Saturday, October 10, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres: Capitulo 64 Fri 10/9/15: So Squee worthy!

Hi all. I'm filling in for JdesdeNYC this week. I'll try to edit this down when I've got fresh eyes, but I'm too tired tonight. But I will say YAY!!! So much about this made me SO happy! So much cuteness, so much of what I love to see in a love story, I almost couldn't believe it! So excited! See you guys on the Patio this weekend!

Scenes sometimes merged and out of order etc.

The Rewind: Claudio’s off to help Max b/c Isela told him and Alma that the doctor upgraded Dan’s injuries and that just doesn’t sound right to him. Josefa pushes for Espy and the girls to stay with her rather than Hono and Julian (so that she/Isela can spy on MD for Maleny). Isela tracks Orlando down at Doris's, but this time he’s not buying what she’s selling. MD confronts Daniel and tells him to drop the charges against Max or she’ll raise some against him for arson and rape! He doesn’t think she has the money or legal support to do it, but Claudio offers both.

Lo Nuevo…
Isela claims she snuck out of the Bustamante mansion to see how Orly is doing. Orly asks is she has amnesia: she accused him of rape in front of them, which is why he’s hiding out in the first place! Isela’s mask of innocence slips a little bit and she snaps that he was going to ruin her plan (as though this somehow justifies her actions). Isela tells him she’s researching the case to see what really happened, but at this point Orly doesn’t care. Whatever happened, it won’t bring her sister back…or his love for her. So she can take her vengeance and get out. As she finally leaves, Isela looks like she’s finally realized that the ends might not justify the means in her and Josefa’s plot.

The Santibanez are shocked; how can Claudio believe…That Woman over them?! Claudio's very clear about not taking MD’s word for it; he’s spoken to Dan’s doctor and knows what went down. Once they check the hospital security cameras, they’ll have proof. Dan accuses him of taking advantage of his position to help his baby boy out of trouble (omg, coming from him this is so ridiculous that I have to laugh.) Claudio makes it clear that Max would be on his own with this if it weren’t for them lying about Dan’s broken nose. MD says Ivana confirms Dan’s role in the arson and the evidence about the rape is already on file. Dan will have to take responsibility for his actions, just like Max is doing. (It’s funny how they’re comparing Dan to Max like he’s a grown man instead of a half rat, half slime monster).

Outside of the hospital room, MD is about to tell Claudio about los pagares(=the promissory notes(=documents stating a promise to pay a certain amount); almost like an informal loan contract), but Ursula and Mal interrupt. Doris and MD leave and Ursula and Claudio lock horns: Claudio knows she knows about all the BS Dan pulls and still supports him and Ursula argues that Max almost killed her son because of MD. Mal cuts their argument short, apparently thinking it’s time to play those good cards she told Ursula and Dan that she has. She speaks to Claudio alone and says if he helps MD, she might have to talk to Alma. Well, Mal clearly forgot that Claudio became a hotshot judge by being a hotshot lawyer first and also has a poker face carved from wood; he doesn’t even blink. “About what? Isela being my lover? You have no proof and, what’s more, it’s not true. Why, that would be like me believing that while you were dating my son, you were sleeping with Ari.” Flustered, Maleny agrees that both stories are just gossip and tries to play it off like she just meant she would tell Alma that Claudio was helping MD. Claudio also tells her not to bother Isela anymore. If she needs help with something, like say, getting the expediente(=record) of her father’s case, she should go straight to him. Mal points out that she tried to do just that. Claudio says he’ll give it to her, but first he wants the truth: did Jacinto break Dan’s nose?

Meanwhile, MD worries about all of this with Doris and then almost passes out! (Nooooooo!!!!!) Arango lurks nearby, observing this.

Back in Dan’s hospital room, Dan rages because far from fixing everything, Mal has told Claudio the truth about Jacinto and Dan’s nose and agreed to testify to it. Mal can’t even really defend herself, so she’s lucky that Arango pops back in to tell them that MD almost fainted and said something about being nauseous. Ursula stalks off to see what she can find out about this and tells Dan he’ll have to give up the case against Max because Claudio’s a far more dangerous opponent.

A nurse checks in with MD, who’s still on the hallway couch with Doris. MD says she’s fine. As the nurse leaves, Ursula stops her to ask about MD. For some reason, the nurse tells her! WTH?! Thankfully, all she knows is that MD’s ok and there are lots of reasons people faint or feel nauseous. They can’t know for sure why MD did because she refused treatment, so there’s nothing they can do (except broadcast her medical state to any random stranger who asks, apparently). Ursula continues to MD and starts trying to intimidate her, but MD cuts her off. She wants Max out of jail and Jacinto out of her house. They’d better get it done or she won’t have mercy on Dan. Mal scoffs, but she and Ursula can’t do anything but stalk off.

Ursula runs into Claudio and hisses that time will prove her right about MD. Claudio counters that MD hasn’t won him over, but if time has proven anyone right it’s him - he knew it: she destroyed Hector. (Hmmm…I guess this means Claudio wasn’t on board when Hector hooked up with Ursula all those years ago?)

