Tuesday, March 03, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #10 - Mon 3/2 - New depths of darkness

We're reminded in the refrito that Candela gave Severiano a directive "Use your imagination.  Do something.  Anything.  But do it now before it's too late and my son gets tangled up with…her!"  Just making sure we're clear about ALL the responsible parties when Severiano acts on this later.  Candy doesn't get a pass from me.

Adelina doesn't have enough money to buy all her groceries and the stall attendant has been told not to extend any more credit.  The two creeps who were assaulting Aldonza at El Santuario are there, saying Adelina should ask her niece for money because "everyone knows" she's following in her mother's footsteps, especially now that the fire destroyed their crops.  Adelina tells her to ignore the cackling dumbasses.

Lola is still upset about Candela's earlier treatment and insists it IS her business what happens with Cristobal and Aldonza because Aldonza is her friend.  Dominga tells her to keep her head down and wash the darn dishes already.

Valeria is waiting for Aldonza to thank her for "saving" Cristobal so selflessly.  If it hadn't been for her, they wouldn't be planning their trip to Spain right now.  Aldonza unconvincingly pretends she doesn't care.

As she goes into the house, the phone rings.  It's Cristobal, asking if she read his letter yet.  "No.  And leave me alone.  I don't want to talk to you.  Have a nice time in Spain with Valeria."  Cristobal is, understandably, confused.

Roberta skulks outside a bar, fiddling with a cigarette, and finally goes in and orders a double shot of tequila.  The bartender complains that they don't serve women, but she insists, getting the attention of a not-unfortunate-looking man at a nearby table.  One shot goes down quickly and she asks for a second, smiling at her potential suitor as she drinks it.

Aldonza tells Adelina that Valeria coming over is a sign that she and Cristobal don't belong together.  She doesn't care if Cristobal and Valeria go off to Spain together and have babies and just stay there.  Valeria is "of his class."  She doesn't understand why Adelina is changing her tune.  Well, Adelina cares about Aldonza's feelings and she wishes Aldonza would say all this stuff to Cristobal himself.  Aldonza says their kisses didn't mean anything.  "Some kisses change your life," Adelina counters.  They don't come to any conclusion, but Adelina needs to go talk to Joaquin, Aldonza needs some alone time, and who knows where the hell Roberta is.

At the bar, with yet another shot of tequila that she's now nursing.  When her potential suitor fires up the jukebox, she cries.  He obligingly comes over to light her cigarette.  I guess he's into tears, because they're rolling down her face as she smokes and he takes her hand.

Candela goes looking for Cristobal, but his room is empty.  She sees the phone on the bed, hits redial, and is furious to hear Aldonza answer.  She hangs up.

There's a loud banging at Aldonza's front door and Cristobal comes limping in.  He couldn't rest until he found out what's going on with her.  Aldonza says this thing between them is absurd.  She goes on and on about how he thinks he's the love expert, with his harem of women, and obviously some are good to pass the time with, but some you marry and have kids with….  "You're pretty when you're angry," he says, snuggling up to her.  "Let me go."  He does.  She doesn't want to hear his explanation about the trip to Spain, but he offers it anyway.  "It was supposed to be me and my parents.  My mom's the one who invited Valeria.  She didn't ask me.  Besides, I told them I'm staying here…because I realized there's a wonder in Santa Lucia better than any in all of Europe."  Aldonza succumbs to his charms yet again.  I swear he's getting his lines from '40s movies.

At Casa Humberto, he disappoints Valeria, saying he can't just take vacation time to go on a trip for fun.  Oh, no, this isn't just a "fun" trip, says Prudencia.  Spain is a [magical,] romantic place, where a[n unsuspecting] boy can [be coerced into] fall[ing] in love with a [pushy] girl and maybe even propose [after constant prodding from his overbearing mother].  "Do you have to be so obvious?" asks Humberto.  Even Valeria wants Pru to shut it, but she really does want Humberto to go.  Emmanuel has had enough of being treated like Cinderella ("un cero al izquierda"; a zero to the left, pointless, ignored, the way a zero on the far left doesn't change a number) and leaves the table to the accompaniment of Pru and Valeria cackling like the evil stepsisters.  Humberto shuts them up, saying Emmanuel has as much right to go on this trip as they do.  Well, Prudencia wouldn't take that arrimado (hanger-on; mooch) with them, even as  a maletero (porter).  She and Valeria leave the table.

Aldonza, having had her lip gloss smeared completely off, tells Cristobal he needs to go now.  "But did Lola give you my letter?" *smooch* "Nope."  *smooch*  "Well, ok, I told you with kisses instead."  *smooch*  He won't go until she swears she'll never run from him again and they'll confront everything together.  She does, of course, and shoves him out the door after a few final kisses.

As he heads away from the house, someone watches from the bushes.

Aldonza is starting to undress for bed when she notices Severiano lurking in the doorway of her room.  He came to talk about Cristobal.  "I just saw him leaving."  After sniffing like Hannibal Lecter, he says he can see how she attracted his son.  Aldonza slaps him, leaving scratches, but he grabs her by the hair and throws her onto her bed.  With one hand around her neck, he says "Now, we'll talk."

Adelina walks with Joaquin in the town square.  He tells her that even if they can get new seed, it's going to take a long time before the crops will grow.  So, he quits, since there's no work for him to do.  He has to break it to her that the cops told him they're not going after Severiano.  No one believes Severiano burned the field.  Despite quitting, he says he'll help in any way he can.  He offers his savings, but Adelina turns him down.  "This is our problem and between my sister, my niece, and I, we'll figure it out."  She also turns down yet another offer of a relationship.  "I'm not going to use you to get out of this."  She thinks it's important that he live his own life and get a job somewhere where he'll be valued.  "Promise me you'll do it."  Joaquin doesn't answer.

