Thursday, August 17, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon #8 8.17.17: Annoying Grandmothers and Overbearing Mothers...

Hortensia looks the insurance policy over with a magnifying glass and announces that Ricardo’s signature is fake and she knows because she would know her son’s signature anywhere. Porfirio argues that Pedro would’ve noticed too and told him but Hortensia is not listening. She looks through the policy and finds another signature page; she shows Porfirio that there various in the signature, even within the same document. Porfirio explains that there are always slight variations but Hortensia thinks the variation is too great to be coincidence.

Fabiola doesn’t want to hear Juana’s explanations but Juana argues that she misunderstood. Either way, she’s shocked Fabiola would even think she’d take the money. Ramon tries to defend Juana but Fabiola screams that he’s only there to see what he can get from his mother when she inherits the money. She thinks it’s strange that he suddenly appeared, after all these years, but Ramon didn’t know about the money and doesn’t need it. Fabiola explains that she trusted Juana, but Juana lied, and now their trust is broken. Ramon thinks Fabiola is saying stupidity after stupidity but Fabiola demands he keep out of their business. Juana stops them both and announces that she was only there to tell her that she is giving Hortensia the money as soon as she receives it.

Porfirio and Margarita suggest they look at other documents to see if there are variations but Hortensia is satisfied with the proof she has. Juana, being the beneficiary, obviously falsified the signatures and that’s the end of it. Porfirio thinks she’s jumping to conclusions but Hortensia wants Juana arrested and in jail, ASAP.

Fabiola thinks she should get the money, especially because she’s of age, but Juana argues that she will waste it all and Hortensia has more experience managing money. Fabiola reminds her that Hortensia is insufferable and will micromanage everything but Juana has made her decision. She then explains that all her phone calls were with Pedro and she told him she didn’t want to money but of course, Fabiola missed that part. Fabiola considers this and apologizes to Juana for doubting her. Juana hugs her and Fabiola explains that she and Andrea felt betrayed but she regrets everything she said. Juana smiles and Fabiola begs her to stay but Ramon tells her that he and Juana should talk things over first because he’s staying in Mexico City and that changes things. Fabiola nods and they leave.

Hortensia wants the police to come and arrest Juana but Porfirio explains that they must gather proof first. The first thing they need is to report the crime so that a judge may order an analysis of the signatures to determine if they were forged. He warns her though, if any fraud is discovered, there is a possibility that the money will be lost. Hortensia considers this and agrees to move forward as she wants to see Juana in jail for her crime. Porfirio explains that they first must determine the signature’s validity and then determine, in another process, if Juana was the forger. Hortensia doesn’t care, she wants to find out the truth no matter how long it takes.

The mechanic who lost the equipment, Flavio, tells Antonio, who wonders if Flavio keeps selling off the equipment to buy alcohol since he has a drinking problem. Flavio vows that he didn’t but Antonio is tired of his lack of responsibility. Flavio prefers to leave, as they aren’t getting along, and suggests Antonio dock his pay for the equipment and then pay him his last check. Antonio agrees and Flavio leaves. They don’t notice Dalia has heard the whole conversation from her desk.

In the hallway, Juana tells Ramon that she would prefer to go back to work but Ramon is unsure as the Medina sisters are unreliable. He thinks they should teach them as lesson, as Luisa said, especially Fabiola but Juana thinks they are already paying for their mistakes. Ramon suggests she wait until he finds a job, and then they can live together, and she can come daily to help the sisters but Juana prefers to stay with them. She also loves them and hopes he gets along with them because they are good people despite his first impression of them. Ramon doubts but agrees she stay, if that’s her choice. He asks her to go buy the newspaper with him beforehand and then she can come back. They go.

Fabiola cleans and stews in her “hatred” of Ramon for being nosy. She then receives a call from Francisco, who asks how things went with Juana. Fabiola prefers to tell him in prefer and he agrees. She hangs up and goes to get ready.

Ramon and Juana look for mechanic shop jobs for him and he finds some but they are too far. He finds one closer to Luisa’s neighborhood and decides to go while she goes back to the house. Juana is happy he’s there and gives him some money for clothes and food. He thanks her and she gives him her blessing before leaving.