Mal calls Isela and reasserts control: Isela better get MD to take a pregnancy test or else Mal will tell Claudio that she and Josefa are playing both sides. Later, Isela tells MD over the phone that she and Josefa told Claudio about Jacinto breaking Dan’s nose. MD’s grateful, but just then Max gets out of jail. She springs up and into his arms like a kid who just got a puppy on Christmas. It’s all hugs and kisses and MD finally seeming truly and gleefully into Max. Claudio wants to call Alma and have Max to talk to her, but MD thinks it would better if Max went to the house to see her. He does, and he apologizes to Alma for stressing her out. She tells him how much she misses him and Leo and he commiserates: they miss her too, but they love their ladies and they’re not giving them up. He and Leo want their support with the Moralles girls and Max still plans to marry MD. Claudio agrees with a simple ok, and I’m only slightly less surprised than Alma at his nonchalance. He tells them about hearing MD accuse Dan of arson and rape and thinks that maybe they misjudged her. “Maybe?!” Max exclaims, incredulously. Yes, only maybe – Claudio still has his doubts. But he’s willing to give her a second chance. Later, at his apartment, Max passes this new development onto Leo and asks for his help: he’s planning something special for the proposal!

MD updates her mom, Clara, Julian and Honoria about Max. She didn’t want to drag him down there to try to work out the eviction mess after the day he’s had. Clara’s ready to break through a wall and throat punch Jacinto herself (Shout out to Sara aka Sweet Baby Chichuhuas). They calm her down, but MD does go bang on their apartment door and demand that Jacinto leave. He snarls that it’s Dan’s fault he got fired (again) and in addition to getting in that hospital headbutt, Dan gave him the promissory notes as repayment for his “suffering,” so he’s not going anywhere! He slams the door in her face, which reignites Clara's anger, but her it quickly dissolves into tears. “When will this end?!” she wails. Josefa watches all of this from the stairs.

Gerry and Ivana = SQUEEEE!!!!!
Gerry comes stalking into Ivana’s office. He cages her in her chair and leans in close.”I have an indecent proposal for you – don’t laugh! I want you to spend the night at my apartment.” Ivana’s ruining the effect because she’s been giggling since he came into the room. She knows he’s offering this so she won’t have to go home and see the empty nursery. He admits that’s true, but he also wants to regain the relationship they had before Dan the Rat slinked onto the scene. At his place, they get tipsy on red wine and pretend that they’re at a nightclub getting wasted when Susana calls. They’re actually in his bedroom, in PJs, giggling like children because Ivana has made Jerry put on a face mask. He washes it off and they crawl into bed to sleep, but Ivana turns back on the light. “You forgot,” she says. “No one will ever love me like you because…” She prompts him like there’s some line he’s supposed to say to finish her sentence, but he’s at a loss. This is the one thing that’s really changed since she got with Daniel: she insists she’s unlovable all the time. She says she thinks even her mom didn’t love her because she didn’t look like her. Gerry gets her out of bed and stands behind her in front of the mirror. “What do you see?” he asks. “Tell me something nice about what you see.” Ivana can’t do it and almost bursts into tears. They get back into bed and Gerry makes her promise that from here on out, every morning she’ll look at herself in the mirror and say something nice about herself. She’d better not cheat because he’ll randomly ask her for the list someday. “Oh Gerry…I love you.” (Oh Ivana, I'm so with you.) Gerry says he loves her too. They hug, he kisses her on the forehead and they turn in again.

Doris and Orlando = SQUEEEE!!!!! too!
Doris and Orlando discuss what’s up over a couple of beers (well, I think it’s supposed to be beer, but it might just be soda). Orly thinks he’ll have to leave since Isela knows where he is. He thought she’d be jealous at finding him at Doris’s place, but she didn’t care. He finally believes that she doesn’t love him. He also recognizes that something fundamental changed in him too: his love for her has been dealt a fatal blow. It clearly still hurts, but there’s no going back. Doris tells him she’s sure he’ll find a woman that loves him whole-heartedly because he’s so awesome. They clink glasses to nothing in particular. Orly doesn’t think Isela will sic the cops on him this time because she has more to lose, but he’s worried she’ll tell Ari where he is. Doris thinks they should just tell him themselves and take away her ammunition, but Orly thinks he’ll freak with jealousy. Doris says he has no reason because they’re done. They were all passion and heat- heck, they jumped into bed practically as soon as they saw each other, but that’s not what she wants anymore. Orlando thinks Ari’s ready for the real deal now, but Doris says it’s too late, she’s over him. Later that night, a strong masculine hand runs over Doris’s blanket covered body. She wakes up to see who it is…“Orlando?”

Josefa’s getting her guests settled in for the night. Espy gets the couch and I don’t know where Clara’s supposed to sleep because she then says she’ll take the couch while Josefa and Espy take Isela’s room. (Sorry, this is distracting: Is Josefa’s apt a one bedroom? Does she usually sleep on the couch? Or maybe there’s a coffin in a closet somewhere where she plots in lieu of actual sleep?). Anyway, Leo and a freshly showered Max show up. Leo had to tell him what was up or Max would never have forgiven him. Max wants to put the stop to this eviction mess right now. But where’s MD?

