Friday, May 29, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #9 Thu 5/28/15 Crazy kids, already talking about marriage and they didn't even have "breakfast" together, yet

Filling in for Gloria today, I hope the recap makes sense, I did it on the run.

In Mina Escondida
Mariana and Pablo arrive in the village on a boat. They didn’t top by the hotel, because Pablo wanted to know the surroundings as soon as possible. Mariana thought that it would be a good idea, but now she hates the mosquitoes and the unsteady boat. She wants to get back to the fancy French hotel ASAP – Pablo can explore on his own.
He asks her to stay with him, but she won’t hear of it.

This is Mariana’s first mistake, because who does Pablo run into in the village? Ana Perla, of course! She’s with some kids in front of the church, after Sunday School (or something). The Abuelo didn’t even want to allow her to do that, worried that some of the boys in the class would be old enough to seduce her.(Oh please!)

Anyway, Pablo sees Ana Perla, Ana Perla sees Pablo and it’s love at first sight, slow motion breezy atmosphere included. She covers her head with her shawl, looking like a Virgin Mary, I presume, all innocence and candor. He’s so taken, he wants to go talk to her, but Abuelo and Manuel show up, see what is going on and interfere. Abuelo drags Ana Perla home and Manuel goes after the stranger, to warn him that he needs to leave the village immediately, because he’s not welcomed.
He’s clearly looking for a fight, but Pablo is not impressed. He explains that he is a painter, who only came to find inspiration for his work and Manuel’s threats don’t scare him one bit. Manuel loses this round, but this is only the beginning for these two.
Later, while drawing, Pablo remembers Ana Perla and her perfect name (that he overheard). In the meantime Abuelo warns Ana Perla to stay away from the new guy, because he can only mean trouble. She already looks half in love, so let’s see how that works out.

Manuel ambushes Magdalena on the street to let her know that, while drunk, Botel told him that she’s married and she abandoned her daughter and husband to be with him. So if she ever gets herself involved in his affairs again, he will tell the whole village the type of bad seed that she is.

In Mexico
First comes love, then comes instant marriage?
Veronica and Martin are at the restaurant, kissing for the first time. He asks her if she’s capable of love, because many women just pretend. Well, Vero would never do that, and he shouldn’t suppose that ALL women are the same, just because he met some bad ones. After all, some men are shameless, too, that doesn’t mean that she won’t trust him. So, how about they carry on with what they’re doing and let time decide for them?

He can’t help but notice how beautiful she is. Now he understands… he says, almost solely to himself and Viewerville knows exactly what he means. He adds that anyone could love her and Veronica doesn’t fall behind with the praising: he’s pretty fantastic, too – so mysterious, and there is something special about him, about the way he looks at her, as if he wanted to find out her darkest secrets. He acts so strange sometimes and then, other times, he can be so sweet.
They come to the conclusion that they are both the same and they both know what they feel about each other. So, Martin asks, when do you want to get married?

Oh, Veronica would love to get married as soon as possible (Say what? That must have been one hell of a kiss), but she needs some time. Not for her, but for her uncle and cousin – they need to get used to the two of them being together. Emi thinks he loves her, so he’s hurting a lot right now. Martin gets fussy, he thinks that she’s trying to deceive him, making up excuses to prolong his wait. Their talk is so ridiculous after such a short …. courtship, that I won’t even bother to use logic. Love at first sight – OK; but marriage??!!
Instead of saying anything reassuring, promising that she would never lead him on, she just smiles and says that time will tell what her intentions are.

Claudia is searching for Martin in his office, but she only finds Alfredo. She’s upset that Martin didn’t tell her that he had another meeting, but Alfie explains that it was a personal matter. She refuses his lift home, so he realizes that she would have only wanted to go with Martin; he warns her that Martin is no longer interested, but Claudia thinks that Martin is fair game – it’s not like he’s married or anything (I’m guessing that if he does get married he will still be fair game for her).

At home, Emi is looking at a picture of him and Veronica. He has the crazy eyes and wonders out loud why she couldn’t love him. Why does she only like men who treat her badly, like Demetrio did?

