Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tres Veces Ana # 119 - Twilight zone of Anas - sudden time jumps and radical opinion shifts!

Is everyone ready? Set...Go! And our star of the show deserves an extra collage today for her psychotic craziness, as well as Ms. Boyer deserves this for stellar interpretation.

Welcome to Gotham City and prepare to be silenced, lambs..... 

(Some consolidation below...) 

Ana Le manages to convince her sisters that she was very hurt by their behavior. She knows they came again only to break her heart. Llora, who already had a whip on the ready to beat herself up over such cruel treatment of Ana Le, needed no further convincing and even Ana Lu was moved. They all want to talk. Ana Le wants to start with the fact that she did not have anything to do with Marcelo’s accident – it was all Evaristo. She – Ana Le – was heartbroken when Marcelo supposedly died and Llora is a witness of that. Ana Lu does remember that Marcelo’s accident happened on the same day that he found Soledad, and Ana Le grabs onto this lifeline for her lie. With shifty eyes she repeats again how deep her love for Marcelo was and drops the bomb of the miscarriage.

In return for her honesty, she wants the same from Ana Lu and asks her if she is now in love with Marcelo, to which Ana Lu responds that yes, she is – they are now one and she can’t separate them. Ana Le wants her to know that Marcelo just confused her for his wife, but Ana Lu fills her in on the latest developments: Marcelo got rid of his tattoo and says he no longer loves Ana Le, but rather is in love with Ana Lu.

Since Marcelo came back, nothing was the same says Ana Le. He is not the man she fell in love with and married, and even though he is alive, she remains a widow. And so – if Ana Lu wants to be with this man Ana Le no longer recognizes, Ana Le will not stay in her way. She is just so happy Ana Lu is back with them, so happy. They hug and Erni and Leo creepily spy on them. Ana Le has the facial expression of the tiger on a hunt about to pounce.

Leo and Erni are very happy about this reunion and after some gushing over that, they discuss getting Sole out of prison. Leonor needs to time to digest this new bit of information before committing to a course of action.

Llora wants to know why Ana Le pretended to be Ana Lu and told her all these horrible things. Ana Le “confesses” that she felt insecure and was afraid she will be cast aside by Llora once Ana Lu was found. Llora tells her that would never happen and Ana Le begs for forgiveness. Llora asks her if Tin was in on the swticheroo and Ana Le says he wasn’t of course (man, some tight connection there that isn’t even willing to throw him under the bus to save herself.) Ana Le goes so far as to say she will do anything Llora and Ana Lu will ask of her and they both ask her to see a psychiatrist. Llora knows one at the center and she will make the appointment and go with Ana Le (not soon enough, Llora…). Ana Le pretends to agree that she needs help.

Ana Lu asks Ana Le if she is in a relationship with Inaki. Ana Le spins it that they started seeing each other when she was separating from Marcelo, but she isn’t sure it will work out. Both Llora and Ana Lu agree on the fact that Inaki is a great guy. Ana Lu has known him for a while. Yes, Inaki told Ana Le all that and she knows he was hiding Ana Lu as well. Llora wants to know if Ana Le was upset by that, but the newly wise Ana Le says she understood their reasons and forgave them. Llora also needs to forgive Ramiro, especially now that he needs her more than ever with this whole Edmundo drama. What? Llora doesn’t know? Again? Ana Le can barely hide her smile, as she describes the gory scene of suicide in front of Ramiro and Llora cries on the cue.

Marcelo brings our friendly Tin a bit deeper into the forest. Tin is convinced Marcelo brought him there to kill and tells him to get the gun out, though….how will he explain Tin’s disappearance? So many people saw him leave. Valentin, now at gunpoint, bargains with Marcelo for his life. Turns out Marcelo wants to find out what Tin is capable of and hands him the gun. There is no one here, Tin can just shoot him, says Marcelo, keeping both of his hands firmly planted on a hidden gun behind his back. Tin seriously ponders pulling the trigger, but remembers our mafiosi Fac’s instructions on not hurting his son and puts the gun down. Marcelo thinks he made the right choice – the gun wasn’t loaded, but his own was.

Marcelo wants to know why Tin used Ramiro’s situation like that and whether he really is in love with Llora. Tin says that it is all Ramiro’s fault for lying to Llora. Marcelo warns him that he now lives at the pension too and will be watching Tin.

Somewhere here we got our opening credits and twilight zone hastily cut and pasted fragments started to appear…