Cristobal gets back to the house and asks Lola QTH happened with his letter.  She tries to make excuses, but decides to tell the truth and shame the devil!  His mom confiscated the letter and threatened to fire her grandparents if she helped him and Aldonza get together.  Cristobal says his mom won't find out, and she's not going to fire anyone, either.  "Dominga and Melesio are like family."  He's sure Candela was just trying to intimidate Lola.  Lola is thrilled he's getting together with Aldonza, but she thinks it's going to be tough.  Candela interrupts their gossiping to remind Cristobal that he's supposed to be on total bed rest for his little ouchie.

Adelina comes home, calling for Aldonza, and hears the sobs coming from upstairs.  She finds Aldonza in her room, in the dark, her dress torn, huddled under a blanket.  She sees the marks on Aldonza's face and asks what happened and who did it.  "Severiano.  Severiano Mendoza."  Adelina speaks for all of us when she says "Maldito!  Mil veces, maldito!"  (Damn him!  A thousand times, damn him!")

Melesio heads over to Humberto's to sit awkwardly in the living room while Prudencia and Valeria ignore him.  Humberto enters and Melesio tells him that Severiano wants Emmanuel to be at Las Animas tomorrow, for work.  Prudencia and Valeria exchange a look.  Before Melesio is even out the door, Prudencia begins the interrogation.  She wants to go ask Emmanuel what that's about, but Humberto says he'll take care of it.

Aldonza sits in the shower, clutching her torn dress, crying.  Adelina stands outside the door, silently crying and looking like she's having thoughts of serious violence.

Roberta and her beau stumble out of the bar, smooching and shuffling down the sidewalk.

Humberto is annoyed that Emmanuel went looking for a job at Las Animas.  Emmanuel says he never did ask, but he mentioned it to Cristobal is all.  Humberto figures that Cristobal got the job for him.  Emmanuel wants to turn it down, but Humberto says it's not a bad idea for Emmanuel to spend some time with Severiano.  "He's a person you can learn a lot from.  And being such a responsible guy, maybe you'll end up being even more efficient than Cristobal."

Severiano gets home.  Candela doesn't even want to know why his face is scratched.  She tells him that Cristobal snuck out.  "You're right mom.  I went to see Aldonza. But there's nothing wrong with it.  I might as well tell you that I've never felt this way about any other woman."  Severiano wonders what Cristobal would say if he told him that she's not as worthy as he thinks and Cristobal won't be "the first man in her life."  ¡Condenado canalla!  ¡Hijo del demonio!  ¡Que se pudra en el infierno!  Cristobal insists it's not true.  That Aldonza isn't like her mother.  At the very least, he doesn't care if the whole town is saying it and he doesn't care if the whole town thinks the fire in the fields wasn't the only "fire" going on that night.  Let 'em talk.  "Get used to the idea.  I'm going to keep seeing her, whether you like it or not."  He leaves and Candela fumes about being crushed by an avalanche, but Severiano gloats that the avalanche is about to stop.  The disgusting pervert looks like he's reminiscing and enjoying it.

Roberta is on a glass walkway over a scenic view.  Emmanuel sees her and asks what's wrong.  One of the many town gossips remarks that Roberta has moved on to younger men now.  Shut up, creep!  Roberta can't understand why Emmanuel is being so kind to her.  He offers to walk her home and says her daughter must be looking for her.  Roberta breaks down and cries over her troubles, including that she assumes she's going to be homeless.  "My poor daughter."  She doesn't know the half of it.  Emmanuel just holds her and cries with her, a more subtle Llamada de la Sangre than we usually get.  Assuming it is one.

Uriel goes to the church to warn Padre Geronimo that the bank is going to foreclose on the mortgage.  After the fire, there's even less expectation that Roberta can pay her debt.  He feels bad about it, but he wanted to tell Padre G so he could warn Roberta.  He suggests that they try to come to some agreement with Severiano--he's not interested in the fields, but he does want El Santuario, so maybe that would be a way to save the house, at least.  Not gonna happen Uriel.  Not gonna happen.  Padre G thanks him for the warning.

Emmanuel gets Roberta to the gate in front of the house and asks her to say hi to Aldonza for him.  "What's your name?"  "Emmanuel.  I'm a friend of your daughter's."  Roberta is embarrassed to admit she'd never paid attention to his name before.  Emmanuel  touches her face and Roberta kisses him fiercely on the forehead and thanks him for being the first person to be good to her.  Emmanuel says the same thing is happening for him--no one had ever kissed him to thank him for anything before.  They both sort of laugh about it and then he leaves and she goes into the house.

Adelina goes after Roberta the second she walks in, saying she should have been there when her daughter most needed her.  Roberta is alarmed…"What happened to Aldonza?  Why are you saying she needed me?"  "Severiano Mendoza raped your daughter.  I don't know how it happened, but that beast took advantage of her being alone in the house and he raped her!"  Roberta runs upstairs.  Aldonza is huddled on her bed and Roberta asks her if it's true what Adelina said.  Aldonza never really answers, but Roberta starts crying "No, please, it can't be true, not you!"  Aldonza says she wants to die.  "No!  Don't say that.  You know who's going to die?  The one who did this.  I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago.  I'm going to settle the score with that animal once and for all."  Adelina begs her not to do anything crazy, but Roberta is out the door.