The next day Padre Juan visits Martin at his office. He has business to attend to in town, but he also comes with a message from Botel – they found some more gold, but they don’t have a buyer, yet. Outside the office, Claudia eavesdrops on everything and decides that now she really needs to get back together with Martin (I swear that I can see huge gold necklaces sparkling in her devious eyes).
Padre Juan also hopes that Martin has given up on his revenge ideas, but Martin refuses to talk about this.

Emiliano gets a visit from his friend, Nicolas. He tells him that Veronica is marrying Martin (so this is a done deal now?) and he lost her before even getting the chance to fight for her. Nico tries to use reason by saying that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but Emi doesn’t do reason, because Vero is unique (we know that already!!). It’s not as if he’s obsessed or anything (oh, he just has the crazy eyes and the crazy hair and that shirt doesn’t look particularly settled down, either) – he could go out with Virginia, but he just can’t stand the way she is. She always manages to get on his nerves with her behavior. And it’s not like he can ignore her, since they grew up together and he does care about her. If she wasn’t so insufferable and she didn’t make him literally want to strangle her every time they talked, he would even date her. Oh, if Virginia only knew… That would be the perfect cure for her “heart disease”.

Martin comes to see Veronica, since they had made plans to go riding together. She is still in a business meeting with her uncle and he knows that but he preferred to come earlier to avoid rush hour.
Vero, Jorge and Emi talk about their main gold provider increasing gold prices. The situation is pretty serious, since they need the gold ASAP for some standing orders, or else they risk to lose a lot of money. And if they agree to pay the extra cash for the gold, they would have to increase the jewelry prices too much.
Martin shows up in the middle of this talk, rudely interrupting to say that he has some gold to sell. Emi and Jorge look upset with the interruption (for different reasons), only love sick Veronica has a bright smile on her face.
He further explains that he’s part owner of a gold mine and they just found some gold and he’s looking for a buyer. Jorge wants to have a private talk with him about this. Emi and Veronica want to be present, since this is business talk, but Jorge insists they both leave because he wants to ask Martin some personal questions, too. Emi still huffs for a bit, but then follows Veronica outside.

Jorge is rightfully bothered by the way Martin showed up and just offered his gold without knowing details about prices, quantity or anything else that would make some sense. This is not the way that Jorge does business, especially not with people that he barely knows. Martin back-pedals, he meant no disrespect, he just overheard the conversation and he wants to help. Jorge can ask some of the people he worked with about his characters and they will vouch for him.
Martin is aware of the fact that he doesn’t have an important last name and he admits that he’s mostly a self-made man. He lost his parents a long time ago and his only brother just died, too.
This seems to reassure Jorge in some way. He accepts to find out more about Martin’s business. He wonders why he didn’t share this information from the beginning and he only mentioned his construction company. He knows everyone in the business, so where did he come from?
Well, Martin didn’t want to sound presumptuous. Also, his part of the mine was an inheritance that he got from someone who paid with his life for this. (Jorge receives this piece of information with a straight face, never asking a word about what this means or even mentioning that his former employee, Demetrio, was into gold mining).  Martin adds that he’s not taking care of it personally, his partner is in charge, and he’s only looking for a buyer.

Outside, Emiliano is fuming. Did Veronica know about the gold mine? The guy almost killed her and she looks fascinated by him. Just like she was by Demetrio before. He starts drinking, prompting Vero to observe that it’s too early for alcohol. Also, if he ever mentions Demetrio again, she refuses to talk to him anymore. Emiliano is upset because this other guy stole her with just a smile and he feels helpless. She’s sorry that she can’t fall in love with him, but there is nothing she can do about it. Can’t they just stay friends, like they already agreed on? Emiliano whishes that he could do that, but he can’t watch her with Martin. Vero pleads with him to get over this, they are like brother and sister, they plan to start a project together at the company. Emiliano wants nothing to do with her anymore, making Veronica cry just in time for Martin to show up and notice how upset she is.
Emiliano leaves and Vero runs to Martin’s arms.
She explains that she told Emiliano that she only loves him and now Emi wants to keep his distance. Martin asks why she is so bothered by this, does she care so much about Emi? He gets all menacing, which she notices. She explains that she sees Emi like a brother and Martin's jealousy should bother her, but it’s OK, because she feels the same way, she doesn’t want to share him with anyone!
They decide to go riding, like they had already planned.

