Monday, June 27, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 19 (June 27, 2016) 1st Half

We left off with Fernanda conducting the inmate orchestra and playing her violin for the Directora of the Prison and various inmates who chose not to register. It sounded pretty professional. La Malquerida got to sing. She has a lovely voice. This can only result in lifting the spirits and self-esteem of the inmates. For Fernanda personally, we will have to wait and see. She has a lot of juggling--Carlos & Marissa, Amelia, Maribel, La Malquerida, Felipe. Since she told off Camila, she has no idea what has happened to our Junior lying traitor. She has no idea what Luis is up to, nor Mariana.

Glory be, the only thing grand that happened on Friday is that Pedro found Don Fernando in The Only Asylum in Mexico that needed landscaping.

There will be plenty to discuss, so carry on, Caminantes.


The front page was posted in a bit of a rush. I will be away for almost two weeks. I will miss Camino and will miss all of you. It will be a crazy week with Copa and the 4th of July coming up, so please pay attention to the schedule either on Univision or on your own Guide.

Recapping Schedule for the next two weeks:
Week 19 (Jun 27,28,29,30,1)
Tue-Aleta (Aleta's plate is full on Tuesday. Can one of you switch with her?)
Wed-David (Dy can you stand by for David?)

Week 20 (Jul 4,5,6,7,8)
Mon - According to Univision's page, Camino WILL be on. Do we have a volunteer?
Tue - Kendra or Aleta (Can one of you take Monday, maybe? I can't remember who is having the big family gathering on July 4.)
Wed - David
Thu - Dy
Fri - Delilah

Oh, and I am doing the recap tonight.

EPI #82 (Jun 27, 2016) Pt. 1
The concert finishes and Fer faints from emotion—or is it? She’s taken to the infirmary, feet first and once Maribel and the Directora leave, the lady resident doc looks over a prone Fernanda and says she’ll find out what happened.

Another prone figure is lying in an up-to-date hospital bed. This one is Marissa who is all wired up and hooked to machinery. Carlos hovers nearby, whispering the same words of encouragement he has over the past two months. He lies about things going well at the bank, though. He would love to get a sign from her. He wants her to squeeze his hand. He doesn’t want her to stop fighting. He begs Marissa not to leave him. [Somewhere in there Carlos used the word “anhelo.” I had to look it up. Anhelar, the verb, means to long for, to desire anxiously, but it also means to breathe with difficulty. Take your choice!]

Fer is up, pacing her infirmary room, and back to her old self. She waits for Lady Doc to come back with the results of her tests and her diagnosis. The doc looks serious. Fer wants her to hurry up and tell her what’s wrong. Doc says she doesn’t know if this will be good news or a problem for her. Fer says she’s always been in good health. Doc assures her she’s not sick. Actually she’s suffering from a case of ancient telenovela logic, “How to tell when a character is pregnant.” But doc is kind and just tells her she’s pregnant. It seems that for Fer it is good news AND a problem.

Amelia meets Pedro at the same outdoor café near the prison where they met before. Pedro tells her he has something to tell her. It’s serious, but it’s not about Fer, or about the two of them. After much hemming and hawing, Pedro finally tells Amelia he’s found her father.

Back together in their cell, Maribel isn’t sure what Fer is thinking, so she gives the gold standard words of comfort, that a child is always a gift from God. Fer says yes, she knows that. All the love she and Carlos have for each other is now growing inside. Her sadness comes from knowing she’s going to be confined for 10 years—regardless of whether she committed a crime or not. She can’t stop thinking what will happen to her child. She doesn’t want him to grow up in this place, but she doesn’t know if she can abide being far from him. Maribel wonders if she might decide not to have the baby. Fer says, no, she’d never think that way. She’s now thinking of Carlos. She promised herself never to call him again and to leave him in peace. Maribel thinks she should reconsider. Fer says at first she didn’t want to add another burden onto him, now she thinks of the shame, being in prison and with a child. She can’t decide whether to call him or what to tell her father. She feels ashamed to tell Pedro. Maribel, with the best intentions, tells Fer her father will understand. Carlos, on the other hand, might leave and start a new life with another woman, one who might not accept Fer’s child. Her father will always be there for her. His is unconditional love. He raised Fer; he can raise her child. Carlos might move far away and take her child with him, but not her father. He’ll always be near. One day Fer will see her child waiting for her on the other side of the bars. Fer hugs her.

Pedro tries to calm Amelia down. She’s so ready to go get him she jumps up, even though Pedro hasn’t told her his exact location. Don Fer was well hidden in one of those forgotten old folks’ home at some distance from where they are now. Muy lejos. He doesn’t want her to go there. [I couldn’t hear what he said to her next because the camera panned down for us to see their hands were touching. I was fascinated.]

EPI #82 (Jun 27, 2016) Pt. 2
Sra. Directora has called Fer in to have a little talk. She asks Fer if she’s thought yet about what to do about her baby. Fer answers quite firmly that she wants to have the baby and let her father raise the baby. The Directora asks if she’s sure. She tells Fer she has other options. Fer wants to know what she’s talking about. She urges her to consider giving up her baby for adoption, using heart tugs that might get Fer to agree. She says there are many loving couples out there who haven’t been able to have children and she would be helping them. After all, when she is finally released, she’ll still be young, she can start life anew, find the love of her life. [I guess the Directora doesn’t know that Carlos is the love of her life and Fer doesn’t have room for two of them.] The music accompanying this statement declares Fer to be stunned by the idea.

Pedro has a plan to liberate Don Fer. Instead of driving his pickup onto the grounds to rescue Don Fer, he’s seen pulling a buck wagon all by himself, loaded with at least several hundred pounds of plants. Jose walks along beside him as though Pedro were an ox. [Well, just look at those biceps.] Jose is afraid this is a harebrained scheme that will have the two of them ending up in jail. Pedro, ever the optimist, says it’ll be a piece of cake, leave it to him. To make a long story short, over the course of several interspersed scenes, they manage to bundle Don Fer into the wagon bed, cover him with a tarp, arrange the plants around him and make a not quite clean getaway. The guard stops them at the gate to tell them to rearrange some plants that had fallen over. Whew! Once outside and near the parked pickup, Pedro starts to throw all the plants helter-skelter into the back of the pick up or on the ground. [I never, never thought I would see Pedro do something like that. He talks to plants as if they were human. Maybe he’s tired of schlepping the same plants he started out with some 70 episodes ago working on Marissa’s landscaping (which didn’t need it). BTW whatever happened to that party she planning to throw for Carlos’ graduation.]

