the wedding on Saturday. Margarita asked whether Fanny knew and León told her she knows about half. “What are we going to do?” she asked. No answer yet.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana thanked Diego and told him she thanked God every day that he was in her life. He said he would go on fighting for her to love him.

Hospital: Isabitch and Yomama were in the reception area, the latter resentful that the former insisted she come with her. She was whining about having to leave the mansion penniless. Isabitch told her to stop the histrionics and that she would need her to accompany her out of the clinic.
She reminded her that this was the DNA test that would determine who the father of her fetus was. She had enquired about this previously but had to wait before the test could be done. “Get it?” she asked. Yomama answered that she was uneducated but not stupid. The other patient and the receptionist seemed to hear some of this conversation.

La Costeña: Fanny visited her father to tell him she wanted to study sociology because she wants to help people and correct injustices. Fernando told her that this isn't as simple as it sounds. She also had to think about where she would work and live. She also explained that the best courses for this are given at public universities. This surprised him a bit, but she had found something she was enthusiastic about.

Hospital: Isabruja was lying on the gurney as the doctor explained he would give her another sedative shortly. He asked if she remembered what they had talked about before. She replied yes, she knew that this procedure could be dangerous to her and to the baby.
Yomama was shocked, asking why she didn't tell her this before.

La Costeña: Fernando was still trying to take this in, a little incredulous that his daughter would want to attend a public university. She laughed, asking “Why, because you're a millionaire?” and went on about how they're not exactly stereotypical. He was a little apprehensive because of all the coming changes. For example, when Fanny and León live together there will be issues because of the differences in their upbringing despite their family's lack of prejudice.

León charged into Enrique's office accusing him of the destruction of his mother's stand. In his most insulting manner, Enrique didn't even deny it. He did say that the next time people would be hurt. León threatened to have him arrested and the response was “Yeah, good luck with that. And how beautiful your son is.” León knew what he meant by that and grabbed him by the lapels. Enrique made it clear that León knew what he wanted. León pointed out that Fanny wanted nothing to do with him. Enrique told him that he can believe that if he wants but that he would have Fanny “por las buenas o las malas.” He exited with an expression that clearly indicated his madness, leaving León in a state of frustration.

León, it's not enough to have the courage of a lion; you need the stealth of the lioness. You also need the wisdom of an owl.”

Can't you send him one of yours?”

I'll find a way, but it would be best for him to tell Fernando everything.”

Fanny told her dad she realized she was going outside her comfort zone, but she was prepared for it. Fernando told her that while he was concerned, he would help because she was his daughter, his princess, and he loved her. Hugs.

Hospital: The doctor reminded Isabruja that the test will have to wait until they had DNA sources from the two possible fathers. He also told her that the test could be dangerous for the fetus. Yomama commented that this was the result of her stubbornness.
Isabruja asked if her mother could wait outside, and the doctor took the hint. So did Yomama, who picked up her purse and exited, telling her that it will be her own fault if she loses the baby.

Televisa: Edna came to meet Johnny with bad news. She is out of money. His cell phone rang and it was a message from Dana, who wanted to see him. He made an excuse about a screen test, kissed Edna, and took his leave.

Really, both these chicks could do so much better,” said Eros.

So why don't you work on that?”

I will, Mother. No te preocupes.”

Other Hospital: While Bruno had a flashback about being told that he had at best one month, Ana wanted to get her mind off the guitar. She and Diego arrived to talk to Domenica. She asked the desk nurse about her and Domenica turned around to identify herself. Ana insisted upon discussing Bruno. Domenica refused to, saying that she couldn't because she didn't have his permission. Ana tried guilt-tripping her because Manuela had the right to know. Ana got to the point, asking if Bruno was ill, and Domenica excused herself and left. Diego caught her expression, believing that it meant something serious. He wondered whether Bruno was dying, but Ana didn't want to believe that.

La Costeña: Fernando met with Tomás, his lawyer, and got straight to the point. Tomás was surprised due to the recency of the wedding, but Fernando explained that while Isabela was “valiosa” he was not the person to make her happy.

