Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #131 A new young man comes to stir some jealousy feelings in Fernando... and his brother hides under Fernando's bed


Fernando comes downstairs, notices Isa is all messed up by the baby, but as soon as she says Ana is with Alicia and Pablo in library, he heads there… Fernando gives Ana a couple quick kisses, despite her initial reluctance. Fernando gives a nice support speech to Alicia and Pablo, thanks Pablo for loving his daughter… Alicia makes MCET sign to him

Lo Nuevo:

Edith tells Fanny that she plans to sleep with Nando… Fanny is excited at the idea.

Bruno nervous that Zeus is taking too long to get the parts for the hot water in shower, Zeus is getting his dark spots removed at a spa… and lies to Bruno on phone that he was waiting for the person to tell him where to find the parts.

At company, Perla reprimends Leon for spending too much time with Laura at work… Laura leaves, Perla asks him what happened with his relationship with the Prez daughter. Leon says that is in the past… his relationship with Fanny is over.

Johnny comes out all dirty but shirtless and walks toward Isa… He can tell he is not indifferent to her so he milks it for what its worth… you can see all you want but all this you see has a duena(owner). We hear the baby crying in Isa’s arm. She keeps staring at him while he tells her what he had to do to the plumbing. Isa asks him to step away from her… but he sees that she keeps on scanning him top to bottom… She rants at him that HE is making the baby cry. As Johnny has walked away toward kitchen, Isa is fighting with herself that Johnny’s body is awesome, but Johnny himself is ‘spooky’. (espantoso)

Alicia and Pablo are still finding it hard to go their separate ways.

Ana comes back and as soon as she gets the baby from Isa he quiets down. Ana gets her phone off her leg and Isa seems to feel sick to find out where Ana keeps her phone. (between her legs, in a custom made pouch).

At office, Fernando has a visitor, Mr Medina, that he has to deal with before the meeting.

Perla tells Leon that Freeky woke up from the Coma but now he has gone nuts.

Angel and Magda talk about her excitement at working at the consult office alongside him. Ana calls Angel. She says she thinks the baby might have colic. Angel says sure, come over. When he hangs up he tells Magda who is Ana.

Isa invites herself to go to Angel’s office with Ana.

Fernando is talking to Torres about Freeky’s next of kin… Fernando knows Freeky’s dad died and does not know any other relative. Torres says the hospital wants to transfer him to the psych ward. Fernando says a step sister went to visit him at the hospital. He finds it strange, since Torres did not find any relative. Torres says it would be the company responsible for the decision, meaning… Fernando.

Nando is in his room with Sebas… some stuff about music measurements. Sebas wants to study for a music degree.

Edith calls Nando… She invites him to her room later on… to be alone. Nando is amused at the request/invite.

Isa and Ana are leaving to go let Angel see the baby. Ana asks Soledad to watch the other kids while she goes to take the baby to see Angel. Soledad’s cell rings right after Ana and Isa are out the door. Yomama called Soledad to arrange a meeting to have a coffee… or perhaps a margarita (LOL!). Soledad surprised.

Fanny and Lenin… at Edith’s. Fanny is telling him about Nico and Jen… Lenin wonders why Jen wants to see Fanny. Fanny asks him to go with her to see Jennifer. Edith tells Fanny that Nando agreed to meet at her apartment. Fanny says don’t worry, my brother is real nice and surely will treat her right.

Nando and Sebas… Sebas asks Nando about his experience with girls since he has had two gfs in less than a year. Nando says can’t give advice on how to conquer them, only used his smarts.

Alicia and Pablo are still crying together… They are leaving next week. ‘don’t know how I will live without you’ (bis) Love you (bis) Last hug after Pablo was already at door step. Twins and Luz are upstairs, at first sad, then bored. (LOL!) Then they come running down to comfort their sister.

Outside, Pablo has made up his mind… runs around the house.

Ana and isa have arrived at Angel’s office, Ana is nice to the receptionist, but Isa is rough, as always. Magda comes out of her office. Magda and Ana smile at each other.

Back at company, Laura is still hanging around Leon. (he had treated her to lunch). Leon tells her Freeky woke up from Coma… now has hallucinations. Is nuts. Laura finds that funny.

Magda presents herself to Isa and Ana as Angel’s wife. Ana and Isa walk in with the baby. Magda asks the receptionist who is the other lady, she learns it is Isa and her full name.