Fer tells the director she’s not going to give away her baby. Things will be difficult, but this baby, whom she does not yet know, has given her a reason to live. [Excuse me for butting in again, but the director has one of the worst offices I have ever seen. I truly feel sorry for her. It reminds me of a prison. Oh, yeah, it *is* a prison. Boo on Televisa]

Fer has an unexpected visitor. It’s Javier. He looks different. Older? Wiser? Mustachioed? Bearded? But he has the same look on his face when he holds Fer and when he looks in her eyes. He believes in her innocence. He would have come right away had he known what was going on. He’s going to talk to her lawyer and her father so they can get her out of there. They hug. Fer and Jav have been talking for a bit, it seems. She actually asks Carlos’ rival for her affection if she should tell Carlos where she is. Jav answers that he respects her decision to leave Carlos out of all this, but it’s a serious situation for Carlos not to know why she was imprisoned. Fer is trying to convince him, everyone, but especially herself, that telling Carlos would only add to his burdens. Jav says Fer’s silence may help Marissa, but it won’t help Marissa recover from this disease. He says she needs to think about it—or is there something else on her mind? Fer is amazed how perceptive he is. Whatever it is, Jav says, she can count on him to be there for her, as a friend, as a doctor, but the more sincere she is with him, the better he’ll be able to help her. Fer has decided to tell him about the pregnancy. She starts by telling him she had intended to share this news with her father first and then the others, but as long as he’s here, she’ll tell him. Now he’s worried. She smiles as she tells him she’s expecting Carlos’ child. Javier’s face freezes. He recovers enough mobility to smile and congratulate her.

EPI #82 (Jun 27, 2016) Pt. 3
Carlos is at a table in a spare, brightly lit room with other men, working on laptops. He’s probably taking those classes to learn more about M.D. and useful therapies. He stops to think about Fer and wonders why she disappeared. Could it be true she went away with Javier? He’s consternated by not having been able to talk to her when he called Pedro, or see her, or learn where she was, but she does have *his* cell phone, so why hasn’t she called? Did she really abandon him?

Once free of the asylum and the greenery, Don Fer is taken to Pedro’s newly built home. Don Fer is still confused, but not enough not to be grateful to be away from that awful place, those male nurses and the medications. Pedro assures him he never has to go back. Amelia arrives. She hugs her father and smiles a thank you to Pedro with her eyes. [BTW—Pedro has a tree growing inside his new house. How Frank-Lloyd-Wrightian.]

Maribel and Fer talk about how to tell Pedro about the baby. Fer knows it’ll hurt him to know, but he’ll have to get used to it. Fer says Pedro had other plans for her. Maribel says one doesn’t do things because the parents planned it for them, but to follow one’s own path. Maribel reminds Fer that her father is “the greatest.”

Don Fer apologizes for not recognizing Amelia. She says that’s ok, not to worry. She’s so glad Pedro was able to get him out of that place. Don Fer says Pedro was quite brave—as Amelia smiles broadly at Pedro. There’s another knock at the door, but it’s not Mariana, as Amelia feared, it’s Blanca. Blanca hugs Amelia. Blanca hugs Don Fer.

As a pleased and more confident Fer is wandering inside the prison yard getting used to the fact she’s going to have a baby, a guard comes and grabs her and hauls her out of sight. We do not see what happens to her.

Don Fer is tired and wants to sleep. He says he feels good ever since he arrived here. He says to Pedro he heard he has a daughter. Then he asks about a wife. Pedro says no, he’s divorced. Don Fer says shame on her. She’s crazy to have let a grand person like Pedro go.

Blanca tells Amelia why she left the house without telling her. Mariana threatened to hurt her or Fer if she said anything. She left to protect them. Amelia is angry. Amelia says Mariana has no idea what she is capable of. [Amelia, dear, we Patio Peeps need actions, not words.] They discuss where Don Fer would be safe. Pedro’s house would be the first place Mariana will look. Blanca offers to take Don Fer to her place, where Mariana cannot find them, and Amelia can visit anytime. They agree to take Don Fer to see Dr. Arteaga first. Amelia ends up kissing Pedro on the cheek. He acts all shy and awkward.

We see Don Fer’s hacienda from a different angle. It sure looks like a big old church to me. Ni modo. Inside, the phone rings. Mariana has to answer it herself. How demeaning. It’s the asylum calling. Her father has disappeared. She’s furious. How could this happen? She pays them plenty to keep an eye on him. She does her best imitation of a Sergio Sendel phone throw, while she screams Amelia’s name.

Next day, Doc Arteaga checks Don Fer out. He’s sad to see the deterioration in his condition. It was obvious Mariana didn’t want him to improve. Don Fer gets a little agitated and they send him out for a walk with the nurse. Arteaga tells Amelia they’ll have to start his treatments all over again. Amelia asks for the doctor’s discretion as it relates to this visit. She asks if he would consider seeing Don Fer in another location. He says, of course, yes.

EPI #82 (Jun 27, 2016) Pt. 4
Back at the New Shack, Amelia and Blanca are making last minute arrangements for Don Fer to stay with Blanca. Amelia gives her father a blessing, the way he did her when she was little. As they are outside heading for a car, Iggy approaches and is surprised to see Don Fer. Amelia hands her father off to Blanca in order to talk to Iggy. She wants Mariana jailed for she did to her father. Iggy says unfortunately Mariana has the documentation giving her power of attorney to do anything she wanted to for Don Fer in regards to his health. Don Fer signed this while he was lucid. Amelia wants to know what will happen when Mariana finds out she has her father. Iggy says Mariana can put Amelia in jail.