  • Llora, still wearing same clothes, was suddenly at the pension and Mariano came to visit and brought the piano for a gift. (Suppose it didn’t occur to him that this is not Llora’s mansion and he might have considered asking for Rem’s permission before putting it right in the middle of the living room.) Llora is excited about the gift and seemingly forgot about her fiance’s plight.
  • Tin is home already too and we catch him mid conversation with Nerina saying that he also kept many things from Llora. Nerina recounts all she heard about Tin and his resentment from Ramiro and says that she wants to help him. He should not keep all this anger. Tin says yes, he really wants some help.
  • Just as Llora is still trying out her piano, Maribel comes out to spill some venom – Ana Lu, Llora – same face, so same actions as far as our wonderful BFF is concerned. Llora tells her to stay away from Ramiro. Maribel wants Llora to know that it was Ramiro who started the kiss. Suddenly Llora is full of all kinds of common sense – she knows Ramiro wouldn’t betray her like that and this is also not what Maribel told Llora in front of Ramiro. Llora didn’t know Ram was in a tough spot and now that she knows, she will give him all her support and already left him a message. Llora loves Ram, but what does Maribel feel for him? “I LIKE him A LOT!”, - declares Maribel and we don’t know which one of them to laugh at. 
  •  We are still on the same day folks, and Tin now comes to talk to Llora. He is sorry he didn’t tell her up front, but he was angry at Mariano and when he met Llora, he had no idea she was his niece. Tin sweets talk her by describing everything Llora did for him – reconcile him with his mother among other things. He, the hypocrite, now asks her to do the same and forgive everyone – Mariano, Ramiro and maybe even him, because she has the biggest heart in the world.
  • Llora’s common sense didn’t last her for very long and in the next scene she is seen playing piano, with Tin’s oboe accompaniment. Ana Lu dances and everybody else watches – a happy scene. (We are at least happy that everyone is wearing different clothes, so we are to understand then it is a different day. Not very sure what everyone has to be so psyched about, with one mother in jail, life in uproar, married boyfriend, conflicting feelings, missing fiancé, but who are we to judge…). The idyllic life goes on: Ana Lu helps out at the center with the kids, Llora chats with Valeria and Tin about something serious (perhaps finally realizing she is missing a fiancé who she left a message to days ago?), Ana Lu and Marcelo laugh and kiss (again, a very strange seamless transition…it’s like we missed an episode or two) and Ana Lu tells Llora she loves Marcelo. Marcelo overhears and Ana Lu blushes like a schoolgirl.
  • For a contrast we switch back to Ramiro, who is still on the same bed, wearing same clothes and kept sedated. He has a nightmare of being in a wheelchair and watching from the bottom of a long set of stairs how Tin marries Llora, who is wearing a black dress and is happy to become Tin’s wife. He screams for Llora, but she doesn’t hear him. Suddenly he wakes up and someone is sitting next to him. Ana Laura, is it you? He stares at “Ana Laura” and realizes it’s Ana Le in a wig. Ana Le is disappointed he guessed it so soon. (This next scene is just beautifully acted by AB.) Ramiro thinks she came to help and tells her about Tin being the murderer and being able to walk. Ana Le really came to play, she is in some manic episode and is ecstatic when she realizes Ramiro can’t feel his legs or doesn’t realize it’s been days that he has been sedated. He is completely at her mercy and she needs him to stop talking about Llora or he’ll spoil everything. She climbs on the bed with him, but is not getting any attention. Ram is trying to convince her she needs to help him and her sister. Bored, she gets up to leave and tells him to say hello to Gina, when he sees her. Finally, slow Ram realizes she is in on it with Tin and promises she will regret it (note to Ram: much less of a threat when you are tied to the bed unable to move your legs…) Ana Le bought two black dresses she says – one to mourn Llora and one – Ana Lucia. They will soon be dead and Ram won’t be able to do anything. But they are your sisters – Ram is incredulous. They are, says Ana Le, but they can’t keep breathing the same air and everything will be left for her when they are gone. And as she waltzes away with some threatening music in the background, Ram continues to beg her to come back. Unsuccessfully. Obviously.
  • Llora and Ana Lu talk about Ram. Llora realizes she should have listened to him and it hurts her that she wasn’t there for him. Now he left without saying anything. Marcelo is looking for Ram though, says Ana Lu (not very well – seems like he is mostly looking for him in the pension in Ana Lu’s eyes from what we’ve seen…)
  • Marcelo sees Santi in the mirror and battles with him for control. Santi needs to leave, he says. It’s Marcelo’s life. (Has it ever occurred to Marcelo to just break that mirror, or avoid them like a vampire? Just saying…)
  • Back in the wilderness outside Ramiro’s prison cabin, Facundo, dressed in all black, is having coffee with Tin and Ana Le. He has several henchmen guarding the perimeter, but mostly standing around and awkwardly glancing in every direction. Ana Le asks Tin is he really can walk, but he remains silent. Facundo says Ana Le reminds him of her father and she is surprised he knew Ignacio. We worked together, says Facundo and offers her to try the coffee. It’s from Costa Paraiso. Ana Le picks up the cup, sniffs it and dumps the whole cup on Tin’s lap. He springs upward and screams at her. She asked him a question and he wasn’t answering, says Ana Le. Tin departs, presumably to change – very sensible that one. (Side note: if Facundo knew Tin wasn’t paralyzed, why was he saying the cabin was difficult living for someone in Tin’s condition when he brought him there?). Ana Le wants to continue the conversation about Facundo’s business with her father. They worked for her grandfather and when he died Ignacio betrayed Facundo and had to pay for it. If Ana Le ever betrays him, she will find out what he means by that. Ana Le says that the only one betraying anyone is Marcelo, who is still with her sister. What about Ana Le and Inaki? Facundo knows he is alive and she is still seeing him. Ana Le says Inaki doesn’t mean anything to her, but Facundo wants proof. She produces the memory card, but says Inaki has one with evidence against her as well. Not to worry, mafiosi will take care of that.
  • Marcelo takes more pills. Llora enters and she wants to know if he knows anything about Ramiro. No, he hasn’t found him yet. Llora is regretting being so unfair to him. Marcelo says the lie was all Marcelo’s fault and Ramiro never wanted to go along with it, but Marcelo convinced him. Llora is afraid Ramiro will leave for an extended period again, just as he did when Gina died. Marcelo promises to find him.
  •  Ana Lu compares notes with Marcelo. She wants to see Santi and talk to him, but isn’t having success convincing Marcelo. She throws at him that he never told her about the miscarriage and that must mean it is still hurting him. Perhaps he will never be able to fully let go of his past. There was a time he would have done anything to have Ana Le’s baby he says, but that was before when he thought she loved him and thought that he loved her too. She never loved him, but she hurt him very much and tried to kill him – he can’t forget that. Ana Lu tries to convince him of the version that Ana Le told her – it wasn’t her, it was all Ev and while Marcelo is trying to explain the truth to her, his head starts hurting. Ana Lu is freaked out, but he tells her to let him be – Santiago will not lie to her. Several contortions later, Santi appears and tells her he doesn’t have much time, but all Marcelo told her is true, Ana Le is a murderer, and Ana Lu shouldn’t trust either her or Marcelo. Marcelo is back before Ana Lu can react and tells her he is the only one who can save her life.
  •  Leonor came to carcel to see Sole. She isn’t here to ask for explanations, but rather to tell Sole the story of her life. Sole doesn’t understand. She will, when Leonor is finished, says Leo. 

  • There is an out-of-nowhere glimpse of Mariano telling someone we don’t see (and from conversation gather it’s Erni) that he considered forgiving her, but decided that would be a mistake. They need to make sure that his niece does not stay under the influence of that woman. (Alright, this is some shoddy editing…)

  • Leo continues with her story. He mom worked for Erni’s father and was raped by him. She grew up as a servant in the family, as her father didn’t acknowledge her as his daughter. Sole understands her better than anyone – when her mother died, she grew up in similar circumstances in Ev’s home. Leo is surprised she knew Ev. Sole explains that relationship – as Leo can see she also had an unhappy childhood. Well, Leo at least had Erni, they were like sisters, say Leonor. Sole still doesn’t understand why Leonor is telling all this. Leo is happy to explain: she is telling that story, because her mother was not the only one that man has raped and had a child with. There was another woman – Margarita Hernandez. Sole’s mind is blown. 


Interesting episode, but some creating editing here too - they are definitely edging towards the finale and trying to cram everything in.


Ria, "cram everything in" is an understatement!!

On the East Coast, AT&T U-verse pulled TVA and aired the debate in that timeslot (not touching that subject with a 10-foot pole)

Nothing on Hulu yet either.

So we are left with :
1.0 hr (#119) Wednesday
1.0 hr (#120) Thursday
1.0 hr (#121) Friday
1.5 hrs (Gran Fin) -- We hope only one option
4.5 hrs to wrap everything up????

Then the writers will have a massive bomb at the end, killing everyone, so we won't have to worry about anything!!

Does anyone think this will lead to a coherent ending??

Wow, I wasn't on top of things and now see this episode on Hulu.
I'm excited about watching it because your recap was so enjoyable.

I can't deal with this episode. Ana Leticia convincing the other two idiot Anas that SHE IS THE VICTIM is just too much.
And the Suicide squad meeting was too over the top. Ana Let is the Joker, as her makeup suggests.

I also don't understand who Mariano is talking to and who did he consider forgiving, but decided that would be a mistake.

And which niece of the 3 Anas
And under the influence of which woman.

The pronouns are somewhat jumbled for me, so maybe someone understood this dialogue more than I did.

What mystery conversation are you talking about? Mariano was talking with Ernestina. You could see her in the shot, and they're talking about forgiving Soledad, and the influence of Soledad on AnaLu.
He even said her name!
'Ernestina, lo que tenemos que hacer es evitar que mi sobrina siga bajo la influencia de esa mujer'.


Many Thanks. I was going to catch this over my morning coffee on Hulu, but reading your recap, I think I'll pass. Every detail and reaction--perfect.

What a bunch of garbage with so few episodes to go. Gees, why bother it seems. Seems we will get the clichéd, wait to the bitter end to have "everything" wrap. I wonder though whether we really get everything: I'm not so sure all AnaLoon's evil will be revealed to everyone, or it will be someone like Mariano who will choose to keep it from the sisters if AnaLoon just loses her marbles and that's her end.

The "everyone is happy and makes up" is beyond the pale. It's unbelievable. And Llora NOW has a light bulb about Ramiro. Pure plot point to build to a finale of betrayal. Lazy writing if you ask me.

This whole family blood line is for the birds!

Thank you for the recap Ria.

The best moment for me, was whem AnaLet poured the tea on Valentin's lap.

She is really getting out of hand. The best punishment for her will be to end up in prisn for the rest of her life, with no one to come and visit her.

Thank you, Ria. I enjoyed the episode and, of course, your wonderful recap.