A student at the college, Rene, finds Jorge and asks him to tell Osvaldo that he needs his help because he’s failing mathematics. Once Rene’s left, Sara and Andrea come and invite him for a coffee. He shakes his head, because he must study, and was only waiting for Andrea. Sara decides to tag along as she’s going to Andrea’s anyway to do homework. Jorge nods and they go.

Porfirio meets with Pedro and tells him about everything that happened with Hortensia and the (possible) false signatures in the insurance policy and the fact that she wants to report Juana for fraud. Pedro thinks Hortensia is reaching because no one at the insurance company knew Juana and she is unlikely to have had time to do it. Porfirio explains that they first need to determine if the signature is even fake but Pedro worries that the money will be lost if they investigate. Porfirio nods but Hortensia wants to investigate and they agree that Hortensia is being hard headed. Porfirio just wanted to let Pedro know because he’s always been a gentleman; Pedro thanks him.

In her house, Hortensia is angry that she is not in Porfirio’s meeting with Pedro. She should’ve gone herself and give a piece of her mind for defending Juana. Either way, she already kicked Juana out her granddaughters’ house so she has a win. Margarita suggests she remain calm because the process may take a while. Hortensia nods.

Juana is cleaning when Luisa arrives. Juana explains that everything is going good because she decided to give Hortensia the money and told Fabiola, who then apologized for her actions. Juana thinks it’s a bad idea as Hortensia is just trying to regain the social status she lost but Juana thinks there is no one better, other than her, that will take care of the sisters like her. Either way, the money has only brought problems so she’s happy to be rid of it. Luisa nods and then leaves before Virginia catches her.

Francisco is in his office when a blond nurse, Rebeca, walks in and closes the door. She kisses him and asks if they should eat together but Francisco tells her that Fabiola is on her way and he is having Lunch with her. Rebeca then suggests dinner and Francisco agrees before kissing her. As things get heated, Fabiola sends Francisco a text to meet her and he leaves after telling Rebeca that he will see her tonight.

Fabiola sips her coffee in the cafeteria as Francisco comes and kiss her. He asks her how she’s doing and Fabiola explains that Juana told her everything, including the fact that she was on the phone with Pedro and never meant to keep the money, and they made up. Francisco then asks if Juana is giving her the money but Fabiola tells him that she is giving it to Hortensia, for now, though she hopes she can convince her not to. Francisco suggests she not contradict Juana until she receives the money. Fabiola agrees and then they order lunch.

Ramon goes to the mechanic shop and talks to an employee. Unfortunately, the job in the newspaper was filled that morning. Ramon thanks the man for his time and decides to keep looking.

Andrea arrives home and smiles wide when she sees Juana. She runs and gives her a big hug as Juana explains that she spoke with Fabiola and she’s back. She then asks if both Jorge and Sara are staying but Jorge must call his mother first; Sara offers her cell phone.

Rulo meets with his contact and gives him the stolen equipment. His contact then gives him a new list of equipment to steal and Rulo agrees to get them, ASAP. His contact warns him that they also must be new and Rulo nods.

After dinner, Juana asks anyone if they want anything else. Andrea would like a coffee and Jorge more dessert. Before she can go get it, the doorbell rings and Juana goes to open. It’s Hortensia, who is shocked to find her there, and Juana goes to explain what happened. Hortensia doesn’t want an explanation and tells Juana that she knows the signature on the policy is fake and she is going to prove it. Andrea is confused but Hortensia continues to shout at Juana and demands she leave. Julio, having heard the screams, walks in, and asks them what the problem is. Hortensia tells him that Juana is a faker and a liar but Julio asks that they go to his apartment to talk. Hortensia reluctantly agrees.

Moments later, Hortensia goes into Julio’s apartment and tells him everything. She was sure Juana was lying about the policy and now she will gather the proof she needs to put her in jail. Julio asks her why she isn’t talking to Pedro but Hortensia explains that he is a liar and Porfirio is now helping her. Julio doesn’t believe any one of her crazy theories but suggest they also accuse Juana of putting a bomb on the plane where Ricardo and Katy. He wonders if she is the head of the whole scheme and they haven’t realized it. Hortensia is not too happy about his comments.