Pedro visits Fer. She starts running her mouth. Pity she doesn’t have Carlos there to press her lips together. Sooo cute. But Pedro knows her. Ever since she was little when there was something she didn’t want to talk about she would run her mouth. There’s something she’s avoiding telling him. He wants her out with it, now. In a word, Fer says she’s pregnant. Cara de impactada de Pedro.

Hey Anita, this was great. Thank you.

I thought it was funny that Pedro, probably the least intelligent character in this cast, was able to pull off the Great Escape, and that Mariana was just left shouting and with no ideas when she was informed.

So, good, kind, faithful Blanca will be don Fer's overseer. That is a huge improvement over the situation at the hacienda with Mariana seeing to his needs (er, actually trying to kill him).

Amelia has transitioned into this smiling, grateful person, and Pedro is noticing it, but he is too shell shocked by her previous behavior to make advances.

I think telling Jav and Pedro about her pregnancy is probably the worst thing Fer could have done. Their facial expressions said everything. They will plot against what Fer wants, probably twisting it to either state or imply to Carlos that someone else is the father.

Thanks again, Anita. Super well done, as always.


Anita, will be back to read the recap later (have an all morning meeting), but can't wait to do so.

I think this was my favorite episode to date...


Thank you, Anita - I always love your recaps! I can stand by on Wednesday.

I didn't quite love this episode. Pedro did a very good deed by helping Don Fer get out of his "prison" but he's still got a long ways to go with me for what he did with Fernanda and Carlos last week.

Mostly, though, I hate that Fer got pregnant. It's such a cliche in the telenovelas for someone to have sex the first time, not use birth control, and get pregnant. Carlos is a doctor; why did he not have a condom on him? Yes, I know, unexpected helicopter landing in the sexy beautiful desert, things happen, but this would have been a great chance to get a little PSA in about safe sex and birth control for younger viewers, IMO. But here we are, and given all the current situations of Carlos and Fernanda, maybe leaving the baby with Pedro is for the best at the present time.

Speaking of, I cannot believe Fer is not telling Carlos about her imprisonment or the baby. Javier's expression, though, when she told him she's pregnant. I laughed, that reaction said it all. Anita, I too noticed a little difference in Javier physically last night. He seemed more tan and less puffy, and well, a little more hot, to me. I hope he means it that he will be there as a good friend to Fer, as she could use one, but David, I fear you might be right that this news will be used to benefit his cause.

That tree in the house is going to poke someone's eyes out.

Looks like a little time jump tonight, given the pregnancy pillow Fer was sporting in the previews.

Just noticed your request Anita - If needed, I could switch with Aleta tonight,or do both nights. This week is nice and free for me.

Anita, another great one! I loved revisiting the great escape. I thought Pedro would surely wind up in jail, and I was mad at him for involving Jose. Fortunately the guard didn't think it was odd when the gardeners removed as many plants as they brought in.

Actually, I thought it was nice that Don Fer and the other patients were able to go outside and walk around in a big enclosure. When my uncle was in the last stages of dementia, he lived in a very nice house that had been made into an assisted living facility with around-the-clock care, but he couldn't go for a walk whenever he wanted to. My uncle retired in his 50's and lived to his 90's, so he did pretty well. I was saddened to hear that the Lady Vols coach Pat Summitt just died from Alzheimer's at the age of 65.

dy77 -- Thanks for the offer, but I should be able do tonight.

Anita, this was simply splendid.

"prone figure", "Actually she’s suffering from a case of ancient telenovela logic, “How to tell when a character is pregnant”, "the gold standard words of comfort, that a child is always a gift from God" and "Amelia says Mariana has no idea what she is capable of. [Amelia, dear, we Patio Peeps need actions, not words]" were wonderful and among my favorites.

I think this was my favorite episode to date. Fer's sweet face blooming into a lovely smile upon hearing the news was certainly a huge reason why but that wasn't it. Well, wasn't all of it. "[I couldn’t hear what he said to her next because the camera panned down for us to see their hands were touching. I was fascinated"]. Yes, Anita, I was riveted as well! I admittedly am intrigued by the Amelia character. Never have I loathed a character so heartless and vile initially. Yet, never have I completely reversed my "position" as I am totally sucked in by her stunning metamorphosis, which seems utterly real and stunningly believable.

I was as hypnotized as Pedro! The actress is enchanting and he is under her spell (and apparently so am I). David, yes, "shell shocked" is the perfect description for what Pedro was experiencing. He is probably wondering, is this real? Is it really happening?

"Jose walks along beside him as though Pedro were an ox. [Well, just look at those biceps.]". I know Anita! I cheered at Pedro hauling that cart in herculean fashion and swooping Don Fer up, out and away to safety. It was all so silly and as you noted, seemed doomed to failure, but it worked! That's why I love this story. Expect the unexpected.

Why oh why did Fer choose to tell the two people who want her away from Carlos more than anything her big news. "Maribel, with the best intentions, tells Fer her father will understand". Sigh.

Pedro, you redeemed yourself on so many levels by reverting to the kind, caring person you've always been. I am hoping that Pedro will finally do the right thing and try and reunite Fer and Carlos. I am feeling warm and fuzzy about him right now and don't want to lose that feeling!

Luis still doesn't know Fer is his daughter. Now after learning the truth can you just see how unhappy he will be that Carlos is the father of his grandchild?? Cannot wait!

Sorry for droning on and on but this was a most welcome respite for me amidst all the sadness and turmoil.

Anita, thank you for this touching, wonderful summary. It made me happy and made my day.


It's me Anita! Monday the 4th won't work because i am not able to watch this week. I am trying to stay on top of reading the recaps.

Anita, as always you paint a vivid picture especially since I haven't seen the episode so i will be very anxious.

Our Fer is going to be a mother. Not surprised, but I can't wait till Icky finds out. I wonder if her hair will straighten out from the shock?

Ugh! I gotta go. Hopefully I can stay on top of the recaps.

Oh and it's my family reunion this weekend.

Oooh, Diana, I hadn't thought about the blood relationships of the new baby to Luis. Now I can't wait for how is he going to turn harm Carlos' relationship with Fer and Fer herself without harming the baby. This baby is the "one" he never had with Marissa, so to speak.

