Friday, March 20, 2015

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo: Thurs. Mar. 19 Discussion Page

[Thanks to Martai for filling in!]

Ángel and Magda are planning a trip and he gets the call from Ana about Sebastian's pain. He tells her to take him to ER ASAP and he will meet them there. He takes off and Magda is left there frozen.
Ana asks Betty to let Fernando know.
Fernando arrives at hospital in a jiffy and Angel tells him and Ana that he was arranging for the OR. Sebastian has appendicitis.
Fanny is surprised talking to Edith and asking her what happened. Edith explains that she was realizing she was running from her problems instead of facing them. Fanny is happy to hear that.

Diego visits Yomama. She is upset and hessitant to tell him any details but only hints him that Hissabella and Enrique were together at Harvard and that since Diego is visiting/dating Hissabella, to look in her apartment for a paper. When he finds the paper he will understand.

Maricela calls Jennifer to tell her that a man came by saying he is Aura's dad. Jennifer realizes that maybe she and Johnny could lose Aura. She says she has to take Aura away before that happens but Maricela tells her that is not right/legal. Johnny convinces Jennifer that that is not the right thing to do, that they could be accused of kidnapping. He swears to Jennifer that Aura will be with them. Bruno tells Manuela that he wants to date her formally. The twins and Luz are hearing this around the kitchen door and even tape the conversation.Bruno and Manuela want the wedding to be a secret.
Nando and Ximeena arrive to the hospital to see Sebastian when suddenly Fanny and Edith arrive. Nando is impactado.Ximena is miffed. Ximena asks Fanny why noone let her know that Edith was back. Fanny says she just found out. Nando and Edith exchange stares, he is a bit scared, she is amused at his reaction. Ximena leaves the hospital since she feels uncomfortable. Edith tells Nando that she is not interested ina relationship with him, since she came back to retake her friendship with Fanny and to continue her career studies.

Ana tells Fernando that Alicia is very mysterious and that it is probable that she is lying about where she is at tonight. Pablo and Alicia are dressing up to look older to go to an Antro/club. Ana calls the mother of the friend Alicia is supposed to be with and realizes she is not there. Alicia and Pablo get to go into the club. Alicia and Pablo are discovered by one of the waiters inside. The guard from the Antro have Alicia call Ana and Fernando. Ana reprimends Alicia for her lie while she puts a hand on Fernando's mouth (he wanted Ana to hand him the phone but Ana controls him with the breathing 'inhale, exhale' order).
Arquímedes visits Hissa to remind her she owes him lots of money. Isabela tells him that she needs him to take care of the baby but will pay him. He asks why she does not get a nanny. She has a tantrum and says she HATES HATES nannies!!! (LOL!)Diego arrives at Hissa's apartment and while she walks away he puts some powder on her wine glass. Isabela falls asleep. Diego finds the DNA test document that reflects that Fernando's paternity test on DN is negative.

Diego again visits Yolanda to get some more details and she is upset but lets her know that Hissa and Enrique were lovers, Diego realizes Enrique worked for Fernando whihe he was married to Hissa. So Enrique is DN's father.

Hissabela wakes up and finds Arquimedes is there (how did he get in??) and tells her he took care of the baby. 
He and Hissa realize Diego put something in her wine to put her to sleep.
León coordinates with Fanny to have her visit him at his new apartment that night. However the one that shows up at the door is Laura…
Ana arrives home with Alicia, tells Alicia that her dad is mad and this time Ana will side with him, what Alicia and Pablo did was WRONG and DANGEROUS!!
Diego goes to the hospital and pulls Fernando out to waiting area, sits him down and tells him that DN is not his son, but the son of Enrique. Fernando in shock.


here is the recap from mex in spanish:
Ángel está con Magda planeando un viaje, cuando de pronto, reciben una llamada de Ana quien está muy preocupada por el dolor de Sebastián. Ángel le pide a Ana que lo lleve al hospital. Ana le pide a Beatriz que le avise a Fernando del dolor de Sebastián. Ángel le informa a Ana y a Fernando que es necesario operar del apéndice. (Duración: 00:41:20, Capítulo: 171, Fecha: 23.Feb.15)

Ángel está con Magda planeando un viaje, cuando de pronto, reciben una llamada de Ana quien está muy preocupada por el dolor de Sebastián. Ángel le pide a Ana que lo lleve al hospital. Ana le pide a Beatriz que le avise a Fernando del dolor de Sebastián. Ángel le informa a Ana y a Fernando que es necesario operar del apéndice.