Juana wonders why Hortensia thinks she faked the signature; Sara doesn’t understand but Jorge tells her that it’s family business. Fabiola comes, sees their faces, and asks them what happened. Juana fill her in and Fabiola wonders if Hortensia has completely lost her marbles. As the doorbell rings, Juana worries that Hortensia will also accuse her of bringing down the plane. Fabiola goes to answer and it’s Pedro. Fabiola fills him in on what happened but that is why Pedro came, to warn them, but Hortensia beat him to the punch. As he takes out the policy to discuss how to proceed, Jorge tells Sara they should go and they leave.

Hortensia warns Julio that she won’t stop in her quest for the truth; she knows that he’s not on her side either way. Julio worries that they will lose the money but Hortensia doesn’t care if she beats Juana at her own game.

As they look over the policy, Pedro explains the slight variations in Ricardo’s signature. He then explains the upcoming tests to prove the signature is authentic and the sisters agree, if it will calm Hortensia. Pedro warns them that the money may be forfeited if they prove the signature is fake and Fabiola tells them that she will talk to Hortensia because they need that money. She leaves as the rest look at each other.

Moments later, Julio opens the door for Fabiola, who sees Hortensia and chides her for her actions. Hortensia doesn’t care if the money is lost but Fabiola explains that she trusts Juana to give Hortensia the money when she receives it. Hortensia doesn’t believe it and will proceed even if the whole family is against her. She argues that the truth is always best but Fabiola reminds her that they need that money to live. She warns Hortensia that she will talk to Margarita but Hortensia reveals that both Porfirio and Margarita are helping her. Fabiola is shocked.

Juana wonders why Hortensia hates her so and neither Pedro nor Andrea know but will support her. Just then, Fabiola comes in with her phone in hand. She orders Margarita to ask Porfirio to back off or she will never forgive them if she loses the money. When she hangs up, she tells Juana and the others what happened though she worries that they will lose the money. Juana proposes they have faith as Julio comes and offers his unconditional support. Juana thanks him and then asks if they want anything. Pedro wants a coffee but Julio wants a glass of water and he will go get it. They go to the kitchen as the rest wait in the living room.

Margarita arrives at Porfirio’s office and tells him about the conversation she had with Fabiola. She admits that she is unsure of how to proceed, especially regarding the potential consequences. Porfirio suggests she think it over.

Julio apologizes to Juana for all the problems Hortensia’s caused and Juana nods but she has no idea why Hortensia hates her so. Either way, she’s happy that everything is back to normal with Fabiola and Andrea. She then thanks Julio for his unconditional support since the beginning but Julio knows who she is and knows she would never take the money. Juana is surprised that Margarita is helping Hortensia though as she seemed to trust her and then tells him that Antonio has also been behaving erratically. Juana thought they were both honest and just but Julio warns her not to trust them as she doesn’t know what’s in their hearts. Juana nods and goes to get the coffee.

Sometime later, Juana brings Pedro the coffee as Julio takes his leave and offers his help, no matter what. Once alone, they ask Pedro how long the tests will take and Pedro thinks soon, as soon as the judge approves the order. He then gives Fabiola the check from the airline and she thanks him. He then takes his leave as well as the sisters look at the check and hug each other.

Jorge drops Sara off at home. She thanks him and suggests he come inside but he should go back home to study. She nods but suggests they go dancing in the weekend though Jorge wants to invite Andrea. Sara would like them to go by themselves and chides Jorge for being so close to Andrea; if she wasn’t his cousin then people may start to wonder about their relationship. Jorge shakes the thought away and then tells Sara that he must go. She kisses him, too close to the mouth, and gets out. Once alone, Jorge sighs and thinks about what Sara said.

Roxana opens her door to find Antonio standing there with a bouquet of roses. He tells her that he couldn’t resist staying away and Roxana smiles.