Lots of fun last night. Best scene of the night was Ana Leticia taunting Ramiro then crawling on his bed and dancing around the room. Creepy comment about her two black dresses but oh, so good in "the Ana Leticia way".

Anon 7:00, yes! that hot tea pour was the best way to get Valentine out of his wheel chair. Ha!Ha!

Victoria, yes it was sort of out of place and seemed heavily edited, but he was telling Erni that the niece can't remain under the influence of that woman, so the only one he could have been talking is likely Sole: as in he can't forgive Sole (and we know Erni wants to), and Ana Lu cannot stay under her influence (this is strange too, as she is already away from her influence...) Not sure why this part of dialogue was important to crop and paste, but maybe it is.

Daisy, though it sounds daunting, give this episode a try. You'll warm up to it. If nothing else, the scenes with Ana Le are fantastic and just so wonderful acted.

Ria,this was beyond exceptional. It was far, far superior to the episode. You seamlessly conveyed every detail - flawlessly.

Your observations were great - "Ana Le grabs onto this lifeline for her lie" was so true! But your "Not very sure what everyone has to be so psyched about, with one mother in jail, life in uproar, married boyfriend, conflicting feelings, missing fiancé, but who are we to judge" was masterful.

"(Side note: if Facundo knew Tin wasn’t paralyzed, why was he saying the cabin was difficult living for someone in Tin’s condition when he brought him there?" was one I pondered as well. Something slipped there I believe.

At long last Ana Laura finally realizes Ramiro's father is dead and he is no where to be found. So how does she express her profound grief? Why a musical duet with Valentin of course. I am speechless.

The chemistry between Ana Lucia and Marcelo was really the only light moment of the evening. Is he ever going to tell her he has a tumor? Or, is he just going to wait until he collapses. To his credit, Valentin seemed only mildly afraid when he and Marcelo had their little chat. Perhaps he knows what we do. That Marcelo (contrary to some evidence) is really one of the good guys and would not harm him.

Boyer had some (more) excellent moments - spinning during Val and Laura's impromptu concert and then snaking and slinking over poor Ramiro. What gloating and taunting. Pure evil.

And of course Ana Let has now sold Inaki to the devil. It occurred to me that perhaps Facundo "allowed" Inaki to survive. The fact he wasn't taken away with Orlando might make sense if this occurred. His goons do not seem very incompetent. This is going to end so, so badly.

Jarifa, the coffee spilling on Val was great, wasn't it? I hope it was really hot!

Miguel, I did not think the person Mariano was speaking to was Ernie - for some reason, I thought it was a much younger person perhaps Viri (?) so thank you for noting the conversation.

Victoria, I have no idea how this will end. But I hope we don't have to endure much more conversation between the 3 sisters. There is not enough time to wrap up what needs to. 3 hours left...

Ria, kudos. And thank you!


Anon @ 7:00 said: "will be to end up in prisn for the rest of her life, with no one to come and visit her."

Yeah, except LLLora will be there with bells on and probably bring a piano to play her some music to cheer up her dear sissy.


Thank You Ria, I don't know how you do it. This episode made no sense until I read your recap.

What I got from this one: For all the good he has done, Ramiro can just die.. It is going on, what? a week? and he is still captive and shitting in his pants and the wonderful lives go in the Cukoo's Nest and the mansion. If he ever gets out of this I hope he goes to the opposite side of the earth....alone. But he won't. He luuuurves LLora..why? Who frickin knows. If he likes things that go clickety clack go to work for Viri.

My ending would show Ramiro and AnaLu in Miami sipping Pina Coladas watching the news of a meteor on Mexico city. Marcelo, I assume, has a death wish, playing hide and seek with a Brain Tumor, so the meteor would be his friend. Maybe save Tadpole and Java too. They haven't pissed me off yet.

AnaLetMeSellOutMyF_Buddy sure turned on Inaki, if you will. But Fac is not exactly on the good side of the popo, what is he going to do with the video? Trot over to the Feds and show it to them?


Thank you so much, Ria. This episode was a jumbled mess that felt like a few crammed into one (and yet with little progress), but your recap made it feel coherent.

Yep, only scene I enjoyed was the hot coffee scene. Not sure if Fac already knew (because he's our new omniscient, omnipotent bad guy), or if he's just good at playing it cool, even with surprises.

Can't believe we get that silly piano/oboe scene, instead of something like Rod and Marcelo having a powwow to talk about finding Ramiro and Facundo. It's totally unbelievable that Marcelo wouldn't have already at least checked out the cabin in his search for both men.

Llora and Lucia buying Leticia's lies. Ack! That stilted "hug", if you can call it that. Looked like Llora and Lucia were giving Letica a visual breast exam.

No scene of Mariano and AnaLet together, now that he's hyper aware that she might have feelings for him. And after his other personal breakthroughs, the one thing he's most focused on is keep Sol in jail and breaking Lucia's love for her? I don't care if Sol rots in jail, but shouldn't he be focused on more immediate things, like his two nieces living in the same house as his biggest enemy who's sworn revenge on him?! Maybe he should let Erni in on the fact that Tin is a foe not a friend.

Ria - Thank you for this excellent recap. There is so much talk and complex scheming that the recappers have got to watch very closely and cleverly relate it all, too. You are fabulous.

I agree completely about AB. Her psychopath routine with her sisters was great, as was her creepy scene with Ramiro.

I so enjoyed Daisyjay's funny line about the bloodline of this whole gang. I agree that it sure seems that way. But the episode is worth it just to see AB in action. (Daisyjay- The Indians??? So nice.)

I have been fearing for so long that AnaLeticia's effort to do away with AnaLu will have something to do with the acrobatic fabrics/ropes. I will be so pleased if it doesn't -- just too obvious.

Someone please correct me if I have this wrong. AnaLu knows that Marcelo has a brain tumor and needs surgery. But Marcelo doesn't know that AnaLu knows (although Santiago may know!). So Marcelo has been both protecting and getting further involved with AnaLu knowing that he will die and not admitting this to AnaLu. But AnaLu knows and has never said "hey, how about getting that surgery if we are going to be together." So maybe AnaLu doesn't know. Details, details.

Toa, you suddenly presented me with a new perspective on Ramiro's captivity that has me laughing here - indeed, what about bodily functions when you are tied to a bed for two days? Maybe the goons are cleaning him too, as Ana Let did not seem too disgusted with the state of the cabin. We are presuming she is not the sort to tolerate anything silently. But yes, in all seriousness it's insane nobody realized he could be missing and not putting much credibility in lur detective Marcelo, who is "looking"...

Vivi, so true - the priorities for everyone seemed woeflly misplaced yesterday. Mariano has indeed more pressing things to worry about: Tin, crazy incestuous niece, maybe even telling the truth about the accident. But instead he is concerned about keeping Sole locked up and not forgiving her. Not to mention our musical trio, who do seem to live in their own little TN called Pension Idyllia.

Mati, I don't believe anybody told Ana Lu about the tumor. Rem insinuated Santi (at the time) would need her more than ever, but as far as I understand she is still unaware. So Marcelo is planning this self-sacrifice in silence.

Thank you, Ria. I thought I recalled Remedios in the hospital telling AnaLu. But I must have made that up. Her NOT knowing makes much more sense and makes Marcelo even more noble. Still, not so great of him to get further involved with AnaLu, given the situation with her family, knowing that he will die. But I am asking for too much from a novela!

Also, meant to say that screen shots are great.

Ana Lucia does know that Marcelo has a tumor. She was told by Remedios and also by Falcundo.

Traveling Lady (Mati)- Yeah, you are right. Remedios told her when she was still staying in the hospital, and she was also told by Falcundo, because I remember her telling him that she wouldn't leave Santiago alone now that she knows he has a tumor.