She’s at the Santibanez house, of course. Mal just got the news from Isela that Max and MD plan to marry and shared it with Ursula, so they’re even more annoyed than usual. Mal accuses her of just wanting Max to get out of La Vecindad and begins a hair-pulling cat fight. MD manages to get free and shoots back that she’s not like Mal. She actually loves Max, unlike Mal who couldn’t have loved him if she was revolcándose(=wallowing; twisting; rolling around) with Ari while they were dating. She’s gotten turned around in the fight, so she doesn’t realize Max is behind her when she says this until she notices Ursula and Mal staring at him. So many things make more sense now, he says. He doesn’t even care about the cheating since he doesn’t love Mal anymore, but he is annoyed that she made him feel like dirt when he confessed to falling for MD. Mal starts to defend herself, but Ursula tells her not to humiliate herself further; let Max believe That Woman if he wants. Mal leaves without another word, but MD’s not going anywhere. She told them to get Jacinto out of her house and she’s not leaving until they do!

Claudio and Alma discuss the Santibanez. Alma admits that they only really hung out because Mal was dating Max (confused again, so the families weren’t close before Hector died? Did they grow apart from Hector once he got involved with Ursula?), but she’s sure Mal loves him. Claudio disagrees: Mal knew Dan was unjustly trying to keep Max in jail and she said nothing. MD on the other hand, put herself out there to try to force Dan to back down. Claudio wants to cut ties with the whole family. “”Even Maleny?” Alma asks, shocked. Yup, even Maleny. She’s more like her mom and brother than they thought. (Well played, Claudio. Now Mal's character is finally in question with Alma so any accusations she makes are less than credible.)

As they wait in the hospital for Ursula to get the promissory notes from Dan, Max explains that Jacinto doesn’t actually have control of the house. To get it, he would've had to ask them to pay the promissory notes and they would’ve had to default. Then he’d have to take it to court. Meanwhile, Dan is refusing to give back the house. Ursula informs him that all he’ll gain by doing that is that Max will move up the wedding. Wedding?! Dan’s immediately in denial, but yes, Ursula tells him, Max is planning to marry MD and if she’s out on the street, he’ll just want to do it sooner. Sooner still if she’s pregnant, so he’d better give this up. He literally hides under the covers, but he must give up because the next thing we know, the Morales are back in their digs, unpacking their stuff. Since Jacinto’s been in it, they want to disinfect it (and probably call an exterminator and priest, just to be safe), so Max offers his apartment. No, Espy says, this is where she built a life with her Rudolfo, so it’s where she wants to stay. Outside, MD and Max close tabs with Ursula. MD says the only thing left are the promissory notes, but Ursula refuses to give them to her, first saying she doesn’t have them, then saying she’s not turning them over because she wants them in case they tro to make trouble for Dan. She leaves and MD starts after her, but Max holds her back. First off, Ursula will have to return the notes, just as a matter of legality. Two, MD is absolutely pressing charges against Dan! Max insists. It would be like a double abuse to let him get away with raping her. MD looks at Max like his defense of her has made him even hotter and gives him a big hug. Later, as he’s leaving, Max and MD reflect on the importance of the house for Espy. Max will pay the debt. MD wants to pay him back, but he refuses. After all, there are no debts between man and wife, right? There’s much delighted kissing and their gazes stay locked on each other as MD walks back into the house. (Josefa continues to watch from the stairs). (I watched this scene more than once and, for me, it's also utterly SQUEEEE!!! worthy.)

Later, Josefa calls Isela to tell her the Morales went home. She’ll miss them because she was planning to have them wait on her. She might still hire them since they’re so poor Clara’s selling bread door to door (She must be talking about the cupcake plan). They speculate about Max and MD getting married and whether or not she’s pregnant. Josefa thinks if she is, she’ll use the baby to keep Max. (Hello, he’s already proposing to her, you witch).

Fermin sneaks into Julian’s room to steal his wallet Julian wakes up and tells him that he inherited his disease from Honoria, not Fermin.


Gracias, Hellashelle. Great work.

It's good to see Ivana on the road to being who she should be. Gerry is a prince for putting up with this for so long that I hope his efforts pay off.

Orlando getting over Isela would be the best thing to ever happen to him.

Max and MD should go straight to a magistrate and get married now. I can understand her wanting the white dress and the church wedding but the marriage would protect her legally from whatever the Santibanez are planning next. I don't know whether the doctrine of Presumptive Paternity would cover her situation if she discovers she's pregnant before the wedding, but she's smart to have refused a test now in case it doesn't. They need to do this before Danny-Boy is released from the hospital.

More later after breakfast.

Thank you Hellashelle I feel good all over again.

"Isela’s mask of innocence slips a little bit and she snaps"

"Mal clearly forgot that Claudio became a hotshot judge by being a hotshot lawyer first and also has a poker face carved from wood; he doesn’t even blink"

"It’s all hugs and kisses and MD finally seeming truly and gleefully into Max"

"Or maybe there’s a coffin in a closet somewhere where she plots in lieu of actual sleep?"

