Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Papá a toda madre Wednesday 2/21/18 Capítulo 27 : One Shot Too Many For the Gullible--OR--A View From the Pavement

Nerón is all dressed up in a suit this time as he makes a visit to the Public Ministery. He asks what he needs to do to re-open his tire business. Might they just lower the fine a little bit? Sorry but the best that can be done is to give him the option of splitting the fine into two installments: pay the first now and the second within the month. Nerón wonders how he can get so much money together in such a short time.

Toño is sitting in a classroom filled with mothers where a teacher is informing them that she wants their children to bring something that represents them to the festival. It can be a plant, a toy, a photo. It also can be a pet but if it is, the smaller the better. Toño is on his phone and manages to disturb the whole group by laughing at something. He starts to explain that he was just writing his wife about was going on at the meeting. She is the one who usually does these things. That was the wrong thing to say as the teacher makes a point of telling him that they all believe in gender equality here. He quickly adds that he does, too, but they have to admit that they are a little different. As he continues to talk, he just digs himself in deeper. He realizes he is in enemy territory.

Nerón has a temp job outside of a pawn shop calling out to people and handing out flyers. Flor and Milady stop on by. She wants him to watch the baby because she got a call to go to a hostess job. He is not too happy about that because he is working himself. She says that he can just push the stroller behind his stand and is out of there.

At the clothing store, Kika is at the cashier telling her to charge it all to her “black” credit card. While she is checking out, Anifer picks up a green top and slips it into one of Kika’s shopping bags. Anifer grabs Renée by the hand and leads her to the store entrance to wait for Kika. Kika complains about having to carry all of the bags by herself. As she passes through the door the security device beeps and a security guard stops her. She turns over all of her shopping bags. Kika accuses Anifer of doing something that caused this. She goes to grab Anifer but Renée pulls her back. How dare she treat Anifer like that? Kika grabs Anifer’s cheek and says well, maybe it wasn’t her but then why does she have that big smile on her face? Anifer put that green top in her bag, right? Anifer shakes her head. Kika makes her nod still holding onto her cheek. Renée removes Kika’s hand from Anifer’s face. She takes Anifer off to get the micro bus. Kika is left alone insisting it is no big deal and willingly pays for the green top.

Nerón is still hawking at the pawn shop. A whole group of potential customers pass on by and smelling Milady’s full diaper, they presume it must be Nerón. They tell him to go to the bathroom. They tell him to take a bath. They return the flyers. Others walking by will not even get close enough take one. He wonders how such little thing can make such a stinky mess.

Baldo and Lili make a trip to the school that Valentina and Samuel attend. The twins make a point of talking to them as Samuel and Valentina are waiting for a hired car to pick them up. Baldo asks them if they like this school. Valentina and Samuel just stare at each other.

Falcón is outside somewhere talking to somebody on the phone about Mauricio. With the loan, Mauricio will be even in more debt and Falcón will have even more control. He tells the person on the other end not to worry because he Falcón will know what they have to do.

Kika and Mauricio are entering his office. She is moaning about how Anifer and the maid teamed up and just left her all by her lonesome. He apologizes and finds it just incredible that they would just take off after she took them out. He will take care of it later but now they have to meet with the board. Mauricio’s phone rings. It is Renée telling him about the shopping fiasco. Mauricio doesn’t see it as anything that cannot be fixed. Renée insists she is not being dramatic but Kika turned into a crazy woman. Mauricio says they can talk about it later; they have a big meeting they have to get to. Renée tells him there is something else and he needs to listen to her. She overheard Kika on the phone talking about how she was lying to him and wanted to hurt him. She doesn’t know why it is but Kika is working against him. He wants her to explain as Kika reminds him that they have to get going. Renée brings up the magazine she gave him last night. There was a photo of Kika and her dad in it. She was little but it was Kika. Their two families must have known each other. Mauricio doesn’t remember anything like that. Maybe the photo just was taken by chance. Renée doesn’t think so and she heard Kika say she was going to take revenge on him. Mauricio can’t make sense out of any of it. Renée tells him it must have something to do with his family. Falcón breaks up the conversation by coming in and asking where they are already. The meeting is about to start. Still on the phone, Mauricio insinuates that Renée made it all up just because she cannot stand Kika: women always have misunderstandings. That pushes Renée over the edge and she tells him to do what he wants. When it comes down to it, she does not care if he believes her or not. It is his problem. She hangs up. Mauricio pretends to be saying goodbye to her as Falcón and Kika look on.

Back at the school, Valentina tries to direct the twins to the office where they can have all of their questions answered. Lili says that she just wanted to know how the school was from some kids that went there. She says that Samuel and Valentina must be brother and sister because they look so much alike. Samuel asks if the two of them are sister and brother. Lili answers that they are twins. Lili and Bardo seem to want to be Valentina and Samuel’s new BFF’s. Baldo asks if their dad is coming to pick them up and adds that that would be just normal. Samuel and Valentina are relieved when their car comes to pick them up. Lili criticizes Baldo for scaring them off by mentioning their dad.

Still trying to work outside of the pawn shop, Nerón opts for changing Lili on the table that is to be used for promotional materials under the balloons. Suddenly a guy comes by criticizing him changing the baby there out in the open. His boss comes out and starts to make a big deal about him bringing his baby to work and her stinking up the place. Nerón wants to know what he was suppposed to do when his wife left him with the baby. The boss finally gives him five minutes to get her changed at the washroom OUTSIDE the store and back to work.

Falcón explains that since Kika’s money has not been transferred Mauricio will have to get a loan from him. She has no investment in the company therefore her presence is not necessary at this meeting. Mauricio explains to Kika that they just cannot wait any longer with the Xmas season coming up. Kika says she will talk to her accountants to try to speed up the transfer. Falcón gets the loan papers for Mauricio to sign. Falcón announces that they will get the loan tomorrow. Jorge gives Mauricio the papers and Mauricio signs.