Ria Tin made some comment to Ram before he left the other day that the goons (my word, not his) would see to the things Ram needs which he can't do for himself. It had a !YUCK! factor, so that is where I got it.

This all makes me hum along with Reba McIntyre "Tell Me a Lie."

Actually, my bad Mati -I did remember that scene too Anon is describing, so I guess she does know!

Toa, good catch and a yuck factor indeed! Thanks for the Ana Lu clarification too. Keeping all of these secrets straight is becoming tough!

Ria- It's probably hard keeping these secrets straight because none of these people are reacting/acting like they should, based on the info they have. Instead of playing footsies with Marcelo these last many days, or asking him what's wrong like an idiot when he has a headache or his nose starts to bleed, AnaLu should be pushing Marcelo to get the damn surgery to get the brain tumor out.

It's impossible to keep it all straight. Even the writers must get confused!

OK..So after Tio Mar's Incestuous epiphany are we never going to see him with AnaLet slithering all over him so we can see his reaction, and... hers to his?

We Are Running Out Of TIME..writers


Gracias, Ria.

I suspect that this script was written by a different person from the previous 3-4 episodes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Ana Lucia who told Facundo about the tumor thinking that he would push SantMarc into the hospital for the surgery? As I said yesterday, the doctor who gave him the news shouldn't have let him leave the hospital in the first place.

As to the list of things yet to be resolved, I believe this series will end with some loose ends left, which isn't good.

Regarding Facundo, I think he knew that Valentin could walk. He probably had been watching him through his henchmen for a while and one or more of them might have seen him walking through a window in his hovel... or more recently from a distance after he left Valentin alone at the cabin. The comment he made about the cabin being potentially challenging for "someone in your condition" is a clue to us that he already knew. Valentin probably never suspected this. Clever of Ana Leticia to throw hot coffee on his legs to make him stand up and out himself.

The dress she wore to her nasty visit to Ramiro was nothing Ana Laura would have owned and Ramiro spotted that immediately, if not the nasty toothy smile and the red lipstick and nail varnish. I don't think Ana Leticia was really looking to fool him even at the outset. She wanted to torture him. He has her number and wouldn't be likely to get a woodie for her even without the paralyzing drugs.

BTW, here is a list of complications of spinal anaesthesia toxicity and errors. It doesn't, however, mention long-term usage.

More later.

If they leave all the shocking stuff about AnaLet for the last one or two episodes, Erni will definitely have the big one for sure. I mean, she barely survived when she learned two of her granddaughters are in love with the same man. So they are going to hit her with learning that: 1) AnaLet has the hots for Tio; 2) AnaLet murdered Jenny; 3) AnaLet put a hit on Marcelo; 4) AnaLet killed Isidro; and 5) AnaLet is plotting to murder her sisters (and likely Erni herself), all at once?!

I should say-- helped cover the murder of Isidro, but when folks see the video, they'll blame her just as much as Inaki. She looks equally guilty.

RIa, thank you that detailed recap .

I am so thankful that none of these folks are in my orbit. Nobody is urging Marcelago to take care of his medical issue. Nobody cares that one of their ships has gone missing. Nobody notices\cares that they have a BSC person in their midst! Hey..let's dance !!!

Vivi..I got a giggle from the "visual breast exam."

INaki is surely paying for playing with Analetmeuseandthenloseyou.


I don't think more than a few days have gone by. They could just have been thinking that Ramiro needed his space to grieve or get over his father. Of course, why aren't Ana Laura and Ana Lucia asking Ana Leticia how she knew about the suicide?

She could have found out from Ernestina or Leonor who heard about it from Valeria, but now we know that Facundo could have told her. This makes me wonder how long those two have been in cahoots. If marrying Ana Leticia was all just about social status why would Facundo have cared which of the triplets his son was married to? The likely answer is that he recognized her nature at some point during the three-year dating period and approved of her because she was what he wanted in a nuera.

Vivi, I agree that Ernestina wouldn't be able to handle that information if she was told it at the end. Makes me wonder if she will be a sacrificial lamb either by Ana Leticia murdering her prematurely with her verbal torture or dying of a heart attack upon hearing of her crimes on the evening news. If she is to survive this story then Ana Leticia has to die or end up in the manicomio indefinitely. Which could open the door to a sequel in 20 years of her getting out to wreak havoc on her two wealthy and happily married sisters.

Thanks, Ria. AnaLet was in fine form last night. So were you, apparently! I especially enjoyed her dumping her drink in Tin's lap. Good observation that Facundo's non-reaction didn't square with his attitude when he dropped Tin off.

"Has it ever occurred to Marcelo to just break that mirror, or avoid them like a vampire? Just saying..." LOL, yes, mirrors are nothing but trouble for people with multiple personalities. But Marcelo needs a mirror to apply his hair gel properly, and Santi needs a mirror to make sure he doesn't miss a button on his flannel shirts.

(BTW, I've been laughing at SantiMarc's hybrid look - flannel shirt and vest, with slicked-back hair. Looks ridiculous. But also looks Rulliluscious.)

Last night's three-way triplet conversation was just as awkwardly staged as the last one, with each of them sitting a mile apart, but it was more interesting in that AnaLet was playing along and making nice. Which was what I had expected for their first meeting. Oh well.

Vivi: "Looked like Llora and Lucia were giving Letica a visual breast exam." Ugh, yes.

Regarding the conversation between Mariano and Ernestina, I didn't see Ern either. I usually watch the show in SD. The sides of the picture are lopped off. Probably she was only visible in the full HD picture.

And now for the mind trick:

When Ana Laura remembered AnaLet going to the gynecologist the day of Marcelo's funeral, I believed that AnaLet had in fact been pregnant.

But then I thought, for all we know, AnaLet could have gone in there, played Candy Crush for a while, and come out without ever having seen a doctor.

But then I thought she'd have to be planning REALLY far ahead to foresee a need for such a subterfuge. And if that's what she had in mind, she should have told AnaLaura (and everyone) "I just had a miscarriage."

But JUST NOW I thought, would it be like Ana Leticia to have a miscarriage and NOT tell everyone about it, and miss out on all the fuss and sympathy? Is that more likely or less likely if the miscarriage is imaginary? (Personally I have a hard time believing she'd allow herself to become pregnant in the first place.)

I'm overthinking this, I know. That's what I do.

Julie..."RUlli luscious"..ha.yes, there it is. the conflicted wardrobe choices give me a giggle...metrosexual meets lumberjack?

No, Julie, you're not.

I also have a hard time imagining her getting pregnant at all. When she initially told SantMarc that she had been pregnant she also told him that nobody else knew about it, which led me to believe that she was lying like a rug. Could this have been part of a long-term plan or a contingency in case of need? That could mean that she and Facundo knew that Marcelo wasn't dead.

The problem is that SantMarc has no way at the moment of knowing what the truth of this really is. For practical purposes the only reason that would matter would be Ana Lucia. She doesn't have the 21 years of history with her that Ana Laura does although she has experienced Ana Leticia's nastiness first-hand. Both know now that Ana Leticia impersonated both of them on different occasions. Ana Laura has seen years of nastiness from Ana Leticia and should have no illusions about her.

That she does is actually normal from a statistical perspective. Abused people often hope for a turn-around because they need the person to be good for their own emotional reasons. Nobody wants to believe that their sibling or parent hates them to any degree, so they keep hoping. Many eventually give up hope when they realize that they have no influence on the behavior of the transgressor.

"I'm over thinking this, I know. That's what I do. " I liked this. That's what we all do ....probably because those producing these shows do not do enough thinking as they are creating these stories.

Vivi, I am disappointed they are leaving so much reveal material for the last few episodes. I am hoping they can still do it justice.

Julie and Susanlynn, Rulliluscious is about right. Even overgeled hair doesn't bother me by now...