Why doesn't he just tell him the truth?” Hera asked. “He has enough charges to make against her to get three divorces.”

Sometimes a gentleman is not the best thing to be,” said Zeus.

Hospital: As Isabruja began going under the sedative the doctor explained that he would be shortly giving her a pain killer and an antibiotic. He reminded her about the DNA samples. She was annoyed but told the nurse she needed to talk to her mother. The nurse left to get her. As the doctor walked out for a second she thought to herself that she hoped the baby would be Fernando's.

La Costeña: Fernando asked Tomás how long this would take and was told that if all are in agreement and considering that there was a baby involved it would be two or three months.

Fanny asked León why he hadn't told her and he explained that it all just happened. She asked whether Margarita was alright and León assured her she was. Beatriz' phone rang and when she was off she told León that Fernando wanted to see him.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana assured Manuela that nothing was going on between Bruno and the nurse, but she didn't quite buy it. Diego told her that it could be something far more serious, and it was possible that Bruno was dying. None of the adults realized that the five younger kids arrived just in time to hear this until they reacted.

Margarita's Apartment: Fanny stopped over to check up on her, having to endure nasty cracks from Reina first. Margarita told her she was alright but that this was about Enrique's revenge. Apparently León had left that out in their earlier conversation.

Lascuráin Mansion: The kids asked Ana about Bruno and she tried to reassure them despite her own concern. Luz told her that they loved Bruno and she hugged the little girl while Alicia and the boys looked on with serious expressions.

As Manuela stood still worrying, Bruno shuffled into the kitchen playing with his deck of cards. She went over to him and embraced him. He smiled over her shoulder.

Margarita's Apartment: Margarita had reported the vandalism to the university authorities but they don't have the proof to accuse Enrique specifically. Fanny explained to Reina that their word wouldn't be enough.

La Costeña: Fernando and Tomás concluded their meeting with Fernando telling him he was also sending some company documents with him. They shook hands and Tomás expressed regret that the marriage didn't work. Fernando agreed, but said that he regretted that he had to make this decision.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana prayed that nothing was wrong with Bruno while she collected laundry from the kids' rooms. Isabruja and Yomama returned from the hospital and were heading toward the bedroom with Yomama supporting her hellspawn. They had just gotten to the door when Ana turned the corner.

What are you looking at?” she said.

Nothing, ex-Señora,” said Ana, with a mock gasp.

What did you say?” Isabruja was already loaded for bear.

Calm down, daughter,” said Yomama, trying to prevent more conflict.

Of course, this de-evolved into another argument. Ana didn't drop her accusation about the guitar and Isabruja accused her of stealing her husband.

No; you lost him all by yourself,” said Ana.

Isabully tried to hit her but Ana stopped her by grabbing her wrist. Isabitch then screamed in pain and pulled back. Ana offered to help only to get nastiness in return. Yomama told her hellspawn to calm down, Isabitch threatened to kill Ana if anything happened to the baby. Yomama escorted the puling Isabrat to her own room and got her to the bed.

Luz and the boys appeared at the corner of the hall and stopped to listen. Yomama tried to get Isabrat to listen to her, reminding her what the doctor said. She caused the danger because of her own stupid curiosity. “Curiosity killed the cat but in this case it's the baby,” she said. Isabrat told her to shut up and not to tell anyone about this. She agreed, but said she was going to call the doctor. She took Isabruja's cell phone out of her purse.

Bruno and Manuela were starting to talk when Ana came in and used the kitchen phone to call Fernando.

She told him that Isabruja was having pains and it could be serious. He told her he was on his way, hung up, and left his office.

Ana explained to Bruno what happened, ending with the hope that nothing happens to the baby.

*Proverbs 11:29: He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind and the fool shall be servant to the wise in heart.


Prediction: When Fernando is forced out of La Costeña unfairly he and Nicolás will sell or rent one of their properties unless he can raise enough dinero by selling the yacht and whatever else he owns in Cozumel. He has Manuela's and Margarita's patience and cooking talent and can start a restaurant. He has his business skills, Jennifer's experience, León's need for his approval, and the loyalty of his servants as his opening assets. I'm picturing a traditional Mexican restaurant with delicious home-style food, colorful décor, and mariachis. Of course Diego will also sing.

