Friday, January 23, 2015

La Gata #103 1/23/15 If You Teach a Man to Fish...

Some scenes have been combined.

Gisela has brought her home her stray. She ushers him in with a flourish and a "welcome to OUR home Pablo." He looks a little confused, but this is nothing new. He asks Gi if she's sure he will be able to recover his memory here. She's very sure. He really thinks he should go to the doctor. That's usually how they treat such cases, isn't it. Gi assures him that with her love and "attentions" he will recuperate. She asks for just a few days. Just a few days and her love can cure him. She is his only love. She goes in for a kiss, but Pablo is suddenly wracked with the memory of a gun going off. I think he's disgusted by her crazycooties, too. (That footage of him falling and hitting his head on the rock seems ripe for GIF-ing. I wish I had the skillz to make it happen.) He steps back and accuses Gisela "It was you!!"

The three stooges of the Basurero (Garabato, Hot-scar and the one with no name) slang it up or mumble it up. I catch that they are annoyed that La Gata that she's earning some money and is a rich little lady and she's forgetting about her basurero peeps. She finally gets them to shut up long enough to hear her plan to start a sweat shop co-op. She will teach them all how to string beads. Are you laughing? 'Cause I am laughing my ass off.

Pablo continues to accuse and grab his head. "It was you! It was you who shot me!" He's so confused. He knows she was the one pointing the gun at him. Gisela assures him he's got it wrong. It wasn't her! She swears on their love! He moans and groans and we get flashbacks of him and La Gata in a balloon, on the barranca, carving trees to the tune of a warped "Todo lo que soy." He looks over and sees a notebook under a cushion (did he ever work in that apartment? How did that get there? Why am I looking for logic or sense?) He asks about the girl in the sketch and Gisela tells him it's his model. Or rather, the woman was his model until she went crazy for Pablo and shot him (I do believe psychologists call this "projection.") Pablo wants more explanations. Gisela tells him that the woman in the picture is his worst luck. Gisela tells him again that she and he are a couple. She begs him not to hurt her again because of that woman. She cries and he comforts her. Do you hear that? That's me retching. co-op.

Pablo lies in bed and wonders why he feels so repulsed by Gisela if they are a couple. On her side of the bed Gisela tells herself that she's gotten him in her bed and in no time she'll get him in her arms and he will taste her passion and once that happens, he'll never be able to forget her. Yes, that sound you hear is me still retching.

Dorila dreams. She is in the dump, a baby in her arms. She comes upon a jacal and bangs loudly on the door. No one answers. Finally, she leaves the infant in a box at the door. She walks away. She hesitates a moment, but finally finds the strength to walk away (Something Gata-ites haven't found.) She awakes with a start and remembers Rita telling her that they have much to discuss. Dorila turns on the bedside lamp and continues to reminisce. She remembers her conversation with Centavito and telling Rita that there is no way "it's him." She can't forget, it's true. But she's not sorry. She did what she had to do. It was either the child or her. She had no other option.

The Basurero Co-op sells their necklaces at stoplights (which look suspiciously close to the MN mansion.) They count their pesos. I love this turn of events. We've spent so much time talking about Lo's beads and the Big Ass Bead of the month club that I'm just tickled that the Dumpster Dudes are now making and selling beads. It would almost make me think the writers and Mrs. Latoodle-oodle-oo planned it. But we know that's crazy, right?

Mariano misses Pablo. Lo does too and she's worried about Esme. If they arrest Esme what will happen to her? Mariano tells Lo that Fer goes out looking for Esme every day. Lo asks where Fer is looking and Mariano innocently provides her with the information. Fer is looking at the dump. Fer thinks that's where Esme is and Mariano agrees. Lo can't believe that Esme would put her children at risk. Mariano assure her that Esme would never do that. Lo may think the basurero is the worst place imaginable, but no one suffers from the disease of hatred there (just cholera.)

The police arrive in the basurero (hmmm, who could have possibly told them where she was?) A serious of complicated, and coded whistles sound throughout the dump. The police break into Esme's jacal and only find Maria. When asked about Esme, she tells the policemen that she doesn't know any Esmeralda and can they please leave? She's trying to take a nap.

Gisela has prepared a delicious pasta for Pablo. He asks what his favorite dish it. She's his mujer. She should know, right? She calls him Pablito and tells him he's such a little piggy that he likes everything. He ain't buyin' it. And don't call him Pablito.