I'm glad you all found some happy moments. I'm tired of that dreary prison. At least we won't have a Malquerida a la YoNoCreo type to threaten Fer (I hope). I guess we all saw the previews--so we know we won't have to suffer through too many episodes of Fer in an ill-fitting prison outfit, growing month-by-month.

I just realized that this was a Luis, FrizzyIzzy, and Camila-free episode. I do like that Clarita is sticking around. But what about Lupe? She got dismissed, her son is "en el otro lado" and she's still a little wary of her DIL. Where is she?

Well, it's Hasta La Vista--or Hasta la Vuelta (I like Il Ritorno or Le Revenir better).

Thank you so much Anita. I'm missing so much recently but caught last night.

Oh man, I was laughing at dumb as an ox Pedro as he pulled that cart himself. He and/or Amelia may go to jail yet. He didn't do this for Fernando he did it to impress Amelia and it got him a kiss.

I still don't like Amelia.

Yeah, Javier shows. Despite loving Fernanda the guy has always been on the up and up but poor guy was trying hard after knowing Fernanda is with child.

Paula did a great job expressing the joy of pregnancy and the hard fact she is in prison for 10 years.

Not being impressed with Carlos already and knowing all he wants is Fernanda barefoot and pregnant, and pregnant and pregnant and pregnant, it was no surprise the manboy Carlos didn't use protection. But then again he wasn't using protection 3 or 4 months ago when he was in a sexual relationship with Isabela. Must be nice to have never had to grow up.


Hi everybody!

Can I just barge on in here and say.....

YOU guys are perhaps the AWESOME-EST patio CarayCaray has ever seen! You've all created a really fierce little patio (small, but devoted!) for this really-quite-wonderful novela!

Again, I am watching this down here, so there is very little that I can contribute (for fear of divulging spoilers, regardless of how inadvertently...) but from 'Un Camino's' debut here on CarayCaray, where (if I may remind you all) it was a once-weekly page for a mid-afternoon novela by a woman who's last two offerings were so abysmal that they scared pretty much EVERYBODY on here away; a page posted by the ONE woman on here (so it seemed) who was willing to give it a chance, and was GENEROUS enough of herself to want to SHARE her experiences with this novela on here for anybody who might be willing to give it a try (and here, it must be said... Anita, you really ARE a goddess!)... well, you should all be PROUD of what it's evolved into now. People that probably previously never would have even THOUGHT they would be able to hazard an attempt at a recap- motivated it seems solely out of a desire to want to try and 'do their part' and contribute, and help out your fellow Caray friends' viewing experience- took the recapping plunge... and flourished! Has there been a novela recapped on here where four out of the five recappers for a week were ALL first-timers??? You guys are great!!!!

This novela, on here, at least, really did defy all expectations. It's a terrific novela, by any standard, and I am thrilled that it is doing so well with the viewing public- in BOTH markets. And the patio that you guys have created- like the novela- grew from almost nothing into something of the highest quality (I KNOW it's a pain-in-the-ass for you, Anita... but I kinda LOVE that people are trying to plagiarize you guys, "The Little Patio That Could"!!).

Anyway, though this may seem weird for me to say (who the hell am I, anyway??), I've always thought that it's important to give thanks and credit where credit is due, and you guys deserve a lot of credit here. I'm so glad that you all came together, and hope that you're all proud of you've done and are doing, both for yourselves and each-other, and for us all out here as well, fortunate enough to be able enjoy the fruits of your labours.

BRAVA!! And happy Camino-ing!!! :-)

And with my continued best wishes to all...


Stevey, thank you for the nice words for the recapping newbies. I'm like probably the only Natalie telenovela fan in the world (I loved Mar de Amor and liked CI) but I couldn't make it through the first week of La Gata. Without finding Caray Caray I would've been lost on every telenovela I found, so I'm happy to finally start participating instead of lurking. It's been fun!

I saw on Twitter yesterday or the other day that Camino is the highest rated TN in Mexico? Also saw that it's premiered in a few other countries (Peru and Spain are what I remember).

Last night's episode was a doozy! I'm kind of scared for how much they might pack in on Thursday!

dy, I am scheduled to recap tonight, and as I understand it, you are available to fill in for me if everything hits the fan. The CCs have been great recently, and if that is the case tonight I will be ok. I will post something right after the episode airs to tell you if I am able to do the recap.


Gotcha, David! They were good last night. Let's hope that continues.


Stevey, I agree...Anita is a goddess! I was weary about watching this TN not because of the director but because of the comments about her, but I gave it a try. Day 1 first half Im thinking I might not like this - 2nd half Im intrigued. Day 2 Im sucked in. Day 3 im hooked and the rest of the days are history. Anita has made this show even more enjoyable.

Then there are the rest of you that are dedicated to our cause and help keep us going. We are small but mighty!

Thanks to you Stevey for chiming in and giving our Anita her props...thanks to the entire patio for being devoted and dedicated to keeping us afloat. We all have lives and it takes effort sometimes to watch and stay on top of commenting and recapping so I truly appreciate all of you.

Here's a mini recap:

Part 1:

The episode begins with a touching scene, Fernanda telling Pedro that she's expecting. As first, he can’t believe it. “No puedo ser!” And he asks if she’s joking. But once the news sinks in, he hugs her. Tearfully, Fernanda asks Pedro to care for the child until she gets out of prison. He agrees, “I’m going to love it as much as I love you.”

Amelia’s office at the construction company: Mariana busts in and demands to know where the kidnapper (kidnapped person?) is. At Mariana’s prompting, a man hands Amelia a court order. Amelia is apparently arrested and a prosecutor asks for a plea bargain, but Amelia asserts that she’s innocent.

Luis’s office: Mariana asks Luis for help in putting Amelia behind bars, but even Luis thinks that this is excessive. (Do we see a shred of humanity coming from this monster who put a sweet young girl in jail and tried to kill his wife?) Mariana tries to put a move on Luis, but he refuses her once again.

Jail: Mariana visits Amelia, telling her that she looks beautiful behind bars (tras las rejas) and that she’s going to rot in jail. But Ordóñez appears while Mariana is there and springs Amelia.

