Thursday, February 22, 2018

Caer en Tentacion #97, 2/21/18: What to do when your boyfriend's wife gives you relationship advice

Well that was awkward...Recap is done!

1. Raquel has like zero boundaries- she tells Carolina that she would prefer she and Santiago not separate.
2.Carolina throws her marriage away, but Damian can't.
3.Poor Santiago
4. I may never have children and instead stick to cats, my cats will never emotionally blackmail me.

So here's what's going on my peeps:

  Federico is with Azucena, he wants her to tell him about his uncles mismanagement of the firms money, and he wants actual facts that he can use to bring Andres down. Azucena tells him the Andres is the worst, and tells him about the money that went missing from Damian's car. The day of the accident she took money to Damian's car, the plan was for Damian and Carolina to spend a few days at their cabin and then leave to the US, but the money went missing and she is sure that Andres-who was following the money movements of Legato found out the money was gone and stole it from the car. Federico says that Andres is to blame for the accident.

In the past Lola is back at Legato helping Azucena, she finds brochures for condos in the states and Azucena tells her that Damian is opening another branch in the US and that he will need a place to stay at during his travels, Lola wants to know if that means the whole family is moving and Azucena tells her nothing has been determined and asks her to keep her mouth closed because no one else knows about this.

In the hospital poor Fede is still under the weather, the doctor tells Damian that Fede will be fine and Federico proves the doctor right because he manages to blackmail his father. If Damian breaks things off with Carolina he will keep quiet about the affair. This pits everyone in a pickle because while Damian is being blackmailed into breaking up with Carolina, Carolina has been busy telling Santiago that things between them are over, she wants a divorce. Santiago tells her that they can work things out, just like they always have but Carolina makes it clear that there's no fixing the marriage. They have this conversation in the hospital waiting room.

The news spreads like wildfire and everyone soon finds out that Santiago and Carolina are ending their marriage. Raquel and Jovita discuss the news and Jovita tells her that she's sure there's a third person involved, that's probably why they are getting divorced. Raquel inserts herself into Carolina's life and calls her but Carolina can't come to the phone because she's busy fighting with Raquel's husband.

Damian wants to have more time to break the news to Raquel but Carolina is not having it, she reminds him that she did what he asked of her and ended her marriage, she loves him enough to do that but he can't seem to man up, then Raquel's phone call comes in and Carolina refuses to answer, at least if they had been honest with Raquel she could apologize to her for falling in love with her husband. although later Carolina does meet with Raquel and tells her that things with Santiago have not been going well, they are always fighting and neither of them are happy. Raquel tells her she would rather they not divorce (WTF?) and asks if Carolina is seeing someone else, Carolina asks why Raquel is asking her this and Raquel says it's because it doesn't make sense for two people who love each other to divorce.

Federico is with Nico when the phone call from Lola comes in, she tells Nico that their parents are divorcing and he needs to get home. Nico tells Fede and Mia about his parental issues, once he leaves Mia asks Fede is they (as in their family) have anything to do with this and Fede tells her that they don't.

Santiago packs his things and moves in with Nacho, Nacho (another person lacking boundaries) tells him that he can't give up on his marriage, he needs to go back home and fight to fix things. Santiago tells Nacho that in order to fix things you need two people willing to work things out and Carolina is already gone. Also, earlier in the episode he straight up asked Carolina if she was seeing another man and she did not answer him, but ended the conversation by telling him she had to go to work, so I think deep down Santiago knows that someone else is involved.

In the Becker household Raquel is grilling Damian, she keeps going on and on about Santiago and Carolina until Damian snaps and tells her that their problems are none of their concern. Raquel disagrees, they are their friends and they need to be there for them. The argument is interrupted by Federico who tells them diner is ready, the Beckers go downstairs to eat.

It's really not a nice dinner because Mia starts an argument, she tells her parents that they are always fighting about "those people" and that she's glad they are not like them, she screams that her parents are never going to leave each other and when Raquel and Damian try to get her to stop her rant she gets up from the table and goes upstairs where she over doses on some pills, Federico finds her and calls his parents for help. I'm guessing this might be the reason that Damian stays with his family for a bit longer. They should have just let Mia go to puppy lake.