Mariano visits Lo and she thanks him for visiting her every day since Pablo disappeared. She's still not convinced that Pablo has just "gotten away" to find himself or whatever. That is not like him. He would have told someone something. She's worried something bad has happened to him and if that's the case she'll die. Mariano comforts her.

Gisela silently wonders how the hell is she supposed to know what Pablo's favorite dish is. Even if she were La Gata (heaven forbid) she wouldn't know. She tells Pablo she's going to get some salt. The door bell rings. It's Lo! She beside herself with joy! She squeals and hugs Pablo. She asks what he's doing there.

Oy vey. The newsboy pose in the dump as we go to commercial break.

Lo is thrilled he's ok. Pablo just keeps calling her "señora" and telling her he doesn't know her. Lo assures him he'll get his memory back and things will be like they were before. Gisela enters from the kitchen as Pablo explains that "they" shot him in the head and he can't remember anything. Gisela explains that she told Pablo that they couldn't go to the police without proof and that's why it's so urgent that he recover his memory so he can file a complaint against that maldita Gata (*wink wink*.) Lo is confused. How could Esme have done that. Gisela thinks it's best that she and Lo talk alone. It's not a good idea for Pablo to get upset. Pablo disagrees. He thinks they can talk in front of him. Then he changes his mind and decides he's going to go out. They can continue their chat. Gisela asks where he's going to go and he responds "wherever life takes me." Lo tries to discourage him since he's still suffering from lagunas mentales (mental lapses.) He might not know how to get back. He actually says "I'm not an imbecile." He clearly does not read our comments. He can get the address. He'll be fine.

Garabato monologues. He and the rest of the basurero crew have been protecting and helping Esme, but now it's time for him to look after his own self. He takes off.

Lo wants to know who really shot J.R. Pablo because if it was Gisela. Gisela doesn't let her finish. How dare Lo accuse her! She loves Pablo and wants him alive, but if they can get him to believe it was that disgusting Gata then they will be rid of her once and for all!

Apparently life took Pablo to the Psychedelic Cat mural. He muses that his own steps brought him here and something tells him that he painted that mural. But how could he have done that mural and not remember it? He flashes back to his first meeting with Gisela. He thinks some more and remembers La Gata. He knows she's important to him and he can't remember who she is! More flashbacks. He can't even remember who he is! What is wrong with him? Who is she??? More flashbacks.

Lo celebrates finding Pablo. Augie guesses correctly the reason for her glee. She gushes about her son being fine and that he's not thinking about the Gata. He's at Gisela's. Mariano walks in just in time to hear this.

Garabato is pacing in Gisela's apartment. She wants him to calm down. He can't believe she is so cold-blooded. She shot someone she supposedly loved! And then she took him back to her house as her husband. Gisela yells that it's La Maldita Gata who is going to pay the price. Grabato tells her that La Gata has never done any harm to Gisela and neither has Pablo. Gisela disagrees. Pablo REJECTED her and that's the worst thing you can do to a woman (and can think of worse, but whatever Gisela.) Now she has Pablo to herself and Garabato is going to stay quiet. Garabato tells her that she and that Juan Garza guy have changed his life and that's going to cost them! (Garabato's acting style kind of reminds me of Blanca Soto's: Wild-eyed and nose-scrunchy gritted teethy.)

Mariano can't believe Pablo is at Gisela's. He can't stand her! Lo couldn't believe it either, but she saw it! Pablo said the whole time he's been gone he was with Gisela. Mariano still doesn't believe it. It's just too wierd. He's going to go to Gisela's apartment and get to the bottom of this. Pablo is going to explain what's going on OR Mariano is going to have him locked up in the looney bin the only way Pablo would be with Gisela would be if he was crazy. Augie wonders how much longer Lo's little show can go on. Lo starts dialing the phone.

Gisela walks around in circles (I give her a 7. Augie is still the Roundy Roundy Champ) and tells Lo that Pablo still hasn't come back. Lo tells Gi to invent something to tell Mariano. He's on his way to talk to Pablo. He wants answers. Gi insists that Pablo is hers now and if she has to she'll take him out of the county while she tries to convince him they are man and wife.

Garabato barges into Juan Garza's apartment. He wants answers, too. Who were his parents? Juan tells him that Bruno y Sondra de la Fuente. They were as rich or richer than El Silencioso. The were killed for their money. Augustin Martinez Negrete didn't have that much money and he robbed El Silencioso. Garabato wants to know what that has to do with he parents. Juan Garza doesn't have time to explain. There is an warrant out for La Gata's arrest and if the little show about the fake paternity is discovered, they will be out to arrest Juan Garza. Juan is leaving the country where no one can find him. He leaves Garabato with a folder with all the information he needs to get his questions answered. Garabato is going to school, right? So read! But be careful!