Fanny está sorprendida por el regreso de Edith. Ella explica que se ha dado cuenta que no puede huir de sus problemas y que tiene que enfrentarlos. Fanny está muy contenta.

Diego llega a visitar a Yolanda a la residencia y le pide hablar con ella. Diego se entera que Isabela y Enrique tuvieron que ver. Yolanda le da una pista a Diego de que busque un documento en el departamento de Isabela.

Maricela le habla a Jennifer para decirle que un hombre llamado David vino a buscar a Aura ya que al parecer es su verdadero padre. Jennifer se da cuenta de que tal vez pueda perder a Aura y que entonces intentará llevársela antes de que eso pase. Johnny la convence de que no es la mejor manera. Johnny le jura que no va a dejar que nada pase.

Bruno le informa a Manuela que quiere formalizar con ella. Los niños graban a Bruno y Manuela mientras terminan de formalizar. Bruno y Manuela quieren que la boda sea secreta.

Nando y Ximena llegan al hospital a buscar a Sebastián cuando de pronto se topan con Fanny y Edith. Nando está impresionado. Ximena le pregunta a Fanny por qué nadie le había dicho que Edith había regresado. Nando y Edith intercambian una mirada. Ximena decide irse ya que se siente muy incómoda. Edith le aclara a Nando que ella no quiere nada con él ya que regresó por su carrera y por Fanny.

Ana le dice a Fernando que Alicia está muy misteriosa y que es probable que esté mintiendo con respecto a estar en casa de una amiga suya. Pablo y Alicia se han preparado para ir a un antro, se han disfrazado de chavos más grandes. Ana habla a la mamá de la amiga de Alicia y se da cuenta de que efectivamente es mentira. Alicia y Pablo son dejados pasar por el cadenero al antro. Alicia y Pablo son descubiertos por un mesero ya que no tienen mayoría de edad para pedir bebidas. El personal del antro le avisan a Ana y a Fernando. Ana regaña a Alicia por su mentira.

Isabela recibe a Arquímedes quien le recuerda que no ha recibido ningún pago. Isabela le dice a Arquímedes que necesita que cuide al bebé. Diego llega al departamento de Isabela y sin que ella se dé cuenta, pone algo en su copa. Isabela se queda dormida. Diego encuentra la carta del análisis de ADN donde se revela que Fernando no es el verdadero padre de Diego-Nicolás.

Diego regresa a buscar a Yolanda y se entera que Enrique e Isabela fueron amantes y que Diego-Nicolás es hijo de él.

Isabela despierta y se topa con que Arquímedes ha regresado con el bebé. Isabela se da cuenta de que Diego la durmió.

León queda en llevar a Fanny a conocer el nuevo departamento. No obstante, de pronto recibe la visita de Laura…

Diego le dice a Fernando que descubrió que Diego-Nicolás es hijo de Enrique Basurto.

i am translating it right now. hold on.


Ángel and Magda are planning a trip and he gets the call from Ana about Sebastian's pain. He tells her to take him to ER ASAP and he will meet them there. He takes off and Magda is left there frozen.
Ana asks Betty to let Fernando know.
Fernando arrives at hospital in a jiffy and Angel tells him and Ana that he was arranging for the OR. Sebastian has appendicitis.
Fanny is surprised talking to Edith and asking her what happened. Edith explains that she was realizing she was running from her problems instead of facing them. Fanny is happy to hear that.

Diego visits Yomama. She is upset and hessitant to tell him any details but only hints him that Hissabella and Enrique were together at Harvard and that since Diego is visiting/dating Hissabella, to look in her apartment for a paper. When he finds the paper he will understand.

Maricela calls Jennifer to tell her that a man came by saying he is Aura's dad. Jennifer realizes that maybe she and Johnny could lose Aura. She says she has to take Aura away before that happens but Maricela tells her that is not right/legal. Johnny convinces Jennifer that that is not the right thing to do, that they could be accused of kidnapping. He swears to Jennifer that Aura will be with them. Bruno tells Manuela that he wants to date her formally. The twins and Luz are hearing this around the kitchen door and even tape the conversation.Bruno and Manuela want the wedding to be a secret.
Nando and Ximeena arrive to the hospital to see Sebastian when suddenly Fanny and Edith arrive. Nando is impactado.Ximena is miffed. Ximena asks Fanny why noone let her know that Edith was back. Fanny says she just found out. Nando and Edith exchange stares, he is a bit scared, she is amused at his reaction. Ximena leaves the hospital since she feels uncomfortable. Edith tells Nando that she is not interested ina relationship with him, since she came back to retake her friendship with Fanny and to continue her career studies.