As Ramon eats a sandwich in a cafeteria, he looks at the news and sees that two of Rosendo’s men have been arrested in Tijuana. He remembers when Sofia told her father that she preferred to leave his money behind but calls her a liar because she didn’t mean anything she said.

At his ranch, Rosendo shakes his head at the same news and orders Jacinto to find a way to kill both the men who were caught before they talk. As he leaves, Sofia arrives and asks if what they are saying on the news is true. Rosendo would like her to stay out of his business but Sofia would like to know more though Rosendo thinks she should focus on her woman things and butt out. He then orders one of his men to take her back to the house. Sofia obliges.

Roxana puts the roses in water and thanks Antonio for them. He tells her that things will be different from now on and gives her a kiss on the cheek. He then asks about Diego, as he wants to take them out to eat something, and Roxana tells him that he is working on his homework. Antonio suggests they help him but Roxana receives a text from Augustin, who got out of work early and is on his way, and suggests they go out to eat first and she will help Diego later. Antonio agrees and goes to get him. Roxana then texts Augustin that she’s not home and leaves with Antonio and Diego.

Ramon is waiting with some groceries outside of Luisa’s house. Rulo comes and asks him to leave because his girlfriend, Dalia, lives there. Ramon introduces himself as Luisa’s godson and Rulo realizes his mistake before introducing himself as well. Dalia then comes and Ramon tells her that he met her boyfriend though Dalia immediately tells Rulo to stop lying because they aren’t anything. Rulo decides to leave before Dalia gets angrier, and she tells Ramon that she’s tired of Rulo’s lies. Ramon notes that she’s very beautiful and that is why many men would love to have her as a girlfriend. Dalia smiles big, though Ramon barely notices, and the two go inside the house.

Much to her delight and surprises, Benito surprises Luisa outside of the apartment building and asks her where she’s going. She explains that she’s going home as Benito holds her closer. She tells him that now is not the time and place but he proposes they go to their spot and have their way with each other. Luisa smiles but pushes him away when she hears Juana, who is running to catch up to her so they can leave together as she’s dying to see Ramon. Benito teases her that she has a man but told no one though Juana explains that Ramon is her son. Benito apologizes and then decides to wait for the bus with them as he’s also finished work. They agree.

Rulo gives his aunt, Fredesvinda, the money for the rent and she is surprised that he has been on time with the money for months now. Rulo nods and then explains that he has a friend who would like her to do a potion for him since he’s suffering over matters of the heart. She may have a lotion that works wonders and suggests his friend put on himself when he’s around the woman he loves or put it on her. He asks her how much it costs and she tells him 300 pesos. Rulo thinks it’s too expensive and asks if he works but Fredesvinda chides him for doubting her. He offers to pay it for his friend and then give it to him tomorrow. Fredesvinda nods but will go get it after she’s finished decorating her cake and getting the money, she’s owed for her laundry business.

Dalia and Ramon have dinner and she asks him if there were any girlfriends he left behind. Ramon tells her that he left no one that mattered and Dalia thinks he may meet someone in Mexico City that is worth it. He assumes he will but Dalia looks at him, eyes full of love, and smiles. It barely registers on Ramon’s radar.

Fabiola and Andrea cook their dinner but Fabiola can’t seem to get Juana’s recipe to taste good though she understands that Juana had to go see Ramon. Andrea asks her how she feels about Ramon and Fabiola confesses that he is a nosy ingrate and doesn’t like him. Andrea nods, unconvinced and puts her iPad down as Fabiola thinks about her questions and smiles slightly.