I like fighter MD much better than meek MD and her new bf much better than her ex. It really looked like MD loves Max now.

Claudio is the only person Ursula is frightened of and loved him smacking her down. I can still hate the man but appreciate what he did, can't I?

They sure are playing Gerry's love for Ivana close to the vest, is it deeply platonic or deeply romantic?


Tofie, I think the writers were still making up their minds about Gerry and Ivana when this episode was being written. Or they're just teasing the audience.

The ending I'd like to see:

MD gets justice for her family and herself. If she is pregnant now the baby is Max's. MD and Doris reconcile with Ivana. The three of them and their men have a big triple wedding with spectacular dresses designed by MD and after their respective honeymoons the three women start a fashion empire.

If Hosefa hasn't done anything to go to prison for she ends up cleaning toilets at the fashion company's main factory.


Gracias Hellashele ! Ths was quite an action packed episode with Claudio and Ursula clashing horns!

Urban , I think Hosefa deserves something much much more than cleaning toilets, she should bake cookies for her prison mates since she did try to kill Leo. Ursula should also be her roommate. Or Ursula should lose both Maly and Dan only for her to open up a grocery store with Hosefa and Susana. Arango becomes the Prime Minister of Finance at the end.

Arango will save Greece in the end, Arango for President!

Hellashelle- How wonderful for us to have another recap from you this week. How marvelous of you to fill in for a fellow recapper. Gracias! And I'm glad you had such a great episode.

Loved Ivana and Gerry. I agree that the writers either had not made up their mind about his sexuality, or were purposely teasing the audience. Anyway, even if his feelings for Ivana aren't romantic, I love them together, and I love the way he treats her. If only she could love and treat herself the same way.

Loved Orly and Doris and their easy and palatable chemistry. But the writers aren't going to fool me this time. I recognize Ari's hands. And he's going to be none too happy to hear Doris mumbling Orly's name, and then finding him on the couch.

Loved Cluadio using his cunning and legal skills to get Max out of jail, and to distance his family from the Santibanez. Yes, it was mentioned early on that after Hector died, distance grew between the families (until Mal and Max started dating in high school). Obviously, they never really liked Ursula.

And most of all, I loved MD and Max this episode. MD being a fierce pitbull with the Santibanez, and being so clearly and utterly in love with Max.

We know the Santibanez won't stay down for long, but let's just enjoy this moment of victories and good feelings.

Tablet typo: Palpable chemistry.

Hey guys. Looks like I might not have the time today that I thought I would to edit or visit the Patio much, so I'll try to get my thoughts out now:

-Thanks Vivi- I still feel so dumb for starting the Patio off thinking that Gerry was gay, but I feel like the producers are playing up those stereotypes and playing down the usual alpha-male galan cues to throw viewers off the scent so to speak. That being said, ditto to your comment above. I love them as a couple not only because I'm a sucker for friend-to-lover stories, but because Gerry so clearly brings out the best in Ivana. He really is her champion. PS: The pics in his room look like they're all her or them together. The one on his bedside table is definitely her.)

-A huge thing for me (and this goes for Doris and Orlando too), is that I'm getting to see a love story (platonic or romantic) with Gerry and Ivy. I've lamented this before, but so often the TN just throws a couple at us and says "they love each other. They're meant to be." without offering any proof, so to speak. We don't often get to see the couple enjoying each other's company, we don't get to see if they can make each other laugh. We just have to take it for granted that once the drama dies down and they're around the kitchen table, they'll have something to talk about. For me that made the Dorly and Gevy scenes so perfect.

-LOVE Doris and Orlando. Love that they're buds that can share a beer, love that they're buds that talk about their romantic pasts. Especially love that we have a heroine that can knock back a beer without passing out because most protags don't ever drink and one who has obviously and openly enjoyed a sexual history paired with a galan that is not ashamed to admit he and his ex never had sex. Ooh! So refreshing!

-Claudio is so flippin' slick. Thanks to Vivi again for clarifying the Santibanez/Bustamante rift.

-Maleny really doesn't want to see MD clearly. Her short scene with Max last night was so interesting to me. Even more than Dan thought he could manipulate MD, I think Mal thought she could play Max and he would still always be there (well, as long as he never found out). Too boring for her to play with often, but like a security blanket she never thought she'd lose. I have to shake my head when she lashes out at MD for valuing him as he deserves when she threw him away.

-I laughed at myself last night when I finally looked up pagares, and then had to look up promissory notes. TNs: Now expanding even my English vocab!

-On that note, big thumbs ups to the researchers. TN law often seems so ridiculous, but this TN has been really dedicated to reality (minus the docs and nurses giving out info). Crimes actually have consequences?! Again: so refreshing!

Hellashelle- You did an excellent job with all the legal jargon. Thanks for going the extra mile and researching. I was so glad Max was out of jail to be able to advise MD on stuff and calm some of her fears. But she was on a mission this episode to 1) Get Max out of jail, and 2) Get her mom back into her house.

As for Gerry, he might still be gay. But the writers just haven't chosen to give us confirmation one way or the other yet.

Aaaand I'm back.