Valeria comes to Cristobal's room and I'm (possibly unjustifiably) angry that he accepts her kiss hello and doesn't ask her why the hell she told Aldonza about the vacation.  She's been collecting brochures and info so they can plan what tours they want to go on.  He tells her he's not going to Spain, and she might as well know that it's because he's staying in Santa Lucia to spend his vacation with Aldonza.  "Oh.  I didn't know you liked her that much."  Valeria pulls off an expert acting job, saying she's happy for him, but weirded out that he's explaining it to her, as if she has a thing for him and he's letting her down easy.  "Chill, I just want us to be friends."  Cristobal is relieved.  Valeria keeps her cool until she leaves his room and shuts the door, and then she drops the mask.

Roberta digs for the relics of the night Raymundo died and finds the jacket…and the gun.

Sombra has been re-shod and Severiano is taking him out for a ride.  Emmanuel runs up, apologizing for being late.  Severiano doesn't stick around to hear his explanation.  Melesio shrugs it off.  "Don't worry, kid.  Don Severiano is really demanding, but he's a good person."  Melesio tells Emmanuel to come with him and they'll start his training.

Severiano rides down a path lined with trees.  Roberta appears in the middle of the path, pointing the gun at him.  "You're going to hell, where you came from and never should have left."  She fires one shot.  Sombra doesn't so much as flinch.  Severiano falls out of the saddle and lies facedown on the ground as Roberta spits and cries "Maldito!"

Tomorrow: Aldonza makes a decision that takes us on an unexpected turn.

Previous: Episode 9
Next: Episode 11


OK, lemme have it...your comments, your questions, your woe, your most colorful insults. Whatever it takes to get us through this day until we find out what happens next. Though I'm somewhat alarmed by the "unexpected turn"...after this, I don't even know what TO expect, much less what would be unexpected.

I haven't read the recap, but I'm just about to. I just had to say it was an EXHAUSTING episode and I can imagine how difficult it was to recap! Thank you ahead of time for taking one for the team!

I generally don't like comparisons, but did this episode somewhat follow El Manantial? Please don't get spoilery, though. :-(

What a fabulous job, Kat. The perfect amount of wit. I was tearing up just reading the recap. You handled this perfectly.

I was also angry that Cristobal said nothing about Val's kiss/greeting or the visit to Aldonza, BUT men can be a little dense about women. Sorry, David and gringo. Cristobal probably doesn't even realize Val is trying to "catch" him.

Susana put in another stellar performance last night.

I loved the scene between Emmanuel and Roberta. So touching and sad.

Kat, perfect title. "New depths of darkness" indeed. And despair.

A masterful, beautifully detailed recap. Thank you for "Spain is a [magical,] romantic place, where a[n unsuspecting] boy can [be coerced into] fall[ing] in love with a [pushy] girl and maybe even propose [after constant prodding from his overbearing mother]" which was a gem.

I'm still trying to absorb the heinous, hateful unforgivable crime Severiano perpetrated. It still resonates as shockingly now as last night. I never expected this.

I still see Sev/Alexis's self satisfied smile in my mind's eye. It was sickening. I have no idea how Aldonza will recover. How can she bear the thought of being in love with her rapist's son?

Susana did a lovely job with her scenes last night - pitiful with her bar patron and grateful with Emmanuel. I am so tired of him being treated like trash. He is like a poor abused animal who knows he is not cared about or loved.

Why do people never realize they need to shoot not once but multiple times??? No spoiler but I sincerely doubt Sev has met his maker.

And yes, I never liked Candela but now I despise her. She is to blame for the "do whatever is necessary" directive that caused a tragic crime.

I cannot imagine what will happen next. The noise we hear is an army of anvils lining up - never have I seen so many with only a few episodes aired.

Gracias Kat.


Gracias, Sara. This episode ripped my heart out and stomped on it.

All of it seemed carefully crafted for maximum pain. Having Cristobal come over right before and be all lovey. Watching Roberta, completely unaware, drowning her own sorrows. The touching moments with Emmanuel. Having Humberto and Melesio praise Severiano..."someone you could learn a lot from" indeed. All the wrong things, I would say!

And yet, still better than all the "I'm breaking up with you for no good reason, but we'll be back together tomorrow" crap. I asked for real drama and they're giving me real drama. I guess I should have specified non-violent drama?

Gracias, Diana! I don't know how Aldonza is supposed to recover from this, and I'm really concerned that Cristobal's insistence is going to make it worse for her. Ugh!

Yes, absolutely! Shoot twice, in the head. Otherwise there are no guarantees. And for Sev, I'd say he needs to have his head chopped off, his mouth stuffed with garlic, an iron bar placed in his hands, and be buried on an island in the middle of running water so if somehow, he STILL happens to rise, he can't cross.

Diana said:
"The noise we hear is an army of anvils lining up - never have I seen so many with only a few episodes aired."

I bet David and gringo are on it!

Kat-yes. We are definitely getting real drama! I think I'm more disturbed because the violence we are getting is really only hinted at. We don't actually see it and that makes it even worse to me!! (I've always been a fan of the "less is more" school of TN storytelling though....MAXIMUM effect in my opinion.)

I agree! Showing less makes it worse. Instead of happening on the screen, it's happening in my head. And I have a very good imagination.

Thank you, 5ft. This was so difficult to watch, and I'll bet you had to really control yourself to keep from using some strong language.

I felt ill that Aldonza went to the shower. Go to the nearest hospital and have a rape kit done. I hate guys that rape. I am somewhat mystified as to how he could do it with only one hand. I was hoping she would beat the hell out of him.

Sara, no need to be sorry. I am the king of unnoticed hints. My dear wife doesn't try that anymore for Christmas gifts and stuff. She writes it down, then acts surprised when she gets it on Christmas.


Gracias, David. I had the same thoughts about preserving evidence. Though I shudder to think how the oh-so-helpful guys down at the precinct would have gone about their shitty excuse for investigating THIS crime! I think language failed me. Nothing I could think of was quite bad enough to encompass all my anger.