The doctor pays a house call.
Dr. Fernandez (Osvaldo de Leon) shows up at the house to visit Virginia, who called him during the night because she was feeling very sick. Salma is surprised that Virginia didn’t mention this to her, but that dear child is so considerate, surely she didn’t want to bother her.

Virginia is in her bed when there is a knock at the door. Emiliano comes in huffing and puffing, demanding to know why she lied about Veronica and Demetrio. She puts on her whiny face – of course Emi would believe Veronica over her. But she saw them together, she even caught Demetrio climbing a tree to Veronica’s room at one time. So could he just stop tormenting her, can’t he see that she feels worse every day? 
Virginia might be a fake and a fraud, but Emiliano does treat her badly, going as far as being abusive with her.
Salma comes with the doctor, so Emiliano leaves. Soon after, Salma goes, too, leaving the good doctor to check up on Virginia’s poor health. And he checks it, all right! They start to make out like crazy and then hit the sheets – this doctor really takes his house calls seriously!
When the “consultation" is done, he gives her some placebos to take whenever her aunt is around, so she can keep pretending that she’s sick. He’d like to come more often, he hates that he sometimes has to climb the trees to come see her (HA!). Virginia asks him to be patient and also, tell Salma that starting a new treatment would be a bad idea in her poor condition.
Salma gets back and the dr. tells her that Virginia is doing better and he gave her some new pills that will help her lead an almost normal life. But she has to stay calm and don’t lake any kind of efforts. And he will stop by more often to take care of her.
After the doctor is gone, Salma asks Virginia why she kept all this to herself. They need to go see the other doctor, get a second opinion. But Virginia refuses to do it, she’s tired of hospitals and analysis. She’s just trying to get used to the idea that she’ll die young and without ever really living.

The "V" reveal
At the club Veronica and Martin take a break from riding to sit on the grass. He asks what she meant the other day when she said the she feels the need to be loved. Vero explains that the Prado Castellos are not her real family. Her mother abandoned her and her alcoholic father died soon after. The police found a photo of her father with Jorge and called him. So Jorge agreed to take her in, gave her his name and put her through school, but deep down Veronica still feels like an abandoned little child. So, knowing that, does Martin still want to be with her?
Martin looks impactado, but that doesn’t change their marriage plans, he already knows all that he needs to know about her (boom!).
They are kissing and both look very happy, but then Veronica mentions the gold mine and Martin gets the vengeful eyes again. She had no idea about that, he should have told her uncle from the beginning. Now she thinks that he’ll have no problem accepting the marriage very fast.
Martin is impactado again, and knowing what he knows, I would think exactly what he thinks right now – that Veronica is a gold digger who is in it for the riches and who just smelled gold (all puns intended).

In her room Virginia is crying, while holding a piece of paper. She’s all alone, so these have to be real tears. She’s reading one of Demetrio’s letters, in which he promises that he will make a fortune for her, she just needs to be more patient.  
She looks at a picture of the two of them together and wonders out loud why he couldn’t keep his promise to her, become rich and take her away from her annoying aunt and that bastard doctor. Se was crazy about him, but now she lost him and she’s also about to lose Emiliano’s money.

No previews.


Adriana- You got it all, plus added some delicious snark!

This talk of marriage on the first date I think has got to be a th record. Wow! Vero is just ignoring all the red flags and running headlong into Martin's crazy arms.

Well, well. Virginia has Doctor Feelgood making house calls day and night, and taking care of ALL her needs. Lucky girl. What's she whining about?

That other whiner, Emi, looks crazier each day. Thanks for pointing out that even his short was looking on edge. It's true! Can't wait to see his first real explosion.

His shirt, not short.

Good Friday morning all!! Adriana...I love your title. And your recap, and your snarky comments. It was all just wonderful.

It was really hard to watch last night and keep a straight face. Seriously.

First, I mean Vero and Martin. She admits he's all mysterious and they don't know about each other...but hey, let's get married anyway and when you turn out to be a serial killer with a smile we'll worry about it then. Ok, I exaggerate, but it's beyond ridiculous. Maybe it's the dialog making it worse.