Ok, Julie - on the Ana Le pregnancy, I was pondering the same things. It is very unlike her not to reveal a misscarriage and when she was first telling Marcelo that she was pregnant, the first thing that popped into my mind is that she will now produce a baby to keep him away from Ana Lu. This didn't happen, but you got me thinking again - is there any of Ana Le's time after Marcelo's death that is unaccounted for? Could she have had a child and left him/her somewhere? But then again, knowing her, maybe she actually went to the gyn after the funeral for an abortion and hence kept it all quiet...

Fabulous recap!

Definitely some crazy editing going on which sucks since we are getting near the end but it always seems to happen!

AnaLet scenes were masterful. I don't think AnaLu is buying the whole hog but I think she really wants too which is clouding her judgment.

Poor, beautiful Mariano coming to the pension to give AnaLlora a piano so she'll be happy. The guy has really been taking it on the chin lately. Karma

So AnaLet has sold Inaki down the river to Fac. We knew it was going to happen at some point but I didn't think it would be so easy.

One more thing, Sole told Ev to get rid of Marcelo and I think she told him to deal with someone else, can't remember who. She knew what type of business Ev was in and she was willing to have people murdered to keep her secret safe. She is not a good person. Just a selfish one.

Ria mentioned in the recap that it was weird to give someone a piano without discussing it with them first. I thought the same thing last night. I imagined someone coming to my door with some large gift that I didn't ask for. Even if it's very nice and I appreciate the goodwill, where would I put it?? Especially a piano. You're not supposed to put things on top of a piano, even when the lid is down. Well, I'm always putting things on top of other things! My head would explode!

It was very nice and very generous of Mariano, but a little inconsiderate as well. And unnecessary. The piano is for Laura's use - but given her moody nature and the general instability of the situation, she probably won't be at the pension for more than a few days.

On the other hand, I assume that Rem will be allowed to keep it when Laura moves out, and it might be a nice thing for the tenants to have access to. Let's just hope that Rem isn't one of those people for whom the sound of a piano sets their teeth on edge. Anyway, she can always sell the piano after Laura leaves if she doesn't want it.

Carvivlie, the other person you might be thinking of, could it be Ramiro? Maybe it happened the day that Ram came around asking questions, and Soledad "accidentally" locked AnaLu in the closet? That might even have been the day we met the grandthugs.

To an earlier comment: I don't think Remedios would be upset at having a brand new baby grand in her parlour. That piano is likely to cost $20K US at minimum if it's brand new. If it's a Steinway it may cost more. It's a beauty; I once visited the original Steinway showroom.

Thus far we have no reason to suspect that there is no extended period of time in Ana Leticia's existence that is unaccounted for. If she had been truly mourning Marcelo someone might have recommended she take an extended trip to Europe, for example, but no such thing has been mentioned. That would have provided adequate time for her to give birth and get rid of a baby that could turn up after a time jump. However, I don't think she would have done that. She would have had an abortion. It's relatively easy to get one in Great Britain.

I think that Ana Leticia did in fact have this child, and as been hiding the baby. I just feel like we will be thrown with some 3 year old child appearance, but who knows, anything can happen in this novela.

Thank you, Ria. I liked "Ana Le can barely hide her smile, as she describes the gory scene of suicide in front of Ramiro and Llora cries on the cue." I needed your recap because I didn't know Univision was moving the show's time; I hate that they do that so easily. There was a week of watching Tres Veces recorded where it was really two hours and I was recording only one. Each time I'd start the show I'd think, boy, this is really choppy.

Oh, UA, I hope you are right. Manicomio for Ana Leticia so we can have a sequel! I was disappointed to read how easily she threw Inaki under the bus, but I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise.

I also am looking forward to seeing Mariano and Ana Leticia together after his big reveal to see how that plays out.

". . . Erni will definitely have the big one for sure." Loved it, Viví!

And if that happens, Angelique is the only actress I'd want to see in the sequel. She could be the next Edith Gonzales.

All human beings are disposable to Ana Leticia. Like any narcissist people are only useful to her in the service of her ego. Once they stop feeding the narcissistic needs they are dispensable.

OOPs, just realized that my sentence in the 11:47A post is wrong. It should say:

Thus far we have no reason to suspect that there is any extended period of time in Ana Leticia's existence that is unaccounted for.

Thanks, Ria. Perfect title for last night’s weird smashup. Great recap of all the fragments. My favorite: Marcelo is looking for Ram though, says Ana Lu (not very well – seems like he is mostly looking for him in the pension in Ana Lu’s eyes from what we’ve seen…) – lol!

I too loved Ana Leticia dumping hot coffee on TinTin. She was on fire last night. Climbing atop poor tied up, anesthetized Ramiro -- that was soooo wrong -- and entertaining. Yep, the goons must be cleaning Ram up, attending to his hygiene, and running his clothes through the washer cause Ana Le didn’t even crinkle her nose.

I admit I’m indulging in some Ana Laura thinking, but I’m hoping that memory card Ana Leticia gave Facundo is not the real thing. I don’t like Facundo having the upper hand over her. She’s got to know he wouldn’t think twice about killing her, and I do think she wants to hang onto Iñaki (what woman wouldn’t?) at least for awhile.

But for Ana Leticia to let Ramiro know she’s in league with Facundo and TinTin, is she counting on Ramiro being dead pronto or Lu and Leticia being dead pronto or all three?

Maybe the scene of Mariano checking with Remedio first before he had the piano delivered got cut? He'd have to make sure someone was present to sign for it. I don’t blame Mariano for avoiding Ana Leticia. It would be so awkward coming face to face now that he knows. He needs a shrink to deal with this.

Niecie- I kinda hope too that AnaLet gave him the wrong memory card. I just can't bring myself to believe that she could betray Inaki so easily.

Does anyone think that AnaLet might be the one to kill Falcundo when she finds out that he was the cause of the accident that killed her parents and not her.

Thank you Ria for making sense of this episode which I was totally lost last night. In one scene, we had Marcelo in the woods with Tin-Tin at gunpoint. Then there was a commercial and all of a sudden, bang! We are on to something else that did not make any sense. I saw Llora with Tio saying, "What are you doing here?" at the Pension and then she has a piano. Why was Llora so forgiving to Tin-Tin and playing the piano while he played oboe as though nothing bad had happened? This part just was so out there, that it should have been deleted. I was dying to know what happened in the woods with Marcelo and Tin-Tin, but obviously they cut that out.

It appears that Fac is forcing Ana MeMe to go along with his plans, but I still can't figure out why Fac wants Ramiro paralyzed and why in the world he is working with Tin-Tin.

Hey Anonymous, that would be a good ending, for Ana MeMe to kill Fac because she finds out that he was the cause of the accident and not herself.

Anon@12:15 - I did wonder if AnaLet would turn on Facundo knowing he'd had a beef with her dad. I don't remember Facundo's exact words but thought he was arrogant and stupid to tell her.

I've said it before: If the writers retcon the accident I will cry "Foul."

We had no reason to believe that the accident was in the memory of any of the triplets when the prologue first aired. There was no condition of that accident that brakes could have solved. The car hit a rock or something and flipped. There was no way to prevent it landing the way it did. Therefore if any of Ev's or Facundo's goons did anything to the car it still wasn't the cause of the accident; Ana Leticia caused it. And getting her off the hook for that now doesn't change that she deserves a very serious Karmageddon for the other things she's done.

She is loyal to no one, including Mariano. True loyalty to him would mean wanting him to be happy even if she didn't like the woman he chose to be happy with. She sees him as a possession to do with as she pleases. If he were to reject her outright as he did with her mirage she might either kill him or herself in front of him so he would have to live with that image and the guilt for the rest of his life.