Angel mocks Isa by calling her ‘whatever your name is’. Isa has to respond politely. He checks Dieguito. Isa is admiring his arms. In her thoughts she is checking herself, control yourself!

Fanny likes Ana and Jenn’s house. She introduces Lenin. (as her step grandma). Then she apologizes to Jenn. Jenn says no worries. Jen wanted to talk to her about the Las Mercedes ‘home’.

Isa and Ana are back at the house. Isa holds the baby to say goodbye. Ana asks her ‘when you faked being me, who is Ines daughter of?’ Isa does not like the questioning, sends Ana to h__. Isa walks out.

Twins tell Ana that Alicia has not stopped crying.

Ana asks the twins if Pablo left. They say yes, that is why Alicia is crying, because he left for good.

Zeus finally arrives. Ana reprimends him.

Alicia is crying, remembering Pablo’s serenade… and Pablo getting knocked by the bucket of water and water balloons.

We see Pablo is under Fernando’s bed (LOL!!! What a place he chose!!)

Some young guy named Axel, stops by the Lasc house looking for his brother… Pablo. His half brother (different mom). Axel explains he was born in Argentina… Manuela explains she already told Axel Pablo is not here. Ana confirms it.

Pablo finds his way out to hallway but Siete starts barking at him. Pablo hides when Sebastian is coming over. Pablo has hidden in Nando’s room (with Nando there)… Nando sees him. Pablo says he is looking for Alicia. Nando reprimends him for trying to go to Alicia’s bedroom. Nando says don’t think my dad would approve what you’re doing since Fernando has stated Pablo and Alicia can only have supervised visits.

Ana will head upstairs to put the baby to sleep and she will ask Alicia to see if she knows where Pablo could be. Axel stays in living room with twins and Luz. They introduce themselves to Axel. Then they mock his Argentinian accent.

Johnny in kitchen lets Manuela and Bruno know he fixed the problem. Bruno wants to pay him before he leaves. Johnny wants to leave it as ‘we’re friends’.

Jenn does not want anything from Nico, but even with Fanny’s reluctance, Jen wants to donate the house and the money to ‘las merceditas’. Lenin smiles.

Laura keeps insisting to Leon that she likes him. But she leaves anyway. He is confused. On her way out she tells herself she is in lurrrvvvvv (yeah right, now tell me one about frogs eating aliens)

Fernando calls Ana… she explains that she talked to Alicia and she said Pablo had left. They hope nothing bad happened to Pablo. Fernando understands Alicia’s pain. Ana kind of rubs it to him that now that Pablo left, Fernando changed his opinion about him. Fernando claims that is not true… but she changes the subject, asks when he will be home. In a little while. He asks if DN is ok. Yup. He laments they could not do their dance lesson. They can have a rain check, per her. He would love that. Love you, bye. (bis)

Ana opens her ring little chest and looks at it.

Nando says Pablo’s breathing/laughing is a bit creepy, still don’t know what you are doing here…

Alicia in her room is still crying. Pablo comes in. They hug. Alicia… Pablo (well, at least they got each other’s name right after repeating it several times back and forth)

Freeky has another nightmare with his dad… but suddenly Laura comes in and is amused to confirm he has gone nuts. He swears to her that his dad is alive… very much alive. Laura is enjoying his pathetic status. He says more pathetic is being with someone for money. Then he grabs her at the neck and is about to strangle her. She is able to grab the nurse call button… The nurse woman and nurse guy come to save her. He talks to her creepily asking when she will be back.

Axel is still talking to the twins, he has heard about Ana and that the woman in the painting is their mom. He is sorry. Ana comes down. Asks him if he has heard from his brother. Axel says obviously he is sad to separate from Alicia. The family is moving back to Argentina because he is an artist and is becoming famous… Ana and the twins want him to sing something… He does sing a capella. (of course, if you have to guess… this is the guy in the group at the credits, singing mcet) He explains his family depend on his income. The kids have fun with Ana calling money ‘lana’ and him calling money ‘plata’. He travels quite a bit, about 10 plane trips a month. Has done that for 5 months. It is a hard life but the most important thing is the family.