I'm glad I didn't offend you, David. I had to TELL my husband once that someone was flirting heavily with him.

Yes, I also wish they had gone and gotten a rape kit done.

I can't stop thinking about this episode, and yet I don't feel like I can express how I'm really feeling.

Kat- My imagination is pretty good too...which in this case is horrible.

Has anyone else had their stomach in a knot since watching this? I know it's just a show...but this has really affected me.


I have been trying to sort out who I will like and who is annoying in La Somabra. I have really become a SUSANA fan. Great acting, and a convincing job last night. Feel so sorry for her and her plight. What a gripping story line, unlike that other one. Needless to say, great recap Diva. So nice to share coffee and the company of the peeps this COLD March morning. Think I will have a second cup of coffee and enjoy the patio sun and the company of all of you. Sara, love the leopard belt on the melon.

No, you're not the only one. It's like a cloud hanging over everything.

Gracias, emeraldrose. I am in awe of Susana. She conveys so much emotion, it's as if I can see every single one flitting across her face as she goes from confusion to realization to horror to anger. Seamless transitions, no overacting. It's an art.

Hijo de su p*ta madre! I can't believe Severiano did this! No wait, yes I can! What a rat bastard, may his anvil be huge, may rats eat his face and other bits of his body!

I hate to say it but I'm 100% sure that had Aldonza gone to the hospital and the police no one would believe her (that it was rape)-they've already made up their minds that she's a "whore" like her mother, so I doubt they would have offered any help :/

Eli-ugh. What you've said is sadly true.

I don't mean to sound flippant, but the rats should eat Sev's "other bits" first.

emeraldrose-Thank you for complimenting my melon...though it feels a little disrespectful today.

Diva. Thank you. Thank you so much. I couldn't finish the episode but did read your marvelous recap. I will go back and read comments now. Either I am hyper sensitive, these people are damned good actors, or both. I am SO glad I didn't try to look at this last night. I watched my DVR and didn't get past Aldonza crumpled in the shower. My other show had a similar (for me) shocking turn of events, though not totally unexpected and THAT kept me awake last night.

Thank you for recapping this, Diva! This is certainly a far cry from the grade school evil and unearned hatred we saw in TSTSNBN. This is the big leagues and requires a different type of beanie for me.

On to comments.

Gracias, Eli! That's an excellent spleen-venting phrase! I never remember those when I need them. Bring on the Televisa rats. They haven't had any work since Plan B got picked to help Ines try to break out of prison.

Gracias, Lila. I think it doesn't help that our beanies were completely eroded by the end of TSTSNBN...not only could they not keep up with the demands of the constantly disintegrating plot, but they also had to protect us from our disbelief that such a show could ever have been made in the first place.

This show needs a beanie that incorporates a layer of garlic and holy water! They're just doing too damn good a job. There's no ridiculousness to interfere with my suspension of disbelief, the lines all sound realistic, the actors deliver them with conviction...the fact that it's taking place on a screen just isn't enough to overcome all of that!

Kat, thank you for taking the hit for all of us and retelling the details of a deeply troubling episode last night.

All I could think after watching was "Did that just happen?" I was not expecting Seve to take his obnoxious leering and behavior to that level. And yes, Lady MacBeth, er, Candela is just as guilty for coercing her weak husband to the deed. For say what you will, he may come as powerful to his minions, but Seve is essentially a bully and weak minded. And now we can add despicably evil and I almost hope this isn't his end because he deserves a much bigger TN anvil.

I've always enjoyed Alex S. and his scene with Roberta was so well done last night. Can't help but feel that is the start of something...not yet sure what, but a simple act of kindness when you aren't use to it can go a long way to putting people together. Even if it's only to be someone who stands for her when noone else will.

I'm almost afraid to watch tonight. Last night was like a sucker punch, wonder how tonight will play out.


Has anyone else had their stomach in a knot since watching this? --Sara

It's like a cloud hanging over everything. --Diva

Yes, and amen! I'm glad snow and freezing rain kept me from going to work today: I feel like crap! I really don't know what to say. Parents being against their silver-spooned child marrying the "lower classes" and throwing all kinds of obstacles in their way is one thing, but RAPE? This is so viscous, how can this be a love story? That hell-born, three-legged dog has GOT to die!

La Sombra del pasado? How about La Sombra de la presente? How is this going to work with dog hanging around leering over his violation of Aldonza?

My apologies to all canines of the world, wild and otherwise.

Gracias, Daisynjay. I know they hinted at it in the previews, but I was in total denial, pretty much until Adelina said it to Roberta. I kept thinking they were just stringing us along and the story was going to be that he beat her up and threatened her not to come near his son again. Because who the hell does that?!

Lila, La Sombra de la Presente is damn frickin' right! I hope he's dead. I don't have a lot of hope, but at least it will get him off MY screen. Too bad it's not so easy for Aldonza.

What the hell is even the best case scenario in all this? That Cristobal turns out not to be his biological son, so he won't end up looking like Severiano as he ages? And Aldonza gets lots of really good therapy? And they move away?

Kat- Thank you, thank you! Thank you for taking such a dark episode, giving it to us as gently as possible, and finding some of the light moments to highlight.

This tn definitely not light fare, and I'm still amazed Uni is keeping it at 7pm, though happy for my own sake. Even being on so early, this episode nagged at my dreams last night. I did know ahead of time that a brutal rape would be a catalyst in the story, having seen a bit of Azteca's La Duda, their 2002 version of El Manantial starring Silvia Navarro. But I was shocked that it was Sever himself who did it-- in La Duda he sent his hired henchman. How will Aldonza ever be able to separate Cris from his rapist father in her mind? This is not some grade school level couple troubles. This is major!