Renée is working on her laptop looking stressed out when Anifer says something must be bothering her. Renée is just aggravated with Kika. Anifer agrees and when Mauricio comes home they will tell him. Renée suddenly jumps up saying that she has to find something. Anifer tags along. Renée wants to look through the trash from last night to find something that she threw out out by mistake. Anifer asks if they are going to go dumpster diving. Renée concludes that Anifer is just as crazy as she is.

Having arrived back in the cul-de-sac, Samuel is telling Valentina that those two kids must have wanted to rob them or something. Valentina does not think that but why were they asking about their dad? Samuel reiterates that if they didn’t want to rob them then why were they asking about so many things. He wants her to tell their dad or Rodrigo. Valentina just sees him as being paranoid. Still spooked, Samuel keeps watching behind them as they walk to their house. Valentina tells him to hurry up. She has to make some food.

At their apartment, Lili is telling Baldo that they just should have told Valentina and Samuel that they were their siblings and have been done with it. Baldo has other plans like getting information from the kids and then forcing Jorge to tell the kids the truth in front of them. The kids were not going to believe them anyway. Lili does not see that working. Baldo asks her if she remembers that folder with the family trips. Lili says she does, so what?

While Renée is at the dumpster, Toño and his kids pass by. Anifer goes with them to play while Toño makes a comment about her coming by and helping him at his house since she now has time to clean the dumpster. She talks about how tired Verónica looks with all of the work she has to do and at least she should not have to do anything when she gets home. All Toño can say is no, yes, and takes the victim role. He and Verónica are both the same. He is being slowly killed. Once he leaves, Renée concludes that men cannot understand anything even though you tell it to them right to their face. Renée finds what she was looking for. It is a plastic bag full of magazines.

Back at the office, Falcón and the board leave. Kika apologizes to Mauricio again about the money transfer. Mauricio says better late than never. The important thing is that the transfer happens and that she is with them. He asks if she really wants to invest. Of course she does! Now as she is all over him, she wants to know if he has any plans. She has a get-together with some people from the fashion industry really close by and invites Mauricio. Falcón announces that he and Mauricio should go for the drinks. Mauricio says it would be a good chance to get to know Kika better and find out about her family. Jorge cannot believe what he is seeing as Kika hangs all over Mauricio. Kika invites him, too, saying that he looks like he could use it. No, Jorge has too many things he has to get done. This time Mauricio calls Jorge “Jimmy”.

All of the kids are playing together. Kika apologizes again for pushing Ernesto. He forgives her. Rafael comes by to see the kids with a couple of rabbits he has for vaccination and observation. He teaches the kids that animals are not toys but are living beings that feel things just like we do. Samuel watches them through his window. Rafael tells them they have to treat the animals with lots of love, respect and take very good care of them.

At the club, Kika and Mauricio are doing shots. He is not quite keeping up. He says that he is just not used to coming to these places anymore. She blames it on him going to live in that slum. Mauricio says it is not only living in the cul-de-sac; it is his new life. Kika says he must be talking about Anifer “his little blessing”. She asks about Anifer’s mother. He agrees to tell her all about her but only if she tells him first where she knows him from because he does not remember her. He has to be sure that there is nothing in her past that could be used against him or a reason to kill him. A club photographer comes on by to take a photo of the two of them. Kika kisses him and pushes up the corners of his mouth to make him smile. Kika proceeds to tell him that she was a friend of his that was called “La Chiqui”. With a flashback, we see how Mauricio led Chiqui to an isolated dark room at school even though they were there for a dance. He told her that he was going to announce that she was his novia. He told Kika that he loved her. She said that she loved him, too. He then told her to close her eyes because he had something for her. He counted to three and the lights went on. All of the other kids yelled out "surprise" and threw buckets of water on her and laughed. He told her that if she ever thought that she would be his girlfriend, she was crazy. Back in the present, Mauricio is now remembering that girl. She was a little. . . . Kika finishes the sentence with “fat?” “ugly” “a nerd”. Mauricio agrees that she was a little bit of all of that and also "clingy." Kika says "Chiqui" grew up, went on a diet, did a lot of exercise. Now what he sees is the latest model; nothing like the pale shadow she once was. Mauricio looks her up and down and in astonishment. She just smiles.

Renée is at home cutting out all of the Kika Braun info from the magazines she retrieved. She finds one with Kika’s father and Mauricio’s father having an end of the year toast. She notices that Mauricio is never in any of the photos and finds that strange. She then starts reading an article out loud about how Mr. Braun finally left the rehabilitation clinic which he entered after the scandal that shook Miami high society.

Mauricio feels so terrible about what he did to Kika in the past that he orders two more shots of tequila. Kika reminds him that the drinks are free so he orders four shots. He doesn’t know how to apologize. He feels horrible. How could have he ever behaved like that? Kika says the Mauricio that she knew was super cool, super fun and into having a good time. Mauricio agrees but it was not right to take advantage of a poor overweight girl with braces. Poor Chiqui! He does not know how Chiqui could have turned into her. She is a “bon bon”. She acknowledges that fact and says he is not too bad either. He asks if she has bad feelings towards him. She insists that she holds nothing against him at all. To prove it to him, after they leave the party, they are going to party together all night long. He says there are not a lot of options in Mexico City. It is not like Madrid, Las Vegas or New York. She remarks that that is funny because she knows the city better than he. When she is back from the powder room, they will leave. Mauricio checks his phone and there is a message from Anifer. He does not answer.

Rafael is still with the kids feeding his rabbits. Samuel has come out to join in the fun. As he reaches for some carrots, Rafael grabs his wrist to look at a bruise. Just at that moment, Jorge arrives from work and wants to know what is going on. Jorge pulls Samuel back and asks him and all of the children if they are okay which just prompts Rafael to ask Jorge if he is okay. Jorge says he is.

Kika has left the powder room and is on her way back to Mauricio when she runs into Fabián. She lets him know it is too bad that he showed up so late because she and Mauricio are leaving. He tells her to wait. If she thought that he was going to sit just back and do nothing, she has another thing coming. She suspects that he is going to tell Mauricio about their little fling. Fabián make it clear that it was much more that that for him. He is in love with her. She is driving him crazy. Well, she has a boyfriend if she hasn’t made it clear before. Fabián insists that he is ready to compete with Mauricio for her in spite of the fact that he is almost like a brother to him. Mauricio appears on the scene and is curious to what is going on.