Pablo explains to Alicia that he did not want to leave with the family, so he came back in and hid in a bedroom. He does not want to leave, to separate from her. We get the names straight again several times… (ok, enough of that! How about being a little original and coming with some codenames?  Romeo!! Juliet!!!   Catalina!!! ArTUro!!!  be creative for God's sakes!!)

At the doctor office, Angel is checking a girl out. He plays a magic trick to give her a little bracelet. He explains that the flu vaccine might have minor side effects on the skin.

The girl leaves with her mom, Magda comes in. She is saying goodbye. She asks him if he has something with Ana.

Ana is still talking to Axel in living room. Axel says when he was here in Mex, he sang at the Metro train and buses. Then he went back to Argentina and did better with his music. Ana says sometimes it is time and luck combined. How about telling some Argentinian jokes? Ana also mocks his accent by copying it. Fernando comes in and at first has his predictable jealousy look of confusion. Ana explains he is Pablo’s brother and is worried because they have not found Pablo.

Johnny arrives at Jenn’s house… he is still dirty ‘I played Santa and went down the chimney’ (since he is still dirty from fixing the plumbing). Jenn explains that Fanny and Lenin came to arrange the donation of the house and money. Jenn and Johnny try to explain to Fanny, but she is totally ok with them trying to be happy together.

Isa gets home, tells Yomama (after making Yomama promise she would not laugh about it). Isa explains what she felt when she saw Johnny shirtless. (at first does not tell her his name) ‘Ay no, no, no!!’ ‘exotic’ ‘her temp shut up’ Yomama wants to guess who it was. Isa says (after difficulty) ‘Johnny!’… Yomama breaks out laughing.

Previews: Alicia continues to cry, and Ana and Fernando have a strong argument where they yell at each other, Ana is hurt and he calls her ‘nana’


Thanks for yet another excellent recap, Marta.

Funny parts:

Johnny calling Isabella on her attraction to him.

Poor Nando finding out that the delivery of his lifts will be delayed due to the holidays.

Nando telling Pablo not to call him "cuñado".

The ever repetitive exchange of "Alicia" "Pablo" "Alicia" "Pablo". . .

The twins and Luz calling Axel "che".

Yolanda's response to Isabella's admission that she has the hots for Johnny: Yolanda's signature "oh" and tons of laughter.



Thanks so much for providing a well-detailed recap, with all the "in between the lines" parts. I haven't seen the episode yet, but look so forward to seeing Ana and Isabruja interacting with the baby.

The moment this show went wrong for me was when I realized Lenin would be a love interest for Fanny. Jaime deLara looks like he could be one of Osorio's kids so I thought it was a nepotism indulgence for him. Leon isn't that much of a prize either anymore and the WORST part is the both of them right now make Gustavo look like the best Fanny ever had (but not by much although that's saying a lot.)

I have to praise Un Gancho al Corazon for not having obligated Luisa to choose between Bulky Ivan and last minute Hepcat/Beat-nik Andres. I fondly remember she chose neither of them and stayed single. I also praise Dinero for having kept Marian Celeste single, pretty and lady-like.

Gracias, Marta!

Nando doesn't seem that into Edith, and he knows Ximena returns soon. He should be honest with Edith about his feelings for both his novias before sleeping with her. Otherwise, he is no gentleman.

I LOVE Jenny taking her divorce settlement from Nico and donating it to the Merceditas home!

OMG! According to the previews, Fer becomes furious with Ana. What a "surprise" it will be if he discovers her pole-dancing secret. Not. Zzzzzzzzzz . . .

IMHO, I find Johnny revolting. What plumber is going to strip and walk around a house without a shirt on?

And what's up with Bruno and Betty? Does Bruno still visit the kids in the cancer ward? Has he called his mother since he finally visited her after a 20 year absence? Enquiring minds want to know!


Thanks Marta.

frogs were eating aliens last night

Are we actually gonna have to watch Sebastian trying to seduce Sari

or, Isabela's hormones moaning for Juan

or, more 15 year old sobbing and disrupting a whole family

or, another sexual conquest by Nando

or, Leon's love life

or, Fanny's love life

or, a hit and run mom in Isabela

or, a batshit crazy Ricky

or, a jealous ex

or, a new hire running off for a facial

This thing is all over the place

Gracias, Marta.

I actually like the idea of Isabruja crushing on Johnny and getting rejected, but if he's in love with Jen why is he asking Beatriz for a date? Maybe she'll see he's a cheater and cast her eye elsewhere.