UA - yes, yes and yes. Good point about potential paternity courtroom battles. The only thing making a non-pregnant MD possible now is the fact that this is not the traditional TN, so her fainting doesn't automatically mean she's pregnant. Unfortunately, all the plot signs point to it. Sigh. Now that everyone knows Dan raped her, there will no way to avoid everyone waiting for those DNA results. Creo's proven that a lab switch probably won't work like in a regular TN, but they've also shown they could very well make the baby Dan's (shudder). I suppose the only positive about that is Max would move heaven and Earth in the legal world to prove Dan's unfit, so it'll motivate him even more to find all of Dan's misdeeds.

CountX - ooh! I had forgotten Josefa's attempted murder! If Claudio ever finds out, she'll def be in jail for a maximum sentence.

Tofie - YES! This episode was pretty much all happy feelings for me too :) I strongly vote Gerry for galan because he's so good at loving Ivy, but again Creo's a more complex falvor of TN, so if Ivana just learns to love herself without a galan, it'll also be deeply satisfying. A part of mean still wonders if Ari's going to worm his way into their storyline whenever I see the end credits, but they're so cute together that I don't really need to see anything else but their relationship.


I loved Esperanza's comment about fumigating the place because of Jacinto. That cockroach deserves extinction. If he ever messed with Doris I'd bet she'd go Lorena Bobbitt on him.

Don't know how it slipped my mind that Hosefa was the one who caused the car to fall on Leo. I guess that's what insufficient caffeine does to my brain. At any rate, no matter what happens to Clod when Alma finds out about his cheating I hope he gets Hosefa good for that. I'm guessing right now that she's all wrong about anything he might have done to Marta.

2 in a row, what a treat Hellashelle. I'm so glad you got an uplifting episode today.

Vivi, wow, you can recognize Ari's hand? It was so funny when that scene came on and they showed the hand, the first people I thought of was Max and MD, then the second people I thought of was Claudio and Isela. Then they showed Doris and I was completely surprised but elated. I hope it really is Orlando's hand.

They are purposely being ambiguous about Jerry's sexuality, but it does seem odd to me that if he is heterosexual, how could he continue to be so in love with her and not make any kind of sexual move on her, even going so far as to sleep in the same bed as her? If he's straight, I wish he would just go for it.

So the Santibanez facade is cracking. Finally.

Cathyx- I think you're right, and the writers are starting to lean gay with Gerry. I think it started with the beard shaving. (What's up with him and Orly losing their beards around the same time?) Can we at least hope he's no-sexual? *sigh* I really think he and Ivana are perfect for each other. I do agree that a strong, confident, Ivana who loves herself, even if she has no man, is an ideal ending.

Bi-sexual. Really, my Tablet substituted no for bi. Huh?

I thought Gerry looked great with a beard and Orlando even better.

Maybe Ivana will end up with Ari. That would give him the best of both worlds. He gets both a big girl and lots of dinero while she gets a trophy husband who would not have to cheat on her and would probably treat her like a queen. And if Gerry does turn out to be gay maybe he finds somebody by the end.

Since this TN has been very atypical, I might believe that perhaps Alma will never find out about Isela and Claudio. I'm saying that because if Isela finds out that her revenge plot was all for naught, then I can see her ending things with Claudio on a good note, saying that she wants him and Alma to work things out. I know Isela likes Alma, and will feel really bad for what she's doing to them if she finds out she was wrong about Marta.

Urban- ITA about Gerry and Orlando and their beards. I loved them with beards.

I definitely don't recognize Ari's hand, but it would make no sense for Orlando to caress her awake if, say, the landlord was at the door or something. At first I thought she was just dreaming, but since she woke up, it must be Ari. That'll be quite the bomb on Monday...

I do kind of wish MD had gone home with Max. I know they wouldn't because MD doesn't do overnights and Leo's there and all, but 1) I think they need some time alone to talk and 2) I feel like bed might be a good place for what they have to talk about. Whether or not MD's ready to continue their sexual relationship, how Max feels about it (seems obvious), and whether or not she's pregnant - all seem like cuddling at some point might make these topics easier.

I think metrosexual Gerry is a fake out. They got me, I'll admit, in the beginning, but I want to believe they're being ambiguous so that anyone who kept thinking he was gay is totally shocked when he and Ivana get together. Or I could jus really want them to get together.t

UA - that was my theory at first, but I just don't trust Ari with Ivana for keeps. She's far from my favorite character, but I wouldn't want him to hurt her. Ari can give into temptation easily and can often use people without really thinking about how it affects them. I'm not sure Ivana's low self-esteem can take a user again. Maybe in a few years, but right now...?


I actually like that Gerry isnt doing anything sexual to Ivana. If you think about it it gives a new layer of respect to a woman he loves. Gerry does love Ivana but the writers have put the "OMG gotta get handy with her on first sight!!" on the sidelines. . He is her emotional support but he does not try to be a backup because he knows that Ivana is an emotional wreck that changes her mind at the pace of a clock.

The gay rumours dont make sense to me since men that are homosexual would ussualy work in a place where there are lots of men eg Fitness so the men could get arroused better. He may be asexual though or just being proffesional.