Ana tells Fernando that Alicia is very mysterious and that it is probable that she is lying about where she is at tonight. Pablo and Alicia are dressing up to look older to go to an Antro/club. Ana calls the mother of the friend Alicia is supposed to be with and realizes she is not there. Alicia and Pablo get to go into the club. Alicia and Pablo are discovered by one of the waiters inside. The guard from the Antro have Alicia call Ana and Fernando. Ana reprimends Alicia for her lie while she puts a hand on Fernando's mouth (he wanted Ana to hand him the phone but Ana controls him with the breathing 'inhale, exhale' order).
Arquímedes visits Hissa to remind her she owes him lots of money. Isabela tells him that she needs him to take care of the baby but will pay him. He asks why she does not get a nanny. She has a tantrum and says she HATES HATES nannies!!! (LOL!)Diego arrives at Hissa's apartment and while she walks away he puts some powder on her wine glass. Isabela falls asleep. Diego finds the DNA test document that reflects that Fernando's paternity test on DN is negative.

Diego again visits Yolanda to get some more details and she is upset but lets her know that Hissa and Enrique were lovers, Diego realizes Enrique worked for Fernando whihe he was married to Hissa. So Enrique is DN's father.

Hissabela wakes up and finds Arquimedes is there (how did he get in??) and tells her he took care of the baby.
He and Hissa realize Diego put something in her wine to put her to sleep.
León coordinates with Fanny to have her visit him at his new apartment that night. However the one that shows up at the door is Laura…
Ana arrives home with Alicia, tells Alicia that her dad is mad and this time Ana will side with him, what Alicia and Pablo did was WRONG and DANGEROUS!!
Diego goes to the hospital and pulls Fernando out to waiting area, sits him down and tells him that DN is not his son, but the son of Enrique. Fernando in shock.


Fanny arrives to Leon's apt and Laura is half naked standing there, Feranndo goes to Hissa's apt and is MAD as HECK.
gotta go to work, i'm late but had to post this...

Thanks, Marta.

I enjoyed:

Angel calming down Sebastián with a trick before his surgery.

Juan acting like a real adult re: Aura's father.

Diego doing the necessary investigation given the hints by Yolanda to discover Diego Nicolás's true parentage.

Alicia and Pablo's most excellent adventure.



Thank you, Marta. I am once again unable to get to see the episodes this week and sure have appreciated the work of our recappers. Thanks to all.
Hoping to catch up over the weekend.

I missed portions of last night handling some work at home, so appreciate you jumping in Marta to assist. Jardinera, not to worry. Lord knows I understand how work can get crazy and upset plans lately.

Ana is now in full-blown Mom mode. I do like the way she shushed Fer with Alicia because he would have just ranted and the girl needed to be told she did wrong. But I always found that being more collected and calm but STERN is better than the yelling. My sons have laughed as adults now and said that scared them more when I was cool and collected when they goofed up on something.

You know, I actually feel rather sorry for Laura in a :"you're still a skank, but a sorry skank" sort of way. That she believes all she has to offer and the only way to get someone to like her is to almost sell herself is sad to see. She's not a stupid girl.

Diego is my hero. He's handling this whole situation with Isa so well. Though Yomama should have long ago stopped her daughter, it was sad to see her realize what a mess her child is. Reap what you sow. Now we get to watch Fer explode tonight. I'm actually looking forward to that because Jorge and Mar play off each other so well.

Sort of dodn't watch any of the Bruno stuff or Angel playing with Sebas either. Filler. And Magda is married to a doctor--you would think she would be use to having him have to take off to the hospital. period.


I think Angel is some sex. How he flips back and forth between Ana and Magda is just silly. I don't think he was ever "in love" with lust but not love.

My father was famous for banning people from the house so if I was Alicia and my dad was Fernando, Pablo would be banned from the house for good. Which is where I think Fernando's train of thought is going.