Nothing wrong with Freaky's memory about Laura. Too bad he didn't off her but it's too early to off him from the story, which that would have done.

More later.

Gracias Marta. This show must be getting tough for the recappers - as tofie said, it's going all over the place. But you all make it so much better for us.

Just make Magda go away. There is no chemistry between these two. So she's going to turn into a jealous shrew over Ana...a possible triangle soon? no no no no....

WAYYYYY too much Pablo/Alicia last night. It was okay, maybe cute the first few minutes, but then it went into overboard real fast. (And he refers to himself in the third person? Did I get that right?) When does the plane leave for Argentina?

Good for you Jen. Nice move.

But so help me, if we have to deal with an Isa/Johny flirtation off and on...well all I can say thank goodness there is usually a hockey or basketball game at the same time to turn to. I agree, Johnny strutting around shirtless was stupid. I have to keep reminding myself that this actor is considered sort of sexy in Mexico.

Can I say, loved Leon's boss telling him to tell Laura to beat it. Hello, he can't do think of that himself? Always love when TN's have all these people showing up, getting past security and just hanging out in the workplace. For once, someone called foul. Thank you. Leon lets himself hook up with Laura just because he's pissed at Fanny, I give up on him.

Freeky Eeeky is kind of cool to watch. Lisardo does know how to play crazy.

Previews with Fer and Ana fighting...well, it was bound to happen, but if he lays into her for not doing her "nanny" duties, woooo. Then there is something seriously wrong with this relationship.



I completely agree about Magda; just make her go away. I almost didn't recognize the actress because of the change in her hair, which doesn't suit her either.

It's time to deal with Ana and Fernando's relationship issue.

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo in English
Welcome To The Zoo
Are the drunken writers writing this each day based on which of the cast shows up sober / who casting sends in to the set.?

Re Laura with Leon. I thought the same thing about Laura getting in to visit Leon but she was wearing a normal employee badge. I was thinking the same thing and was especially looking for a visitor badge or something. Many places have a visually distinctive badge to differentiate visitors, vendors, and other outsiders from regular full time employees. IE: as when you are visiting for a meeting/conference.

Looks like unknown to Viewerville she has bèen hired.

tofie, all over the place is right!!!

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo in English
Welcome To The Zoo
yeah, seems like some weird bug got into the whole family during their visit to the zoo and then they spread it around the city.

good catch on Laura, Kirby. I too was cheering at Perla and asking myself why Leon had not sent Laura packing at least from his workplace. Have her escorted out if you must!!

UA, did I say Johnny called Betty to ask for a coffee date? let me check the recap for tuesday. it was Bruno, not Johnny.

Salvador, thanks for the lengthy discussion on the Christmas traditions in Mexico. I was a kid over 4 decades ago and it sounded very much like Christmas when I was a kid in Puerto Rico.
As recently as about 10 years ago, our church group celebrated the posadas. We had the final posada at our house and they all started with the singing of the songs but the final one was the one that closed with the party and full dinner celebration. Lovely tradition if you can keep it going... I wish i found a community around here in Florida that did... would be nice to take my grandson to see a posada.

And DaisynJay, that is what i meant months ago when i posted that i wished the novela would have the Fernando/Ana wedding midway through and then it turned out into their parenting ups and downs day to day with the kids issues at school, with friends, etc... KEEPING IT NORMAL AGE APPROPRIATE issues, not romance for kids that are barely 10-11 years old. and full romeo-juliet stories for kids that are barely 15. way too early, way too creepy, IMO.

It has been done several times: Mundo de Juguete, Carita de ANgel, Gotita de Amor, etc etc.

Marta, you're right. I just shouldn't post before caffeine.

Either way I'd rather see Jenny with someone else. In view of Johnny's history with Ana this is too incestuous.

For me, Leon is loosing points with his attitude toward Laura. He knows she slept with IkkyLizard just so he would pay her tuition; he knows Laura made a very inappropriate pass at her best friend's brother right in front of her other best friend in their 3-friend group (Fanny, Ximena, and Laura); and, last but not least, she is always trash talking Fanny to Leon. Furthermore, he is acting like a little kid in the supermarket with a temper tantrum just because he didn't get what he wanted--for Fanny to jump at his marriage proposal.