It's a common cliche that gay men work in fashion, hairdressing, or interior decoration. Gerry could be asexual, which would be something new in novelas. We know nothing at all of his backstory at this point and he hasn't mentioned any relatives, which leaves the field wide open for the writers.

I don't believe gay men choose professions where they can work with lots of men, they work in any and all professions like any man does.

There closeness makes me believe that maybe they grew up together and feel like siblings towards each other.

Yikes, their closeness, not there closeness.

I'm with cathyx on that one - gay or not, I think he just likes fashion or art or whatever gets people into fashion. But I agree that it's nice that they haven't gotten sexual because it gives us a chance to see that they really love each other, without sexual passion or anything, they genuinely like and love each other.

Somehow I prefer to think that they didn't grow up together, they just met and became best friends. I guess it wouldn't make much of a difference though since the main difference would probably be him knowing her parents and even if he met her as a teen, they probably would've already died.

Well we havent seen Gerry expressing any special desires to men. Like I said earlier , he may be apathetic to women because he is asexual or he just holds massive respect for women as it is required for his job. Just because a fashion designer respects women on their workplace does not mean that he is gay. Yes it happens that scum like Jacinto are present in real life situations but not always. Some companies actually restrict romantic relationships with co-workers especially between heads and female employees. There are special rules in which females must dress how the company wants them to and they must adopt to the style else they risk losing their job.


I had a colleague years ago who had worked for Norma Kamali. If you worked there you had to wear her clothes and only her clothes. If you didn't look right in them you weren't hired.

And I thought my office dress code was restrictive!

I'm willing to wait and see how the show handles Gerry's sexuality because the "hints" mean nothing. All we know is he loves Ivana and always will. In what capacity? I think we'll just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, question: Do you guys think Maleny's threat warrants Isela's continued aid? At first I scoffed when Mal threatened to tell Claudio about Mal and Josefa working both sides of the street because Isela already told him that Mal knows and Mal doesn't know about Marta. But seeing how deftly he handled things last night, maybe she has a reason to be worried. If he seriously thought she was betraying him, he'd find a way to discredit and crush her, right?

I was thinking that after Claudio told Mal that she has no proof of their affair, I figured that Isela didn't need to get the info on MD's pregnancy for Mal anymore, since Mal didn't have anything left to hold over Isela. I don't know what evidence Mal has that Josefa and Isela are playing both sides.

I wonder if maybe she thinks the hint is enough? After all, he doesn't actually have proof that Mal slept with Ari, it was all a bluff. But just like the suggestion would break Alma's trust, put her on guard, make her look for evidence, the same is probably just as, if not more, true for Claudio, especially now that she manipulated him into getting her access to the archives. Plus, Maleny knows where to find Orlando and he knows her plot now.

Hellashelle, I think that Alma will completely believe Claudio over Maleny. And Claudio will convince Alma of anything he wants to. How does Maleny know where Orlando is and what does he have to do with her?

Maleny lost any real leverage she has with Claudio's bluff. The only person that has seen Claudio and Isela together is Orlando and he ain't talking.

Isela could tell Maleny to stick it and not provide information on MD going forward but I think Isela for personal reasons is jealous of what MD and Max have. Isela blew her chance of a decent, respectful relationship.

Yeah, this is why I scoffed at first because what could Mal really do?

But I think she could find Orlando. Ari is Orlando's friend and she knows he lives in that neighborhood, especially after Leo's accident. A jealous Ari could give up his location and neither Orlando nor Doris would deny a direct question.

I agree that Alma would believe Claudio and Isela's first. But if they don't stop the affair, she'll start picking up on the hints. The watches in Isela's bathroom. The late nights because "we got a flat tire." The arguments in Isela's bedroom. Once that doubt is there, it won't just disappear because Claudio says "that's not true."

Thanks for the recap. I am like little kid, I quickly skimmed through it because I saw so many comments and I get ahead of myself. I will go back, calmer and relish reading this juicy recap and comments.
Vivi's earlier comment was so funny and so "Vivi" she said she recognized the hands groping sleeping Doris were Ari's hands. And I am sure they are if Vivi said so. Another reason I believe she is right is because Orlando at this early stage would not be feeling up Doris while she slept. He is a gentleman and would not do that to her yet. I loved Doris taking that big gulp of beer when Orly was talking about his feelings for Isela. I love how they hang, talking drinking cold beers and it is so great to see Orlando laughing so hard with Doris. Be back after I read entire recap and all the great comments.


Hellashelle, thanks for this very potent recap.
The santibanez family, Wow!!! What a ruthless bunch. Why would anyone put them
-selves through that just to get money they don't Need. Im glad claudio sees mal the way she Really is, a lying manipulator like her mother& Brother. It would be nice if alma opened her eyes To see that too. She wants her son to marry That lecherous woman. Im glad max told them He and leo love their women, and they ain't Givin them up. Alma should stop judging MD by what those liars tell her. Just cause they Got wealth in common don't mean they're Not liars. Thank goodness all rich people are Not like miss gurrrrrsela and her spawns from hell. Ok now
Thats one hump they got over. NEXT!!!
I think Ivana and Jerry would make a really good couple and they'd have some beautiful children because she's a very attractive woman, of course in her case they would have to adopt some very beautiful children. I
I don't know why she thinks that she's not beautiful. Well as far as looks go she's way prettier than the maleny. I'm not so sure that Jerry is in love with her, I think he loves her like she's a sister or something, it would be nice if it was the other way though. they'd make a great couple, they look very good together.