But we know Pablo will eventually be let back around Alicia.

Yolanda has realized for quite some time that Chabela is a mess and a disgrace as a daughter. I think the first seeds of that were planted when she pretended to be Ana's mother and intensified when Soledad came into the picture & Ramona came to work for them. She sees Ana & Soledad having a loving relationship & Ana/Fernando having loving relationships with all of the kids, including DN. And her daughter is a hot mess who doesn't know love & rejects it.


Glad Diego had the presence of mind to steal/take the paternity test paperwork rather than just trying to tell Fer what it said which would have not been believed.

Thanks Marta for recapping, in two languages no less.

I was surprised that Diego told Fer immediately about the DNA. I thought in true TN style it would take a couple of episodes to do it. The fact that he found out the whole truth and told Fer all in one episode was great.

Can't wait for Fer to confront Isa. I'm afraid he might pay her off to sign away her parental rights so that he can keep the baby. I don't want her to profit anymore off of her lies .

yes, those who are anxiously waiting for that confrontation... it's definitely a MUST WATCH exchange!

thank you Marta, bunches.

So cute, Pablo and those herman munster shoes.

Now why would Leon let Laura in the house, he sure was taking in the scenery.

Liked that right before Isabela lost consciousness, she knew Diego did something.

It's still weird for me to see Angel on call for Fernando's kids.

Is it really that easy to go into a club in Mex just by your appearance?
in NY i actually went through the trouble of getting a sheriff's id for a friend of mine who was years older than me and the club folks would not let her in. they said the id was false. i went back to the sheriff's office the next day and the sheriff's office closed the club for a weekend, they had no right to take the id away...
anyway, back to our kids... no id checks at the door? really?? or did Alicia and Pablo take advantage of the door guards being distracted and sneaked in quickly? (I must have blinked, did not see how they got in, other than the fact that they were dressed up (Alicia had heels and makeup, Pablo had mustache and a suit on).

Alicia is definitely doing the teenage thing. She seems to be making up for Nando's lack of teenage hijinks.

tofie, LOL on
ow why would Leon let Laura in the house, he sure was taking in the scenery
also agree with the Angel/Fernando issue. although Angel is really taking it quite well. seems it was indeed an infatuation or some weird attraction Angel felt for Ana's personality being so spontaneous, lively and expressive.

I'd love to see Fer give the kid back to an unemployed Isabitch, go to court and change the birth certificate based on the DNA test and sue her for all costs. IE: medical, apt rent, etc.

I'd like to see him sue for all the money he ever gave her starting with all her pre-marital debts he had no legal obligation to pay.

However, my guess will be that he will so want her out of his life that he won't bother. He'll just think of this as an expensive lesson.

Few thoughts before reading comments.

The wine drugging scene was a hoot. PM did a great job with the comedy timing. I wish they would produce a comedy novela with that kind of comedy instead of the broad/slapstick kind. I’m not a fond of the broad/slpstick.

Xi’s going to have to suck it up. Edith and Fan are buds and Edith is going to be around.

Liking the dweeby computer guy.

Liked how Ana was trying to keep Fer calm re: Alicia. He has tendency to overreact, though in this case, Alicia went too far. She thought she was going to get out of it with an apology and a smile, but Ana is in full mama mode.


Fernando has the best hand on the table now as far as finances with Isa but he is smart... he can milk that to his advantage.

totally agree that PM is making his presence in these last few eps COUNT BIG TIME. good ep last night for him.

Yes, Nanette, I agree that Alicia thought she was going to worm her way out of this one with an apology. Big surprise for her this time: Ana and Dad just might be on the same page or close to it. Just makes one think of one's own youthful misadventures that seemed so logical at the time.
Too funny.


Thanks, Marta.

Looks like Edith heard those of you in Viewerville who thought she was running away from her probs.

Loved Pablo’s Herman Munster shoes (at first I described them as Frankenstein monster shoes, but like Tofie’s description better).

Interesting choice on his part when he probably would rather be Gomez Addams! Alicia would have been a good Morticia.

Must-see TV tonight!


Very observant of the door guy at the club ... a skinny little guy with HUGE platforms and a crooked (obviously fake) mustache and a young girl with too much makeup teetering on newly acquired high heels clinging to each other for dear life ... yup, they look old enough, come on in! Estupido! Too silly, not funny to me at all.