Ramon tells Dalia that his job hunt was unsuccessful and Dalia tells him that one of the mechanics at her shop just left today and there may be an opening. Ramon thanks her and Dalia confesses that she would be very happy if they work together. Ramon stops short and she explains that it would be better if she didn’t walk home alone, at night. Ramon agrees and then tells Dalia that he will go with her tomorrow and talk to the owner. As they agree, Luisa arrives with Juana and Benito. Juana hugs Ramon and then introduces him to Benito, who is the doorman at the building where she and Luisa work. They shake hands and then Benito goes to help Luisa with dinner as Ramon tells Juana about the job opportunity Dalia told him about. Just then, there is a knock and it’s Fredesvinda, who has come to see Luisa. Dalia goes to get her as Juana introduces her to Ramon as Benito’s mother. She smiles as Luisa comes and Fredesvinda explains that she came to collect the money she owes her for washing her clothes. Benito then passes by and Fredesvinda asks him what he’s doing there. Benito explains that he came with Juana and Luisa when he got out of work. Fredesvinda nods and tells him that he can go back with her. Benito does not seem very happy about this.

As they eat, Fabiola tells Andrea of her plan to show Juana she is responsible enough to manage the money once Juana receives it. Andrea asks her what it is and Fabiola explains that she is going to start working at the mechanic shop, which they own half of. Andrea nods and smiles.

The next day, Dalia introduces Ramon to the mechanics and explains that he is hoping to interview for the vacant mechanic position. Lucho asks him if he studied and Ramon confirms he studied a career in mechanics. Dalia thinks he would be an asset, unlike others (Rulo), who learned on the fly. Before Lucho can say more, Fabiola arrives and demands to know what he is doing there. Ramon explains that he’s there to interview for the vacant mechanic position but Fabiola assures him he won’t get the job because she owns half of the mechanic shop…


Perfect title Alfredo! The recap was excellent. As always.

At the moment, Fabiola is dragging the story down almost as much as Hortensia. Both are obsessed with the money and both are being nasty and hurtful to Juana. At first glance, Hortensia trying to imprison Juana is the far more egregious offense. And while Fabiola has no real hate in her heart, her distrust and treatment of Juana has bubbled up and boiled over to the point of absurdity.

Fabiola needs to wake up and face reality. I had hoped she would stop misdirecting her grief in a negative way toward Juana and channel her energy into helping Andrea deal with the pain of losing their parents. Now that her mistrust and shabby treatment of Juana appears to be dissipating, she is now starting in on Ramon - "Fabiola cleans and stews in her “hatred” of Ramon for being nosy." Charming. So what's next? "Fabiola assures him he won’t get the job because she owns half of the mechanic shop…" Wonderful. Let's hope Juana and Ramon have no other relatives Fab can get in her sight.

Ahhh, Francisco. If someone seems to good to be true...So handsome. Such a lying cheater...

How long can you dangle two men without them finding out about each other? Apparently quite a while as Roxana is showing us.

Ramon is sweet but so naieve as he "...notes that she’s very beautiful and that is why many men would love to have her as a girlfriend. Dalia smiles big, though Ramon barely notices, and the two go inside the house". Sigh. Right now Rulo stands no chance as Dalia looks at Ramon "eyes full of love, and smiles".

With the exception of Andrea and Jorge, Cupid's arrows are totally missing the mark! I expect things will start changing shortly.

Alfredo, you have done it once again. Fantastic - thank you!



Alfredo, another great recap...thank you!

Diana, "At the moment, Fabiola is dragging the story down almost as much as Hortensia." ITA!! What is wrong with these two? Fabiola's turnaround when Juana finally gets to clear things was a bit too hasty, especially after all the terrible things she convinced herself about Juana. Now she's turning all her anger and suspicions toward Ramon. Ramon described her perfectly when he said she is annoying, spoiled and a bully.

"Juana wonders why Hortensia hates her so" I think we are all curious as to why Hortensia has it in for Juana. Some backstory would help...

Thank you, Alfredo. Excellent as always.

Fabiola deserves do be criticized, but not to overdo it. Her distrust of Juana went away. With Ramon it is something different. She is curious about him, he provokes emotions in her. "Fabiola cleans and stews in her “hatred” of Ramon" captures it. She feels she lost the argument they had and is eager to win one to show her worth. Showing her power in the auto-repair shop is her way to get back at him. As usual she hasn't thought about the consequences. How is she going to look coming in on the first day and making silly decision like that? How is she going to explain to Juana that she was the reason her son didn't get the job?

Alfredo thanks for the totally thorough recap.