Facundo is arrogant, but I think he's too smart to reveal anything about his attempt on Ignacio's life and I don't think there is anyone else left who knows about this. That he had differences with Ignacio doesn't mean much; it's normal for colleagues to disagree on things. That Ignacio considered him to be a social climber wouldn't be anything new. That Ignacio wanted his business to pass to his descendants would be normal. Also, Facundo is unlikely to get drunk and reveal anything like this; his guard is always up. Unless he had Ana Leticia tied to railroad tracks with an oncoming train I don't see him revealing anything like this.

If Edmundo was laundering money Fac then he wouldn't want Ram discovering it. Also, I think he just hates the family so much that he is willing to help anyone get revenge on anyone even associated with them. Also, if AnaLet wants to murder both her sisters, having Ram out of the way is helpful as he won't be able to help them or investigate if it did occur. With only AnaLet left, Fac can easily turn on her to get what he wants. Right now it is easier for him to let Tin Tin and AnaLet play their games.

He may also be thinking that if Ana Leticia and Valentin do most of the damage he can walk away with relatively clean hands.

true Urban


ViVi @ 10:20 We probably need to add #6 Leonor, and when AnaLetMeMurderSomebodyElse finds out about Soledad's kinship, #7 Soledad to AnaLetMeKillThemAll's list of people who must not be inheritors.


I think I said this a few days ago but since Ana Leticia hasn't signed the divorce papers she is still legally married to Marcelo Salvaterra. Anything she has would be his if she died without having a will (which she wouldn't).

This means that Facundo would have to wipe out Ernestina, Leonor, Soledad, Mariano, Ana Laura, and Ana Lucia for everything to belong to Ana Leticia. This smacks of delusions of grandeur that he could pull this off and serious hubris for thinking he has any right to.

You are right Urban there is just something romantic about a train. I betcha that is why they were so popular in times of old. FWIW Buggs Bunny and Yosemitie Sam loved them too. :-)


Niecie and Anon, it would be very interesting if Ana Let gave Facundo the wrong "evidence" but even if she had thought about it, how would she have carried that off? I'm sure he has every intention of viewing it at the first opportunity.

My heart lurched when she did it. She had a slightly regretful expression on her face (mine even more so :)). I thought she cared for him (well, as much as she is capable of)...

Why does Facundo even care? I suppose he feels Inaki is in the way of his delusional plan that Marcelo and Ana Let will reunite. But, if that's the case, why didn't his thugs finish Inaki off in the woods the night he was shot. Something is off here.

UA, by Ana Let's expression, I got the distinct impression Ana Let picked up on Facundo's musings about her father. "Arrogant" is certainly the perfect word for Facundo. He feels is invincible and his ego allowed him to reveal perhaps a bit too much for our not so nice non heroine to pique her interest (again, only my opinion)...


Wow, Urban - that sounds just crazy enough for Facundo to try to pull off!!

Fac is a smart character. By getting AnaLet to give him something on Inaki, he now has the means to pit them against each other. As Urban said "keeping his hands clean".

I have never especially believed that Evaristo did anything to the car. I always thought he put something in the road, like caltrops or a spike strip, or maybe an oil slick. (I also thought maybe he blinded Ignacio with a mirror, but we would have seen the reflection flashing on Ignacio's face during the accident.)

Whatever it is, it will have to be farfetched. But I feel the bar for plausibility has already been set pretty low, what with Soledad being the long-lost sister and all.

If Fac wanted Ernie's family's money it wouldn't be too difficult.

Ernie is almost dead.
Kill Leonor.
I don't think he knows about Sole yet but he could put her back in jail if everyone is gone.
Mariano has his own inheritance from his side of the family so he isn't in Ernie's will.
AnaLet gets rid of AnaLu and AnaLlora
Inaki gets rid of AnaLet


Well, at first Fac wanted to marry Leonor for easy access to the dinero, but I think their last conversation showed him that she's over it.

But Mariano's money would go to the triplets and it's Ignacio's family's money. It's the same revenge attitude as Evaristo's.

Ria Thank you, amiga for your comment yesterday. I have to say I have always admired your ability to write so concisely to the point of the story w/o sacrificing any detail. I hope we can work on another TN together!

So many faves:

man, some tight connection there that isn’t even willing to throw him under the bus to save herself.

“I LIKE him A LOT!”, - declares Maribel and we don’t know which one of them to laugh at.

Not very sure what everyone has to be so psyched about, ...but who are we to judge.

note to Ram: much less of a threat when you are tied to the bed unable to move your legs

Ram continues to beg her to come back. Unsuccessfully. Obviously.

not very well – seems like he is mostly looking for him in the pension

guarding the perimeter, but mostly standing around and awkwardly glancing in every direction

Has it ever occurred to Marcelo to just break that mirror, or avoid them like a vampire? Just saying

(This one's my favorite :D)

Side note: if Facundo knew Tin wasn’t paralyzed, why was he saying the cabin was difficult living for someone in Tin’s condition when he brought him there?

(I don't think he knew, I think he just didn't care)

Alright, this is some shoddy editing…
(Indeed it was)

Carvivlie, now we are talking. My meteor survival list at present only has four names and I have no candidates for addition.

Or after your list is finished and Fecal has killed everybody, the Feds find and kill him and somehow, the little fat taxi driver gets it all.


Mariano has Ignacio's family money but not the business money. Upon Ignacio's death and the twins' mom'd death (can't remember her name) that money and business would have reverted back to Ernie. I feel like Ernie's businesses were sold off and the money invested, with Edmundo administering. I think Mariano's business is completely separated from Ernie's family business.

I'm not sure why Tin Tin hasn't prioritized hurting Mariano over Ram but I'm sure that is next on his list. Fac again would be clean of the obstacle and have Ignacio's money too.

With all of the women that Mariano has had relations with there has to be a child out there to come in and swoop it all!

Actually, Mariano has a cousin, Jenny's brother, who could file a claim on all of it.

My father gave his mother's baby grand piano to our family because our daughters had taken piano lessons. It took up a lot of room a whole corner of the family room. Our older daughter was the only one who ever played it. My mother said that if I ever sold it, I should divide the money with my sister. It looked great because my grandmother had had it refinished , but we discovered that the inner workings were not so great, and I kept having to have it tuned. We tried to sell it, but no takers. We ended up giving it away. So....I hope that was an expensive piano that REm can sell....or that she plans to take piano lessons in the future.

No; Marcelo was Jenny's cousin.

Thanks for the recap! This episode was all over the place! I didn't think I was going to T able to watch it because of the debate and because it was going to be airing at 10 my time but surprisingly it was quickly uploaded to YouTube so I found it and watched.

I don't even know where to start. I hope eventually ALau sees the real Valentin. The fact that they were practicing for another recital or whatever surprised me. She will be shocked when she finds out that Tin knew that AnaLet was masquerading as AnaLu.

I'm hoping Marcelo sticks around for a while so he can be the one to find Ramiro. It seems as though he's getting better at keeping Santiago out but anything can happen. That scene with Ram and AnaLet was icky. At least Ram knew that it was her and not AnaLau. I think DZ is doing a fantastic job as Ramiro.

I think Iñaki's "nine lives" might be up now. If Facundo finds him he will make sure that he finishes the job. I'm wondering how Facundo knew everything? I almost wished that Ev had killed him instead of the other way around. I want Ev back lol.

"She will be shocked when she finds out that Tin knew that AnaLet was masquerading as AnaLu."

TF- I think she'll be MORE shocked that Tin can walk, has been holding Ram prisoner, and has been stalking her for three years as part of some elaborate revenge scheme! That little stunt with AnaLet is the least of it.