Gi wonders where Pablo is. They need to get out of Mexico. Mariano barges in and wants to know where his brother is.

Garabato looks through the newspaper clippings in the folder and remembers Ines telling him that society has left them behind, has avoided them, marginalized them. That's all they know. There's no other way to live. They live through hate.

More complicated and coded whistles. Total filler.

Mariano demands to know where is brother is and how Gisela convinced him to come to her apartment. She tells Mariano that she convinced Pablo that her love was genuine (well it is genuinely crazy.) Mariano reminds her that Pablo pretty much hates her. She doesn't like that. She tells him he can leave. Mariano isn't leaving without his brother. Gisela informs him that she and Pablo are leaving for Italy tonight and they are going to spend quite some time there. Mariano is going to have to wait at least 6 months to find out any answers. She kicks him out of the apartment. Mariano tells himself that unless he hears it from Pablo,he will continue to think this latest development is just another one of Gisela's locuras. He checks his phone and doesn't see Pablo walk by 4 inches away from him (I actually scream and curse so loudly my husband comes to check on me.) Mariano turns around just as Pablo is walking into the apartment. Mariano yells "hermano" at the closing door.

Pablo has more flashbacks and seems to ignore the strange man outside screaming "brother we have to talk!!" Mariano wonders what the hell is going on. Pablo can't be with Gisela.

Jewelry making class. Esme yammers about the co-op and the basurero people being self-sufficient after she goes.

They stay up all night stringing beads. Esme is going to go out to sell beads and go to the church. The church gives her strength.

Pablo woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He's going out and he doesn't need to explain himself to Gisela. Gisela decides that the story she told the trip to get rid of Mariano needs to become a reality.

Blanca and Fernando talk about how much they want to find Esme. One day they will find her. They have to be together. When that corrupt judge goes to jail and the truth about Juan Garza comes out, Esme can come back, right? Fer assures Blanca he will find her.

Mariano is at the barranca, but there is no Pablo. He understands that Pablo wanted to get away from Esme, but how could he want to be away from his brother?

Previous: Episode 102
Next: Episode 104


Well where the hell are we headed?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, Mariano! "No one suffers from the disease of hatred in the basurero." Really? Just like they are all about "lealtad?"

I guess Ines doesn't hate La Gata, then.

And Garabato doesn't hate "los ricachones."

And the meatball doesn't hate Pablo.

And Rita doesn't hate everybody, especially little kids she can't exploit.

And the "witnesses" don't hate Esme.

Nope, no hate 'round here, your honor!


Noooooo! Gods of Telenovelaland and of all of us in Viewerville, please don't let Dorila la Gorila turn out to be Centavito's mother ... por lo que mas quieran!!!

I keep hoping that Centavito is a red herring, but so far there have no real surprising twists. Things always turn out to be exactly what we think they will be. Which for me is *YAWN*

The sad thing is this novela has not been edited and chopped to pieces like MQ and La Tempestad, but it still feels rushed, and oddly unfinished and like story lines got dropped.

Oh my gosh, yes! The editing is terrible! I seem to remember that it was the same way in CI. It's really sad when it looks like scenes have been chopped, but they haven't.

I just know that we are going to get to the end and still have a lot of unanswered questions.

Ooh, hilarious! The hardened basurero criminals who wouldn't hesitate to knock somebody off are now smilingly stopping cars and people on the street to sell their cheap plastic baubles, then all gather together with La (Maldita) Gata, happily counting their pennies, all cumbaya 'n stuff! Gahh!!

Oh, geez! Esmeralda's twins don't grow, but they DO shrink! Sporting her newsboy cap, she runs around with her two teeny, tiny bundles of joy. Umm ... okay.

Thank you Sara! As the show descends into inanity, the recaps are reaching new heights of wit, snark, and just plain hilarity! Whew!

Here is my crazy prediction: Dorila was taking that baby to the dump...for someone else! For Lorenza! ("I had to do it, I had no choice".)

Also: almost every episode they show that aerial view of the Basurero, it's flat as a pancake as far as the eye can see. So where is the woody, hilly "barranca" where those two crazy kids Pablo and La Gata met to go sliding down the hill? It seems to be within walking distance of both the MN mansion and the dump. It must be a pop-up barranca.