I don't want them to lose the mansion and I do want them to get back their wealth.

I'm finding it hard to put my head around what the writers will come up with for another 100+ episodes. For me, the story could end satisfactorily in just another 25+ episodes.

It seems as if we are going to go the typical TN route with Ana being blamed for Isabruja's baby demise. Just a guess.

Urban: again kudos to you for an excellent recap. Love the screen shots.

Lurking on the Hasta page, I can't believe Pedro Fernandez is being replaced by David Zepeda. I didn't watch this TN because I think PF is so unappealing. Coincidentally we were just blogging a few weeks ago about producers that changed actors mid novela.

Isabruja's anvil should fall througout the novela. Although I think MV is playing Isabruja's part fantastically.

I agree; she's doing very well.

If in fact Fernando suffers a business disaster I guess the writers could use those 110 episodes to make him recover it.

What is this with PF being replaced? I bailed after the opening episode of that series because I couldn't buy PF as the hero to DO's villain.

Urban, another wonderful recap punctuated by the savvy Olympian commentary. You gotta love it! Thanks!

My favorite scene was Yolanda doing the " cancela cancela cancela" just like Ana when Isabela was in pain.

My least liked scene: Reina having to put in her two cents one more time. She needs to go.

What's up with Beatriz going after Enrique in his "moment of need?" Unless she is doing "undercover" work (that was intended to be funny) she is really sick to align herself with him.

And we all knew that Ana was going to be set up by Isabela to have a physical altercation with her. Unfortunately, Ana was too upset to see it coming and played right into it.

Will Fanny or León tell Fernando about the threats that Enrique made against Leon's family or not?



Urban, Pedro Fernández is ill and cannot finish the telenovela.


Yes it was confirmed today and through interviews that PF is leaving in midNovember. The scuttlebutt is that his wife and daughter don't like his love scenes with MdelaS. Although
PF stated in an interview that he was leaving the show due to health reasons.
Univision and Televisa confirmed DZ replace PF.

Oh and US TV is making a remake of "Reina del Sur" (for USA tv, I think). It was a nice change from the typical novela storyline. But "LA Traicion" was stupendously great!

Why can't they come up with new story lines instead of regurgitating the same ones over and over. "Reina" isn't that old. I just finished watching it on YouTube.

I think Jarifa or Julia strongly recommended "Reina" to me. Why can't they produce more mystery novelas?

Are they making it in English?

Remakes are happening because all these networks are becoming very risk-adverse. They'd rather do another version of something that had been successful rather than take a chance on something unknown.

As to changing actors, it's understandable when this happens due to illness or pregnancy (as with Edith Gonzales about 10 years ago). However, if it's due to a clash of personalities they need to grow up.

Back to our story:

Reina needs to get over herself, as do Hissabela, Enfrique, and Fanny's friends.

It must have been Julia because I have not seen it.


It's a good one, worth watching especially if you like Ivan Sanchez and Kate del Castillo

Victoria, thanks for the recommendation.


Thanks, Urban and Olympians, for another fantastic recap, including screenshots and divine commentary!

Bruno's shushing Manuela annoyed me. If he serves as her supervisor at the mansion, I suppose I can understand his right to silence her. If he feels he can control her behavior because he dates her, I dislike his assumption of male "superiority" in the relationship. To me, it suggests men, who are "rational and wise," need to keep women, who are "emotional and impulsive," in check. It's a touchy subject with me. . .

Thank you, UA, for explaining the difference between 'te quiero' and 'te amo.' I thought they meant the same thing; therefore, I thought Ana declared her romantic love for Diego. Even though I know Diego isn't her endgame, I was happy. I figured if he was going to die in a horrible motorcycle accident, at least he would pass on to the afterlife believing in Ana's love. I do not look forward to Diego experiencing heartbreak again because his brother stole the girl. (Of course, heartbreak is far better than death by motorcycle accident!)