But I think Lenin is even more of a knucklehead than Leon because he is trying to mold Fanny into the kind of girl he wants to have and not appreciating Fanny for who she really is.

Fanny is more mature for her age than a lot of other girls, but very immature when it comes to having confidence in herself and deciding on a course of action for her future. I know a great many young adults have a hard time figuring out what they really like and want to commit to for their future. But I'm not sure I understand Fanny's particular predicament.

This novela has turned into "Musical Chairs" and a showcase for Osorio's family and friends.

Osorio took a great story that could have been told in under 125 episodes and stuck so much nonsensical filler material in that the whole main theme has gone off-track.


Oh and Salvador, thanks for the discussion about the typical Christmas tradition in Mexico. It brought back a lot of fond memories of my time in Mexico and Latin America.

Thank you, Marta. There is so much to keep track of and you do it beautifully.

I love Victoria's last two comments about this turning into a showcase for Osorio's friends and family! There certainly is an indecent amount of filler. Let's get on with it.

My favorite line of last night was when Sebastian asked Nando how to attract girls. Reflecting on his recent success, Nando said that he had no idea! Therein lies the problem.

Marta is so right about what might have been. Get the two principal characters together midway and then let them raise the kids appropriately together. I will take stray dogs and turkeys any day over some of these creepy romances.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Fernando's nasty attitude toward Ana revealed in the preview was the first nail in the coffin of this relationship -- for now, anyway -- so that Fernando's reaction to Ana's pole dancing is mitigated by Ana's doubts about the relationship? Anything to give Ana some power and purpose in what is coming her way like the tsunami, one that is predicted but just won't get there.

Salvadore, I just went back and read your comments on the holidays from yesterday. How wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!

"Creepy" romances-- yes indeed Marta. I just find it contonually strange how the "adult" type feelings and reactions are shufted down to the young characters and Ana, Fer, Isa and the rest of the adults (except Jen lord love her) seem to act like a bunch of adolescents in their behavior. Is that purposefully being written this way? Because if it is, it's so wrong.

Do we HAVE to see Sebas romancing Sarai? And how far do they go with what he does. Ten year olds--you pass a note in class and voila, your an item. They show gifts and dining and romancing, I will be frustrated.

How long will we have to watch Alica pine away for Pablo? Frankly, most tween girls would be really sad for a few days and then maybe start moving on to their next crush. Anything outside that would be concerning or maybe they want to show that. Cripes, just realized, they could use Magda then....I need to stop. I'm getting depressed now.


Thanks for the wonderful recap! And thanks to all of the recappers!! I have been watching and reading but not necessarily commenting lately.

The previews were a bit shocking with Fer and Ana but finally, maybe, we will have some movement in this TN that doesn't involve the kids love lives. I'm tired of the adults taking a back seat. With Reeky out of his coma, Isa's horniness taking over, Jen giving money to Mercedes, Bruno dating and the Ana/Fer fight...hopefully we are over the drag-this-tn-out hump.

Poor Yomama is so desperate for company she calls the woman she hoodwinked?! If I was Soledad I would run. How can she be friendly with a woman who has treated her daughter so poorly, and who has allowed her own daughter to treat Ana awfully? Doesn't work for me no matter how much I would like to see these two together.

Re: Yomama. I was intrigued and overcome with curiosity about her call to Sol . A. How did she get her number.?
B. WTF does she want.?

Re: Isabitch. It appears has turned into a raging horn dog.. It is not just Johnny but every man she comes into contact with. She was drooling over Doc Angels arms of all things when he was wearing a long sleeve white lab coat. Hopefully this runaway horniness will get her, given she has no morals and the self discipline of an alley cat in heat.

Kirby :

Isabruja is just acting like her mother and is letting her genes talk to her. Yoyomoma drolls all over everything male: Bruno, DonDoro,Johnny.

Kirby -
"Are the drunken writers writing this each day based on which of the cast shows up sober / who casting sends in to the set.? "
Ja ja ja ja ja.

BTW, I'm kind of a newbie. What does IMHO mean?



The only problem I have with a Jen/Johnny romance is that Johnny was Ana's boyfriend first. I don't see Jen as a type that would accept somebody's sloppy seconds or go after her friend's ex-man (even if said friend is desiring someone else).