Prison: The girl band plays. Fernanda laments, “Carlos, where are you? Why did you leave me?’ and Maribel asks, “If I find it in the trash, it’s not robbing, is it?”

Amelia’s office: Amelia lies to Ordóñez, telling him that Fernanda is in Spain, studying music.

Meanwhile in Houston: Carlos visits Marissa in the hospital. She’s still in a coma, but looking beautiful as ever. Later Carlos see him having dinner with Paco in their Houston apartment. (Like me, Paco is spending his formative years in Houston and is going to speak English with a Texas accent.)

Back at the jail: Fernanda’s belly is growing, and she looks sadly at Carlos’s picture. Months pass, and Fernanda is going to the visitor’s salon to receive some sort of honor from the director general of the prison system. But wait, labor suddenly begins and Fernanda is helped to the infirmary, where she delivers a beautiful baby boy.

Blanca’s apartment (aka Fernando’s hideaway): Fernando no longer has any interest in life and never budges from his seat. Amelia can’t even spark his interest by delivering his favorite apples and sweets. Amelia tells him that she will be with him to the last day of her life.

Hospital: Fernanda holds the baby and thinks about Carlos, “If you could only see him. If you could only be here with me.” Javier is there though, and tenderly moves her hair out of the way while she’s holding the baby. Suddenly Pedro bursts in, full of excitement, with Amelia following slowly.

At the mansion: Hernan and Mariana argue. He reminds her that her father is still hidden and that the will is still lost. He tells her to be aware of the consequences of her actions, that she’s creating a life of solitude for herself. Mariana’s inner voice tells her, “When you’re dying, no one will be there to close your eyes for you.”

Infirmary at the prison: Amelia is standoffish, but kisses Fernanda on the head. Pedro, in contrast, is wild with happiness. Fernanda says that she thinks about the emotion that Pedro must have felt when she was born. Fernanda realizes that she’s inadvertently left Amelia out and says that she’s sorry. Amelia owns up to her past actions, but tells Fernanda that this (the birth) makes her very happy. Fernanda tells Pedro that she’s naming the baby Pedro, after the best man in the world.
Eventually Fernanda has to hand over the crying baby to Pedro. Amelia comforts her. Fer tells Pedro that she doesn’t want the child to visit her in jail. It’s a horrible place. She tells Pedro to teach the child how to love and not be a player.


Part 2:

Pedro’s casita: Lots of sweet scenes of Pedro and the baby. Pedro even takes little Pedro for a ride on the tractor.

Houston: Carlos learns that Marissa is a candidate for a new experimental treatment. (Do we see a miracle on the horizon?)

Prison: The girl band performs before an audience that includes some important-looking suits.

Pedro’s casita: Pedro lays the baby down for a nap under a big dead shrub that looks like a dried-up Mickey Mouse topiary. “How long are you going to sleep? I’ll look crazy if I’m talking to nobody.” (No Pedro, you’ve already shown us what crazy looks like.)

Bank: Luis is still throwing his weight around and threatening to fire anyone who disagrees with him. (I hope that experimental treatment works before he breaks the bank.)

Prison: Thanks to Javiar and Felipe, Maribel is going to get treatment for her kleptomania, and then she’ll be free. She can hardly believe it.

Later, Fernanda is sitting outside, with the wind blowing through her long tresses. (It looks like a fashion shoot, except that she’s sitting on a pile of garbage and brown is the new black.) She is hoping that time will pass for her in the blink of an eye.

And it does … in the very next scene, Fernanda is told she’s being released. Felipe’s appeal was successful, partly because of her good behavior and contributions to the prison.

In the last scene, Fernanda walks through the prison gate.

Thanks, Aleta! That was quite an episode to recap, so I appreciate your capturing it all - so much happened! I did not understand the captions on the scene with Carlos learning about the treatment, but glad they are finding a way to save Marissa!

Felipe is coming up in the legal world! Even though all the time jumping was dizzying, I'm so glad we are done with prison for now.

Great job, Aleta! I am amazed at your abridging skills, few words, but you captured everything so well.

I was pleased that Fer got out of the pokey, but disappointed that Felipe couldn't get her conviction overturned. I don't know how it is in Mexico, but here if you are convicted of a felony, and have that on your record, it isn't a happy place to be.

dy, I found all the time jumps confusing as well.

I thought for sure Fer would use the baby's naming in some way to indicate Carlos as the father.

Thanks again, Aleta.


Aleta, this was such a treat.

"I’ll look crazy if I’m talking to nobody.” (No Pedro, you’ve already shown us what crazy looks like)" and "(It looks like a fashion shoot, except that she’s sitting on a pile of garbage and brown is the new black)" were among many favorites.

It was so sad that Fernanda had to give birth to her beautiful son in prison. I was happy Pedro supported Fernanda through the pregnancy. While I enjoyed his obvious joy in his grandson, I sincerely hope someone informs him taking the newborn for a tractor ride might not be too safe. Yikes.

I sensed Amelia might have come forward a bit more eagerly toward the baby, but showed great restraint. For Fernanda's sake. Her beatific smile indicated she was happy but she let the always effusive Pedro take the lead (which he would have anyway) as that was what Fernanda wanted. I'm glad there was a bit of hugging from Fernanda as well. I keep wondering if there is hope for this fractured family.

"(Do we see a shred of humanity coming from this monster who put a sweet young girl in jail and tried to kill his wife?)". Aleta, perhaps a tiny bit. After all, Amelia was the mother of his child. I guess his not wanting to condemn her to prison life shows he has a tiny prick of conscience. I still say his heart is as shriveled as the Grinch's.

David, interesting point about not overturning Fer's conviction. I wonder if that will have any implications down the road?

"Amelia lies to Ordóñez, telling him that Fernanda is in Spain, studying music". This confused me. Would someone kindly explain why Amelia doesn't want Ignacio to know what happened to Fer? Does she think he will tell Carlos?

Thanks so much Aleta!


How long have i been away? In 2 days Fer discovered that she's pregnant, gave birth, and was released from prison. DAMN! I cant wait to see these episodes because what in the world is left to happen besides the obvious reunion?

Thanks Aleta for capturing that episode that I can see it playing out. You said it was a mini but it sounded major. My favorite too was the photo shoot on garbage and brown is the new black lol!