It's like Roberta and her children are cursed. Between Aldonza's violation, Emmanuel's rejection by "his family", and Roberta being ostracized by the whole town, I just felt like crying for all three of them.

I also thought of the rape kit and police report, but quickly realized that Sever would spin it and the police would believe him. Plus, they'd probably put Humberto in charge of the physical exam and the rape kit, and we KNOW what would happen to the evidence.

What the hell is even the best case scenario in all this? That Cristobal turns out not to be his biological son, so he won't end up looking like Severiano as he ages

Diva, could this be the reason for Dominga's mentioning the other man in Candela's life who would have married her? Let it be so, let Cristobal NOT be Sever's son! It doesn't remove the vileness and violence of the assault but how can we root for a woman to marry her rapist's son? What kind of love could block out the horror of that act?

AND, I still want him to die!

Thanks for that info, Vivi. So the rape is important to the story. I wish they had stuck with the henchman angle because seriously...how do you have a relationship with the son of your rapist.

I can feel the tears welling in my eyes. (justashowjustashowjustashow)

daisynjay- "sucker punch" Gawd yes! That's exactly how I feel.

Lila-Yesterday was rough...on lots of shows.

I'm still just reeling.

Lila-our comments crossed.

I almost hope that is the case because...how can you be with your rapist's son? (see above.)

I don't want Sever to die. I know that not many people are fans of disfigurement...but I am. He's lost his arm. Now lets hope he loses another appendage. Bastard. Effing Bastard.

Gracias Vivi. I guess knowing that it wasn't the same in at least one other version makes me feel a little better about how shocked I am.

It also points out to me the difference between Severiano and a lot of the more recent baddies in that he carries out a lot of his own dirty work, rather than sending a trusted employee to beat up on someone or set things on fire or kill people for him. Humberto helps him cover things up, but that's not quite the same. I guess that's how he keeps his fine, upstanding citizen reputation intact. The number of people who know about his misdeeds is limited.

Just please let him not twist and manipulate Emmanuel! He's far too vulnerable to it with no one having shown him much attention or affection.

"Just please let him not twist and manipulate Emmanuel! He's far too vulnerable to it with no one having shown him much attention or affection."

Shudder. Please watch out for him and keep him safe, Virgen de las Telenovelas.

I don't know who the rapist was in El Manantial though, and this version is apparently sticking close to that one.

Lila- "What kind of love could block out the horror of that act?" Indeed. Cris' love is going to have to be MIND BLOWINGLY AWESOME for Aldonza to overcome this to be with him.

Yeah. Wasn't it SO sad that no one had ever kissed Emmanuel before? This boy has missed out on any kind of love and affection his whole life, and I don't count Humberto's half-assed attempts at sort of fathering him. He lets Pru and Val run roughshod over him and says basically nothing.

Sara, yesterday WAS rough! Beyond rough! I'm about to watch QA to recap it, y'all send me good vibes, even if you don't watch it. Give me strength to render it as faithfully as our Diva did this dark episode!


Great recap, Diva.

I, too, bet Sev hasn't died....dammit!!! He's a beast!!!

Will someone tell me, is Cristobal the son of Sev and Candela?? He had a way of commenting that Cristo was HIS son.

Also do we (TV audience) not know at this point if Roberta's supposedly dead child is alive?

And what's Emmanuel's relationship to Humberto's household? Pru and Val don't seem to like him.



Good luck, Lila!!!!

I know I shouldn't be thinking about this because it's upsetting me, but I couldn't help but think about PSMA.

First of all, is Pablo Lyle doomed to play the segundo plato to his father in every show?!

Ok. I know Feo *seduced* the girl....

Vivi- I'm with you. I can't believe that this is still on at 7/6. NOT a complaint!

Someone mentioned it was dark, but I'm thinking now that I've NEVER seen dark before.

Wishing you good recapping vibes, Lila!

Ann-NYC- Candela has waged a war of separation between Cris and Sever ever since she learned about him and Roberta all those years ago. So he's ticked off at her and likes to remind her that Cris is HIS son too, not just hers.

Pretty much if a villain tells you a baby is dead and that it was a certain sex, and didn't let you see said dead baby, it's pretty much a guarantee that the baby is alive and of the opposite gender that the villain indicated. Jump to X many years later, and we learn from Prudencia that Emmanuel is the random child Humberto brought home one day with the story of having told a dying patient that he would care for her child. That's all we know, but it's pretty easy to draw conclusions.

Gracias, Ann. Yes, Cristobal is Sev and Candela's son, as far as we know. We don't 100% know that Roberta's supposedly dead child is alive, but we're 99% sure it's Emmanuel. Humberto told Pru the story that one of his patients died and left Emmanuel in his care, but Pru and Val are such snobs that it would never occur to them to just treat him like a member of the family.

We aren't SURE Roberta's baby is alive, but we are ALMOST CERTAIN (clear as mud, isn't it?)

Sev keeps emphasizing that Cristobal is HIS son just to remind Candela who keeps saying HER son. Cristobal does belong to both of them, but they seem to be in a power struggle over who gets to make decisions about him.

Emmanuel is a child Humberto brought home and took in. He told Pru and Val that the baby belonged to a patient who died and he promised to care for it. Pru and Val are just mean vipers and that's why they treat Emmanuel like crap.

Good luck Lila!

Sorry to be repetitive, Ann, Vivi and Kat. I am the slowest typist!

Glad to see we're all on the same page. ;-)

3 out of 3 Carayites agree...the baby's not dead!

Ha ha! Some of you just got there faster. :-)

Can I get fuzzy with the patio?

Group hug. It's been so nice to come by and see so many of you feeling the same way. It validates my feelings. I'm glad I'm not the only one bereft over a TN.