I think of Johnny as comic relief and have no problem with him or his role in the story. It was actually funny that Isinheat was lusting after Johnny.

Alicia & Pablo would probably not be carrying on like Romeo & Juliet if Fernando hadn't been so strict with them with the constant supervision. Quite frankly, before Pablo announced he was leaving the country, she looked like she was getting bored with him. But don't worry, I'm sure Pablo, Axel and Kaay will be back to sing the theme song on the last episode.

Speaking of Kaay, if Axel is singing on the streets in Mexico, how did Pablo get the hookup from Axel to send Kaay over to Alicia's house? Unless Kaay is from Argentina as well?

Lenin doesn't bother me; Fanny can't be molded unless she is weak and we've seen nothing to indicate that Fanny is weak. Immature, yes. Weak, no.

I don't have a problem with Fanny, Nando or Alicia having romances; they are teenagers.

Sebastian is 11. 11 year olds have crushes and little "girlfriends & boyfriends" which amounts to eating lunch together and passing notes. Sebastian is asking Nando for mackin' skills, skills Nando admitted he doesn't have. I don't have a problem with Sebastian having a crush or feeling like he's a kindred spirit with Sarai, but a full on seduction is a bit much. But the only reason Sebastian is getting this story is because his daddy is the producer.

Speaking of Nando, I doubt seriously he and Edith actually do the deed because one of the two of them will flake out (Nando thinking of Ximena; Edith thinking of Gabriel).

Soledad "shouldn't" talk to Yolanda but Yolanda needs a friend to pull her away from the dark side. Solo's been to prison; I think she can take care of herself.

The singer Axel actally is quite good. He was really cute when he was a little younger without the Mohawk hairdo. He has one song on YouTube titled "Miradas" that someone has posted with very great and opportune still shots of Fernando Colunga from "Amor Real" and the other from "Pasión".



Denise: Welcome.

IMHO is internet slang for "in my humble opinion".



I read your comments from yesterday and found these statements intriguing:

"Santa was considered an “anglo” tradition and shunned by most conservatives as a gimmick to erase genuine Mexican traditions."

"As of late Mexico has been invaded by foreign cultures, the American culture being the most predominant one."



The casting of Carmen in the Yomama role works in that people are more use to her as the sweet but feisty older woman character in recent TN's. If she starts to realize the full extent of the monster she helped create and Soledad, who's yes been to hell and back again, can set her straight on what Yomama let happen, the repercussions that had and maybe befriend her, it will work with the general audience who REALLY want Carmen/Yomama to be a sweet character again. To me, she has a lot to atone and deeply apologize for before I'll buy it. Who knows, Osorio could have gotten a lot of negative feedback on the character. He seems to be readjusting and re-writing as he goes, maybe based on focus groups, forums and media sites.



I thought that scarf that Ricky got for Xmas was a bad idea. I can still see him trying to strangle Isa with it. Very surprised it didn't come into play with Laura.

This comment has been removed by the author.

MartaI, great recap!

I would like to add a remark about a small part that I found funny and you skipped over. When in Angel’s reception area, after Zerobela is rude to the receptionist Ana tries to apologize for her by telling the receptionist:

“Please excuse her; she flunked Courtesy 101 at Harvard”.

A recommendation for Enrique: Next time squeeze harder! That was an edge-of-the-seat moment for me. I almost knocked over my ‘puter cheering for Reecky. Alas, Laura found the “panic button” and summoned help with it. Worse, I doubt that she’ll get that close to the viper again.

Leon: You’re becoming a pain to watch. Your stupidity is worthy of the record books. Someone rescue Mau now please! But I understand, it is not your fault. Blame it on writers who have had too much spiked Christmas punch and a producer on medicinal mushrooms.

Laura: In love? Well, I’ll believe you are sincere if it is praying mantis love. She did have that zombie-like look for a second there though.

“At the office Angel is checking a girl out.” MartaI, you might want to rephrase that ;-)

YoMama: Don’t laugh, he might be your next son-in-law!

Soledad: Why the surprise look? After all you are in Mi Corazon Es Tuyo!

Is it my imagination or did I see better chemistry between Zerobela and Ana yesterday?

Catalina and Arturo? That was … art! However, I am not sure Fernando would like his sweet Alicia making love to Pablo at the bottom of the ocean. But then again it sure beats Romeo and Juliet’s fate.