My favorite parts of last night's capitulo were the kids and Yomama's mimicking Ana's 'cancelo, cancelo, cancelo,' suggesting how profoundly Ana affects their lives. Cute!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Interestingly just when I was asking myself about amar vs querer years ago the question was answered for me in a novela in a line said by Jorge Salinas. However, it does bug me that "amar" is not exclusive to romantic love and is also used between parents and children. I really think that there should be a distinction between those two.

Bruno is the lead servant (majordomo) and does have authority over the rest of the staff (except Ana) so he technically has the right to shush any of them. In this particular example Manuela would have not added anything helpful in the situation because she hadn't witnessed anything.

Very nice recap.

-Did Ana/Jenny ever tell anyone about the brujas leaving them on the side of the road for the wedding?

-Does it bother anybody else when the brujas mock Bruno's speech? That's waaay out of line.

-Beatriz at first came across as very intelligent and self confident. Is Enrique that irresistable, what's going on there?

-Is Enrique really resigning? Seems odd that he wasn't forced to clean out his desk and escorted out on Monday morning.

UA, awesome recap and screen caps. I really hated Isa talking to the 'audience' again... please writers, stop that... we are not as dumb as she thinks.

I am wondering how Reeky will use the fact that Betty has sworn to side with him... he probably will use her in the party in the demise of Fernando stating stte of 'And Betty is witness!' and she won't feel enough dignity to deny so she will end up betraying Fernando for her love for Reeky.

I wonder how much the kids witnessed... if they heard YoMama say to Isa that she caused the danger to the baby and that Isa wants YoMama to keep quiet about this... this will really play against Isa's plans. When Ana is accused they won't stay quiet, that is for sure. Even if they don't know the details it will plant the reason for doubt in the minds of others.

It was funny that Isa and Yomama's convo in the waiting room of the hospital... when Isa basically was trying to say her mom was idiot, her mother said something in returned and finished it saying 'and who is the idiot?' and both the patient sitting by YoMama and the receptionist were nodding like 'yeah i know'.

I really want Leon to tell Fernando and Fanny the whole story of Reeky's accusations. That way Fernando might start suspecting Reeky before the party... but i doubt it. By the way, when Reeky came to show Fernando the last balance reports, Fernando saw something there he wanted Reeky to rework. Also when Reeky brought the budget for the celebration, Fernnado seemed to think it was too expensive so he wanted Reeky to redo the budget too... and in there somewhere (probably telling tight bun) he said that Reeky had a few days or weeks left to work there and in that time he would finish some reports he had to do. So Reeky is still there for a few weeks, I guess... and that will give him enough time to get his plan going.

UA, I LOVE LOVE your scenario about the restaurant... esp when Fernando can hire Reina (as long as she changes her attitude) and other people from the barrio (with a little more than the minimum wage they would be happy there since he would not look down on them) and he would have Margarita's tasteful cooking... I like it... very much.

I wonder if Bruno's demise is actually someone else's like his mom. And he will need to clear the misunderstanding by spilling out the truth.


Did you all see traces of wood on that mallet?? hmmm!! I wonder if Bruno noticed them too... a mallet with fresh traces of wood sitting on YoMama's night table...

I didn't notice any wood chips but Bruno should definitely question what such a thing would be doing in Yomama's room when she and her brat demand to be kowtowed to and waited on hand and foot.

I suppose that Fanny being out of the office is the reason Fernando didn't insist that Enfrique not return to it. However, I don't know whether corporate behavior in Mexico resembles that of US behavior with regard to this situation. He has no clue that Enfrique had such a grudge against him as he does and as someone pointed out last week if Enfrique's father's company depended on the one contract it wasn't well-managed in the first place.

Echoes of Rogelio and Bruno in LQNPA.

Always enjoy the gods and goddesses kavetching on our story. Great recap UA and next time you channel the high and mighty, ask them to prep a few lightning bolts would you?