If the Mexico airings are still underway with about 3 more weeks to go then what are we in for and we aren't quite near the end? I'm strapping into my seatbelt for this crazy ride.

It amazes me (unless i missed it by not actually seeing this) that Pedro doesn't care that Carlos is the father of the baby. There's no reaction to this pregnancy and the father that he hates just cause.

You're welcome, everybody!

I left out a bit at the end where Mariana appeared to be going crazy (crazier) when she heard Blanca's voice telling her that she would die alone, with no one to close her eyes. I think we heard those words twice in this episode. The first time I thought it was Mariana's own thoughts. BTW: I thought the actress looked great in those orange and blue dresses. Must be an "autumn." (Just revealed my age!)

Diana, When Amelia lied to Ordóñez, Fernanda was still in prison and didn't want Carlos to know because it might distract him from taking care of his mother.

David, I also thought she should name the baby after Carlos. Maybe this is a plot device to create confusion. Can you imagine if she had named the baby after Javier?

Aleta, this was a very happy recap. Finally something with joy and love in it. So happy about the great escape, & little peddy being born and amelia getting sprung from jail & a much
Needed miracle For marissa. And fernanda is free, now the love triangle begins. Carlos,Fernanda & jav
Can't wait to see how this turns out.

And louy the leech. What will he do when he finds out about his grandchild? Which he will never have anything to Do with.

Lots of good stuff comin. I've been
Trying to get a comment on for days
And nothing would go through, so I got
My brothers phone. Maybe its got something to do with capta thing on my phone. I don't know. Anyways good to be back. So happy for fernanda. What a
Cute baby. And grandpa pedro is so sweet with him. Lying under that angry
Mickey mouse carved tree.

Mariana has ran everybody off, thats what she wanted. Right? What goes around comes around. And on the way back there are stingers. If you don't want to grow weeds, don't plant none. So many cliches to fit her ticket.

Ol ferr needs a hug from his granddaughter and he needs to hold his grandson, something that will give him a reason to hold on for just a little while longer. Mariana with her mean ass self. She gonna get old one day and somebody's gonna treat her worst than she treated her father.

Thank you so much for the recap Aleta.

Wow, I head was spinning last night. As she walked out of the prison gate how reminiscent of the times she ran to the school gate but here no Carlos with his head between the bars.

Aleta-- this was great recap to go with a great episode. Checking in from far off Edmonton. Will be depending on all of you to keep me updated through Caray--no Univision.

Those were gratifying comments about all our efforts to make Camino shine on Caray.

dy, the CC's were good tonight, so I'll be able to do the recap. I'm starting in now.


Great! Thanks David. Good episode.

June 29 Part One

Fer says goodbye to all of her prison friends and encourages them to keep practicing and playing music. She appoints Malfuerida as the band leader because she figures Mal can keep them in line. She even gives Mal a goodbye hug.

Fer thanks Maribel for all she as done for her, helping her to survive in the prison. Maribel tells Fer that Fer helped her too, and that they will be friends forever. Fer gives Maribel a plant as a going away present, and Maribel is touched and cries as they hug each other.

The warden is waiting for Fer in the prison yard and tells her she is free now. She admires Fer because Fer kept her zest for life despite being jailed for 2 years. She tells Fer to always look ahead - never backwards. She says life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.

The gates swing open, and Fer steps into freedom, and is met by Felipe, Javier, Sr. Rosaura, Sor Sonrisa, Diego and Lucero, and Amelia. They all hug her. They didn't bring Pedro or Pedrito because they want it to be a big surprise for him. Fer hugs Amelia for the first time in years.

Fer does indeed surprise Pedro! She holds Pedrito for the first time since he was born, and he sure doesn't look that sure about all of this.


June 29 Part Two

After the commercial, Luis and Solorzano are talking to a guy in Luis' office. Apparently they are engaging in some kind of shady dealing, because the guy slides a small briefcase full of money across the desk to Luis. After the guy leaves, Luis gives Solorzano a hand full of money for setting up the dirty business. They chuckle that the bank isn't doing so well anymore, but they themselves are rolling in dough.

Carlos goes to visit Marissa and brings her up to date on stuff, though she is still in a coma and using a respirator. He tells her how much he still loves Fer, and that Paco just won a contest at school in English.

Pedro is hosting a fiesta in honor of Fer's release. The same bunch that greeted Fer outside the prison gate are there. Pedro is making the announcements because he is the padre, but he also recognizes Amelia, who is sitting next to Fer and Pedrito, as the madre - which is kind of a step up for her. They go around the table and say complimentary things about Fer, starting with cloying Javier.

Fer looks down the table at Diego and Lucero, and tells them Pedrito needs a playmate, so why don't they get procreating? They look uncomfortable at this, and Pedro seems to notice.

Amelia tells Fer that Don Fer isn't doing so hot.

The doc is visiting Blanca's to check on Don for and says they just have to keep on (waiting?) (hoping?). He tells Blanca that the time he spent without treatment really set him back (we're looking at you, Mariana). Just then Don Fer says a few lucid things and asks for Amelia. He says something like, "When things are gone they will never be like before. You just have to learn to live with what is left."


June 29 Part Three

Fer is holding Pedrito while Pedro and Javier try to teach him how to play with a yo yo. Fer says she has to do something with her time, and Javier suggests she could be his assistant at his hospital., but Fer says no, she wants to start a flower shop. Pedro takes Pedrito to see Amelia, and Javier starts in again with his loving Fer and wanting to marry her. Fer tells him no - she loves Carlos - and to marry Javier would be making the same mistake her made. Javier goes on to say she is loving a memory - and that Carlos took off with his mother and never bothered to search for her.

Meanwhile, in Houston, Isy is trying to serve the same leftovers to Carlos. Like Fer, he rejects the idea.

Hernan comes home and asks Mariana about Camila. Mariana opines that she is worthless, and Hernan shoots back that sh's that way because of the way Mariana treated and used her. Mariana shoots back that it's at least as much Hernan's fault as it is hers, the way he threw her at Carlos, and besides HE's her father! Then in walks Camila. Half of her hair is blonde, and the other half is black, and she's clad in a black leather outfit with chains and studs on it. "Arguing again," she asks?