LOL, Ava! :) Y'all don't laugh at me. I do notice hands, and Ari has long, delicate, but strong fingers. He has nice hands. The person feeling up Doris was also wearing a long sleeved black shirt. Orly never wears long sleeves.

Hellashelle, thanks for recapping for me. The recap was amazing and your enthusiasm for the tn shone through.

If Ari is letting himself into the apartment to feel up his ex-girlfriend, I'm going to be even more disappointed in him than usual. But Orlando can't wear long sleeves. The hotness of his arms simply melts the sleeves away. That's science!

Vivi - Wow! Love that eye for detail! Well done! I will say the edges are blurred around Orlando during that scene as a cue for the less observant, but I didn't want to give that kind of hint in the recap since it kind of ruins the effect.

J desde NYC - I should thank you! This episode made me all kinds of happy.

Terri R - LOL! Thumbs up for science!

Hellashelle- Oh yes, fuzzy Orly is definitely a dream. But the hands are real, and belong to Ari.

Just went back to rewatch MD and Max's last scene (it really was so cute and their theme song is adorable), and I finally noticed the sleeves. Orlando's not even shirtless in the dream, as I thought, he's wearing a gray muscle tank, while Ari, as you noted, is in a black long-sleeved shirt. Also, there's a glimpse of Ari's head and you can see the clean cut of his hair. Good eye, girl!

Ivana doesn't think she's beautiful because her mom was beautiful & slim and she is burly and plus size. Her aunt Susana assumed responsibility for her after her parents died and Susana reminded Ivana often that she looked nothing like her mother other words, Ivana is ugly. Susana is Ivana's mother's sister.

This is why the Santibanez' have been able to manipulate Ivana, by reminding her that nobody outside of Daniel was going to marry her, that she is burly & unattractive and Daniel was the best she was ever going to get.

This is also why Ivana has it out for Maria Dolores, who is slim, pretty and has three men fighting over her.

Ivana is not unattractive; she's just been told she was unattractive and desirable since she was a child. Contrast that to Doris, who is also plus size but you cannot tell Miss Doris that she is not the bomb, and Miss Doris will soon have her own hunks fighting over her.

My hope is that Doris' body confidence rubs off on Ivana and she learns to be more confident. She will never be a sex bomb but she can learn to carry herself more confidently.

Whether Gerry is gay or not, I think he is in love with Ivana but he knows she's a hot mess and he's not going to make any moves on her until she's ready; she may never be after her experience with Daniel. Daniel was her first love experience. Ivana waited her entire life for someone to desire her as a woman, and when it finally happened it was because of a scam. Ivana opened up & shared her body with someone who didn't care about her and didn't want her. That experience only reinforced for her that she is undesirable and unattractive, so that trust is gone and will take a long time to come back, if it ever does.

I think Ivana is too emotionally weak to get into an affair with Ari; he is significantly better looking than Daniel and she'd always be wondering if Ari was only out to use her and I just can't see her getting into a gigolo type affair with Ari.

I think Ivana & Gerry will end up together in a relationship of companionship; it may not be fulfilling to others but I think it will be for them, especially if Ivana adopts a child.

Gerry may be asexual; no we have not seen him be sexual towards any women but we also haven't been shown any evidence that he is attracted to men, either.


Thank you for the recap Hellashelle! It was once again great.

I also enjoyed all the scenes with Doris and Orlando and Ivana and Gerry. I'm glad Maleny's affair was discovered but I think Max is right and this revelation doesn't have much of an effect anymore on him now, since he' s already gotten to know the kind of woman Maleny is at this point,

I have some news, Giselle Gonzáles and Aída Guajardo (producer and writer of this novela) have gotten green light for a new telenovela, which is going to be an original one. It's actually a story that they were working on before YNCELH but Televisa canceled it and asked Giselle to do a remake instead, so she picked YNCELH. Now Giselle has been greenlighted for her original and she wants Adriana Louvier again for the lead but Juan Osorio wants her for his next telenovela too, so the Televisa executives will have to pick where to place her.


Wow Jarocha , thanks for the news. I always look forward to Original telenovelas, they are always fun to watch. There are just too many copy paste remakes ...Luckily Yo No Creo is not one of them

I read all the wonderful and witty comments so far, saving the best for last, Hellashells recap!!

I look forward to finding out who is carresing the one and only Doris, or if its a dream.