The Curse of Mi Corazon Es Tuyo: It is said that early on in production an executive was let go for having good ideas for this story. He in turn put a curse on the novella stating that if the names Pablo and Alicia were alternately pronounced more than three times in a row the novella would end. Sadly, it looks as though this curse did not come to pass.

And to conclude… has Zerobela discovered the secret to antigravity? In the scene where the baby is hurling all over her (actually at this time the baby is the only one with good sense) Isa is holding the baby with both her hands in front of her and over her head. Then in the next scene the baby is still up there, but one of Isa’s hands is now wiping away the … uh… ejected material. So, how was the baby being held up?




Which part ;-)

"Santa was considered an “anglo” tradition..."

Yes. Many Mexican consider that foreign traditions have "perverted" or replaced Mexican traditions. Much like Santa replacing el Niño Dios and Halloween replacing The Day of the Dead. Of course this is not extreme. People won't get stoned if they go Trick or Treating, but the resentment is there. Then there are those that consider it a betrayal to the country when people buy foreign made stuff, but then it is difficult to buy something made in Mexico because this country does not produce much product. Something as simple as a car. Mexico has no car of its own; it depends on the Toyotas, Fords, etc.

"As of late Mexico..." by this I mean after the second half of the 20th century. This is not something that happened 5 years ago.

"...invaded by foreign cultures..." Yes.You'll find products and services provided by the US, China, Japan, Germany, Spain and many countries. And this is not limited to just products. Work habits, eating habits, food itself, traditions and values have been impacted by other cultures. In some cases this is good because that is a way tat a country can develop and grow, but if the people don't have resolve it can also mean the eradication of a way of life.

"...American culture being the most predominant one."

The US is the closest developed country to Mexico and it is also one of the most influential worldwide so it is expected that that many of its traditions and culture jump the fence to the neighbor on the South.

I don't want to make this sound horrible because if done right it is not, but unfortunately, in some cases it is not done right and instead of having two rich cultures some of the Mexican people allow this to happen thinking that because it is a foreign culture (not necessarily US) it is better than the current one.

I've had friends say things like "We impose our culture on others" to which my response is: "We can't sell if they aren't willing to buy."

A very long time ago when the Beatles came to the US my mother and the rest of her generation of my family that was here were very angry at what they perceived as the looting of my generation's attention and money. "They take your money and laugh all the way back on the plane" was a favorite thing of theirs. It took me years to realize that for every dollar my generation spent on British Invasion rock music their generation in "the old country" probably spent more on movies and other such things.

If every country lived in a state of cultural isolation we'd all be in major trouble.

UA, if every country lived in a state of cultural isolation, we wouldn't be here on Caray, Caray.

Es la verdad, amiga!

"Mexican pop trio KAAY formed in 2008 around the talents of
Maria Bernal (guitar/vocals), Cecy Leos (guitar/vocals), and
Renee Suarez (keyboard/vocals). The group released their
eponymous Sony Music debut in 2012."

Fanny's little girl mentality and immaturity are really getting to me. She has the mindset of a 15 year old. She has a lot of growing up to do. I think her sheltered rich girl life has deprived her. She doesn't know how to function as an adult.


Thanks for your response. I always look forward to your comments and unique perspective. This made me smile:

"The US is the closest developed country to Mexico... so it is expected that that many of its traditions and culture jump the fence to the neighbor on the South."

May I add... and vice versa...


The group must be related to Osorio somehow. They are too young and to terrible to be famous, well-know, or in any way deserving of opening theme song credits.

I've been travelling to Mexico at Christmas time for the last 30 years or so. I haven't gone every single year, but more often than not. It's when I have time off from work and so that's when we go. It used to be very, very rare to see a Christmas tree, Christmas lights, or any images of Santa Claus at all. Now they are everywhere.

Yes, I do think the holiday traditions of the US have invaded Mexico and pushed aside some of the lovely traditions like the nativity scenes. You still see them, but a nativity scene in a zocalo now has a huge tree along side it, and in people's homes, a tree may have replace the nativity because they don't have space for both. The posada tradition still seems strong, and pinatas are so much fun they will probably endure forever. Electricity is very expensive, so you don't see tons of lights, but more and more. You do see lots of the tinsel, and cheesy, Walmart type of holiday decor (which is probably where a lot of it comes from since there are Walmarts all over Mexico now). Back in the mid-80s, there was NONE of that.