The next day Mariana stumbles on Camila hanging out with her biker gang without bikes. and wants to know why Camila isn't in school? She was supposed to take a test. Camila says that stuff isn't for her anymore.

Javier happens upon them and notes the changes in Camila's appearance. She asks if he remembers her, and he says he could never forget either her or her stepmom after what they did to Fer. Mariana gets all huffy trying to say it is the fault of the judicial system, when Jav drops a bomb on them; Fer is out of jail! Mariana is stunned, and tells Jav that some of his statements about he could amount to defamation. Jay says that Fer is visiting her abuelo, and Mariana is stunned again, and threatens Jav again, this time with being an accomplice to kidnapping. Jay says he is just supposing that is what she would be doing, he doesn't have any direct knowledge. Cam looks at Mariana likes she is yesterday's trash and wanders off to rejoin her friends.


June 29 Part Four

Fer is visiting Don Fer with Pedrito, who is coloring on the floor. Don Fer can't quite place Fer, but is pleased to hear she used to take care of him. She tells him she named her son Pedro Fernando in his honor, and he is very impressed. He complains about Blanca's cooking and they laugh because it is really very good. Don Fer has a moment when he sees a family resemblance in Fer's face and asks if they are related. He also seems to remember a little about her past because he doesn't think a girl like her could have committed a crime.

Mariana is all worried about Fer being out of jail after only two years and runs over to Luis' office to tell him. He scoffs at the idea because she was sent up for ten years, not two. He's not even worried enough to check the facts, although Mariana wants him to - he's just much too busy to waste his time on silliness like that. Watch out Luis, not attending to details is gonna get you bit in the butt.

The last scene has Carlos receiving an excited phone cll from the hospital and the doc wants Carlos to come to the hospital and see something with his own eyes. Carlos rushes to his mom's room and is over the moon that she's off the respirator and can open her eyes!!


Ugh! Please excuse the many typos.

As always, please correct or add to my stuff if I missed or misinterpreted something.


David, this was wonderful.

"They go around the table and say complimentary things about Fer, starting with cloying Javier" (perfect word), "Isy is trying to serve the same leftovers to Carlos next day" and "Mariana stumbles on Camila hanging out with her biker gang without bikes" were among many favorites.

I teared up with Fernanda gently called Amelia mother and the two shared a warm and caring hug. I hope they can rebuild, learning from the past and begin again.

It's amazing that Issy and Jav consistently persist, even after being clearly told Carlos and Fer love only each other. Some can never be deterred, can they?

While initially sorry it was Jav that verbally savaged Mariana, he did a good job, particularly with his finely honed condensation skills. I hope this is the beginning of her downfall. A descent into madness would not be unfitting, would it?

Cam is a little girl lost. While I know I should be sympathetic, I am saving my worry for others who are more deserving.

Happy Marissa has awoken and that Fer was reunited with her son (who obviously had eyes only for whomever was out of camera range). Don Fer and Blanca were extra treats.

Trouble with the newlyweds? Pedro (and we) noticed the squeezing of hands under the table. Some of you said you were uneasy about the character (sorry, whose name is escaping me). It appears you were right.

My first comment was lost David. I had more to say but tried to recreate some of it here.

This was great - thank you!


Hi, Diana. Oh boy, I sympathize with you about having your comment evaporate. That is so frustrating.

Thank you so much for your kind words.

I hadn't really thought about a possible descent into madness for Mariana, but that sure is an increasing possibility, isn't it?

I think Luis is lulling himself into a feeling of omnipotence which will not serve him well. But, hey, it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, could it?

The cause of the looks of consternation on Diego and Lucero's faces has me wondering. Fertility problems, perhaps?

Thanks again, Diana.


David, David--
You have been hiding your talent from us for too long. If this is your Caray debut, I don't believe it! Funny thing happened last night. I went to bed after part II and thought that was all there was to it. Imagine my surprise to find two more parts to savor with my tea this morning. (The rest of the Edmonton crew are still sleeping--I guess I wore them out.)

Loved your take on this episode. I felt as though I were right there watching. I'm dying to SEE, though, how Javier is being cloying. Is he not just too trically sweet? At least for me he is.

Cam with black and blonde hair and leather? I've just GOT to see this.

Diana hit the high points for me, too.

Enjoy the rest of the day, folks. I'll put up the 2d Half of the page later. I'm short on time and words, so it will merely be a new page.

David, what a great recap! Thanks. A lot to recap in this one! All the new hairdos and a two year time jump! I can't get over Camila's appearance change. I was laughing of course, because that kind of stuff always makes me laugh, but it's a great way to show how troubled the character really is. They kind of skimmed over her treatment after her suicide attempt, but obviously the events of two years greatly affected her.

Is there a way to post an image on here? I grabbed a picture for a friend last night of Camila.

As far as the other non-substantive appearance issues go- Mariana's makeover is good. Amelia's makeover - not liking the new do, but since she is not really bitchy anymore, I guess the more flattering Bitchy Bangs hairdo had to go. Carlos' slicked back do is awful but I guess it shows how busy he has been. You'd think being a fashion person, Isabella would have updated her look since two years passed. I was glad to see Fer has gotten some cute dresses. She is a mom now, so I get why the ponytail has returned, but I missed the prison hair.

I meant to add a word about Javier - a little too eager, that one. The way he made a beeline for Fer at her welcome back party to propose, and the way he made a beeline for Camila and Mariana to rib them. While he's nice and all, and I think he truly does care for Fer, he definitely did not refrain from making a big point of telling an obviously troubled young woman that she is awful and that he'd counsel his own patients not to marry someone who tells them to their faces that they don't love them. Since he is a psychiatrist, those actions surprised me.

Thanks, Anita. Yeah, you really do need to see this one. A lot has changed. Hope you are having fun in Edmonton. Check in when you can!

dy thank you. There is a way to post pictures here because I've seen others do it, but that is way above my pay station. And Javier is too eager. I think the first words out of his mouth when Fer walked out of prison were, "We're back together again."