Back in the cul-de-sac, Rafael has left the children and is in the street talking to Jorge. Samuel is there, too. Rafael informs Jorge that what they are doing is feeding the rabbits. Jorge decides that feeding animals is okay but then launches into the fact that he is a lawyer and is informing him that he has to stay away from the children including his son. Rodrigo has come out to support his partner. Jorge says that he can do something legal. Rodrigo asks if he going to sue Rafael for feeding the rabbits. He goes on to inform Jorge that if he doesn’t behave himself, he is going to have to arrest him and take him down to the police station for the violent behavior he is exhibiting. Jorge insists that he is not being violent. Rodrigo tells Rafael that he is threatening them.

At the party after some silly small talk, Fabián excuses himself to go get a drink but Mauricio will not let him go without finding out what Fabián and Kiks were talking about. Fabián makes up a lie to satisfy Mauricio. He and Kika were talking about the situation at work. She is uncomfortable that Falcón is making making Mauricio such a large loan and she did not want to worry Mauricio so she was talking to him. Kika says that she just does not trust Falcón. Mauricio tells her nobody does but that they need him. Mauricio leaves with Kika.

The drama in the cul-de-sac continues. Rafael can’t take any more of Jorge and goes back to the rabbits. Jorge informs Rodrigo that he is not going to permit him or his husband to teach their “gender” or their way of life to his son or to any of the children in the cul-de-sac. He just wanted to make it clear. He grabs Samuel by his bruised wrist as he goes to lead him away. As Samuel cries out in pain, Rodrigo tells him not to hurt him. Jorge insists that he is not hurting his son. Rodrigo also has a message for Jorge. He will not allow him to talk to him or Rafael like he does. Unless he wants to spend a night in the police station, he had better respect them, stop insulting them and stop threatening them today and forever. He wonders if Jorge's little brain can get it: respect for others is the basis for peace. The kids ask Rafael why Jorge is angry. Rafael says maybe he does not like playing with animals. Rafael goes back to the confrontation and tells Jorge if the kids are so important to him, he shouldn't argue in front of them. He also asks him not to offend them. Jorge says he isn’t. He just wants them to leave his family alone and stop being gay. Hefinally just leaves with Samuel. Now Rodrigo is concerned about the bruises on Samuel’s wrist. He and Rafael conclude that Jorge must have caused them.

Renée is continuing her research on Kika and is on the internet. She finds out that Kika’s father was a share holder in Logatoys.

Back at Jorge’s house, Samuel is asking why Jorge got like he did when all that Rafael was doing was playing with the kids and the rabbits. Jorge adds "and playing with who else? with homosexuals. Valentina tells him that the policeman and the vet are good guys. He should not exaggerate. Jorge lectures them that they are young and there are just some things that they are incapable of understanding. As their father he has to watch out so that they are not exposed to bad influences. Valentina tells him not to get angry but lately he has been very strange: very nervous and not quite there. Samuel agrees that the only time he talks to them is to yell at them and to scold them. Jorge says it is not true; it is just that he has all of this work, etc. . . etc.. After going on and on, Jorge delivers the message that he is going to teach his children a lesson because they do not deserve to continue living in this cul-de-sac. Valentina just stares . . . if looks could kill. . .

Flor has come home and is rubbing her tired feet. She and Nerón are both complaining about how hard they had to work for very little money in return. Renée stops on by. Renée asks Nerón if Mauricio’s dad and Kika’s dad knew each other. It takes him a while to remember Kika’s Dad. Renée tells him that his name was Arístides Blanco. He remembers him being half gringo half something else. He was going to invest in a branch of the company. The company was going to go international.Does he remember what happened and why he didn’t invest? As far as he remembers, he got angry about something or something like that. Back then there were a lot of rumors about Logatoys. It was not like today with everything on the internet.

Kika and Mauricio keep drinking shots. She just keeps ordering more and sweets talks him into drinking more. They leave and go to another place where a drunk Mauricio becomes the center of attention. They continue their drunken wanderings to another place complete with costumes. At yet another place, they dance the night away.

Back at the house, Anifer is wondering where Mauricio is as Renée puts her to bed. Renée says that maybe he is working late or had a meeting. She assures Anifer that her father is well. He is just really busy. Anifer is not afraid. Some times her mother would leave her alone at night. She adds that her mother told her that even though she was a woman, she could be just as brave as any boy. Renée says that her mom was right and that her own mom taught her how to be strong and take care of things all by herself. Renée wishes that Anifer could have met her. On her birthday she thought about her a lot. When she was a real little girl, her mother would awaken her with cake, sing “Las mañanitas” and give her a big hug. Her mother always said she was her gift. Anifer’s mother said Anifer was her gift,too, and once put a bow on her head at Christmas. Renée tells her it has been lovely talking about their mothers but now it is bedtime. She kisses her good night. Anifer asks Renée, as she leaves, if Mauricio is with Kika. Renée just smiles and closes the door.

In all of their drunken splendor, Kika and Mauricio are now outside and he has her over his shoulder twirling her around as he shouts “Long live Mexico!” “Long live the city!” and she is blowing a toy whistle.

Renée calls Mauricio but he is not answering any calls or taking any messages. She calls him irresponsible.

Kika and Mauricio are laid out on the pavement somewhere as he proclaims that he does not want to drink anymore. He is done. He has to go. Kika isn’t. She wants to go on drinking but if not she has other ideas . . . They are both slurring their words. They both sit up. She demands that he tell her about Anifer’s mother. Before returning to the comfort of the pavement, Mauricio tells her that María is dead.


What an episode!

Kika really suffered at Mauricio’s hand when they were kids.
I had to laugh at Kika manipulating both Anifer’s and Mauricio’s faces.
Mauricio should have a “G” tattooed on his forehead for gullible..

More mañana.

Thank you Jarifa, great job.

I think they overdid the baby with the poopy diaper though. Little babies don't smell that bad that people would be walking by and complaining. I have 3 granddaughters and never did they smell horrible at that age.