Now just watch, now that we're all convinced, the baby will turn out to be be dead and Emmanuel will end up being Humberto's child by some woman he cheated on Prudencia with when she went back to Los Olivos.

You know, since they've already pulled the rug out from under us and turned the entire universe on its head!

(((((((Patio))))))) indeed

Well, if they do turn the entire universe on it's head, I at least feel like it will be well-done and well thought out. NOT thrown together at a last minute staff meeting.

its head.


Oh no, this is carefully crafted, not a page from the Mad Libs school of screenwriting. I bless and curse them for it in equal measure.

"I bless and curse them for it in equal measure."

And be careful what you wish for.

During the run of TSTSNBN I kept saying "We deserve something good after this."

Well. We've got something good. It's well-acted and well-written. There's lots of plot development to chew on.

But it's so painful right now.

Thanx Vivi, Diva and Sara. I'm the slowest typist of all of you!!! LOL!

Can't get over how you three immediately started answering!!! I'm still laughing!!



Hi all!
I haven't been around for a loooong while, but I caught up with you all (read every recap for TSTSNTN, laughing madly through tears of desperation). What a wake up call La Sombra is after that comedic nightmare!
ITA, Susana Gonzalez was AMAZING last night. I thought her scenes in the bar were so beautifully done. There's such desperation and defiance, you can just SEE the little girl lost in her eyes.
I watched a bit of El Manantial when it first aired, but I was a wee babe then and don't remember it. I've pulled up some YouTube vids for comparison, and this is an almost shot for shot remake. The actors are all doing it justice though. Eli, it's funny that you mentioned that Cristobal's lines were from the 1940s b/c the scene between him and Aldonza is actually one of the few that have had significant dialogue changes so far.
They cut the scenes differently though, so el manantial’s traumatic capitulo ended with the rape, which they basically showed (It was that version’s Sev)
This is taking me back to my fave TN, Amor Bravio, in which the rape made me cry and the aftermath of it all made me cry multiple times. I haven’t warmed up to Aldonza the way I did Luzma, but I’m glad I don’t remember El Manatial’s anvil for Sev/Justo because I want to relive it. And it better be heavy. And fall multiple times.
LOVE that Cristobal is such a self-directed galan! Exactly what I needed after TSTSNBN. Don’t know what he’s going to do about this though…

I know. I wished for actual scary bad guys instead of cardboard cutouts. Stupid me!

Lol, Ann! The good thing is, you got three of pretty much the same answer, so you know we're giving you reliable information.

Gracias, HellaShelle. Nice to see you around again. "Little girl lost" is an apt description of Roberta. I remember that Luzma's rape on AB was one of the few times I allowed myself to drop an f-bomb in a recap. And they dealt with the aftermath so well. We'll have to ask gringo and David's Anvils-R-Us to make an extra-dense yet bouncy anvil for Sev.

HellaShelle- Thanks for the confirmation that this version is sticking to the original, even with regard to the rape. I wonder how the audience back then reacted to it. Was the idea of the heroine having a relationship with the son after his father had raped her just as hard to swallow as it is for us?

Sever is pure evil!

Hi everyone! Thanks Kat, awesome recap. Lovely story if they will take out rape storylines. What is wrong with these writers? I am with Sara on this one, its stressing me out. Random wickedness is bad enough. Raping a child after a relationship with her mother, is not only sick but way over the top. How is raping Adolina, going to get Christobel to stop loving her. Crazy!! Other than that great recap.


The Amor Bravio rape still makes my blood pressure go up thinking about it, but they did handle the aftermath well once the truth came out-- police report, exam, counseling for the survivor, trial for the criminal. We did have more time to care about Luzma when it happened, but Aldonza has won my affection in the few episodes we've seen her in so far.

A BIG thank you La Diva---Loved your recap. Severiano aka Hannibal
Lecter and Total bed rest for his little ouchie really stood out for me.

I haven't read the comments yet and I would think that the rape will be front and foremost in the discussion today. I want to get my two cents in before it gets too late and so here goes.

I know that we are supposed to go with the flow and take the story as the writers have given it to us
but the rape last night had me shaking my head---Que? OK!---First
as soon as Hannibal Lecter came into her Aldonza's bedroom and CLOSED THE DOOR!!! She should have been grabbing something to hit him with (he wasn't there for cake and ice cream) she didn't.
After it was obvious that he was there to rape her, she scratched him but that's all. At that point, she should have been fighting like her very live was in danger and it was but to me, he attempts to stave him off were week. Next he hits her and forces
her down onto the bed. He grabs her throat but---with only one arm
he would have to release his grip on her to undue his pants. I know that Hannibal is bigger and stronger but she is young and full of fight. At the point that he released his grip to unbutton his pants, she should have been fighting and scratching like a young lioness. We didn't see that at all. I am not saying that Hannibal couldn't succeed in his evil deed but when it was all over, Hannibal should have had more than a couple of light scratch marks on his face. If my assumption is wrong, let me know.

A prediction---I don't know what is to come but I am thinking that our evil villain will not die with one gunshot. If Roberta really wanted to kill him and I think that she did, instead of spitting at him, Another bullet should have been fired. He will live to create more evil. This is only episode ten.

now on to reading the many comments.
the gringo


Sever is our main bad guy. He's going to be with us till the bitter end, is my assumption.

I don't want to think about all the mechanics of the rape, but Sever also has two good legs he could pin her down with, and he also could have knocked her out cold at some point. There are lots of ways a big, strong, one-armed man could have overpowered her. But there is also the very real possibility that Aldonza froze up and went into her head. This happens all the time to real life rape victims, and I'm not going to criticize them for not doing more to fight. Sometimes you're so shocked that something is happening that you freeze up. One of the things I learned from self-defense class way back in high school was that the class wasn't teaching you to become some kind of black belt ninja who could kick anybody's butt any time. It was about teaching your body to not freeze up, because that is what often happens and how attackers are able to succeed.