David, congratulations.
I want to add my thanks to those of all the other commenters for an excellent recap of this episode. I love your style. It gives the reader a clear visual image of what occurred. You showed great recapping skills. Thanks again for a good read.

Hi, RetiredinFlorida. Thank you for your kind words, and hope you can check back in more often.


Great job, David! I loved your comment about Camila's "biker gang without bikes."

I loved Camila's new do, even if she was channeling Cruella de Vil. If I were her age, I'd probably have purple hair.

It seems like there are two kinds of people in this telenovela, the rich and the poor. And the rich will do about anything to hold on to their money. And if they lose their money, like Amelia did, they become disconsolate.

I still don't like Amelia, and I don't think there's anything she could do that would make me like her, short of throwing herself in front of a speeding car or bullet to protect Pedrito.

Fernanda's comment to Lucero and Diego was insensitive, but she's young and she probably doesn't read Dear Abby. I want to know more about Lucero and Diego. Are they still sleeping on the floor? Did Diego get another car? And where can I buy that knitted throw?

Aleta, thank you so much for your encouraging words.

I can't make my mind up about Amelia. I like redemptions, but some people are too far gone for it to take.

As far as Fer reading Dear Abby, where she's been I'll bet that was a real low priority ;)


Aleta--Your comment about Dear Abby was a hoot. I was surprised by Fer, the wise old woman who is so sensitive about other people's feelings. It should not have been anything to bring up in a public forum. I would have thought she'd pull Lucero aside and have a private conversation--in case D & L didn't want to start a family just yet.

dy--About the makeovers--please tell me if Pedro has had a make-over. Clean t-shirts at the very least?

Screenshots would be fun, but to post them, you have to be able to do it on the front page. The recappers who have Jane's permission to publish on the front page, so far as I know, are the only ones who ave access from the blog-publishing page. Since we didn't get enough recappers to do Camino regularly 5 nights a week, we were given permission to post on the front page once a week.

To make a long story longer, Caray started getting a lot of weird comments being posted late, sometimes months and years after posting. Jane got a lot of complaints from Carayers about this stuff showing up in the comments. To control the flood of unwanted postings, she went to a cut off after 4 days. Anything trying to get posted after 4 days automaticallly gets sent to Jane to review before posting. That got to be a burden, so Camino and Telemundo post twice a week, thereby skirting the 4-day cut off for our favorite commenters.

That's a long way to get to the problem that I don't know how to do screenshots anymore. I used to know how to cut and paste images I found on line and would have to relearn, but so help me I was so busy with Camnino I couldn't think of anything other than watching, writing, correcting, posting, monitoring our recaps, commenting. Maybe with regular recappers for some of the nights, I can get creative--after I get back.

David--the weather up here in Edmonton is lovely, not too humid and in the mid-70s--a little rain, a couple of thunderstorms passing over, sunshine until past 10 pm, daylight until way past 11 pm. Morning sunlight comes in around 4 am.

My SIL filled me in with all the details of the wildfires, evacuations, and losses the residents suffered through in Ft. McMurray--where he and my daughter used to live. The house they owned and lived in was burned to the ground. The company he works for continued to pay the salaries of their workers through all of this.

David you done yourself proud. Loved it and thank you.

I still don't like Amelia. I know she's trying but I can't forget she rejected Fernanda from birth and am reminded of it as Fernanda showers love on her son.

Fernanda has no good reason for not trying to contact Carlos and let him know he is a father.

I like Javier, though thought it premature (hopeless), to propose but I get it and they are friends, but have only ever been friends. He does for her and those around her because he cares and is a nice guy.

I don't understand why Carlos is even speaking to Isabela so fail to buy La toddle's suggestion there is some equivalency between the rejection of Isabela and Fernanda's of Javier.

Golly, it boggles my mind Marissa has been in coma for two years. Hope she doesn't have amnesia.


Is anyone else having trouble gettin a comment on? Thanks David, your recapping skills are good. Good humor too. I had to laugh out loud about the biker gang with no bikes. That would be the type she'd hang out with poor thing. Her stepmom can't even get a murder off. And her dad...... a king size jerk.

The black and white hair thing looks good on cami.

Glad to see fer bring great grandbaby boy to see grandpa. And look, hes purked up. This show seems to be getting better now that shes out of jail. Louy don't seem to think shes out. Well here comes his surprise. Ok this epy was good.
Can't wait for the next one. Thanks David. You done good.:-)

Sorry Anita, Pedro remains the same!

Getting ready to post the new page. Hang on everybody.

Great read David... I loved it. Im with Anita, i can't wait to see these but you guys recaps have the images floating in my head.

Aleta, if you find that knitted throw, please share the details. I want that too!

Camilla gone typical lost punked out kid is not shocking.

Javier proposing to Fer is stupid. Why? You haven't been anything but friends?

I with the rest of you, I still don't like Amelia. The "I hate you!" rant still rings in my ears.

tofie - I don't know why Carlos speaks to that crazy chick but she just won't go away. Did she forget she owns a business? Did she even go back to Mexico? In two years she could have dated and been engaged to some other guy instead of chasing air.


Hey all! I've been off a couple of days. My daughter and hubby are moving and I've been babysitting the baby so busy busy chasing a toddler around. That leaves very little time to sign on to the internet and read much less leave a comment! I will be able to do my regular recap tomorrow night though. Anita safe travels and to any who are driving this weekend! Please be careful on the road and where ever you go (events) these are some very crazy times we are in.

I haven't had a chance to read the recaps yet, but I am loving that Fer is out of prison and I'm please to see that she and Amelia are slowly finding their way to each other. Fer needs her mother and really always has. I think Pedro did a great job raising Pedrito, but I'm still not feeling all of Pedro's lies to Fer and I want him to get his karma. There was no reason for Carlos to be shut out of Fer's life that way. If pedro had really cared about his daughter's well being he would have told Carlos the truth stat and especially knowing she was going to have his child. Pedro was a selfish S.O.S. for that. I really hope when Carlos learns the truth he reads Pedro for filth and that Fer does the same.

It looks like Meanie is learning that all of the wealth means nothing if you don't have family or love.

Fer and Don Fernando and Blanca make me smile. I could live on their scenes!


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