I suppose Isa swearing to God was our indication that she is beyond hope. Frankly Yomama laughing at knowing Ana's distress over the guitar and what Isa did puts her right there too. I think I was madder about that reaction than anything Isa did since we know she's "evil".

Just enough of the Bruno story. He's not dying and the writers need to move this along. Now the kids are upset, time to clear up the mystery.

I cannot believe Betty would be that stupid, so my guess is she's playing Eeeky. If not she is as dumb as a clock, but if she's helping him on this anniversary party, hopefully she'll discover what he's going to do and stop it?

Cracks me up about Tight Bun's assertion about the stockholders. Yeah, what all three of them? Most major corporations, stockholders are use to non-CEO people coming and going and Eeky has not been there long enough to make an impact. C'mon writers, let's be a little more realistic here on how large corporations are run.

I still think the family is going to take a financial hit of some kind. Way too many clues and inferences to things going that way.But I can't believe Fer would lose everything. I could see the family taking a financial hit that would down-play their living status. If the writers do try to play it that everything is lost, then Fer has to be the dumbest businessman out there and never planned for his family's future? I can't believe that. I wonder what those "documents" were that Fer gave the lawyer?

I think that could be the part 2 of this TN - the family adapting to a new way of life outside the mansion. I actually would enjoy that. (Love Fer's reaction to Fanny wanting to go to a ...GASP...public university.! Horrors! Maybe he does need a lesson in how the other 90% lives).

In a way I'm glad Leon didn't go postal on Eeky though he certainly couldn't be blamed. But he should march straight to Fer and tell him that Eeky didn't deny it. That way Fer can FIRE Eeky's butt instead of asking for a resignation and letting him do the 2 week hang around and run some stupid party.

Ok, I took the bone of Ana hugging the daylights out of Diego. My happy moment.


I definitely think that Leon will eventually have to rescue Fanny from Enrique. The actor playing Leon has potential as a junior galan so he will get the opportunity to be heroic after having to express so much frustration.

What surprises me so much about this story is the lack of sibling rivalry among the Lascurain kids. Sebastian and Alicia are typical middle kids but don't seem to envy their older or younger sibs for anything.

Betty going to the dark side is not a good turn at all. I also want to think she's spying on him because she knows he's a cad. Was there any earlier comment about how long she has worked there?

Another awesome job UA

“Sometimes a gentleman is not the best thing to be,” said Zeus.

My favorite bit last night was when Bruno said he could call the moving van for Yomama.

Runners up, Isabela reminding us we cannot warn anyone and the employees that were collecting the papers in the background that Ricky had knocked clear across the room.

Yuck moment was Betty immediately running into the arms of Ricky.

Why Leon doesn't tell Fernando what is going down with the threat to Fanny & his own child, I cannot fathom.

I am not bothered so much by Reina (19 year old girl crushing on a guy for 10 years and thought it her turn but remains in the friendzone) and it her comments the other evening that struck the bone with Fanny and pointed her toward social & economic inequality.

Fernando - no, what I mean is I heard about the toga parties at that school

Tomás - and you thought my prenuptial suggestion absurd

Leon - hit record on that cell phone

Ricky - "I may look calm but in my head I've killed you three times"

Fanny - how do I tell him about this anarchy tattoo

Diego - "Cause you don't really love me
You just keep me hangin' on"

Isabela - I swear on my broom

Betty - ass kisser

Ana - snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory


UrbanA: Loved the Greek gods' commentary. Especially noteworthy:

“Look at that tight bun. It must require enough strength to pull up her sagging face.” (Worth a large guffaw or two!)

'Enrique slapped them out of his hand and they went flying" --totally childish and out of place in a bidnez environment.' (What a fricking butthead.)

“León, it's not enough to have the courage of a lion; you need the stealth of the lioness. You also need the wisdom of an owl.” --ITA!! Fight fire with fire, here. At least his mama knows when to come out with the truth. But Fanny claims no proof? Doesn't this private university's security department have cameras?

Bety may be plotting her own venganza..... She owes El Quickay de Quique big time.


Tofie: you got me ROTFLOL with those lists of yours--uhgain.