Yep, Mati, our unnoticed division winners just keep plugging along. No expert sports team or publication picked them and it's sort of a chuckle hear in NE Ohio to enjoy that fact.

Being born and raised in Chicago, I'm torn with the prospect of a Cubs/Indians playoff. That inner Cubs fan in me is hoping the goat curse ends, but I know what an Indians championship on the heels of the CAVS would mean to this town. Oh heck, if it comes down to those two, I'll be happy whoever wins!

Love all the comments from today so far. I just hate that we are crunching so much into little time ( and we know there has to be time for the pink bows). I feel a bit cheated that we know we may get either nothing or some very quick scene to take care of characters or story lines. Why do I even care about Maribel anymore...she made her point for Llora to have her brain fart over in realizing Ramiro was not a liar and she can now go away. Too many stories and some will be cheated out of decent wrap up.

TF and Vivi - and also that Tin is Gina's killer. But then again, she also needs to find out about Ana Le and her murderous escapades.

Carvivlie, very true - Fac might be concocting a new manipulation plan. Very interesting how they flipped him around to be our main villain, when all this time we thought it was Ev.

Thanks, Anna - I too very much hope we get to share recapping duties on a TN soon again!

Thanks Urban. Too many "m" names. Getting myself confused! Of course it was Marcelo's cousin, otherwise it would have been another incestuous relationship for Mariano!

Victoria Lol, it'd be hilarious if they killed everyone off. Then it'd be revealed as a dark comedy all along. I'm actually setting myself up to be disappointed with the ending, this way I keep my expectations REALLY low.

Miguel Ahahaha @ suicide squad meeting. Ernestina showed very clearly in my tv, it's odd that she seemed cut off in other programming channels. Maybe it's the screen size?

Daisy LOL, yes for the birds and the turds! I felt like a schizo watching the copy & pasted scene collage. You didn't miss much, BUT if you can you MUST watch the scene with Ana Leticia visiting Ram & then her coffee spill on Tin. Other than that, the editing on the triplet's 2nd reunion made up for their 1st.

Anon7:00 Yea, but knowing these characters, if a prison inmate is a family member, then they feel compelled to stay connected to them. Just look at Sole. No, in order for them to move on, she needs to die. Maybe a slow death, but a death for sure.

Jarifa Agree, last night was exactly the reason AB should sweep the awards shows.

Diana Life goes on. When my dad died, we all had a racing contest to the funeral. We laughed so hard. You can't stay mopey forever. I think it shows her growth as a character. That she's not a slave to her emotions, and doesn't succumb to grief as heavily as before. Plus, I think AnaLu helps keep her distracted. They show us her ups & downs, worrying about Ram but also enjoying her sister & new environment.

TOA LOL @ your meteor outline. Sounds like a pretty good ending to me!

Vivi LOL @ breast exam At this point, it seems like the writers aren't the most common sense types. I think they get a kick out of irking their audience. But Marc may get a lightbulb soon.

Mati I had the same hunch about the silk ropes, she has a big show coming up. And he knows she knows, b/c Marc & Santi are now both aware no matter who's in control. I think he's focused on protecting AnaLu & plans to do the surgery later. It's Santi who doesn't want it.

Urban In yesterday's episode, Tin walks out of the cabin while carrying his folded wheelchair so most likely a guard saw him. But even if Fac didn't know, he doesn't know Tin long enough to be shocked by it or to even care that much. I thought it was clever of AnaLet, but stupid on Tin's part. How does a guy who's lived 5 yrs in a wheelchair react so casually? You'd think he'd be better at faking it. But I guess it was really hot, Fac must've wanted to burn her Inaki kissing lips.

B/c AnaLu isn't of the same "status" as AnaLet. We saw how he looked down at the pension. His son must be "perfect" and therefore so should his wife, so that means no AnaLu & no ALaura.

Susanlynn I'm with you #justmakeitend

Julie Rulliluscious, lol, you always come up w/ the best lines. I think she did have a miscarriage, and did feel guilty about it. But she kept quiet b/c the baby died due to stress (remember?). That baby represented the mistake she made by ordering Marc's murder. She was guilt-ridden about the hit on Marc, so it makes sense she'd be guilt-ridden about losing the baby. I think when it comes to deaths caused by her, she's willing to keep quiet.

Carvivlie I agree, AnaLu seemed suspect of AnaLet. And yes, she sold Inaki out but you could see her hesitation. Wasn't it weird that she carries it in her purse? Like does she not worry about her bag getting stolen? Don't rich folk have a safe?

She said get rid of, not kill. B/c she also said she didn't want Ev to hurt anyone. That's why Ev bought the plane tix, & told her he was sending Santi far away. And the other guy was Oily, which is why she got upset w/ Ev when she saw him crippled.

Niecie I'm not sure why she'd carry a fake one, but these writers are always throwing us off lol.

Cynthia I noticed it too. They no longer do a slow fade out into commercial, and back. The commercials are longer b/c the last wk has high ratings & ads bring big money. My sis kept complaining why they were taking SO long.

Diana I think he does plan to finish Inaki off or at least threaten him to keep away from AnaLet. She's his money ticket. We'll see how they spin it.

BTW Congrats to any Clevelanders or Ohioans in here for the Indians making it to the World Series! 2016 is definitely our year, GO TRIBE!

The bad guys and their motivations have become SO convoluted in this tn, that I needed to break it down for myself. None of them really pursued their goals in the most effective way (decades to get revenge on people who died decades before, come on!), but it is what it is.


Evaristo: His love for Margarita. His hatred of the man who raped, impregnated, and abandoned/banished Marg (for years mistakenly identified as Rodrigo, then upon Marg’s deathbed confession, revealed to be Erni’s dad/Ev’s boss). His desire to destroy ALL of his boss’s descendants (minus Soledad and AnaLu). His need to protect Soledad from going to jail for kidnapping AnaLu. The pleasure that came from messing with people, deceiving them, and playing them against each other—while getting paid by them.

Facundo: His hatred for Erni’s husband, because he passed over loyal Fac to hand control of his empire to his son-in-law, Ignacio. His hatred of Ignacio, because he was the chosen one. His desire to marry his son to one of Ignacio’s daughters, to get closer to the family and to their wealth. His desire to marry Leonor (a secret heir), to get closer to the family and to their wealth. His desire to hide that fact that he’s a mafia don from everyone, and especially his son Marcelo (and get him to give up being a cop/investigator). His desire to stay out of jail.

Ana Leticia: Her desire to have everyone focus (all their love, attention, time, and money) on HER. Her obsession with her uncle. Her desire to eliminate all competition for those two things.

Edmundo: His greed. His desire to hide that he really worked for the mafia (Ev and Fac), and did their dirty bidding. His desire to hide that he was a swindler. His desire to stay out of jail. His desire to torture his son with guilt (about his mother’s and his fiancé’s “suicides”), but not kill him.

Valentin: His crazy obsession with Gina. His wounded ego because Gina admitting to really loving Ramiro (and not him). His wounded ego because Gina scammed and dumped him for Mariano (and his money). His desire to hurt/destroy the men who “stole” Gina from him.

Gina: Her greed. The pleasure of turning men into babbling fools for her, while playing and deceiving them.


Vivi and Ria---

You're right. The whole thing with AnaLu is just the tip of the iceberg. AnaLau will obviously be shocked to learn that Tin and AnaLet are accomplices in many things. Hopefully she will believe Ramiro when he tells her that Tin was responsible for his kidnapping.

Thank you Vivi! I wish I had the time and editing skills b/c I'd try to piece all the flashbacks into one continuous video (in order, of course), so we can see everything laid out evenly.

I can't believe there are only 3 episodes left.

Facundo needs to die. Not sure what fate I want for Valentin, but maybe being paralyzed for real might be included. How about him being quadroplegic?