In our current time line lots is happening!

This is what we know about the accident so far (some comes from Godoy, some from Azucena, but we have a better picture of what happened)

The two guys hid by the road waiting for Damian and Carolina to arrive with a bag full of cash, they thought it was a good idea to throw a rock at the car and they do, this leads to the accident where both Damian and Carolina are injured, when they go to look for the money they don't find it, all they manage to get is Damian's credit card, then Vicente arrives and goes nuts when he sees that the money is missing. The money of course has been stolen by Andres. We also learn that another car showed up at the scene of the accident, but we don't know who was driving it. Godoy thinks the thief dude whose name I can't remember is just making this up but Antonio tells him they have to follow up on ever lead and sends Godoy to get Vicente, they need to know who was in that third car.

Vicente shows up at Lisa's house asking for help. He is a hot mess. He wants Lisa to know that he loves her and that she has been the most important thing is his life, he knows he has behaved like crap and has ruined their lives but he is sorry. Vicente tells her he does not want to go to jail, and he weeps like a baby and man I actually feel bad for him! Lisa questions him "why would you go to jail, did you kill Carolina? Were you there that night? Do you know what happened?"

Vicente tells her that he did not kill Carolina, he loved her but now he can't stop seeing her and his father and that all of his family has died because of him and he did not want the same to be true of Lisa and their son, but he never tells her if he was at the scene of the accident.

In Alina's office Santiago and Andres are arguing, Andres tells Santiago that if it were up to him he would give Santiago nothing for his part of the catering business and accuses both him and Carolina of stealing from Damian. Santiago slaps him and Andres accuses him of being violent and killing Carolina.

Santiago calls Raquel and leaves a voice mail asking her why she hates him. Raquel can't take the call because she's with her doctor who has given her new medication to take.

Mia meets with Nicolas, she tells him she loves and misses him and that she was very hurt when he cheated on her with Alina, Nico tells her that's long over and she tells him she believes him because his dad and Alina are now sleeping together. Nicolas goes to confront Alina and she does not deny making a pass at Santiago and tells him he should be thankful that she's been able to get everyone he knows out of jail.

That's all folks! See ya next week for my final recap!


Normally I'd say something, but I want to Savor the recap. It gonna be good ya'll. Read you later:-)


Princess Juju: I'm sorry to hear about this. Hope you feel better!

At least we have more time to discuss the episode since Premio Lo Nuestro airs tonight instead of the telenovelas.

Looking forward to your recap, Juju. I’ll be back later.

TF: I totally forgot about Premio Lo Nuestro is on tonight.


Is that like the American music awards
Or emmys?

Nina--Unless you like Latin music and spectacles, you get the night off.

Juju--will patiently await the rest of the recap. I didn't know you were not feeling well--I was out all afternoon.

I don't think there's been to much of
A romantic atmosphere in the Alvarado
Marriage. As a matter of fact there
Don't seem to be a lot of happiness in that home. They didn't look like they
Were to bad off. Looks like a nice house, tho not as nice as what Damian
Could give her. I think she wanted to get away from her life of abuse and a
Brother who killed for her. Maybe she
Thought santi is gonna be wealthy soon
Hes in contruction, people want stuff
Built. Didn't work out, so she sees this hot stud thats interested in her
And the rest is some bad bad history.

Looks like we had Andres pegged, he
Took the money. And this just came to
Me. Gave it to Raquel for the sale of the catering business. That's what he paid Raquel With. I wonder if that was his way of Stickin it to damian by takin the money he stole for him and Carolina & And giving to raquel? HaH!
Tho he probably didn't like Raquel for
Saying she don't trust him,I think he
Hated Damian more.

Raquel has a right to be as mad as she is, she was made a Fool of many many and many times. Some of those times D
Had sex with her was maybe cuz he just
Couldnt have caro, and the brake up of
The so called friendship between her and Carolina, then the make up in the hospital waiting room I thought was very sweet but oh so wrong.The smiling and Laughing. Oh the fake of it all.

I hope Fede and Azu can find what they
Need. Before assdres gets there.