I stopped watching this way back when the silly got ridiculous with the screeching and the stuttering and the Johnny hero worship. I peeked in tonight and I see it hasn't changed much. Happy with my decision and I'm out again. I'll just see what tn comes next.

It is beyond belief that Leon let Laura in the door. If he is yo save himself he needs to :
A. Call the police
B. Be in the hall or better the parking lot when Fanny arrives

I'm so glad the big secret of little DN's true parentage is out! Can't wait to see Fernando face off with Isa. I hope he finally opens his eyes to see that she has been conning him from the start.

I was somewhat amused with Alicia and Pablo's antics, stupid but funny. I hope they get punished for that stunt, although Alicia has been punished for awhile having to share a room with a 6 year old.

I was really happy to see Edith looking strong and confident. She told Fanny that she had no plans to try and get Nando back and that she wouldn't get back with him even if he wanted to. She was very firm with her words, I just hope it's not a "famous last words" kind of thing. I am also concerned that they are going to pair her up with Diego since he looked at her with interest and Edith told him he looked good.

I will admit that I was surprised that Diego told Fernando that he baby isn't his. But I still can't imagine that Fernando and Ana will just let him go out of their lives even knowing this. But who knows with this show, they may just do that. Or, Isabela dies and they end up with him.

I don't know what the plot point of Sebastian getting appendicitis is. I agree with Victoria, just to give the kid some more screen time.

I was thinking the same about Leon. Just walk out into the hall and wait for Fanny there. If we see Fanny getting all jealous, accusing, and hurt over this, I'm going to scream. Same thing about Ximena. If she's going to throw the fit that she did before she left for treatment, then she's not better and Nando better break up with her.

I was confused at the time frame for Alicia and Pablo going out. It seemed like, according to what the other characters were doing at the same time, that it was day time. So why would they go clubbing during the day?

How's Isa cooking up the chaos ?

I'm taking a different view of Diego's escapades. I realize that Isabela has done several questionable things, but here was Diego deceiving her, poisoning her, and stealing a personal document... how are those things good or cute?

Also I think throughout this show that Isabela's crimes have been greatly over-inflated here. The worst I can recall was the failed attempt on Siete's life, but only after he had assaulted her.


MartaIvett, thanks for posting the summary!

I was happy to see Edith back and looking strong. You go, girl!
Loving the computer nerd guy. And I'm glad Bruno and Manuela got back together, but wish I didn't have to watch it happen.

Now I'm going to sound like a complainer, but:

What was the point of the twin's dental visit and all the needles?

Also, I'm on record as disliking all the "practical jokes" played by the kids...including putting things in people's food and drink to make them burp, fall asleep, etc. Not funny to me. And I totally get Diego's motivation, but drugging someone by putting sleeping medicine in their wine is just wrong.

Should be interesting to see Laura get her come-uppance tonight, no way is Fanny going to take this lying down!

J in Oregon

Carlos: She caused Sebes' accident. She was also on the verge of shoving Ana down a flight of stairs (Bruno's walking into the parlor stopped her) and smashing Soledad in the head with a vase. There's the many attempts on Enrique's life, which he deserved, but still.

Do those count?


"...drugging someone by putting sleeping medicine in their wine is just wrong.

Yes, I agree completely, thanks.


Yes (yawn), but as good villains go, she is a real lightweight... almost precious in her ineptitude. She comes close to qualifying for redemption.


Ok you guys, of all those who put in their vote for who and/or how Fernando would find out the truth about DN's parentage, NOBODY guessed or voted for super sleuth Diego !

Carlos: I agree she's not earned death or facial mutilation karma-as some have suggested. But she doesn't seem to be redeemable at this point. I guess she could show remorse at the eleventh hour.


Marta, thanks for a great recap in two languages no less !! Jardinera I think all of us understand that other matters come before recapping. Thanks for posting the discussion page.

I wanted to shout out a big thank you to Victoria for the solution to view old recaps. I'm watching a previous novela; and, at first, I got nothing but strange looking stuff. I signed up for a Delicious account and followed Victoria's instructions and it worked ! Now I can read the recaps to my heart's content. Thank goodness, because my Spanish and hearing are lacking.

Nanette, I think the worst punishment for Isa would be to lose custody of DN, and then realize too late what a terrible person she has been. However, knowing the character, that would be a stretch.