Ana Leticia made Inaki wait quite awhile before she was willing to boink him. However, I can't help but wonder whether she still considers him very much beneath her and therefore cannon fodder in her quest to protect herself and only herself.

Daisyjay and Mati, I was watching when the Indians beat Toronto. My husband was away from home and called me right away to see if I knew. When the phone rang, I picked it up and said, "I can't talk right now, I'm crying!" These sports teams are really takin' a toll on my emotions:

-the Monsters (Hockey), Stipe Miocic (Mixed Martial Arts), Cavaliers (Basketball) and now the Indians! My husband said they are trying to get Charlie Sheen to throw out the first pitch. It would be a nice touch, but not everyone would appreciate it considering his health and reputation.

Crapola needs to hit the fan tonight because if it is only 3 more hours (no two hour finale) I want to see non-stop action and consequences beginning tonight.

Anna, Whoops! I forgot you are from Ohio, too-Medina, right? I hope we will prove to be of "Major League" caliber! Remember that movie? I loved it! Bet they will be showing it on tv a lot.

Anna...We are PHillies fans..yeah, I know..but HUbba loves " Major LEague." He was a pitcher and catcher. We know someone who played for both the BLue Jays and tbe PHillies. Good luck to you guys.

Whoops..that message was for Virginia ! Sorry. That is what I get for trying to read Caray messages while correcting tests. I have to stop trying to multitask.

Virginia, I think it would be awesome if Charlie Sheen would throw out the first pitch. But it would be awesomer (sic) if he would strut in from center field, sporting a Mohawk, to the tune of "Wild Thing!"

Anna @1:58, what I meant was that Facundo wanted Ana Leticia because for a nuera because by then he may have seen her true greed and had a glimpse of her lack of conscience. Neither Ana Lucia nor Ana Laura is like that. In this way he was just as cold -- or even colder -- than Edmundo, who was the one ranting about "perfection." He was looking for a possible accomplice.

It would be ironic if she took him out first either by some clever move or dumb luck.

I'm from Brooklyn, NY but have been a resident of Cleveland for over 10 yrs. I currently live in Parma, but used to live close to Medina (North Royalton/Strongsville). And yes, we've had an amazing year with our hockey & basketball teams, our UFC fighter, and now the Indians!

Btw they calculated the Indians stats & the numbers came total to 216 (Cleveland's area code). So it'd be so symbolic if we won again in the year 2(0)16. It's our year :)


Susanlynn, Isn't it amazing how we can get so wrapped up in sports? It really brings a city together.
I used to teach also. I taught at the Elementary School of Arts in Cleveland. I taught Reading/Lang. Arts. Many a time I spent grading papers. I miss it to this day...

Anonymous, That's what I mean! He would have to have his Mohawk, sleeveless vest and glasses taped together, while "wild Thing" played over the speakers. Can you imagine? The crowd would go wild!

Urban I'm not sure he was "looking" for her as an accomplice, at least not until Oily exposed her. Before that she was the easier option for his son. 7 years prior, her union with his son was orchestrated by Rodrigo. I think he figured since they were already married, it was easier to keep that relationship going, than to worry if the family might accept AnaLu w/ Marcelo & allow a possible wedding. Of course, later he had the added bonus of gaining Let as an accomplice, but she didn't reveal herself to be such until recently. At least not to us. Ironic yes, but tragic lol. Man, I'd love if he took her out actually. We've been waiting for a nemesis for her. I think he's it, no?

OT -Virginia, Anna and Daisyjay - We Clevelanders could get spoiled, but I sure agree that this town could usel another big sport victory. Gotta love Major League. So nice to have some fellow fans at Caray, Caray.

Back to this crazy novela ending. I feel like it's hard not to be slightly disappointed at the end of most novelas, since so many issues get resolved at the last moment and in a lot of novelas, weeks of irrelevant stuff have been added to extend the run. I appreciate the fact that this has been fairly compact, no extensions.

I just love what they have done with AnaLeticia's "look" as she gets crazier and more out of control. She looks more and more like a jackal, wearing dark clothes, looking a little gaunt and pale and then there is the exaggerated make-up. Great run-down of "bad guy" motivations, Vivi.

I was surprised to hear Leonor say that Erni's papa has raped her mama. All this time she had been whining about the "mistake" her mama made getting involved with a married man above her "station." Leonor made it sound like it was her mother's choice and she had to overcompensate by staying in her "place" and never claiming her birthright. But rape is a totally different ballgame!

Good catch Vivi.

ViVi I understood Leonor to be telling SoBad that Leonor's papa had raped Sobad's Mother.


But anything with SoBad on the screen never gets my full concentration. And I don't take notes. Oops I meant Erni's papa

Same thing, I know, they are all sisters with the same Father.

Vivi, agreed. I expected some love story gone wrong, but does seem Leonor is unjustly harsh on her mother/mother's place in this situation. Also was her mother alive during her childhood? She must not have been - I can't imagine her staying in the house after being raped, and raising her daughter there. So who knows with the TN reasoning.

Jarifa, you and I have the same favorite moment of the coffee spilling!

Diana, thanks as always for your detailed comments! And I too found Ana Lu and Marcelo chemistry a great attraction yesterday's episode. I even think their chemistry is much stronger than she had with Santiago, though it makes little sense since it's still the same two actors... maybe it all depends on the individual perceptions of the characters

Miguel, this was a tough episode indeed. Ana Le is most certainly the Joker - in craziness, as well as makeup.

Susnlynn, ditto on being happy we don't know these compartmentalizers personally!

Ithabill, welcome!! Looking forward to Mariano's reaction also. And you mentioned the DVR, so just thought I would suggest that you check Monday schedule – the show is supposed to last an hour and a half.

Niecie, I was shocked Ana Le gave Facundo the memory card – I am also really hoping it was a ruse as well!! And she s very presumptious thinking someone will off Ram, while she's taking care of her sisters. Can't wait for the disappointment on her face !

Cynthia, i was amazes at the forgiveness and happiness part of the episodes as well - really not fitting in!

Carvivlie, very good points on Fac's motives. Wonder how many more twists we have in store before the " truth" is revealed.


Oh, how I wish I would have taken Spanish in High School! As I said before, Spanish was newly introduced in my small-town school in 11th grade, 1961. (I'm showing my age.) Teachers really didn't encourage it as a second language, so I selected French... Know how many times I have had occasion to use French since then? 0 times

I am always "chompin'-at-the-bit" for the next day's recap. or for comments (only so much comprehension comes from body language).

If you are wondering why I ever began watching this tn, I will tell you... It was that "Rulli-luciousness." (I think that was the term someone used earlier.) I'm old, but I'm still kickin'!

Virginia...I went to a small rural school. The language options were Latin, FRench, and German (since most of the residents were of GErman origin). I chose LAtin and FRench...both taught by the teacher who was also my ENglish Lit. Teacher. I did not learn to speak or understand much French, but I can still sing a couple songs in French and Latin. I encouraged our older daughter to study SPanish , but she chose French. Then, she got a job with Banco Santander working with people from SPain, Mexico, and South AMerica....yes, I did say "I told you so." I have picked up a little SPanish from these telenovelas , and my Spanishspeaking students appreciate whenever I try to use it.

We seem to have some things in common. ..two farm girls who studied FRench and became teachers. I'll bet you had some friends who were Future Farmers of America, too!

Anna Nabil
I'd recognise the back of Abue's stubborn head anywhere!

AnaLet's impersonations will play a big role in the final episode. The writers have been setting this up with her previous, successful attempts.

Kirby- Leo was recounting her own mother's rape. She doesn't know the details of what happened with Soledad's mom-- just that they share the same father and both grew up miserable as bastard children.

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