I do have a question though. How did Samuel hurt his arm? I'm sure Jorge didn't hit him.

Samuel hasbeen on that “shark” website and there have been challenges. Kirby brought up some stupid things kids do to themselves so yesterday we were wondering if his injuries were self-inflicted. Another mystery at this point.

Yes, Samuel even took a picture of his bruises to show the Shark web site that he had "passed the first test". Hope this isn't like the TidePods challenge!

Thanks for the recap, Jarifa, but just reading it raised my blood pressure. So many horrible things going on. Or dreadful memories retrieved. The emotional pain and humiliation inflicted on vulnerable adolescents, both boys and girls, is horrible and can be life-long.

Later on people can develop self-confidence based on their work, intelligence, accomplishments etc. but at that age, something like what Mauricio and his buddies did can be devastating.

And Cynthia, I'm with you. Babies, especially those on mother's milk as Milady is, do not smell that bad. But these comedies all seem based on outrageous exaggeration.

And while Anifer's voice doesn't bother me, her slipping that top into Kika's bag did. Again, I understand that outrageous pranks are part of the plot but can't say that I cared for that at all.

But loved the recap. Thanks.

JudyB, thanks for remembering the photo posting Samuel. Don’t even mention the Tide-Pods challenge but this is in the same vein. It is a wonder so many adolescents make it to adulthood. Yes, we really saw the ugly side of so many of the characters last night Anifer included. That is why I appreciate the “ silly” like the stinky diaper debacle so much to balance it all out. You are so right about “outrageous exaggeration”.

Excellent Jarifa.

"A View From the Pavement" (appreciative smile) and "In all of their drunken splendor were among many favorites.

"All Toño can say is no, yes, and takes the victim role". Mired in self pity and fairly useless.

"This time Mauricio calls Jorge “Jimmy”. Well you got the first letter right...

"Rafael tells them they have to treat the animals with lots of love, respect and take very good care of them". Rafael and Rodrigo - best couple. No doubt.

Mau showed an ugly side in his cruel past treatment of Kika. I kept thinking “Carrie”. He was damn lucky it was water and not blood. Surprising dark side to Mauricio.

Jorge continues his downward spiral. I am so happy that Rodrigo told him off. And of course Samuel's bruising is terrible whether self inflicted or by other(s). Self destruction and mutilation are beyond tragic. I am a bit alarmed though that Rodrigo suspects Jorge. He is (and is not) many things but physically hurting his child isn't one of them.

Like you Judy, I did not find Anifer's shoplifting (which is really what it boiled down to) amusing at all.

What an awkward conversation between Jorge's four children. It really seemed to have scared Samuel.

I noticed how gentle the actor playing Neron is with Milady. I'm sure the little tyke is beloved on the set.

Jarifa, another wonderful recap. Thank you!


And I really enjoyed Rafael showing the children the rabbits in such a kind and loving way. What a gentle character and such a change for the actor playing him! He ususally plays bad/offbeat characters.

Anything with animals/pets makes me smile.


Tank Youoo Jarifa. I tink I am slurfing my werds affer washing Numbnuts and NutKraka last night.

Add alcohol use to perilously near Alcohol Poisoning to our lists, SusanLynn. I am shocked they didn't get in a DWI PSA while they were at it.

I can't really fault either one with the overblown Milady incident, just brainless thinking on both parts. The whole bogus huge fine thing points up the moral differences in the Mexican system.

Maybe Anifer's stunt with the shoplifting sends the wrong message, but I'm on Anni's side. Kika isn't playing fair either. I liked: "Renée concludes that Anifer is just as crazy as she is." Yuppers, and that may be Mauricio's only salvation.
Watch yourself Jorge, It would be embarrassing for the gay guy to beat your ass in front of some of your kids.


I swear I have a neighbor similar to Tono. Like many urban Hillbillies he has cancer and can not work. But no chemo, no outward signs of illness, no dietary restrictions, and it has been in 'remission' now for several years.

Hey, what's with these girls recently with every colour in the rainbow of those little pleather jackets? Fabi had a closet full of them, identifiable by an excess of snaps and zippers, and now (she is about the same size) Renee wears them with everything.

I have to say, her wardrobe can only be described as Eclectic? Last night we saw another straight little dress, kinda short (yay) with a big Batman and Robin-style POW on the front. She has worn that cute pink purposefully frayed jacket also a few times.


"urban Hillbillies" snicker :)

After making several misstatements, I've given up commenting on Renee's outfits. After seeing emoji apparel proudly sported by major singers/stars, I've tried to keep my opinions to mystelf. But I can't think of anything she has worn that truly stood out. Just the wasted bridal gown.

I think Fabi was trying in terms of her "luke". Renee is not.


Oh, I am far from finding fault with Renee's wardrobe, she always looks cute as a button. It is just you never can predict what she will have on.

Kika: Always, tight, with a lot of leg showing. Predictably Woofy.


Tono is always buried in his Laptop or that phone. It appears watching YouTube videos.

He should be in one of those commercials where the car stops when some brain dead human walks right out in front of a speeding car as they peer into their phone.

Except this time the system should fail.

It will be cool when Anifer and Renee wear the same size, they can share.

Thank you, Jarifa, for another great recap.

I guess Maury was a conceited, nasty teen.

Was getting drunk and getting Maury drunk part of Kika's revenge plan? I am sorry Kika was bullied and made fun of , but I do not like her as an adult.

Add me to the list of people who did not think that it was very funny to have Ani shove that shirt into Kika's bag. ...was that a PSA about shoplifting?

I think that Renee's wardrobe reflects her personality. She is not too concerned about appearances. She is smart and kind and wears whatever falls out of the closet on any given day because she is more interested in building robots, fixing security cameras, helping her friends and neighbors, and caring for a little girl. I like Renee.

Good Morning!

Jarifa, thank you for your excellent recap....always a joy to read!

Everyone has pretty much summed up my thoughts...

Mau and his little buddies were really cruel, so now Kika's plot to get back at him makes sense. Now we just need to know what Mau's father did to her family.