And then the Ana Perla and Pablo meet up. Such a Meija moment. Slow motion, long staring that went on and on and on, it was cute at first and then at one point I just blurted out "ok we get it already". They will make a cute couple have to say. Manuel is such a bad stereotype mean guy, the menace almost comes off as too much and laughable.

And really Salma fell for the fact that guy was a cardiologist?? And at home?? He may have had a nifty little machine, but really? You want a full heart workup and she gets to do it at home in her jammies? These people get what they deserve, I swear. But hey, Ginny got herself a nice cardio workout anyway and Carlos had some fun moments to watch ( right Carlos?)

So far, I"m okay with how Ivan is playing Martin. We aren't really supposed to like the way he's manipulating things in this story at this point. He's doing a good job with the conflict. Ana right now is a little too school-girl for me, but maybe with the heartache I'm sure she'll have, she'll not be less "Meija weak heroine." He has a tendency to like his leads ladies to be demure, innocent and somewhat gullible to the point where it's hard to believe the description people give of them of being strong and able to go toe to toe with the men in their lives. I am giving my beanie a nice cleaning and airing today so it is ready to go for tonight. Most likely will need it again.



Maybe his shorts too Vivi. I came to the conclusion last night, that whenever Em-old is on the screen, I just need to look away, because I find myself just not being able to concentrate trying to wrap my head around how ole he's suppose to be and the way Sendel is playing the character right now. Last night, I mean I'm sorry, but he looked like a bad example of a Vegas lothario ready to have two skimpy clad showgirls come sauntering over and start hanging on him. Not amount of gel in his hair or Miami-vice clothing, complete with the requisite hanging medallion, is going to help. I actual am looking forward to crazy Emi so I can pay better attention to what he says and does.


Virginia getting her freak on with Dr. Feel-good!

Yet, she's still bleaching about Veronica every chance she gets!


Daisy - Emi as a Vegas lothario - LOL - I wish I could have come up with something like that. The buttoned down shirt is not a look that goes with everything and Emi just looks crazy, no matter the scene he's in
I like Ivan, too, but don't feel particularly sold on Ana's portrayal. I loved her chemistry with her lead in Corazon Indomable, even if that tn was a joke, but here it looks like some of the charm is not there. Has to be a chemistry thing, but I don't feel it.
I was getting a little bit queasy with the Pablo - AP meet-up, too. Tns always use the slow motion trick, to beat us over the head with the instant chemistry the couple feels - but how about you actually let us figure things out for ourselves for once?

Vivi - Doctor Feelgood - haha, I tried to come up with a good nickname for him, but I got nothing. It's going to be interesting seeing Osvaldo de Leon as the bad guy.
I think if a red flag hit Veronica over the head, she would just push it away and go write her marriage vows. Also, she looked so impressed by the fact that Martin owns a gold mine - how is he supposed to believe that she doesn't care about money? I get that in her heart she still feels like an orphan, but she's had money for most of her life - the way she talks about it, one would think that she's a poor nobody.

I knew that Virginia was the bad "V" but I was surprised with the fact that she actually cared about Demetrio. In La Mentira, the one I'm comparing this tn with, no feelings were involved - that Virginia just liked to get down and dirty with all guys. Maybe the writers do have some surprises in store for us - why else would they go through the trouble of remaking this yet again, if they didn't?


Steve, that's where her huge hypocrisy shines - she blames all that she is doing on Veronica. If you think about it, she's not even making anything up, she's just changing the heroine of her stories. This is a good technique on her part, this way she never risks mixing up the lies or running out of nasty things to say about her cousin.

I knew from jump with the previews that Virginia was V!

Can't wait for Martin to find out down the road!

Adriana, this is great, thank you.

"(oh, he just has the crazy eyes and the crazy hair and that shirt doesn’t look particularly settled down, either)"

Ok, ok, Virginia is the V, I just didn't want to have it confirmed just yet.

I kinda like Ana & Ivan together and think they are doing the best they can with this idiotic marriage talk so soon.

Gah, please somebody drown Manuel in a bucket of fecal matter.