J in Oregon

So now the writers have Ximena getting all insecure and childish and Edith is the one in control. I like what Edith said and if she means it then I'm in her corner. No man is worth fighting for, it's very degrading and it looks like she came to her senses. Now Ximena is losing her mind. I don't understand why she's getting bent out of shape because what if Edith never left would she be acting like this? I hope Nando comes to his senses and leaves both these WOMEN alone and focus on being a 17 year old teenager.

Very sloppy of Diego to leave all that evidence. He wasn't even discreet with his scheme. You could see the powder in the wine! I like Isabella and found her more comical than anything, but leaving your child with someone you don't know? Stupid!

I'm glad that Diego was so blatantly open to Isa with his plan to play her like a fool. She deserved it.


Bryan, I don't think Diego cared about the evidence he left. He wasn't coming on to her because he wanted a relationship with her. He got the info he needed and that's all.

Carlos, who cares if he deceived Isabela? He got the info he needed. What can she do against him? Take him to court? For What? Now Fernando can demand a DNA test if she protests and prove he's not the father in a court of law. Isa has done damaging things to everyone in his family, including him. She deserves everything she will get.


"What can she do against him?... For What?"

Well for starters, he poisoned her and as Bryan pointed out:

"Very sloppy of Diego to leave all that evidence... You could see the powder in the wine!"

plus the fact that he committed a theft by taking her private document.

I think she'd have a pretty good case against him.


I also agree with:

"I like Isabella and found her more comical than anything..."

I think that this show would have died and early death without Luz, Isabela, and Enrique.

By the way, whatever happened to the weasel? I think he must have bought it during the fumigation.


Ok, Carlos, so is it ok to lie to someone and tell him that he's the father of her baby when he isn't and she knows he isn't? Come on, let's put this in perspective. Fernando has doled out a lot of money and time to her when she deserves none of it. And don't forget the emotional trauma too.

You say Diego poisoned Isa. How is that? If a sleeping pill or powder is posion, then millones of people are in big trouble !!

And Isa in fact did poison Siete with gobs of rat posion and with the intent kill. And what she did to Sebastián could have left him crippled for life. Calling Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan !


If someone administers a toxic substance (and "...a sleeping pill or powder..." is medically by definition a toxic substance), surreptitiously, that is a poisoning. If someone takes such a substance knowingly and willingly, that is self medication (which by the way sometimes results in unintentional or intentional poisoning).

You're welcome.



And as far as:

"And what she did to Sebastián could have left him crippled for life."

Oh please, she tripped him with her cane.


And if tripping him caused him to be unable to pursue his dancing, he'd be devastated. Doesn't matter how bad people think he is, he loves to dance.

Carlos, thank you for the clarification. Your medical background is very much appreciated.

This show slowly lost my attention because it suffered from split personality disorder. It never really found its niche, as things switched back and forth between silliness and "noir". It has left the comedy-lovers feeling out of sorts and the dark-drama lovers feeling annoyed by all the slapstick. Just sayin'. I'll be sort of relieved when it's over.

J in Oregon

I will also point out the physical and emotional abuse of Sebastian. Isabully threw him against the wall and called him nasty names, including a deformed monster.

She is every bit the fairy-tale wicked stepmother. She deserves a severe Karmageddon.

Okay, Carlos, I realize you are a mellow dude and all, but just how mellow would you continue be be if you slept with a fine lady and then she lied to you that you were the father of her child, took heaps of your money, coerced you into marrying her, moved into your house and abused your children, employees, and various other people and a pet associated with the household, allowed her mother to do the same, and generally caused so many problems that you divorced her, upon which she took heaps more of your money and continued to abuse people that you love, endangered the health of the baby that you think is yours, disrupted your wedding and honeymoon, as well as colluded with a man who tried to destroy your business and harm your father, your daughter, and your new wife?

You may be setting a world record for mellow-dudeness. :)

Things I'll miss:
-The show always had perfectly appropriate background music for the situation.
-Manuela had a great supporting part, loved her time in the cult.
-Luz is a natural, never seemed like she was acting, she is the real star of the show.
-Edith, proves that you can't judge a book by it's cover.
-The pranks by the clones, too funny.