Anifer's little stunt was perturbing to me as well. It think that if it had been Renee that put the blouse into the bag (without ANifer seeing), it wouldn't have bothered me so much, but to have a little girl do that ...not a good example; though I did appreciate that Anifer sincerely apologized to Neto.

I think Samuel's bruises are self-inflicted. What happened to Jorge's restrictions of the computer use? I suppose he's too busy keeping his other kids hidden to follow up on Samuel.

Now about Renee's wardrobe, it definitely is eclectic, but also strange and childlike...much of it could pass for nightwear. I always wonder what she will be wearing next. BTW did anyone notice Veronica's bell bottoms?


Maybe it is just because Renee is an Engineer type. Many of my coworkers would wear ties that wouldn't go with a white shirt.

No RgvChick, I totally missed the bell bottoms! Drat...

I think Veronica is stunningly beautiful. And smart. And funny.


Chickie..yeah, bellbottoms...I didnt like them on Hubba when he was in the Navy. Everything old is new again..eventually.

Diana, I agree that the actor playing Rafael is a really nice guy here and looks better with short, dark hair and glasses. He was creepy as Parkstalker Tom in Doble Vida.

So did Fab and Kika bunnyhop or only in Fab's mind?

RgvChck, I have wondered about Jorge and his computer restrictions since he went to Tijuana and left the kids all alone. He made such a big deal about it and now, nothing. I didn’t like his threatening Rodrigo and Rafael or his threatening his own kids with moving them out of the cul-de-sac (?)( maybe he is thinking ahead and could not take the shame of having his Tijuana kids living with him in the cul-de-sac and would find it easier to start fresh somewhere in another neighborhood?)

Susanlynn, ITA about Anifer setting Kika up. She is cute but could turn out to be “ethically challenged”. She needs at least one parent Who loves her and willing to keep tabs on her.

Kirby, talk about alcohol poisoning. . . .good comment. As for Milady, at least Flor left Nerón with clean diapers.

Diana, I really felt sorry for Samuel. He is so vulnerable and then to be creeped out by Lili and Baldo. Your “Carrie” reference was perfect.

Susanlynn, I think they bunny hopped in real life. Heck, she has to have someone on the line once she destroys Mauricio and what better way to inflict even more pain than to be with his best friend and in so doing so even breaking that bond.

Diana: Veronica: Ditto.

And Jorge. Without restating the obvious, WTF is wrong with the guy? The way he is toward R&R, If I didn't know better, I'd think there is a little sliver of jealousy showing. I'd love to talk to Dulce and see if they ever played "Dress Up" in the bedroom/closet. Hmmmm...

And RGV, 'keeping his other kids hidden', funny. Jorgy Boy is no match for a pair of sharp kids. He has his hands full just trying to get Mau to call him something resembling his name. I noticed last night, as Mau sat down to do his best 'Falcon' before signing his life away, he called for his manservant to hand HIM a pen, except Jorge didn't know he was being addressed, because the only thing Mau got right was the first letter of his name. That was actually pretty funny. How many male names can Mau dream up starting with 'J'? (with the glaring exception of JORGE)

" at least Flor left Nerón with clean diapers"
Which one was he holding in his teeth?


As far as Fabian you get what you pay for. Kika is damaged goods, and he is probably not up to the task. It is like buying a car not knowing it has been totaled and "rebuilt". This may be more than Fabian is capable of.

Kirby! That is something to think about.

The name thing just makes me laugh because I have seen it happen it real life where somebody just cannot remember somebody’s name.

I was referring to the “diaper”comment.

I am calling Jorge "Jimmy" (one of my Fab male cousins) from now on.

The twins seem to be good kids , and I think that when they eventually get together(and we know that they will) , they will be a good influence on both Val and Sam who seem lost in the tricky sea of adolescence. Teenagers...I was one, raised two, and taught hundreds...thousands? It seems that it keeps getting harder and harder to make it through those difficult years between childhood and adulthood.

So , what has Renee discovered about Kika's father? He was on the board of Logotoys. Did Neuron say that he was a gringo? Did Maury's father steal the robot plans from Kika's dad? P.s. Was Kika called Chickie as a child ?

Kirby..I looked . It was the clean diaper....thank goodness.

Susy, Renee saw something about Papa Kika being in Rehab. I have to assume that was all Mauricio's fault too, in Kika's mind.

Kika's Old Testament mind set is astonishing. Hold the perpetrator's offspring for generations, accountable for transgressions of the Father.

Of course Kika does have a valid gripe against Mauricio, but that was what twenty years ago? How much of the Mau who did that cruelty to her is still in the modern day Mauricio?

That was very cruel and painful for her, but she should have fixed it long ago. Her current plans show that it is NOT fixed.

Papa Kick was half-Gringo.

No way Chikie, there is only one. Maybe Kickie, Susanlynn.

Kirby...yes, I forgot to ask about What for ..drugs, alcohol? Was that why Kika was pouring shots down her throat and Maury's ? Is part other revenge plan turning Maury into an alcoholic? Does she blame Maury's father for her father's time in rehab? Renee is the key to unraveling the Kika mystery. Will Maury listen her when she tries to tell him what she has discovered in those old magazines?

Susy, yeah, hopeofully he will listen to Renee. In her drunken stupor last night Kiker almost showed her hand, and Mau should see what is going on if he ever sobers up and has a few brain cells left.

Between his memories last night, (will he remember what he remembered) and Renee he might begin to get a clue, ending thirty something years of being clueless.

Renee is smart. She was cutting out things like she was making an 'Epiphany Scrapbook' for Mauricio. Now she just has to stay on message and not let his cavalier attitude toward her and his 'dog in heat' interest in the Kick derail her.

"physical injury/condition " Ooooo like the robot whose plans Renee found turned on them and tried to kill Papa Kick? Now we're getting somewhere.

Rehab Center could also apply to recuperation from a physical injury/condition Kika’s dad might have suffered. I cannot wait to see what happened between him and Bosco. (Makes me think of choco syrup)

I wonder how much Mauricio will remember. Will the novela pick up with the next day? I hope not. I sure would like the cops to have to come by and try to remove Mauricio and Kika from the pavement. I guess I will have to wait until tonight.