Tofie, your lines got me ROFLOL walking into a work meeting... Mercy!!
too funny on Fernando and Betty's lines. who is Tomas?


I wonder how much the kids witnessed... if they heard YoMama say to Isa that she caused the danger to the baby and that Isa wants YoMama to keep quiet about this... --Ojala and from your lips to Dios' ears.

Folks: Interesting bit of news re: PF, but please remember to mark that type of comment with O/T (off topic) as a courtesy to those of us who are not watching that one.

=/ : ? )


Ana's fate or luck has GOT to change soon... tofie, loved your Ana line today... so on key!...

Thanks again, UA, for a terrific recap, divine commentary (and comedy) and super screen shots.
Quite an episode.

I have to say as a card-carrying sociologist (honest, that is what I teach) and product and employee of a public university, I had a good chuckle at Fernando's reaction to Fanny's career plans. I did want to suggest that if she wants to be a social worker rather than a sociologist, there are many fine career-oriented programs for social work in Mexico, but this is novelaland. I do love the idea of Fanny, one of my favorite characters and adorable in her short outfits and fancy necklaces, at the Autonomous University. Should make for some interesting episodes.

This turn of events and her relationship with Leon are, I believe, other clues that the Lascurain will be seeking a new line of work from a much more modest vantage point. All of that could well eat up the rest of the episodes if they play each nuance to the hilt.

I wonder if Isabela's baby WILL survive the the kids spill the beans to Fernando. That I would love to see. Hope I am not disappointed!

And Fanny is very resourcefull with her great colorful necklaces... the one with pinks, oranges and blue flowers she has used as both a necklace and as a belt a couple episodes later... someone here in the forum had commented they would like to buy it.

Marta - I noticed today that Fanny,Sr. was wearing a similar necklace in her scene, when she was talking about her foundation. I wonder who that actress is, by the way. I always enjoy her scenes.


Info on Pedro Fernandez

Amazing recap Urban!

I hope someone finds Ana's broken guitar pieces in the trash. Just so that she knows what happened to it.

Really hope Betty is playing Reeky because otherwise she has absolutely no self esteem. She has seen him treat Leon terribly, knows there is something up with Fanny, and most importantly, he has treated her like trash.

I'm not sure if the kids really heard enough to lay blame on Isa for the baby. Just some words about her putting herself in danger, which could be shrugged off as just trying to grab Ana.

Jonny's scenes seem out of place at the moment. No connection to the overall story anymore.

I like the flashback scene with Fanny talking to her mom. I would like more of those, with the other kids too.

Fer is being way too trusting. He expects Reeky to be a professional even though he has basically fired him. And entrusted him with something so important as the Anniversary celebration, but I guess he wouldn't see a party as having much impact on overall company performance.

Always impressive Urban.

Fabulous screen shots, narrative, Aphrodite/Persephone, Zeus/Hermes conversations and summary. "She walked back toward the library and sarcastically gloated at her imaginary audience it was a shame they couldn't say anything" was my favorite of many great lines.

I am very enthusiastic about your vision regarding the restaurant in addition to the wealth of knowledge and expertise his family would provide.

I really wish Ana were not within striking distance (so to speak) of Isa when the pain began. Even the children's close presence might not be enough to keep Ana out of the fray.

Why isn't Leon running right to Fernando and telling him what Enrique did? I guess we must hope Fanny isn't as closemouthed.

Fantastic UA. I marvel at your creativity.


We all know this isn't about overall company performance; it's about Reeky's revenge. Linda of The Tight Bun is all about profits. The company is solvent, but it's not making the profits she wants to go into her own pocket. That's her problem with Fernando as far as we know, but I also wonder whether he has rejected her advances in the past.

People are expected to behave professionally in this situation because any information that they don't will definitely come back to bite them on the tuchas. However, sometimes it's better to risk the gossip than allow a company to be hurt by vindictive action (which Fernando isn't expecting).

Thanks to all the Olympians (including UA) for a fantastic recap. I love all the commentary.