Gracias, Hanna. I'm glad we're at least all stressing over it together!

gracias, gringo. I don't think one bullet from that distance was enough to bring him down, either, unless she's some kind of sharpshooter.

I'm assuming, given the last thing we saw was his hand around her throat, that he choked her until she passed out. Remember that he may only have one arm, but he's gotten USED to having just one arm and having to overcompensate. How was she supposed to know what his intentions were? Sure, nothing good, because what kind of guy sneaks in like that? But to go from there to assuming he was going to rape her and throwing furniture at his head? She is not to blame in this. Not one bit. It is 100% his fault.

Gringo - I'm with you in that the scene felt a little unreal. Aldonza's struggle with the two idiots in the forest seemed real to me, but last night she seemed weak in a way that had me wondering "what's up with her?" I"m a little surprised because in El Man. Sev/Justo shoves Alfonsina (Aldonza) and she hits her head on the headboard and then he backhands her across the face a little later, which makes his overpowering her seem more understandable.

That being said, Vivi's spot on. I got a similar talk about freezing up when in a self-defense workshop. Also, he's got like 50-70 pounds on her and is used to handling horses with one arm, so yeah, I think he could be the world's biggest snake.

Kat, don't know how you could cap this, my hands would be trembling too much to type, so thank you.

All I can say is George Carlin's Seven Words you can never say on TV. I'm sick about this.

Sara, first thing I thought of too was Pablo Lyle may be type cast now as a galan who's daddy always gets there first.

How did that pistol even fire?


I just rewatched that scene and realized that since it ends before Sev does anything, I'm going to assume that she does freeze up into herself and then does fight como una fiera and he does bash the back of her head against something and half choke her to unconciousness and she wakes up in the middle of that nightmare. That seems like Aldonza

Tofie - yeah, I was wondering that too. I guess it's what they call a semiautomatic (I know nothing about guns). I thought it would've jammed after 20+ years underground, but I guess that's more a revolver thing?

PS: Lola's great, but there was a part of me saying it's not your business just because she's your friend. That's like Candie saying it's her business because it's her son's love life.

That's a good point, HellaShelle.

It's one thing for the scene itself to seem unreal and another to question a victim of rape. It's a sensitive topic and the last thing I want is for anyone who's been through something even remotely similar to feel like this is a personal attack on them.

The only thing I want anyone to take personally is the part where we say that the person to blame for rape is the rapist and it's not the victim's fault.

gracias, tofie. I wondered that, too about the gun, since it's been sitting there so long, under who-knows-what conditions.

But since I wanted her to shoot him, I was willing to let it slide. If that gets me a seat on the bus to hell, I think I can live with that.

Kat – thank you for the recap!

I am back in town and ready to join y'all on the Patio. :-)

I hate hate HATE that Sever raped Aldonza!!!! Anvils are too good for him. Unfortunately, we'll be stuck with him for months on end (Gggrrrrrrr!!!!!) since these super bad guys never die early in the game.

Even if Aldonza had gone to the police to report the rape, my money is on them not believing her because Severiano is such a (ahem…gag) fine upstanding citizen who owns the town. :-p


me too, but I was screaming to "shoot the fucker again", That's a quote. Or get a rocket launcher. We'll likely have to see that smug mug of Severiano's and he weaves some crock of crap story and gets away with it.

Gracias, doris. Pull up a chair and an umbrella 'cause I'm sure a storm's coming!

tofie, I said "Double tap! You always double tap!" I don't even know what movie/tv show I got that from, but it's a good rule!

So my stuffed shirt hubby heard my string of profanity rants at the TV last night, this after months of uncontrollable giggling, and he not knowing one ended and I'm transfixed on another. Bless his heart he asked me if I was ok and flustered I tried to explain but gave up.

Thanks Diva. I agree with you 1000% and did not mean to imply in any way the rape is Aldonza's fault, which is why I think Vivi's spot on. Last nigh, when he threw her on the bed, I definitely wondered why she wasn't struggling like a hell demon, but one thing I do think changes the scene for me is that her struggle with Tweedle Dee and Dum happens in the middle of the day, outside, and it looks like it's not uncommon. Sev was in her home, in her room, at night and she's had little to no interaction with him before this. When she first sees him, she seems to think he's there to talk about Cris since that's the first thing he mentions. I think she thinks he's there to talk about that, warn her off of his son like his mother did, and that's it. I don't think she ever thought he'd rape her. I think in her head she's thinking "this isn't happening. This couldn't possibly be happening; his son was just here telling me he loves me and showering me with kisses. This can't be what happens next."

Also, my heart just sank when I saw she had showered. I know the police would've been idiots, but that's why you want the rape kit (though in true TN fashion, someone surely would've been bribed to destroy the evidence). Again, one of the reasons I loved the way Amor Bravio handled that storyline.

Some nights it's a "Stop asking me questions and read the recap!" situation.

Oh, no, I don't think anybody's implying anything, I just wanted to head off any hurt feelings at the pass.

Diva---She isn't to blame in this.
Absolutely she isn't to blame I agree but I am just trying to say that things didn't look right to me. You said that Aldonza didn't know what he was there for. Right
but with him closing the door!!!
If that would have been me, damn right I would be quickly looking for something to bash him with.
Your mother's enemy doesn't walk into your bedroom and close the door to play checkers. You and Vivi are both right however in that he probably weakened her ability to fight by choking her or
she may have gone into shock. I am just angry about the whole evil deed and double angry that all Sever got was a couple of light scratches that will disappear in a few days. I would have liked to see some deep permanent scars on Sever's face.