I was HOL (Hooting Out Loud) when Garabato, Rita and the tough guys were stringing those plastic beads! (Did Rita burn through all her lottery dough already?)

Okay, nitey-nite for now, have a nice weekend all!

J in Oregon

So they are going to get out of poverty by selling cheap jewelry to people? Gosh darn we just found a solution to poverty, what next, a cure for cancer? And Rita is a witch! She should have died ages ago, what is she needed for if sh no longer holds any valuable secrets? And while I'm at it, how does she not know that Garza is her son?

While i havent watched La Gata at all,this recap was hilarious,the most favorite and funny line being " Lo may think the Basurero is the worst place imaginable but no one suffers from hatred or disease( Just cholera) LOL!

Love this Sara. I want to sit in your class, bet it a blast.

"Gisela walks around in circles (I give her a 7. Augie is still the Roundy Roundy Champ)"

Ya know, if I was the shop owner that gave Esmeralda her start, I'd be pissed she's selling knock off's in the street

Pablo - aha, got ya, my favorite food is Gerber sweet peas

Gisela - we always sleep naked and spoon

Mural - look, the idiot returned to the scene of the crime

Mariano - I need to call Ghost Hunters, sumpin's in this hall

Esmeralda - "There is a serious tendency toward Capitalism among the well to do peasants" Mao Zedong

Garabato - Don Garabato, gotta nice ring to it

Juan - look stupid, there's a, you break it you buy it policy and I ain't paying

Blanca - yeah, like you're gonna find her like you found me

Lorenza - he's never been a bright boy so I can live with this


Anon1:08- it's like the writers have forgotten about all the criminal activity and gunplay. It's really ironic that they are now selling jewelry after having robbed a jewelry store. Unintended humor is the best.

Anon1:27- those ageless and size shifting babies have got to be the biggest plot holes we've got. And I'm so over the damn newsboy cap. If I see one more quasi art shot of Esme in the newsboy looking out over the windswept dump I'm gonna nerfazo the hell out of my TV.

J in Oregon- I think we're on the same page. I think there is more to that story than they are telling us (in miniscule bits and pieces.) I know that we all conjectured early on that Lorenza may have been to the dumpster born.

Eli- I am so over Rita. As my students say "why is she even here? She's irrelevant." (Let me tell you, teens have no patience for irrelevant villains.)

Countx- thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the recap!

tofie- if walls could talk. My faves on this list have to be Pabs and Esme's entries.

Let me guess, Esme is still incompetent?

But was Esme ever competent?

There were glimmers of competence at the beginning (remember her phone answering job?), but those glimmers were quickly snuffed out.

I also screamed at the TV when Pablo walked right by mariano. I find it impossible that he couldn't have seen him coming. Also, his brother has been missing and he sees him go into the apartment and he makes that lame attempt to get him?? Why didn't he call the cops right then?? Why didn't he damn near break the door down?? According to the show Mariano just left. How dumb is that?? This show seems like it's written for grade school childen.


And then there's Pablo. He knows he's suffering from memory loss, but he ignores the guy screaming "brother"? He just stood there like a lump. But should I be surprised?

That was such a frustrating scene.

Sara. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for watching this swill! If I want to scream just reading your wonderfully descriptive recap, I can only wonder what it must have been like to have to watch it.

Good Googamoogah!

Where did this woman get the idea that it's a good thing to antagonize and frustrate the hell out of the viewer? This is soooo like CI but Gisela makes it 100 times worse!

It's all I can do not to call a curse down upon Univision and the whole damned production team of this messeduppiece! AAAAAARRRRGGGH!

Oh and while I'm comment bombing- is anyone as frustrated as I am about the sudden surplus of flashbacks? Like we don't recognize filler when we see it?

Here, Lila. I'm passing you some booze. I know it's early, but it's 5 o'clock somewhere, right?

Thank you, Sarah, I may need to have that booze IV!

Yes, all the muted toned flashbacks. . .oooo.. . so artistic.. NOT!!!


Yeah the flashbacks look more like acid trips to me.

I'd never wish for you to have to endure this again, Sara, but I wonder what your students would think of this smokin' heap>

that > is supposed to be a ?

First of all, they would not like Dan. At least the girls wouldn't. Boys and girls alike are enjoying Maite in CCEA.