Oh, rats, no show tonight.

"Will he remember what he remembered?" ...probably not. He barely seems to remember things from a few days ago.

"Epiphany Scrapbook" ...I am writing that down. Maybe she will make one of those popular vision boards I have heard about. Renee was really cutting out those articles like it was her job at the exact same time that Maury was getting his drunk on with the Kika. #strongwomantheme #peterpan

Jarifa..yes...ha..Bosco...chocolate syrup!!!

Kirby, "And Jorge. Without restating the obvious, WTF is wrong with the guy? The way he is toward R&R, If I didn't know better, I'd think there is a little sliver of jealousy showing." There may just be some jealousy if he took after his father...or he could be deathly scared that Samuel have that inclination. In addition to that, though Jorge doesn't practice what he preaches, he seems to have this religious fanaticism that has him obsessing about what a family should be.

Chickie, I agree. Jimmy is thinking about the relationship between his father and padrino which has had a huge effect on his life. He is so uptight and joyless.

So is it any wonder that a hot number like Dulce finished with him eventually? She probably finally just gave up.

That does not in any way excuse her lost interest in her children, but a good dog would have trouble loving Jimmy.

Well, some of you know how I am about details, but just to show those who don't know...

I looked closely at the articles Renee was looking at on her laptop (she googled "Aristides Braun)...and I actually found it! BUT of course it wasn't Mr. Braun. What I found was an article about Aristides, an Athenian who was a statesman in the 5th century. What these brilliant writers did was to take that article and insert Kika's father's picture and make some slight edits, but here are some phrases they didn't change:

Arístides (en griego, Ἀριστείδης; Aristḗdēs en pronunciación clásica, Aristídes en pronunciación helenística, por lo que la transcripción correcta es Aristides y no el más usado Arístides)

En este año tuvo a sus órdenes la escuadra ateniense en la flota griega puesta bajo la dirección del espartano Pausanias, atrayéndose grandes simpatías entre los jonios. A comienzos del 477, junto al estadista Cimón, se constituyó la Liga de Delos bajo la hegemonía de Atenas, acontecimiento en el que Arístides tuvo un papel de gran importancia…
Poco después se retiró de la política y murió c. 467 y se cuenta que el Estado ateniense tuvo que conceder una pensión a sus hijas, ya que Arístides estaba en la indigencia. Esta leyenda contradice el hecho de que se supone que debía ser lo suficientemente rico como para haber sido nombrado arconte.

In this year he had under his command the Athenian squadron in the Greek fleet put under the direction of the Pausanias Spartan, attracting great sympathies among the Ionians. At the beginning of 477, together with the statesman Cimon, the League of Delos was constituted under the hegemony of Athens, an event in which Aristides played a very important role ...(here they inserted "in the fashion industry")
Shortly after he retired from politics and died c. 467 and it is said that the Athenian state had to grant a pension to their daughters, since Aristides was destitute. This legend contradicts the fact that he was supposed to be rich enough to have been named archon.

Yeah, Jimmy is one of those people who harshest everyone's mellow. Yuri must have been a saint .

Just read all the marvelous comments - there wasn't one that wasn't priceless.

Thank you everyone! Fun and sun on the patio today...


Jarifa, thank you very much for this great recap and your comments.

A few things: even though we know this is a TN we still take it very seriously, sometimes more seriously than the writers. I was not happy with Flor for dropping off Milady with Neron while he was working outside passing out flyers. Hard on him, and he could get distracted and forget to keep an eye on the baby for just long enough for... whatever.

Mauricio really did that to Kika in high school??? And then forgot about it? And totally forgot about Kika who before he did that seems to have done his homework for him? A less charming side of Mau.

Yeah, I saw the flares or bell bottoms on Veronica as she left the gazebo. Long, thin legs and flares, hmmm... Renee should take lessons. She is wickedly cute, and it's a good thing because her clothes look like something she found in that dumpster. Even that short skirt, it had no shape, no drape, no nada. Meh.

And I maintain my perfect 0% score for predictions. I thought Jorge's turnaround had started when he declined to kiss the priest's hand/ring. Wrong. He has sunk further down. Eventually he will come up, but not yet.

I was OK with Anifer's stuffing something into Kika's bags. She knew it would trigger an alarm and get Kika stopped. Payback time.

Rgv Chickie, you are a jewel! On the off-chance that you were just putting us on I checked on Aristedes and, yep!, you were playing it straight.

I pity the fool who would try to pass some counterfeit money on to you.


Andy, "I was not happy with Flor for dropping off Milady with Neron while he was working outside passing out flyers. Hard on him, and he could get distracted and forget to keep an eye on the baby for just long enough for... whatever." That was disturbing to me too. I was hoping that it wouldn't be another PSA about leaving children unattended. I dreaded the thought of someone kidnapping Milady.

Wow Rgv Chick...that kind of dedication leads to a PhD in telenovelas! I am beyond impressed because I NEVER notice details. You would also make a great FBI agent. Persistence, sharp eye, dedication. Can't see you in one of those suits though.

Glad everyone else had that nagging worry about Milady's safety. I HATE those storylines. Particularly when the kid disappears for 3 to 6 years. Unbearable. are amazing!! That is so funny ! sun here...just rain and fog. ...depressing.

Judy..I am with you. Years ago, Hubba dropped me off at work and then went home and shaved off his beard. When he picked me up, he asked if I noticed anything different...I didn't.

Kirby and Andy...the new patio fashion police. #youhavetherighttochsngeyourclothing

Jarifa, thanks for your recap. I'm thankful to all our recappers, since I've been sneaking over to the Olympics during part of the TN time. Also, thanks to the patio population for some excellent comments and analysis.

Mau was so badly behaved in his cruel treatment of Kika in high school. He should have remembered that, but maybe she was only one of many.

Two questions I was asking during the bar-hopping, shot-quaffing journey: Why haven't they collapsed sooner? and How can she keep going in those killer spike heels? Maybe her feet were anesthetized as well as her brain?

Agree that the poopy diaper shouldn't have been that obvious in the open air. Oh well, TN logic at work.


If you drop the 'rby' and the 'ndy' and add an another K you have Kika.