Yes, once again I am TOTALLY blown away by Susana Gonzalez. She brings the 110% night after night. I cant ever remember an actress that I though so highly of. She had 2/3 very different scenes last night and took them all to the highest level possible.
I can't understand a word that she says but to me, she's absolute magic.

The shot that felled Sever last night. Distance was mentioned but that isn't all that important. What is important is the caliber of the bullet. Roberta used the Televisa standard which is a Beretta 92fs in 9mm. The 9mm is considered to be a big round or serious caliber although on the bottom rung of the big boy caliber ladder. There is only one below a 9mm in that category which is the 380 but that will draw arguments as to it belonging in the serious category group.
Too small, not powerful enough is the reason. Back to the 9mm. Many police departments all across have discontinued use of the 9mm in favor of the more powerful and bigger 40 caliber because often the 9mm just doesn't get the job done. So back to Roberta. A second or third shot would or should have been used but Roberta
doesn't know guns and so I'm afraid that we will have that rat bastard around for some time to come. As always I could be wrong but I will be in front of my tv each night to see.
the gringo


Ah, but they never painted him as being any kind of a dangerous guy. Everyone maintains this fiction that he's a good guy and that the only reason their families are "enemies" is because he wants El Santuario and Roberta won't sell it. Which Aldonza knows is total BS, but she couldn't have imagined the truth. And I don't know if she'll get it even now. I'd almost rather she doesn't because she's got enough of her own stuff to deal with without having to also process what happened between Sev and her parents on the night her dad was killed.

I also wonder how many other of the town's young women have been attacked by this solid citizen and nobody says anything because, well, it's Don Severiano and who would believe it?

I know the police in TNs are notoriously bad, but I close my eyes and my heart just sinks to think that they're going to say she shot him cuz she's nuts and angry that her "plot to extort him" (is extort the right word here?) failed and all three women are making up the rape to justify the shooting.

If that's the case, how will Cristobal react?

Oh, crap, yeah, it could go that way. And since he's also always been told what a great, upstanding guy his dad is...unless his mother tells him the truth, I think he'd believe it. Even though he'd struggle with still having feelings for her and thinking she's "not like her mother."

Could it be that Roberta's baby did was not born dead and that Emmanuel is her child?

Oops!! Could it be that Roberta's baby was not born dead and that Emmanuel is that child?


We're 99% certain that's the case.

Oh my goodness. I could not believe what happened last night. I thought that Severed was going to threaten Aldonza and rough her up a bit. However, when he closed the door, I got a very bad feeling. Yikes..bleecchhh and yuck..I would not have predicted that turn of events. Geez, let's hope that Aldonza is not pregnant. I hope that Severed is, indeed, not Cris's father.

Susanlynn, word to everything you said. I can't even say "They would never!" I have no idea what to expect anymore.

This one time, I walked into my living room to find a stranger standing there in the middle of the night. I knew I should scream or do something but I just went blank with terror, thankfully the person just turned around and left :/

Forgot to ask earlier - How did Cande NOT see the scratches!?

Oh Eli! How terrifying!

Sara- Cande DID see the scratches, and scoffed at them assuming they were from an amorous adventure.

Emmanuel being the baby is so sucky because it sounds like he's a good friend to Aldonza, which means he was always within reach of his real mother who I'm sure would have loved him no matter what.

Thanks Vivi. I didn't even notice/catch it.

Excellent point Eli. How sad :(

Well, it doesn't sound like Roberta has been THAT great of a mother to Aldonza. But Emmanuel did miss out on having a loving aunt Adelina.

I am guessing that this was not the first time Cande saw scratches on Severed's face. She has such contempt for him that she simply doesn't care enough to ask what happened.Cande is obsessed with running her son's life, so that is all that she cares about.

Vivi-maybe the loss of the baby made Roberta worse than she was?

I don't know, Eli. She was pretty negligent when Aldonza was a baby and Ray was alive. Remember how she left tiny Aldonza by herself in the house so that she could go meet Sever?

True. She barely got over having Aldonza and she was pregnant again. And it was a difficult delivery and she ended up sterile. Plus I'm willing to bet she had post partum depression with both births. Not to mention her general mental state.

Not excusing her behavior.

Yes, that's true, god, I just wish Aldonza had one other person on her side, every one in town is so hateful!

Seriously, like that woman at the bridge with her "Oh, look, she's starting in on younger guys now." Like it's any of her business! Do they not have anything else to talk about in Santa Lucia but Roberta?

Diva, Thank you. It's all I got. I'm wiped out.

Not being able to comment from work SUCKS.

J in Oregon

Gracias, J. That does suck!

Does Roberta have a twirly skirted dress and cardigan in every color ?

It's like her uniform, isn't it? And every single thing she's worn has looked gorgeous on her. There was a blouse-skirt-cardigan for Padre Sixto's funeral, and a tank top-skirt-cardigan outfit when she was snogging Sev in the church, but every other time--dress and cardigan.

Okay. Tons of comments I haven't read. I'll get to those tomorrow.

I just want to thank Diva for this marvelous recap and the warmth of the counsel and camaraderie I felt after reeling from this episode. I never made it past Aldonza's sobbing in the shower in a fetal position. This episode shocked and shook me in a way I never expected and sharing that with all of you helped loads. Thank you Diva, and thanks to all of you, beloved Sombra patio/fireside peeps!

Night Night!

what a sad sad depressing novella but I'm glued to it. I love Susana Gonzalez and she should win an award for this role. Can't wait for the anvils for the monsters/evil schemers in this novella. Anne

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