Hortensia is so annoying, stubborn and blind. She cannot see that they will possibly lose money.She rather beat Juana then to accept that her son left Juana in charge of the money because he trusted her more than his own mother.

Totally agree about Fabiola, she is quite immature thinking she can make a decision the instant she walks in.

Thank you all for your kind words! This episode was as fustrating (Hortensia) as it was fun (Benito and Luisa).

I have to admit that I was feeling Fabiola a little more this episode. Esmeralda Pimentel was such a good choice for this role (even it is a lot like her role in ECDLP) because she's stubborn and annoying but, when she smiles, it lights up the whole room. Her scene with Juana was very good and, even though it was hasty, she has known this woman her whole life and realized her mistake.

She honed in on Ramon now because she finally has an actual "stranger" she can distrust though acting him the first day is bad business, Ms. 50% owner.

Hortensia really is something else. What the hell did Juana do? We got a snippet of her deranged reasoning, that Juana was considered part of the family when she really wasn't, but we need more than that. Juana also said she was trying to regain her social standing so where did this lady's money go? And if she's broke-ish, why trust her with anyone else's money?

Pedro and Porfirio have my respects because they are fighting on two sides of crazy.

Diana, Dalia is so delusional it's kind of sad but she should be watching out for Rulo ATM with his crazy love lotions and stalker tendencies.

I loved the actress who plays Fredesvinda in Zacatillo. She was great comedic relief and hope her character here is up to part with her skills.

Will Jorge find out about OSvaldo's side business? Is he as clueless as Ramon to Sara's feelings? If Andrea does love him, how will they get over this mildly incestuous hurdle?

Correct me if I'm wrong but Augustin and Antonio already saw each other at the building entrance a few episodes back but Roxana called Augustin a friend, no? This dance they are doing is going to get tricky.

"How is she going to look coming in on the first day and making silly decision like that? How is she going to explain to Juana that she was the reason her son didn't get the job?"

Excellent questions Lucio. Fabiola is fueled by emotion and at times, there is little processing before she acts. I have been hard on Fabiola. Admittedly, I am not a fan of bullying and I feel that is just how she treated Juana. The fact Juana loves her upset me even more.

That said, I am also a huge Esmerelda fan Alfredo. I loved her in Color and everything I've seen her in.

I'm looking forward to softening and maturing and it appears she is on the road.


Alfredo, I hadn't remembered that Augustin and Antonio met. Thanks for the reminder.

I wonder if Antonio is going to put everything together himself or if someone else will deliver the news of Roxana's two timing. Margarita already knows and is none too happy.


This episode removed any doubts about Francisco. He is not in love with Fabiola or anyone else. Why is he engaged to Fabiola then?
How does Fabiola feel about him? She treats him like a friend, she tells him what happens in her life, she seeks comfort and support from him. What I don't see is, well, love. I don't see them kissing just because they want to kiss each other. Their kisses are of the hello, goodbye variety.

Lucio: Francisco NOT loving Fabiola was obvious from the get-go.

Lucio, I also think Fabiola sees Fran as someone she confides in and trusts. More the pity. I would think she loves him in her own way, but I haven't seen her spark to him the way she did (physically) to Ramon.

Steve, until Fran kissed the nurse, I don't recall seeing anything that would lead us to believe Fran didn't love Fab. I mean, from the credits, we suspect Ramon is Fab's end game so we knew something had to be off. That aside, I saw no clues.


Diana, in regards to FranTheMan, I too was doubting his love for Fab especially when he didn't go right over when she told him about her parents dying. She told him she needed him, but he was too busy...surely he could have asked for some time due to an emergency. I understand his career is important and time-consuming, but I just don't see him really trying to make time for Fab...there was just something about him, maybe the way he looks (or doesn't look) at Fab that made me think he was not as interested in her as she is in him. And as Lucio mentioned, he seems to be more of a crutch for Fab than anything else.

"there was just something about him, maybe the way he looks (or doesn't look) at Fab that made me think he was not as interested in her as she is in him".