SO frustrated with Fer. Here, Fer, let me write you a script:
"Enrique, you have crossed the line. You are beyond rude to your coworkers and you have sexually harassed at least one. So, you are leaving. I'm willing to let you say you resigned. Here is your severance check. Hand over your company ID and keys. The security guard and I will wait while you pack any personal belongings and walk you to your car."

Leon really, REALLY needs to tell Fanny and Fer what Enfrique is saying about getting Fanny by any means necessary. She is the one threatened. Fer has the means to try to protect her.

I predict that the baby will be fine, but that Isa will milk the scare for all it's worth in order to stay in the mansion and make everyone pamper her and convince them that they can't do anything to upset her.

Tired of Bruno's stupid secrets. Just tell Manuela and Ana what's going on.

Carvivle, couldn't agree with you more about Johny's scenes last night. Most of the time they are not worth the viewing effort, but that one last night was so random. And we care about the fact she is out of money why? Are we getting set up for Johny to do something stupid to help her? Or is she only wanting him for HIS money--boy she's in for a surprise.

You know, wouldn't it be fun to have Diego send off Ana's shots to a modeling agency, and she is the one who becomes famous and rolling in dough while Isa, Eeky and even Fer decline in fortune? What poetic justice that would be. Of course, since she is who she is, she would share with those she loves, but it would be a hoot to see her come out on top of the financial food chain.



Julia, I agree with that entire post.

I suspect Leon is thinking that he should "be a man" and handle this himself, which is why he hasn't told Fernando. He wants to protect Fanny himself and thereby show his worthiness. Understandable if impractical.

We still don't know who Leon's father is and I hope it doesn't end up being Enfreaky (back from when his mother was a servant in Enfreaky's house?). That's an injustice Leon doesn't deserve.

Of course, the problem with Ana becoming a famous model is twofold:

-- Credibility because she's over 30
-- Somebody will come out of the woodwork to reveal Ana's other job or non-Don Doroteo will blackmail her out of her new income to keep quiet about it.

Daisynjay, that would be fun if Ana became rich and famous. She is so funny and such a talented dancer I could see her having her own half hour variety show, even Jonny could do his 10 second joke sequence.

Marta, I believe Tomas is Fernando's attorney.

So, Edna is flat broke and comes to Juan for help, wha?

Even if Leon doesn't protect Fanny, his son was threatened last night. Don't just threaten to call the popo, do it.

I agree that I think Tight Bun must have been passed over by Fer at some point. Her vitriol is too emotional to be about just profits, she wants to ruin the man, just as much as Reeky it seems.

yes, Ana has that particular achilles heal... her 'secret' which Isa has threatened to find and Ana shows worry in her face which is not particularly throwing Isa out of her curiosity.

So yes, if Ana were to be discovered as a model.. first the age issue... then her secret 2nd job issue which might keep her out of the income. I would not doubt she would want to help the Lascurains... but she might not want the model career because of all she knows about 'the life out there' on a 'been there done that' type experience.


yes tofie, i totally forgot about the lawyer. you are right, i believe his name is Tomas.

which makes your line about him hysterical. indeed!

What if Reeky and Leon are half-brothers? Twenty-six years ago, Papa Lobo could have been a hale and hearty middle-aged man getting it on with the cook and then throwing her out. Or maybe getting his kicks against her will.

I skip Juanabe's scenes. He disgusts me. Ana is going to need an exorcist and many gallons of bleach for her house when she finally gets him out of it.

They'll never get Juan out of that house even with a can of axle grease and a shoe horn.

Hope he doesn't or hasn't impregnated either Edna or Dana.

1)What surprises me so much about this story is the lack of sibling rivalry among the Lascurain kids. Sebastian and Alicia are typical middle kids but don't seem to envy their older or younger sibs for anything.

The sibling rivalry is between Sebastian and Alicia, and Alicia towards Fanny.

Alicia is probably tired of being overlooked for Fanny and overshadowed by Sebastian. That's where the rivalry is.

The younger group of kids look up to the older group of kids and the older group of kids see themselves as the protectors of the younger group of kids.