And with Dvd cutting out all the extra stuff, it makes CCEA look good. I almost want to get the Gata Dvd and see if the hack job makes it better.

Dan wouldn't be cute enough for them. They would love Willy Boy, though.

I wonder if Gisela cooked Pasta or were these actually the remnants of Pablo's nonexistant brain?

Sara, That was soooo good and this show is sooooo bad.

The filler right now is amazing. There is more filler than content. Endless flashbacks and endless basuero shots.

A GIF of Pablo's head hitting the rock would be great, but I think we need one of Augie spinning his wheelchair.


Oh LN you are so right! That would be a perfect gif!



Thanks and praise to you Sara and all the recappers for mopping up this mess and making it fun, funny and entertaining to all us Patio addicts.

If I can say one thing for Toodle-Do she did come up with an original plot twist. A bunch of Hoods sitting around stringing beads? How about try to make anyone believe someone is going to buy those crappy necklaces?

I am wondering if Pablo grabbed his suitcase before treaking into the boondocks? Noticed he changes clothes several times before going to Gi's place. I noticed Gi stopped for a quick change as well, as she was swaggering round in black and red, but returned home in a white outfit. QTH

Esme loose the foul weather gear or at least bundle the babies up if it is that cold.

Amazing recap!!

The end cannot come soon enough though. If it takes until the last epi for Pablo to regain his memory I'm gonna kick something.

I think Diva is partial to kicking shins. ;-)

About Gata's cold weather gear: well no one else in the dump is wearing any cold weather gear. Some shots show guys in T-shirts! So perhaps Esme is just cold or is channeling scenes right out of the Russian revolution.
And I love the horses in the dump. I hope none of the actors or the babies get seriously ill from the bacteria which obviously flourishes there, including this TN.

Esme is all bundled up and wearing that ridiculous hat among people who are wearing summery clothes because THAT'S how you blend in when you are hiding out! Estoooopida La-turd-doo-doo!

you recappers should get medals for recapping this crap...recrapping. I did not think anything could be bad bad as CI, but this tn has completely spun off the axil.

Thanks soooo much Sara!

Lots of flashbacks. Latoodle sure loves those. She especially loves them towards the end.

WTH? Garabto and his gang stringing beads then selling them out on the streets. Is Gata starting her own jewlery making business?? And isn't selling them out of the streets going to run her boss out of business???

That was frustrating how Pab just walked past Mariano. Then Mariano knocks on the door and eventually gives up. And Pab just stands there staring into space and thinking about Esme.

I guess Lo gave the cops the tip that Esme was at the dump.


@LilOne_95 wrote:
Really!! He just walk right in front of him 😬😬 #LaGataUS

@cobwebsophie wrote:
That was the DUMBEST "I didn't see him" walk ever seen in my WHOLE LIFE #LaGataUS

@iamjessyo wrote:
#LaGataUS Its funny how Esmeralda went back to the garbage but her hair is still the same like how?

@victoriaayumi wrote:
Pablo is still dumb. Even with a memory lapse. -_- #LaGataUS

@iamjessyo wrote:
#LaGataUS Omg eww he is sleeping
in her bed 😳😱😖😝

@dxegodelevingne wrote:
Am I the only one looking forward for #LaGataUs to be over? this novela is shit.

Anon3:28- that's it! It's the Russian revolution look!

Anon4:00- yes she definitely stands out. I'm not convinced that all that whistling is subtle either.

susanlynn - I really didn't think Ms Latoodle could top CI. Boy did she ever.

Mauricio- thank you for sharing those tweets. I loved that last one.

Thanks, Mauricio!

Ewww, sleeping in her bed indeed! Glad I didn't see THAT!

And THIS is really good:

@victoriaayumi wrote:
Pablo is still dumb. Even with a memory lapse. -_-

I was thinking about that! Why couldn't he forget he was stupid?

Great stuff.


The look on dumb Pablo's face when Mariano was outside the door yelling was hysterical to me. He had his "thinking hard" face. It looked painful. Lol

Think that facial expression is indicative of Danny's horrible acting chops, that taking a dump look of his, like a Homonym, you need context.

It was the "smell the fart" acting technique that Joey learned on "Friends!"

Sara---For someone that doesn't like La Gata, Your snarky recap is holding strong right at 100%

The sweatshop co-op had me roaring

But no one suffers from the disease of hatred there, just cholera.

He actually says "I'm not an imbecile." He clearly does not read our comments.