I did remember "FranTheMan" (good one!) was too busy to rush to Fab's side after the tragedy. However, Rgv Chick and Steve, you have picked up on signs that Fran was not completely into Fab that I have obviously missed. Thank you!

The only defense I have is that I find most of the other characters far more interesting so my focus has been diverted elsewhere. I'll have to start trying to pay more attention! :)



Awesome recap Alfredo!

I know applying logic to a TN is a fruitless endeavor but hear me out: I think the insurance policy is fake. Why? Because Ric didn't name his wife as beneficiary. He had no way of knowing that they would die simultaneously. A spouse always names the other spouse and then there is a 2nd beneficiary if they both die. The fact that it went straight to Juana makes no sense. So someone faked his signature. Who would do it? Only one real suspect: Julio. He has a money problem. He is his brother so has all of the requisite information to pull it off. Why wouldn't he just name himself? Too obvious. He names Juana, the pretty, lonely maid. His marriage is a disaster but he is able to easily manipulate his wife and thinks he is irresistible. He can easily woo and seduce Juana and get the money. This is my theory and I'm sticking to it--for now! Haha

Fab thinks of no one but herself. She treated Juana like crap. A woman she supposedly loves and only forgives when she says she is giving over money. Now she treats her son like crap because he called her out on her crappy behavior to his MOM! I really don't like her and think she and Fran deserve each other. Both are only interested in money.


Anyone else find it creepy that the actress playing Juana is 42 and the actor playing her son is 36?

Fascinating comments Carvivlie...

It never occurred to me the policy was fake but after "hearing" your thoughts, it makes perfect sense! I will say I did briefly wonder why Ric didn't leave the policy to his wife. They were happy and as you noted, he didn't know they would die together. I think your theory is incredibly creative.

I am hoping Fab has turned a corner but she and Fran are more similar that thought initially.

Ahhh, the age difference. In Corazon Salvaje '09, Laura Flores played Eduardo Yanez's mother. Yes. His mother. She is 10 years younger. That said, as implausible as it was, these two talented actors made it work. After the initial shock, it was little but a passing thought. Her death scene (in his arms) had me crying my eyes out. It remains one of the top 10 TNs for me.

I think Marisol is very young looking so that helps a bit. I don't believe for a second they could be mother/son in "real" life. I might suggest a beanie. I've worn one when watching many of these through the years!


Carvivlie, you are a mastermind...your theory makes perfect sense...even as to who the culprit is. I was really baffled as to why Julio would be so suspiciously supportive of Juana. It was funny how he told Juana that you can see people's faces but hearts are hidden. If only Juana knew it's his heart that she needs to watch out for.

I'll try to take your advice Diana and not think about the age difference! If Juana just let out those horrible braids she would be a knockout. Also, does she ever dress without an apron?

I guess Fab has a lot of growing up to do. I wonder if finding out that Fran is a cheat will push her farther in that direction. Her parents dying brought didn't seem to do it.

"It was funny how he told Juana that you can see people's faces but hearts are hidden".

Oh no Rgv Chick. What a sly, nasty piece of work he is.

And Carvivlie, did you see Pasion? The talented Alberto Estrella was her partner. Sigh. Marisol is drop dead gorgeous which will hopefully be more apparent after she loses the horrid Heidi braids.


Pasion is before my time, unless you are talking about PyP and I don't remember her from that.

Damn, Carvivlie, color me impressed. I was here thinking that Juana may have been Ricardo's lover, or some other sordid cliche, and you are pulling out all the stops here ;) I hadn't thought about the fact that Ricardo was the only signature on the policy, add that to the fact that Katy was not the primary beneficiary, and you got a plausible theory to this whole twisted web. I wonder, is Pedro in on it? When did he find out about the policy? Did the insurance call him or was it the other way around?

As for Francisco, I assume they have been together for years, possibly even sweethearts, and are now merely going through the motions. Like Roxana, Francisco thinks spicing up the relationship means you cheat on your significant other but how long can he keep this up? And what will he get out of it unless gives him the policy?