Things I won't miss:
-How everybody had the same ring tone on their phone, then they didn't.
-Ana's screeching, not cute.
-The scenes in the hospital where the entire cast came to hang out in the waiting room.
-Nico's attitude toward and treatment of Jenny.
-How all the Lascurains treat women in general.
-Johnny, everything about him.
-Sebas "dancing".
-Fanny--giant teeth, too immature to be w/o a novio for 1 minute, all the "hashtags".
-How some people mocked Bruno and got away with it.

Ok guys, i respect everyone's opinions here, but can we take it a couple notches down on the tone? it is getting a bit rough ... we are all just having fun here... lets keep it at that. and yes, this novela has not been perfect... but i loved the performances, I knew Silvia was great, JS is my fav male lead now and Mayrin impressed me.
my opinion ? yes, physical scarring is extreme, but i still want a long anvil for Isa, one that hurts her emotionally, just like she has hurt others... she took a vendetta against Ana prcisely because she realized Fernando loved her. So no, she has not committed much that would land her in jail but she has a long list of moral if not legal or medical felonies to answer for.

I'm actually in agreement with Carlos concerning the drugging and Isabella being a lightweight. Even though he got what he needed he did commit a crime to do it. I mentioned about the sloppiness of the powder in the wine because if Isa got the police involve he would have some serious explaining to do about it.

I know I came late to the TN but from what I saw, I didn't see anything to make me hate her. I laughed at her more than anything because the writers have her acting more funny than anything. For example, when she saw Ximena for first time since she been back, she mentioned her being crazy and began making crazy faces and the show added those sound effects, I Laughed. It was supposed to be mean but it came across as funny to me. And the wedding? The dancing? I had to ask my wife if that was really her because it was hilarious.

However, the previews have her with a gun and it looks like she's shooting someone but we don't know who. That would change things dramatically.

If you came late to this you have missed out on her nastiest insults, her truly naca snobbery, and her gross, declasse treatment of Fernando's household staff. As I have had to tell my college buddy more than once, beauty =/= goodness.

I have predicted that at some point she will do something that could land her in prison. If there is a gun in the avances, that could be it.

UA, just for a point of reference, I started watching when Diego had put on a huge production number and asked Ana to be his girlfriend and she said yes. That was the first full episode I saw.

Isa and Ana came to the Lascurain household (or rather to Fernando's life) right around the same time. Fernando was attracted to Isa's physical beauty and just after that Luz invited Ana to stay for a family dinner where Ana wore a dress which belonged to Fanny Sr given to her by Fanny. At that time Fernando noticed that Ana was also beautiful. But i guess he had his own demons telling her to not get involved with the staff... so by the time he realized he was in love with Ana, he had taken Isa out to the family vacation house hours away and slept with her. Even right after sleepin gwith Isa, he was thinking of his moments with Ana.
By the time Fernando was able to admit to himself that the one he loved was Ana and told Nico and Bruno about it... right then Isa came in with the issue of being pregnant.
There was one huge misunderstanding where Fernando told Nico he was going to get married. Nico comes home and thinks Fernando is about to propose to Ana and lets them all know. Poor Ana got all dressed up and was on cloud nine only for Fernando to tell her he was going to marry Isa.
By this time Ana had won the preference of ALL the kids... except Alicia, who Isa used to get an 'ally' in hte house.
Fernando and Ana kept loving each other, although they kept denying it to each other in their talks.
Isa was very disrespectful and cruel to Ana (mostly) and all the staff and even got to insult the memory of Fanny Sr (and even pushed down to the floor) when Fernando was not around. She even tried to make Ana fall down the stairwell but Brun ocame out of the kitchen just in time. She and Yolanda staged trying to get Ana fired by taking a pearl necklace of Isa's and putting it in Ana's room, but Luz spoiled that try. She also destroyed Ana's guitar, which was the only memory she had of her mom.
When the twins told Fernando that Isa had insulted the memory of Fanny Sr and thrown Sebas to the floor and Isa yelled at Luz in front of Fernando, then Fernando finally realized his decision to mary Isa was hurting everyone, not just himself and Ana but also his kids, and kicked Isa out. By this time Diego had returned and had shown interst in Ana. So by the time Fernando found himself free of Isa, Ana and Diego were already officially dating and she was still very resentful of Fernando for having married Isa... i think this is where you take it.

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Wow! I missed a lot. Thank you very much Marti for the information. I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in. This info fills in a lot of the blanks I have. Thanks.

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