Giesla walks around in circles (I
give her a 7, Augie is still the Roundy Roundy Champ.)

She convinced Pablo that her love is genuine. (well genuinely crazy)

We have supporting actors and actresses, could beads be a supporting storyline?

Anonymous 01:08:00AM---The hardened basurero criminals are now on the street selling their cheap plastic baubles. Yes, you see that the sweet, kind, loving, beautiful garbage dump goddess has turned hardened criminal thugs into good honest entrepreneurs. Three cheers for the raven haired goddess I say.

Eli---There really is no need to ask questions, not even important
ones. Ms.La Toodle Do will tell us all that we need to know and when we need to know it.

I just love the flashbacks of the young Esmeralda and Pablo, also in the opening intro. The casting director made an excellent choice
in choosing the younger version of our two charming lovebirds Esme and Pablo.

Sara---Roundy, roundy, roundy--kathunk. Ln & Sarah---Augie hitting his head? Yes maybe if David sends him some more booze.
the gringo


tofie said:
"like a Homonym, you need context."

Love it! So true!

Anon1:09- Do you watch Tierra de Reyes? Aaron Diaz is using the same technique!!

gringo- I have to agree with Diva: knowing that we are near the end has really brought some joy back. Mind you I always LOVED the company on the patio, but as far as the show goes I seem to be enjoying it a little more now. I have to agree with you about the casting of the young Pablo and Esme. They were great (and I feel more romance from them than from their grown-up counterparts.)


Stopping by to thank you, Sata, and all the patio peeps for great comments. Love the laughs and the wisdom I gain from each visit. The show's pretty much a write-off, except as a springboard for fun.

That was Sara, sorry.

Gee, Sara, thanks for another better-than-the-episode reporting of events in the dump and elsewhere.

The dump gang enthusiastically making jewelry and then marketing it on the street was as believable as the Sharks and the Jets dancing on "West Side Story."

My 4 year old granddaughters have a jewelry making kit, and I would dare to say that their efforts rival the gang's jewelry design efforts.

In Romeo and Juliet both characters died; in "West Side Story" Tony died, but Maria lived; in this mess, both Pablo and Esme get stupid. I don't know which is the worst tragic outcome.

Thanks again, Sara, for you wit and insight, and for giving us a reason to keep coming back to this sinkhole.


La Paloma- We do manage to make this fun, don't we?

David- I know without even looking that your granddaughters work surpass the work of Esme's crew.

Just for some context...

I spent all day Saturday on a shoot for an in-house training video. With no script, as I mentioned. Thankfully, they won't be using our audio, because we were just chatting about random stuff. The director would call out to us to look at this person, look at that person, turn, walk away, look serious, smile, etc. At one point I had to stand on a box because we were all standing and I guess my shortness was throwing off the composition of the scene...ha! Then, when I wasn't randomly chatting, I spent a lot of time walking back and forth just outside the camera's focus, so it would look like the office we were in was full of people. I did this in heels. I got blisters. By the end of the day I was hobbling like Rita in her boots. I was so tired, I went to bed before 9 and then still couldn't drag myself out of bed until after 8. Still hobbling. We spent about 3-4 hours dipping truffles...which is very labor-intensive, even with a tempering machine, and required standing almost the entire time. I think it's possible I watched the episode after we were done with that--I can't be sure. Again, went to bed early, didn't get out of bed until nearly noon today. Got some more chocolate orders in and finalized, looked at my music for tonight's rehearsal, got everything else out of the way and then FINALLY read the recap.

Sara, thank you so much for this excellent recap that riffed on every single thing I found stupid and confirmed for me that yes, it really was that bad and I wasn't just imagining it being suckier than it was because I was so exhausted.

Thank you to everyone who commented for saying all the stuff I wanted to say.

I'm afraid this is going to be indicative of my level of involvement between now and the end of the show, because chocolate.

Oh my! I hope you can soak your feet or something. Gawd I would have been in tears.

But chocolate!

Your shoot sounds like how I imagine they film La Gata. "Look surprised" Look sad" etc.

Look constipated....

The best word to describe this novelucha is Ludicrous.

Simona from CI was just on.

Was this episode cut?

Hi Augie! It wouldn't surprise me to find out it was. There are 121 episodes and the premiere of La Sombra del Pasado is February 16, so they will either cut or do a 2 hour fin on a Sunday like they did with CI. I think they will choose to cut.

Ugh. Make that hi ANGIE. Damn you SwiftKey!

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