Thank you Juju.

I hope you feel better princess♡

They (premios) started so early I was sure they would be over early, we could see our novela.

I feel like throwing a hissy fit, why cant they have Premios on weekends??

I hate this. I am as hooked on recaps and bloggers as the Novela itself. Like Caro/Dam. I hate this!$&”’


Princess Juju, your wry and wit were most welcome tonight.

The title was perfect and your "well that was awkward" said it all.

I also have to agree that "Raquel has like zero boundaries". She really didn't last night did she? "Raquel tells her she would rather they not divorce (WTF?)". Cringe. Under most circumstances she would have been downright intrusive. In the face of that and much more, I do not understand how Caro calmly faced her, telling more baldfaced lies. I would have melted from guilt.

And now that Caro has heated up, starting the process of throwing her life away and breaking her children and husband's hearts, Damian decides to run cold. And scared.

So Dam and Caro were indeed leaving for the US after a few days in their hideaway. I'm anxious to see all that transpires from now until the accident. The writers are still teasing us with who was in the car.

So virtually within seconds, the word spreads like wildfire.

Thank you.

Princess, thank you for the first juicy part, and take care of your health first. Now THAT is important.

And I am sorry Princess, I meant to say I hope you feel better. You went above and beyond in giving us this great recap.


Thanks Princess!

So we now know that 1. Andres took the money but 2. he did not kill Caro. Otherwise, why would he strangle Dam asking for the truth?

At what timing are we on? How long before the murder did Caro ask for a divorce? If Santi left to live with Nacho, why was he back living in the house at the time of the murder? Would Caro have taken him back because Dam refused to divorce Raq? That would lower my opinion of her even more and she is already in the dirt with me.

Carvivlie--You have a point. Well taken. It can't be much longer, though. At the last cabana trip, Dam and Caro were "celebrating" their anniversary. They both made it very clear it had been two years, nine months and two days since they met. Since the Pasado began Tres Anos Antes, that left a little under three months before the accident.

A lot has happened since then, so I can't be sure how much more Pasado has past, but Nico no longer wears his wool skull cap and Raq's hair is the length it is in el Presente. It can't be much longer.

I wish I could help out with the rest of the recap, but I'm on my way to see my #2 grandson with my #1 grandson and his (very lovely Cuban-American) fiancée. After that I go to NYC, so I will be, for all practical purposes, MIA (not the Becker one).

Enjoy your trip to the Big Apple Anita! It will be raining here through the weekend but I think next week is supposed to be in the 50's minus rain.

Thank you, Princess Juju! I really enjoyed the recap and hope you are feeling much better.

Have I ever seen Carolina happy and relaxed around Raquel? I can't quite remember when. I am so tired of Carolina's slow sigh laden speech, always uncomfortable and always less than enthusiastic, almost laconic and clueless looking way around Raquel. I want to shake her. Thar being said., I did appreciate Carolina letting good old Damián have it about not asking Raquel for the divorce after he was he one who instigated the relationship and pestered her to keep it going all these years. He could have told Raquel when she asked why her son had the emotionally induced asthma attack. I sure hope that Mia is a goner.

Princess thanks for the recap. I was MIA for a day. Enjoying the day off from tn. I don’t want it to end yet. But can’t wait for further revelations.
I agree that it was good that carol let Damian have it but all I can say about her predicament is “tu te lo buscaste”. Or. You asked for it. Yes Damian told her, convinced her to break her family but do what she is the one who had the final decision. She Broke her family. Damian broke his.
How do we know Andres took money? Did he admit it? I missed that if he did.

Sandie, we don't know it for sure but Andres knew Damian was running off with Carolina and he knew that a large sum of money has been taken from one of Legato's accounts, I think he just put two and two together.

Didn't assdres have damians office wired With a camara? Maybe he had it
Wired for sound too. He heard their
Plan for leaving,and he got those two
Magpies to get the money. He didn't care how.He hated Carolina for hurting
Raquel anyway. Kill two birds with one stone(they used a rock). No money but
Maybe he was hoping there would be a
tussle and she'd die.Well she did with
Help. From who? Next week.

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