I think if I were Mexican, I would most definitely feel a sense of loss. I feel it even as a visitor.


It's all about the big $$$ now. Commercialization has taken over.
The real meaning of Christmas, or what it's suppose to stand for, has disappeared in a sea of big money into the pockets of others (big wig CEOs) and outsiders because we know that Walmart pays their employees pennies on the dollar, or in this case, centavos on the peso.

I wonder how much of all that Christmas money actually benefits Mexicans ?

In my humble opinion (and with some case studies to back up my humble opinion), opening the borders for free trade has, in many ways, hurt Mexico (and other Latin and Caribbean countries) more than helped because all those fields that use to be planted and cultivated by Mexican farmers have been overrun by big Corporate conglomerates, leaving the Mexican farmer out to dry and unable to compete.

All those Mexican factory workers who had jobs making "Tide", Colgate, Windex, etc. (or the Mexican) equivalent have now been put out to pasture.

We visit foreign countries for the richness and beauty of their lands and culture, but globalization will soon fade out many of those cultural aspects we find so endearing and unique. A melting pot mixes everything together so only a whisper taste of the main ingredients remain.

Definitely, it's the commercial aspect that makes it like a steamroller. That's the difference between our culture being impacted by Mexico and theirs by us.

Victotia: KAAY is a mystery. I posted the quote from Funny but there is no mention of the fourth male member who seems to drift in and out of the group. My suspicion is that he is only a part of the band on MCET. IE Osorio's step-cousin or some such foolishness.

Ana has gotten to the point I just cant stand her anymore. When her goofy ass shows up on the screen it is time tohead for the bathroom orkitchen. The yelling all the time, the constant torture of Fernando, her self destructive secret. Im just done with her. And the fight with Fer over Alicia; she was just plain wrong and got what she asked for. "BTW Ana you are still an employee and they are still MY children".. Fer is finally growing a pair, microscopic as they are.

Carolina, ITA 1000%. I went to Mexico late 80's and it was just like you said.. very few xmas trees, few cheesylights... nativities everywhere. etc etc.

i like the anon 3:30 analogy to the menting pot. when you first add things to it they still have their identity, you can still smell the garlic, the cinaltro, the pork, etc. but once they have been stirred adn stirred, everythin becomes one bland mix where it is very difficult to identify the original ingredients. Add to that the commercialism, and of course the more powerful side would be US, although i agree that both sides have been affected (a LOT of US folks go out to eat mexican food REGULARLY, even more regularly than they eat burgers and hot dogs). too sad to remember what it was and what it is now for sure.

I agree, esp after last night's ep. First she slaps him silly while she is still sleeping (or was she?)
then in the kitchen she seems to have forgotten what she was upset at him to begin with...
her see-saw behavior is getting me dizzy.


The male musician who wanders in and out of the group KAAY is named Axel (stage name); and he is a star in his own right. His name gets equal billing in the opening credits as KAAY.

Since he played Pablo's half brother who has to move to Argentina to further his musical career, my guess is that Osorio used that story to merge it into the novela for legitimacy in changing out the opening theme music.

Alejandro Ubago de Martinez Rodrigues. Stage name Axel Ubago. Facebook Axel Ubago case anyone is interested

Fanny's little girl mentality.... I'll tell you one thing. Spoiled little rich girls Christina Aguelrra and Paulina Rubio were a LOOOOOTTTT different when they wrre 19.. Just Sayin...

sorry about all the misspells in my earlier post... i have been exhausted all day and under a bad annoying cold, but had to give a 3 3 hr presentation on pure adrenaline... it is like trying to take notes at a lecture the morning after staying up all night doing a project...

I love Silvia Navarro, she is smart, (I think) why is she allowing them to make her character suck, I need earplugs when she starts yelling.

Variopinta: Silvia I love....Ana I can't stand anymore

Oh. And one more thing. W T F are Isabitch and Yomama doing at the formal New Years Eve dinner? Furthermore....drum rolll...where is Soledad? After 7,246 episodes of Ana crying over and looking for her Ma is she not at one of the biggest nights of the year? Ooooh I forgot they write the script on the fly and Sol didn't pass the breathalyzer on the way onto the set.


Love how you tell it like it is.

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