LaPaloma I was wondering how much of a tolerance she must have had built up, as body mass is pretty much the deciding factor, and though she is a big chick, and Mauricio is not twice her size, he must outweigh her by 80 pounds.

Looking at that, she should have been more incoherent than normal for her, way before Mauricio.

Although Mau is running out of names for Jimmy, he has not used Jethro and Jarrod yet, just sayin.........

LaPaloma, great to see you on the patio! You and me both: I could not believe how much they had drunk and they were still going strong. Another example of “TN logic at work.”

Did he use up..Jason...Jace...Jackson..Jeremiah..Joshua...Jay...Jordan...Jerry...Jules...? #justtryingtohelp

Fabian needs to listen to 'I Don't Fall in Love So Easy' by Trisha Yearwood.

Then 'Maneater' Hall and Oates


Yeah I thought of Jeremiah and Johnathon and decided they were just too complicated. He needs about six or fewer letters.

But you have several I had not thought of. With our help, Mauricio should not have to resort to Jorge until Gran Final week.


#namethewinningteam are observant like CHickie !

Kirby + Andy - some letters = Kika #advancedalgebra

Susanlynn, in the midst of boxing up daughter#1's college math textbooks =

1 more reason to hate math



Andy and I seem to be alone on the patio in our willingness to turn a blind eye to some harmless petty larceny if it is a means to harm Cruela DeVille.

To me, what Anifer did was not really a theft, as in being selfish and dishonest, in that actual stealing is designed to get the thief what she/he wants at the expense of some other innocent party.

Her plan would not have worked if the garment had not been detected and the shop would have actually lost the item. So in my convoluted reverse logic, I am still team Ani.

FYI ... it is National Margarita Day

Perhaps Kika decided to celebrate a day early.


Kirby..I just checked the math , and I think we lost a "k" in that computation. #alwayscheckyourwork...says the person who forgets to proofread her posts;-);-);-);-)

Kirby...?speaking of those store door alarms, did you ever actually pay for something and the clerk forgets to take off that security button? Then, you get home and have to take it back because you cannot remove those buttons yourself without ruining the item. Also, at CVS the other day , that door alarm was going off when you went INTO the store. #technologymeh


Susanlynn: What are the Villains cooking up now ?

Steve...chili, I think.


Lets see was it me? Hmmmm probably

"If you drop the 'rby' and the 'ndy' and add an another K you have Kika."

Kirby - rby leaves Ki
Andy - ndy leaves a Subtotal Ki_a
Add a K Kika

But don't trust me with that Spacex Rocket yet..

Chili good

Our locak Home Depot store ahd a thing for a while where none of the normal employees could shut off that malfunctioning door thing. So almost every customer who went out the door set it off. The first time I did it I literally lept back into the store with my bag open for inspection. The cashiers were laughing saying "We just saw you check out, it does it all the time" + math...I passed algebra and advanced alg and trig(thank you, Mr.Davis), but I nearly failed geometry (hate you Mr. L). #cannotbetrustedwithnumbers

locak? ahd? I need one of those geriatric keyboards with keys large enough for my fingers, but then my keyboard would resemble one of those Olympic snowboards.

I thought for sure at the very end last night Mau was getting ready to puke all over Kika.

Without that, I never saw the point in her taking him out to participate in her Tequilathon.

Susy, I'm surprised you didn;t think of "Jamie" :-)

I'm still getting over it. :-(

There is that silent 'I' in my name. :-)

OMG RGV misses No Thing. Nada,

She probably thought of it but thought it sacrilege to allow Mauricio to maul THAT name

Chickie...ohhh my. And to think that I am chattering right now on about him making love to a virgin who is blackmailing him because he sent Claire back to the future and he thinks that he will never see Claire again. TMI? #itscomplicated Remember that I said that I do not notice things at times. Yes, J is for Jamie . #soashamed #whatisthematterwithme #passthedoritos #chickiestartedthis


Susy, actually , after I hit the "publish" button, I thought the same thing as Kirby, "She probably thought of it but thought it sacrilege to allow Mauricio to maul THAT name"

...and "#chickiestartedthis" I would never want to replace you as the "initiator" LOL

The other day, there was a discussion about hot and upcoming "galans" and telenovios. I'm watching some other TNs and I would suggest Juan Soler and Ferdinando Valencia...yuummm!

Juan Soler is in Me Declaro Culpable it just finished airing in Mexico maybe they will air it here soon.

Wait? What,? there is some ?music? show on instead? I thought we just had to give Mau and Kik an additional 24 hours to try to sober up and wash that PARTY off themselves.

And all the while, mau's 'girls' have no idea what happened to him, abducted and mutilated by aliens, attacked by the ghost of Carola, auto accident, caught in the crossfire in a corporate shootout, or even worse, spent the night with Kika.

...or drunk as the proverbial skunk lying on the sidewalk with DrunKika

And so we have another saying that I've always wondered about "drunk as a skunk" :-)

Anon 9:29, Juan Soler is in "Marido en Alquiler" which just started last week on Telemundo.

Doritos for everybody.

My research indicates that skunk was chosen simply it rhymes with drunk.

There are a multitude of 'Drunk As.s'

One old favorite, 'Drunk as Seventeen Mexicans' fits nicely here in our TNs.

Yes, a chance for a gold medal for USA in curling!

....or two Mexicans in this case.

Susanlynn, wondering if you can get breakfast in detention hall

Then we have...."happy as a lark" "Dumb as an ox" "gentle as a lamb" "clever as a fox"

"sharp as a tack". "Quiet as a mouse" "strong as an ox\bull"

"hungry as a bear" .....still thinking about breakfast

"Weak as a kitten"

"Slow as a turtle"

And my Kentucky mom's favorite "hotter than Billy-be-damned"

And 'Funny as hell' 'splain that one Susy.

Yes a bowl of Loritos with your choice of 2% or skimmed milk.

What are you doin' up here camera boy?

Like the new pic. Makes me think of the expression "eagle eye". Don't mess with that guy for sure.