The middle group of kids is where the rivalry problems are, and Sebastian & Alicia are the middle kids.

2) Bety is stupid and thirsty and will probably help Enrique because she's jealous that he has eyes for Fanny (but too stupid to notice that Fanny does NOT have eyes for Enrique).

Daisynjay - I love your possible scenario about Ana's future modeling success!

Julia - Juanabe is a perfect name for him!

Tofie - Your one-liners made me laugh as usual:

*"Fernando - no, what I mean is I heard about the toga parties at that school"

*"Tomás - and you thought my prenuptial suggestion absurd"

*"Fanny - how do I tell him about this anarchy tattoo"

Speaking of prenup., do we know if Fer got one?

Also, re. Rip Van Halen's comment, did Jen or Ana ever tell anyone about the brujas leaving them stranded on the side of the road?

Rip Van Halen - Yes. Mocking Bruno's stuttering makes me shudder. I find it inappropriate to mock anyone's handicap.


I'm surprised Ana didn't at least tell Fanny that Isa left them stranded. I can see why she'd hesitate to tell Fer even though he should know every detail of his wife's horridness. She's think that complaining about Isa makes her look catty and like she's just trying to cause problems. But it seems like the sort of thing she'd be itching to tell someone. And Jen should certainly tell Nico.

Do we need any anti-fertility telenovela spells to keep Juantrackmind from reproducing? Even the fictional world doesn't need any of his sleaze spawn.

I hope that Jennifer tells Nick. She has no qualms about revealing such information. In fact, she should now that Fernando is her stepson.

The kids not all out fighting doesn't bother me because their mom died. I feel like that would bring them very close together. The sibling rivalry is starting to trickle through as the time distance from their mom's death grows.

I find it believable that the kids don't really fight, aside from Alicia's tiffs with Sebastian and Fanny.

For the most part, Fanny sees herself as an adult protector/leader of her siblings, and they look up to her in that way. Nando is Switzerland and has a peacemaker personality. Mostly he just isn't all that involved with the rest of them, so they have no problem with him.

The twins are occupied with their own fun and dealing with problems like Isa. They see their siblings as allies (except sometimes Alicia), not enemies.

And Luz is a sweetheart and everyone loves her. Plus she was so traumatized by their mother's death, they all seem to feel protective of her.

Plus, in this family, there are plenty of resources to go around. Lots of space/electronics/treats etc. They don't need to fight over stuff. Attentionwise, Luz gets the most from Fer and Ana, but the others are older and probably prefer a little more separation and independence.

Alicia and Sebastian are the only ones with anger issues. Even so, their clashes mostly relate to Isabully.

Can't see what Sebastian Rulli and Mark Tacher saw/see in Ms. Tight Buns.

Just catching up on today's comments and am still amazed (and in agreement) with the number of comments regarding Johnny and his totally worthless, stupid role in this novela.
I haven't been able to learn anything about how this character is being received in Mexico, but I wish the producers would read our lips (index text finger) -- axe the guy already.

what are the names of the actresses playing the part of Dana and Edna?

Victoria, I think you stated the wrong finger. This sexist pig and his perviness and boundary crossing that is apparently supposed to be funny? Read my middle finger, producer.

What's odd is that the show IS making a point of how Enrique's behavior toward Fanny is unacceptable. Juanabe's similar behavior gets a pass why? Is it supposed to be okay if he doesn't snarl and make threats during or after? Ugh.

The difference between Juanabe and Enfrique is that Juanabe isn't threatening anyone. Both Ana and Jennifer walked away from him without consequences; so could Dana and Edna.

Enfrique, on the other hand, is a sociopath. Someone should take all the knives out of his apartment.

Agree, from our perspective, because we know what Reeky is up to. But Fanny doesn't know about his threats yet, and she still thought he was a creep and treated him accordingly. Why didn't those actresses that Johnny was pawing similarly recoil at his behavior? They didn't know him at all and had no clue how far his creepiness went.

Loved your comment report my use of the text finger.

**re my use
darn new phone

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