Gerry and ivana were so sweet, he does love her so. When I saw Ivana was spending the night with Gerry and he was wearing a mask, I kinda thought it looked like a girlfriend's sleepover and that perhaps some of us are in denial of him being gay because we want him and Ivana to be a couple so badly. But then I thought better of it and reminded myself that he doesn't have feminine gestures nor does he sound gay. I know alot of very masculine men are gay, but he certainly hasn't expressed any interest in any men. Most important Dan and Maleny are terrible name callers and neither they or anyone else has made any slurs or insinuations. He loves her, and was heartbroken when she fell for Dan. He went crazy when Ivana was in hospital and couldn't find her. He also was ready to beat Dan. Jacinto also works in fashion industry and we all know he isnt gay but a disgusting dog. No, no I dont see Gerry as gay. He is patient because he loves her and as someone else said, he wants her to heal her esteem issues. I have a feeling they might end up together.


Gerry was extremely upset at Ivana falling for Danny-Boy. He shaved his beard for the wedding. I wonder if that was some unconscious thing to show that he wasn't like DB (who has perpetual villain stubble).

The writers might be trying to get out of gay stereotypes, but it would be a shame to not have Ivana and Gerry together at the end.

Ooh! Jarocha, I've got to keep my eyes open for that one.

I wonder how exactly Fermin's going to react to this new bit of news. I feel like he'll be furious, but he's no innocent either. Hono couldn't help her genes, but his alcoholism grew out of his actions. My quesion is was he an alcoholic before Julian was born or did he start drinking in response to Julian's disease or did he start drinking in response to Hono blaming him for Julian's disease?

PS: I didn't put this tiny detail in, but I think it's cute that when Max did offer his apartment, he made it clear that he and Leo would go to their parents so the Morales ladies could have the whole apartment to themselves.

Hellashelle--I meant to post something earlier to thank you for your herculean task of decoding this telenovela's lies--twice in one week--and give us the best of your best.

Great comments, too. It will be some time before *we* figure out who Gerry is, but all the speculation is certainly has sparked some interesting discussions on male sexuality--from Jacinto, Daniel, Julian, Claudio, Arango, Gerry, Max and even budding Leo.

Jarocha- I really hope the tn comes to the States eventually. Thanks for the info.

Hellashelle- Yes, that was cute when Max said that. He knows is suegra so well.

I assume Fermin was a drinker before Julian's birth, which was how Hon was able to blame him for Julian's condition. But it seems that he didn't become a falling down drunk, sleeping on the streets, thieving bum until after that, when the guilt started eating at him.

Alma says "she misses her sons", and they say they miss her too. But what I really liked is max saying "but we love all the ladies and we're not giving them up". Finally and galan
That's willing to" fight for their love". TAKE

Thank you Hellashelle.

"Isela’s mask of innocence slips a little bit and she snaps that he was going to ruin her plan (as though this somehow justifies her actions)."

If it weren't for Jenny, I'd, for some odd reason, ship Julian with Ivana (as weird as it sounds, Ari and Ivana, although shown together in a zig zag with Maleny and Doris in the credits, is even weirder to me for some reason.) It would make sense because he's one of Maria Dolores' potential suitors and we all know how easily the green-eyed monster can convince Ivana that what Maria Dolores has really belongs to her, am I right?

-Encaje Rojo

Ivana and Julian have never occurred to me but I don't see Julian going there even if Ivana wanted. Ari and Ivana seems weird for me too, he's a poor playboy and Ivana wants to raise children and just don't see Ari wanting to be a daddy of a child she adopts. However, he does want a rich woman and he has no problem with plus size.

Max said "we love our ladies and we're NOT giving them up". Thats what he said. I loves me a strong man.

Anita - It certainly was a pleasure - what a great episode to get to recap! Yes, Gerry has definitely opened my eyes to assumptions I still carry around subconciously, especially when dealing with TNs.

Vivi - Yes, you're right he must've been a drinker. I'm curious as to what degree because I feel like it would be wildly harsh of Honoria to take him from an occasional drinker to an alcoholic to avoid her own feelings of guilt. I have to believe he drank to a degree that would cause friction in a marriage even without a child with special needs.

Encaje Rojo - I never pictured them together, though I think his calm and dignified approach to life would be a balancing influence on her wild revenge-driven ways.

Tofie - I guess it does make more sense when I'm just thinking about Ari as a hunk looking for a larger Sugar Mama. I could still see him going there (even if he just kind of shrugged over the kids thing), but now I have a harder time seeing her taking him seriously. Although who nows how she'll take to flattery coming from someone who dumped Maleny to be with his bigger babe?

Nina - Right?!! Max and Gerry should teach a class! Orlando might still needs to finish his studies. (Although his biggest misstep still seems like a crazy character outlier.)

Ivana is more than rich enough to have nannies and housekeeping staff. Ari wouldn't have to change nappies. I could also see Ivana enjoying the proverbial thumbing her nose at Maleny after her antics and those of her nasty family. However, Gerry is a man of substance and unless the writers have decided he's gay he would be the perfect man for Ivana.

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I don't have much time except to make two comments and ask one question.

Hellashelle your recap was absolutely awesome. There was so much you cleared up, especialmente con los pagarés ! !!!

I'm surprised no one mentioned how cute and endearing it was to see Gerry and Ivana jumping around in bed together like little kids. I thought was such a great scene, a most innovative scene for a novela.

O/T Jarocha, is it true that Carla Estrada is all set to produce a novela in 2016.??? Just in case you know?

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