I wonder if there is any truth to the 'Eagle Eye' expression. I'll have to look it up. My curiosity is because I can usually tell when a parent is enroute to the nest long before I catch sight of it. The chicks seem to hear or see it and become more active, many times peering in the direction from which the parent eventually arrives. Usually it is a minute or so before the bird arrives, and at the bird's rate of flight, that puts it a quarter to a half mile away.

On the surface that does not appear extraordinary, except there are dozens of other bird in the air, especially buzzards which look almost identical.

Happy Friday Patio off to repair the world.

Ha Blogger does not know the word 'enroute'.

Well, all I can say is our cat knows when our son is about to return home. She starts pacing around and going to the front door even though he is still about 15 minutes away in the car. A vet I once interviewed knew of dogs who would do the same thing, and it was not a case of the pet owner coming home at a specific, regular time. So I certainly accept on faith that those little birds know when the parent is on his way with the good stuff. Superior olfactory senses or ESP? Whatever. The "mind" is not limited to the brain IMO.

Good Morning!

JudyB, I can vouch for dogs sensing when their beloved, kind, awesome owner is on the way home. My mother lived with me and when I was a few minutes away from arriving home from work, she said my dogs would start getting excited and going to the door...that was her signal that I was about to arrive. ITA, "The "mind" is not limited to the brain" :-)

Slippery as an eel.

Cold as ice.

Sweet as sugar.

Animals are amazing, aren't they?


Smart as an Animal.............?

Smart as a whip!

Raining cats and dogs...

Ugly as sin


Hey, I was sniffing around at that Por Amar Sin Ley (Lawless Luuuurve?) and it has an all star cast.
I like Zapada more than most, and that cute little Altair from P&P is in it along with a few appearances of Ramooon , Jose Ron and the Ballesteros fellow who is really good.

I just don't care for ABC or Julian Gil though. so I don't know.

What does the patio think? I mean, I may not have a choice ! !


Hey Chickie, what does Por Amar sin Ley translate to literally in Anglish?

I understand that it is For love no Law, but there has to be a Colloquialism it means.

Are they going to have Jackson Browne "Lawyers in Love" as the theme song?


I like some of the cast...not a big fan of David Z. Or Julian. I like Ron and ABC is okay. I will have to record the show if I decide to watch because it is on too late for my 5.30 a.m. rise.

Tired of the gray skies and rain. Men.


"Tired of the gray skies and rain. Men."

???????? What did we have to do with THOSE?

If we did I apologize for all of us, but..................

Or did you leave out the ampersand? "Tired of the gray skies and rain. & Men." :-(



Photographic proof that the HOY chicks are reptilians....................

Whoops..I guess my "meh" is not a real word....tablet helpfully changed it to "men." For the record, I like men...well, not all of them but a lot of them, and I am not tired of them...well, not most of them. Ha ! I am tired of many of the men in this telenovela.

Kirby, “Por Amor Sin Ley” would probably best translate to “For Love Without Boundaries/Rules”

Whew !

Thank goodness. Susy.

And Thanks RGV. I hadn't thought of boundaries.

Hola patio peeps, I am coming up for air from my life. I'm even behind on watching Olympics figure skating!!! !Valgame Dios!

My sincere thank yous to Jarifa, Rgv Chick, Cynthia H., and Alfredo A. for your recaps. To be honest, I'm falling a bit behind in even reading them, but the gift of your recaps will get me caught up, although I'm not too far behind. I'm so behind in my work, I can't even read the comments here. ~sighs~ But never fear (LOL), I will get caught up and be back on the patio soon.

Was there even an episode last night (Thursday)? My DVR did not record anything. Eh, whatever, I made time during lunch to watch Wednesday's episode.

Kika talks like she has an Italian accent. Am I hearing her wrong? Seems odd if she and Mau went to boarding school in the U.S.? What do I know???

Abrazos para todos!

Kirby, looks like that eagle is thinking he owns the world...nice pic!

Great to see you, doris! Kika is doing an exagerated Venezuelan accent. Sure is different!

Hi, Doris. There was no episode last night. Glad to see you.

Yes, Kika and Kika's accent drive me crazy.

We'll have to see if Kika and Maury have big hangovers tonight. #pleasepleaseplease


Rodrigo: " Hey Raf, I'm bored"
Rafael: "So what ya wanna do babe?"
Rodrigo: "Let's go beat up some straight guys."

"Aw. man, here we go again.......U still pissed at that Jorge jerk next door? U shouldn't drink"


Crazy I know, but I'm really enjoying Kika's exaggerated Venezuelan accent. It's musical in an odd way and it just tickles me. It's easier for me to understand her than Renee or Flor who both talk at warp speed.

JudyB, "...I'm really enjoying Kika's exaggerated Venezuelan accent. It's musical in an odd way and it just tickles me. It's easier for me to understand her than Renee or Flor who both talk at warp speed."

I agree, her accent is kinda fun though it was very difficult to understand at first. I'm pretty much still lost with Renee or Flor speaking so fast, or Pablo speaking "Mexican".


Does it bother anyone else that every time Jorge speaks he is messing with his glasses? People who wear them all the time don't go around ripping them off for effect the way he does . Maybe it's due to stress some of the time, but still. Don't know anyone who does that.

Kirby, by the way, eagles can see a rabbit hopping from 3 miles away. They have super daytime vision, but human-like vision at night!


Well, it will be interesting tonight:

1. Mauricio 'Splaini' to his Daughter and Girlfriend in Training exactly WTF (where) he was last night and why he thinks it is Okey Dokey to simply Dis-A-Figgin-Pear for a day without warning.

2. Mauricio doing above with what should be a lethal-feeling headache and an upchuck receptacle (toilet) calling his name.

3. Hopeofully Fartian will assume Mauricio and Kika were at her Hoe-tell kickin' it and will be insanely jealous, adding to Mauricio's self inflicted torment.

As Jorge does not have the Cajones to introduce all his children to each other, I suspect the Tijuana Twin Tornadoes will do it for him before long. They seem to have a healthy dose of impatience. Good.

Tono....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz maybe he will be buried in his phone on a YouTube video and walk in front of a car which DOES NOT have the automatic braking feature.

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