Yeah, the age difference is ridiculous and they have made no strides to make Juana older. I wonder if maybe she had him at a young age and thought that would work. In Amor de Barrio, they put heavy makeup on her and fixed her hair so she looked older but Juana's pigtails just seem to make her look younger.

Fabiola is going to face some brick walls sooner because Antonio won't likely stand her bratty attitude where he owns the shop as well.

Alfredo, good question. Someone had to have alerted the insurance company to Ric's death. Again, thinking Julio. Pedro seems like such a nice old man, far from the crooked lawyers you often see in TN's, but he could have a role. The key is to trace who paid the premiums on the policy. If it doesn't obviously show Ric's bank account then we know someone else took out the policy on his life and forged his signature.

I have way too much time at the moment to think about these things!

ITA about Pedro but who knows what faces and hearts are really about.

If Julio is the ultimate mastermind, how sick is it for him to wish death upon his own brother to get some money...they asked about the plane crash and I wonder now, did he bring down the plane? Oh man, now I'm entering the matrix lol

Someone should trace the money instead of all this signature hullabaloo.

I'm not prepared to think Julio planned or intended to plan the death of his brother and the crash was just a "happy accident". Maybe the insurance policy was an insurance policy for himself later down the road. Right now he seems to be treading okay with money.

Now I'm just wondering if Julio hoped a car would fall on his brother at the shop too. It seems weird that he would create a policy without his brother's death (soon) in mind.


You're right. First i claim he's the guilty party and then i try to give him some benefit of the doubt! If it is fake i just cant see who else would have done it---unless Juana has a friend at the insurance company.

However, I don't doubt that Julio would do pretty much anything, including seduce Juana, to get to that money. He is that much of a scoundrel at least.

Alfredo thanks for the recap. Since I do not read or speak Spanish, I am following this TN each night but rely on the recaps to fill in the blanks...
As for Carvivlie's theory about the fake insurance policy, very possible that it is fake but we need proof first from a graphologist. Once that's established, then I assume the insurance company won't pay anyone anything. How did it get faked? Is there someone in on the scam (like the person who sold the policy)? And if Julio really needed the money to continue his gambling he had to have a plan for his brother to die. Do we know the cause of the air crash? Lots of loose ends.

Pedro seems so genuinely nice, I am having a hard time thinking he would do anything to deceive the family.

Alfredo, I agree though that Julio isn't above doing anything he needs to do to get what he wants. I loathe that smug smile he gives to the camera when the other characters look away.

That said, I would be surprised if he doesn't fall (at least a little bit) in love with Juana.

And yes Carvivlie, I was referring to Pasion which you didn't see. If you ever get the chance to watch, I hope you will. Colunga and Gonzales were great. Rulli and Levy are also in it...


Great recap and thank you Alfredo so very much. I missed part of it, so thank you for your details!

I am not sure how Juana would have faked a life insurance policy. She herself would have had to have taken out the policy and made payments on it since, I don't know when. Surely, she could not afford an expensive life insurance policy for someone else, working as a maid? Plus, I think life insurance companies are supposed to inform the insured if someone else is taking out a policy on them. There have been lots of murders involving people taking out life insurance for someone and then making sure they die.

I can however, see Julio taking out such a policy (since he has a money/gambling problem) and seeing to it that this brother and sister in law die. But you can't fake a plane crash, so couldn't have planned their deaths. So I would say the life insurance is a valid one as long as the insurance company validates its authenticity.

Carvivlie, we're not suppose to notice that age difference I actually thought
He was her brother until I found out he's babyboy. She must have had Him when she was in her midlate teens?
But they'll pull it off,this is after all tn/soap land. You can have a baby this month and the kid is graduating from college in 2019.
Good recap Alfredo. Faboola is like her granny. Annoying. And Why don't she like ramon, which she does, she's just being a pain in the patootie.

That Ol biddy is obsessed with hating jauana and not wanting her to have that money. What is really going on with her? We'd find out in how many more episodes? I'd like to see jauana
And the uncle together. If she'd get rid of those dang pigtails. Did I say
How much I don't them pigtails,and now
Theres a manbun in the mix.

Thank you Alfredo.

Hi Kirby!

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