I'm liking Virginia and loved she loathes Selma.


Did Virginia call Emiliano an imbecil last night? That's an interesting twist, that Virginia actually cared about Demetrio and wanted him to get rich quick so she could have love and money. With Emiliano, it's just about money.

If that's the case, then if a richer dude than Emiliano comes along, will Virginia set her sights on that person instead?

Veronica can't help but to feel like the help, the way Salma treats her.


@Adriana - You hit it out of the park with this recap...and on the fly. I take my hat off (or should I say my beanie) to you. Excellent details and snark.

Re: Dr. Feelgood and Virginia - talk about "concierge service"!!! Osvaldo De Leon's bare back really impressed me....he almost had me drooling.

Re: your comment about Jorge knowing that Demetrio was into "gold mining"; I don't think Jorge necessarily knew about that; Veronica did say Demetrio left the company suddenly and without explanation, so I doubt he told Jorge he was going to go digging for gold.

Re: writer's surprises - I hope this is not considered a spoiler because I am not giving specific details of what's coming up on Lo Imperdonable, but if it is considered a spoiler, feel free to edit my post. The 1998 Kate and Guy version of "La Mentira" was only partly based on the original published novel by Caridad Bravo Adams. After the big reveal happened, everything on it was new, not even remotely based on the original story. It's well documented on published articles that for "Lo Imperdonable" Mejia is combining THREE original stories by Caridad Bravo Adams. We are currently watching two of them simultaneously - a more faithful retelling of the original "La Mentira" novel (hence the setting in a mining town), concerning Veronica and Martin, plus the first TV version of another Caridad Bravo Adams published novel named "Tzin Tzun Tzan" (which is the Ana Perla-Pablo storyline).

Just as Kate and Guy's 1998 version veered off the "La Mentira" plotline once the big reveal happened, this version is going to do it too, but that second part is going to be based on yet another Caridad Bravo Adams published novel, the one entitled "Lo Imperdonable," hence this telenovela's name.

Like I said, this is all public knowledge and doesn't reveal a single detail of the actual plot, so hopefully it's ok to have mentioned it.


Thanks, Adriana. Fun reading.

So glad to see Virginia's true villainy revealed. I was afraid she'd stay a whiny bore. Love that's she only interested in Emi's money, not him.

Latina, love the "concierge services " bit. Making fun of these people will be too easy!
I don't think that what you said is spoilery, don't worry about it. I read the same somewhere and I was wondering what the "imperdonable " part could be , if it's not what Vero supposedly did or what Martin is about to do with his venganza. And I couldn't find any info online, either.
The Pablo - AP story I think will bore me to tears - this whole young protas thing that Tns have going just take up so much unnecessary time.

I enjoyed the recap, Adriana! Thanks for working on it!

It's too bad that Sergio Sendel is playing Emiliano. If the producers had cast someone younger, the dynamic between Veronica and Emiliano would be far more interesting. Right now, it's just icky watching the old guy pine after her.

Veronica's "strong" attributes are in contradiction with her careless behavior with Martin. No one in her right mind would accept a marriage proposal on the first date. That's just terrifying. I guess the producers want us to believe that her desire for a family is driving her decisions. But still, it's pretty stupid.

Latina, I don't think what you wrote is a spoiler. I like knowing the origins of this story. Thanks for adding your insights!

I'll take a "young protas" storyline any day over the random appearance of dozens of useless characters we know nothing about and couldn't care less about, like we got in most of CI but especially in the second part of it.

@Tracy H. - I agree it's a contradiction of sorts, but it's consistent with the fact that she chooses to appear to the outside world as "strong" but deep down feels like a little abandoned child in need of love and protection.

One other detail I think should be mentioned is that in the scene where she tells Martin that her mother abandoned her and left her behind with her alcoholic dad, she also said that her dad used to get involved with prostitutes, and didn't seem to care about doing that right in front of her (as a child). Imagine the emotional traumas from her mother's abandonment and witnessing that kind of gross behavior in her father.

Niecie: Too bad Emiliano is too busy being distracted by Virginia's goody-goods because all she cares about is his $$$$$!

If I were in that situation, I'd sleep with Virginia, but Veronica is sexy & good looking too!

FSo the first episode he appears in and Osvaldo de Leon is already shirtless! I'm wondering if Dr. F is really a doctor?

I saw La Mentira, but don't remember much so LI will be like the first time I've watched this story.

Thanks for the wonderful recap!

I didn't see this episode but hoping to catch it before tonight's.

Was Virginia really crying over Demetrio or the fact that he didn't rescue her? Also, in her letter to him she stated she was marrying someone else. Was she banking on Emil or was there another guy in the picture? Or was she just trying to push Demetrio along? I will be interested to see her reaction when she finds out he committed suicide.

Carvivile: My guess that is Virgnia will smirk like the evil sadistic person she is!

I'm wondering if she'll take a selfie just like Cesar Montesinos of QA!

You know Latina, if Vero had to deal with all that as a child, I would think that in most young women, it would make them slightly more distrustful of a too good to be true guy. But I guess instead we are getting the idea that she is so starved for love, her better judgement and alarm bells have taken a beach vacation and she'd diving in head first. Or I'm hoping that's the line of thinking because otherwise she will be coming off as plain clueless and gullible.

Thanks for the background too on the novels. Hardly spoilery, just let's us know, and I find that actually helpful we aren't getting served up a verbatim remake of something many of us have seen. Little more incentive to hang in during the beanie moments to see where things go.


The V is Reveal. I'm not surprised.Hey Adriana thank you for the recap it was really good.

What happened to all that undying love for her cousin brother whatever? And thats why she didn't want another doctor to come in because she was getting a sexaul healing from dr. Feelgood.
She don't care about these guy she just want their money. Poor little fake sickly slut. Somebody better tell marty.


A bit more background on LI and where it may be headed (no spoilers): As many of you may know, Mejia replaced his original writer with Ximena Suarez (Teresa, LQNPA, La Malquerida). When he hired her it was understood that she was only "on loan" from Jose Alberto Castro, who was renegotiating his contract with Televisa as a producer. Since negotiations were stalled, it looked at first as though Ximena might write all of Lo Imperdonable, but this past week Castro signed his new contract with Televisa, and Ximena immediately left this Mejia production to start writing Castro's new upcoming novela. Rumor was that Mejia was scrambling to find a replacement and that he even offered the writing job to Carlos Romero (of C.I. infamy), but thankfully Carlos Romero turned him down. Word is that Ximena will instead be replaced by two writers: Jesus Calzada and Ricardo Fiallega.

Another production note: Lo Imperdonable was planned for a total of 240 half-hour episodes, so only 120 hours. Given the disappointing ratings, people are suggesting that it should be cut from 120 to 90 hours. I would absolutely no problem with that, because I would rather it be satisfactorily ended at 90 hours, than have it be a hit and then extended to 200 hours with tons of useless filler. After all, back in the 80s and 90s, the norm was for novelas to last only 60 to 80 hours, and even 100 hours was already pushing it.

Final note:

Examples of novelas that were RATINGS BOMBS in Mexico: Pasion, Amor Bravio.

Examples of novelas that were RATINGS WINNERS in Mexico: C.I., MCET, LQLVMR.

Suffice it to say, judging from the above lists, I would much rather have Lo Imperdonable in the "Ratings Bombs" list, as I have thoroughly enjoyed the first 29 episodes broadcast in Mexico (despite obvious missteps like casting Sendel as Emiliano).

Rant over.

Latina- Thanks for the info. Just from what you list, I find Ximena Suarez to be a good writer. Shame that Mejia couldn't keep her for the whole tn. I wonder when the writing shift will happen and if we'll feel it. I hope they keep this on the short end. That could make this a really good tn, casting flaws and all.

Forgot to say how happy I was to have Osvaldo de Leon's bare back on my screen again. We called him Big Sexy in La Malquerida for a reason. :) Looking forward to seeing him play a bad guy, Dr. Feelgood.

What breed of dog is Onyx? He looks like part sheepdog or border collie.

I think he/she is beautiful.


What a delightfully amusing and entertaining recap, Adriana.


"I was afraid she'd stay a whiny bore."

I was also getting a bit worried about Virginia being a rather tepid whiner. It was good to see that she can turn on the cynical charm.

I have no sympathy for Dimitrio. He knew what the deal was with Ginny going in. She did not kill him... she simply informed him that since he didn't meet her requirements in a timely fashion, she was moving on with her life. He made the choice to end his. What a weak stupid nitwit he turned out to be.


I don't see Dr. Fernandez as a bad guy. He simply represents the same fairly standard ethics and morals that most Mexican (at least TN Mexican) physicians appear to have. Heck, he goes the extra mile by making house calls. Carry on Dr.

Drat. No Nanciyaga in this episode.


It doesn't matter to me if Virginia is a golddigger.

If she or Veronica want a man to take care of them, with a lot of money, that's their right!

If Virginia or Veronica want to dump a man because he's broke, that's their right!

We are examining Virginia's motives, why not examine Demetrio's motives? Would he have been so hot to strike it rich for Virginia or Veronica if they weren't cute girls?

If Demetrio was at Level B social class, and Virginia is Level A social class, why wasn't Demetrio looking at a girl who was also on Level B?

Maybe Demetrio was trying to do some gold digging of his own by trying to marry an upper class girl to get in with that social class?

Whatever motives Virginia had, it was not her fault Demetrio killed himself.


Anon 207,

"It doesn't matter to me if Virginia is a golddigger... Whatever motives Virginia had, it was not her fault Demetrio killed himself."

Thank you. There is always a spot open for you at the Virginia Table and the drinks are on me.


Anon207- I think the general consensus is already the Dim was a dimwit for committing suicide just because a girl dumped him. He had already struck it rich too when he did it. Didn't he know how many beautiful golddiggers he could have attracted? Virginia is just one in the ocean.

I also just love that soft love ballad that was being played when Pablo first meets Ana Perla. I think it is "Siempre en mi mente" and is sung by Juan Gabriel.

Gee, two of my favorites were ratings bombs?! Go figure.

And I agree, let's keep this one lean and mean. I can't see expanding and trying to do more with the cast we have. This is not a huge cast and the plots are pretty clear cut. I think this one would serve well to just keep it simple and under a 100. But if they have to, ok 120. But I would most likely sign off if it won an expansion. Don't trust Meija.


ITA with you that Pasion and Amor Bravio were two of my favorites also.....what is the criteria for their ratings anyway? What about in the U.S.A.?

I'm really liking this TN - and, yes, SS is too old, but I am trying to look past that so that I can focus on the story. I do get a kick out of his open shirt, medallion etc. and he does appear to be going through MAM (middle age menopause) but he's making the most of it in spite of that. I really like all of these actors and Ivan is good, but wish he evoked more emotion when he's with Ana. Just a bit stiff it seems to me, but he may be playing it as a shy guy and later let loose. I guess Jorge Salinas is a hard act to follow in that regard and let's face it, Jorge has had years of practice!:)

Pablo is a charmer and Manuel is a cretin even without a low forehead. La Perla should carry around a can of bug spray!


Woof Woof. Gotta give it to Marianna, nice sticks in the red shorts. (as kj wags tail and begs for treat)

Oh and BTW, Manual and Granpa chastity belt both need someone to beat the holy hell out of them. Yaa I know how to spell Man.....

@Gale - I used to think Ana Brenda's chemistry with Jorge Salinas could not be surpassed by another actor. But I think her chemistry with Ivan surpassed what she had with Jorge. Of course, I've watched all 30 episodes of Lo Imperdonable broadcast thus far in Mexico. I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying that I've really, really, really enjoyed what you will be seeing in the next 20 episodes between Ana Brenda and Ivan.

Did you know the initial idea was Ana brenda and Daniel Arenas for Lo Imperdonable, those who think Daniel is not a good actor you have know idea about acting, he is one of the best I have seen so far, when we talk about the timing of switching emotions, he is very good at it, have you ever wondered why you still watch CI even though the story went astray, is Daniel, he makes things look so natural,those female viewers who want to look at the galan topless would definitely hate him because he does not like showing his body

Let's see if Salma goes Lucrecia Montesinos 2.0 methods!

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